When POST has Id in the URI - should Id also be in Body Model Parameters? Web API - asp.net-web-api

I have a ViewModel used in a Web API web service.
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
Then I have an ApiController with a method like this:
public IHttpActionResult Post(int Id, [FromBody]Customer Customer)
...Add to db, Id also exists in Customer
return Ok();
Customer Id is available in the URI - but the Customer object contains a Customer Id - which could be passed into the Post.
This seems to be redundant - and may lead to the Id being put in the wrong place.
What is best practice? If I need to remove Id from Customer body how do I do it?
Reference - "Using HTTP Verbs with the Task Resource" - level 2 in the REST Maturity Model - states the Id should be passed in the URI for updating or inserting tasks with an Id:

Generally we call a POST method when we try to create a new record, in your case "Customer" and PUT method to update an existing record. But that is not mandatory. You can create and update an existing record by using POST method too.
In general, we set auto generated field to the Id (primary key) field of a table. That means, we don't need to pass data for Id field when we try to add a record. In that case you don't need to pass Id in your URI and you don't need to write a parameter for Id in your API POST method.
So your ajax method will be like this bellow,
url: 'myURL',
type: "json",
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: myFormData,
success: function(data)
As I mentioned above you can use the same method (POST) for add a new record or edit an existing record, so how is that possible ?
I assume you are passing Id value in your ajax code in data parameter.
So your API Post method will be like this,
[Route("api/Customer")] // I removed Id here
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody]Customer Customer)
if(Customer!=null && Customer.Id==0) //You can check Id with null value
// Add a new record to Customer
// fetch Customer data by Customer.Id and update here
return Ok();
As simple as that. But yes, you can write this update code in a PUT method.
But if you are passing value to the Id field(that is not auto generated field) in POST method, then also you can remove the Id parameter from your POST method and your Route will be like this,
Hope it helps :)


Send 2 or more Raw Body Parameters Post Request with Postman

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.0 API Method:
GetDays([FromBody] DateTime startTime, [FromBody]DateTime endTime)
And I tried to send a Post request with Postman, but there is a problem, the parameters always have default values.
Here is my Post request looks like:
Result: Not Worked; Both parameters in API method get the default values.
If I change my API params to:
GetDays([FromBody] Inputparam param)
public class Inputparam
public DateTime startTime { get; set; }
public DateTime endTime { get; set; }
That's worked perfectly!
But I wanna to send parameters directly and not inside wrapper object.
So, I came back with first API method and then I tried:
Result: Not Worked; Both parameters in API method get the default values.
And This one:
Result: Not Worked perfectly; Just first parameter (startTime) set it and second parameter still have default value.
And This one:
Result: Not Worked; Both parameters in API method get the default values.
I also tried [FromForm] instead of [FromBody] in API, nothings changed.
If I don't use [FromBody] in api and send the request via x-www-form-urlencoded that's worked perfectly.
But I need send a raw body with JSon.
How could I sent 2 different parameters as a raw body json?
Any idea?
Where is the problem?
I found that it's just one [FromBody] is allowed in API, and that makes sense. So probably the answer is: There is no way to have 2 or more parameters with [FromBody] attribute.
[FromUri] can do the Job.For your reference Microsoft Documentation
public class DateTimes
public datetime startdate { get; set; }
public datetime enddate { get; set; }
GetDays([FromBody] DateTimes _date)
//Controller action

Manipulate WebAPi POST

I have a WebAPI POST controller like the one below:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostProduct(Product product)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = product.Id }, product);
To be valid, it expects several values, lets say Name, Price, URL, ManufactureID, StatusID.
However, the POST will not always contain a value for StatusID for example, and therefore the above will fail, as i cannot be null.
But when the value is not sent by the POST, i want to 'intercept' and set the value in code. Let say to int 1.
How would i go about this?
I have been using DTOes for extraxting data from the API, in a nice and viewable way. Can DToes be used in POST also? If so, how? Or any other approach, to setting data, if it does not excist in the POST?
I would say create your Product request model which will be defined in your WebAPI models and there your can define your StatusID as a nullable. After your receive request you can map your Product request data to ProductDto and in that mapping you set your default values if you need them.
Altough you can intercept request on client side and update it but I'm not sure is that something that will work for you.
You should create a POST product class that is agnostic of the persistence. Don't use the generated Product class of your ORM. Using your example above, you should have a ProductModel class that will only contain the properties that the API client can update. Then do the mapping of the DTO to your product data model.
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostProduct(ProductModel model)
var product = db.Products.New();
//mapping here
product.Name = model.Name;
product.Price = model.Price;

