Viewing current Spring (Boot) properties - spring-boot

I run a Spring Boot application as a .jar file which partly takes its properties from application.yml residing inside the jar while the other part of properties is being provided from another application.yml residing outside the jar. Some of the properties from the outside overwrite the properties from the inside. In order to test whether the properties were overwritten properly I would like to see the currently active ones. Is that achieveable at all out of the box? Or is the only solution to extend my application by property output logic?

If you add Spring Boot Actuator to your dependencies, you can view a lot of configuration and other info at actuator endpoints. You can view properties at /configprops endpoint.

At least as of spring boot 2.0 actuator/env will return the list of all properties per propertySources in order of their precedence, ie. if a property is redefined in >1 sources then the 1st occurrence reading from the top is the one that is active.
For a single property actuator/env/<property-name> will return the effective value and in which source it's defined
"property": {
"source": "applicationConfig: [file:../]",
"value": "DEBUG"
Note: I dont know if this would reflect any changes that might happen when programmatically modifying the spring context. But that is smth. one should not do anyhow.


Observation on the priority order of application properties in Spring Boot

When using Spring Cloud config server, I have observed the below behavior. Please let me know, if my hypothesis is correct regarding the behavior.
If the application-${env}.yaml/properties have the server.port property set, I cannot override the value, even by passing -Dserver.port
If I do not inherit the property defined in the spring cloud config, then I will be able to provide the value inside the application.yaml/property of the application
If the property is defined inside the application's, I can override the value from the command line by passing the -Dserver.port option.
Is my assumptions right based on the above behavior.
Yes, spring cloud config value can't overwrite by default . We can change to override with property

Set/override Spring / Spring Boot properties at runtime

At the project with Spring Boot we use but need to configure some of these properties (like port number of logging level) based on an external configuration. We access the configuration via API so it is known only at runtime.
Is there a way to override or set some Spring properties at runtime (for example using a bean) and if yes how can this be achieved?
You could do this with Spring Cloud Config
Just for the purpose of illustration, here's a relatively quick way to see dynamic property overrides at runtime:
First, for your bean to be able to pick up changed properties, you need to annotate it with
Add the spring cloud dependency to your spring boot app, eg for gradle
compile group: '', name: 'spring-cloud-starter', version: '1.1.1.RELEASE'
( NB You also need the spring boot actuator dependency.)
With the app running, you can view your current config at eg
eg if you have a property '' in, you'll see something like:
"applicationConfig: [classpath:/]": {
"": "value1",
To change the value, POST to /env as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080 -d
GET /env again and you'll see the new value appears under the "manager" section
To apply the changed properties, do an empty POST to /refresh. Now your bean will have the new value.
Could you use system properties to pass in the variable? If you configure the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer you can set the precedence of system properties vs file properties.
For example, something like:
#Bean public PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer placeHolderConfigurer() {
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer props = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer()
props.setSystemPropertiesMode( PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_OVERRIDE )
The above would load your .properties file, but we set the priority to be system variables first, so if you set a system variable that will override the same variable in the config.
Alternatively, looking at the docs, Spring recommends defining a search order in your Environment:
[PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is still appropriate for use when]
existing configuration makes use of the "systemPropertiesMode" and/or "systemPropertiesModeName" properties. Users are encouraged to
move away from using these settings, and rather configure property
source search order through the container's Environment; however,
exact preservation of functionality may be maintained by continuing to
use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.
Hopefully one of the above should sort out what you need?

Spring Boot profile specific properties

I'm using Sprint Boot, and would like to have multiple profile specific property files. The docs state:
In addition to files, profile specific
properties can also be defined using the naming convention
However I have multiple properties files (e.g. I'm loading currently load this non-profile specific file as:
#PropertySource( {""} )
class DataSourceConfig {
#Value("db.server") String server;
How can I combine these two things together, so it loads like Spring Boot does for
It sounds like it should be easy, but I can't work out how to do it?!
Java -jar my-spring-boot.jar you can set environment via commandline
I just saw that you use #PropertySource. The docs say:
Profile specific variants of both (or application.yml) and files referenced via #ConfigurationProperties are considered as files are loaded.

Spring Boot, Hibernate Search properties

How to provide Hibernate Search parameters when using Spring Boot?
It does not care what I provide. Default settings always get applied.
I think below code does not have anything to process properties related to Hibernate Search. Can that be the issue?
You can put them in the file if you put "" in front of the property names.
Spring will take any properties under* and pass them along (with the prefix stripped) once the EntityManagerFactory is created.
Got it working.
Put another property file named "" inside src/main/resources with below content.

Spring environment validation

We're building a Spring-based application which will be delivered to end users as a distribution package. Users are responsible for properly configuring whatever needs to be configured (it's mostly about various filesystem locations, folder access permissions, etc). There's a good idea to make the app help users understand what is not configured or which parts of configuration are invalid.
Our current approach is a custom ApplicationContextInitializer which does all the environment validation "manually" and then registers few "low level" beans in the application context explicitly. If something is wrong, initializer throws, exception is caught somewhere in main(), interpreted (converted into plain English) and then displayed.
While this approach works fine, I'm wondering if there are any best practices to minimize hand-written code and use Spring whenever possible.
Here's an illustrative example. The application requires a folder for file uploads. This means:
There should be a configuration file
This file should be accessible by the app
This file should have no syntax errors
This file should explicitly define some specific property (let it be app.uploads.folder)
This property should describe the existing filesystem entity
This entity should be a folder
The app should have read/write access to this folder
Does Spring provide any tools to implement this sort of validation easily?
Spring Boot has a nice feature for context and external configuration validation. If you define a POJO class and declare it as #ConfigurationProperties then Spring will bind the Environment (external properties and System/OS typically) to its properties using a DataBinder. E.g.
public class FileUploadProperties {
private File folder;
// getters and setters ommitted
will bind to app.uploads.folder and ensure that it is a File. For extra validation you can do it manually in the setter, or you can implement Validator in your FileUploadProperties or you can use JSR-303 annotations on the fields. By default an external property in app.uploads.* that doesn't bind will throw an exception (e.g. a mis-spelled property name, or a conversion/format error).
If you use Spring Boot Autoconfigure #EnableAutoConfigure you don't have to do anything else, but if it's just vanilla Spring (Boot) you need to say #EnableConfigurationProperties in your #Configuration somewhere as well.
A bonus feature: if you also use the Spring Boot Actuator you will also get JMX and HTTP support (in a webapp) for inspecting the bindable and bound properties of #ConfigurationProperties beans. The HTTP endpoint is "/configprops".