ASP.NET Web API with Decorations on Models

Technology Used: Code First,ASP.NET Web API (restful service) and HTML.
For code first I have a domain Object called User
public class User
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public byte[] PasswordHash { get; set; }
public bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
And I have decorated the properties with [Required].
Then I have my MVC Web Api Post Method
public string Post(Domain.User regModel)
return "saved";
and lastly I have my Ajax Call
var user = {
Id: "1",
Email: "test#test.com",
PasswordHash: "asjdlfkjals;dkjflkjsaldfjsdlkjfiovdfpoifjdsiojfoisj",
IsDeleted: true
type: 'POST',
url: '/api/registration/post',
cache: false,
data: JSON.stringify(user),
crossDomain: true,
contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
Error As Requested
POST http://localhost.com:11001/api/registration/post 500 (Internal Server Error)
The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'.
My Problem
If I decorate my Model with [Required] I get an Error 500 - No Get Method Supported
however if I remove that. Everything works well.
I just really want to understand why this is the case with MVC Web API. sure I can create view models but. I just want to understand why this is happening.
Can someone please explain
I seem to have found a reason why abit late as I already changed from a web api to a standard MVC. (which works perfectly no work around to be done) you can find the answer in the following links:
asp net web api validation with data annotations
web api nullable required property requires datamember attribute
dataannotation for required property
Thank you all for your help
Could the problem actually be that you are trying to Post a user with Id = "1" while Domain.User specifies that Id is of type Guid. A "1" does not make a valid Guid, so when that property is marked with Required it can't make the call to your Post method. When you remove the required attribute, the Post method can be used/called, because it will just set the Id of the User object to Null or an empty Guid, as it is not required.

Using IDictionary in controller method ASP.NET MVC 4/JSON

I'm attempting to post data using AJAX back to an ASP.NET MVC Controller with a viewModel like so:
public class FunkyThingUpdateModel
public int FunkyThing_ID{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public IDictionary SizesAvailable{ get; set;}
Unfortunately, I'm struggling to get the model binder to bind to the IDicationary.
If in the JSON passed to the controller the sizesAvailable is null then the controller method is called successfully. However if there is data in sizesAvailable then I'm getting an internal server error 500.
My JSON is formatted as follows:
{"FunkyThing_ID":1,"Name":"Pogo Stick","SizesAvailable":{"1":"Extra
Large","2":"Extra Tiddly"}}
What I'm not sure is - am I trying to do something impossible. Is there a way of binding to an IDictionary - if not what is the best alternative?
Or does my JSON just need to be formatted in a different fashion?
I found a number of similar questions on here, but most of them are quite old.
There seemed to be some indications that this was possible in MVC 4 which I'm using - but I could have been misunderstanding the context.
Not tested, But i think you have to specify Generic interface definition for the object to be created.
public IDictionary<int, string> SizesAvailable{ get; set;}
and also you have to change the data in ajax definition to notify SizesAvailable as array
url:'your url',
type: 'post',
contentType : 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({FunkyThing_ID:1, Name:"Pogo Stick", SizesAvailable:[{key: 1, value:"Extra Large"},{key:2, value: "Extra Tiddly"}]}),
success: function(response){
If your intention is to only get string array(not a dictionary) of sizes, change
public string[] SizesAvailable{ get; set;}
and send data as,
data: JSON.stringify({FunkyThing_ID:1, Name:"Pogo Stick", SizesAvailable:["Extra Large","Extra Tiddly"]}),
hope this helps.

Pass a parameter to a field in another page ASPMVC3

I have a person class that has an index file that lists each person.
An Html.ActionLink points to another controller for notes on the person.
One person, many notes, so I want to pass the PersonID as a param and insert it into the new note form. The parameter is not the NoteID, ie the key
#Html.ActionLink("Note", "Create", "Note", new { id = item.PersonID }, null)
The PersonID is in the url that passes to the note form.
How do I get the PersonID into the Note form?
Many thanks,
In your Create action method in the Note controller, you will receive the ID as a paramter to the action method if you include a parameter for it in the function:
public ActionResult Create(string id)
From there it is up to you to pass the id into the view you are using to construct the Create Note page. If you have a Note model object and one of the properties is the PersonID, you might want to new up a new Note object, set the PersonID to the value passed in the parameter, and then pass the new Note object to the view page as the model:
return View(newNote);
Hope that is what you are looking for.
You can knockout it using the same name as u declared ID
Or.. just handle it on another Controller using
the same name. ID:
public ViewResult Create(int id)
return View(id); <--
Then with razor-engine it comes with #Model
