Visual Studio Xamarin free provisionning from XCode 7.3.1 - xamarin

I requested free provisionning on XCode with a certain bundle id. I used the same bundle id in Info.plist (Visual Studio Xamarin). I am able to build my IOS projet, but when I try to run it in XCode simulator, I get:
2017-03-28 22:02:16.564 simctl[3496:33726] There was an error parsing the Info.plist for the bundle at URL Info.plist -- file:///Users/XXXXX/Desktop/
NSCocoaErrorDomain - 3840
{type = immutable dict, count = 1,
entries =>
0 : {contents = "NSDebugDescription"} = {contents = "Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data"}
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=22):
Failed to install the requested application
The bundle identifier of the application could not be determined.
Ensure that the application's Info.plist contains a value for CFBundleIdentifier.PL
My Info.plist is empty inside the app. Can someone help me ?


Automatic appended .xctrunner in my XCUITest bundle id while running on device

After updating to Xcode 11.3, my all test cases stopped working because of the unnecessary text .xctrunner appended with bundle id.
Example- If I am giving bundle id as then it's showing at run time.
XCode 11 changed the format for building xcuitest. To run UI test on device create AppId and Profiles for "$YOUR_TEST_BUNDLE_ID.xctrunner".
Set bundle Id for test target without xctrunner like "$YOUR_TEST_BUNDLE_ID"
Here is my Fastlane match config for iOS and Catalyst.
PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER[sdk=*] = match Development com.test.xctrunner
PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER[sdk=macosx*] = match Development com.test.xctrunner catalyst
One Annoying Xcode issues is, Signing & Capabilities for UITest target shows status error. Because profiles don't match but no build error and UI test works just fine. Status error is bit hidden but love to resolve it.

Xcode 11 Beta 5 - Loading a plug-in failed

Opening a SwiftUI "Hello World" unaltered project in Xcode 11 beta 5 running on Catalina beta 4 produces a "Loading a plug-in failed" dialog warning.
Has anyone else experienced this or know how to solve it? I deleted Xcode, redownloaded it, reinstalled it and I'm still getting the same error.
No idea how to fix other than deleting the offending module, but that can't be right.
Error details:
Loading a plug-in failed.
Domain: DVTPlugInErrorDomain
Code: 2
Failure Reason: The plug-in “” at path “/Applications/” could not be loaded. The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged.
Recovery Suggestion: The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled.
User Info: {
DVTPlugInDYLDErrorMessageErrorKey = "dlopen(/Applications/, 0): Symbol not found: _$s2IDs12IdentifiablePTl\n Referenced from: /Applications/\n Expected in: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib\n in /Applications/";
DVTPlugInExecutablePathErrorKey = "/Applications/";
DVTPlugInIdentifierErrorKey = "";
NSFilePath = "/Applications/";
The bundle “UVKit” couldn’t be loaded.
Domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain
Code: 3588
Failure Reason: The bundle couldn’t be loaded.
Recovery Suggestion: Try reinstalling the bundle.
User Info: {
NSBundlePath = "/Applications/";
NSDebugDescription = "dlopen(/Applications/, 265): Symbol not found: _$s2IDs12IdentifiablePTl\n Referenced from: /Applications/\n Expected in: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib\n in /Applications/";
NSFilePath = "/Applications/";
I was able to get my SwiftUI project running on Catalina beta 4 with Xcode beta 5. I too got the warning mentioned by OP.
And as mentioned in comments, the only negative impact I've seen is being unable to use the preview canvas. Other than that, everything else in my project is running well. Just using the simulator more ;)
Problem is gone on Catalina build 19A558d when installing Xcode 11 GM Seed (build 11A419c, released September 10, 2019)
this will get rid of the error message but will not bring canvas back.
based on:
Please go to: /Applications/ and delete all the shortcut files in all folders of UVKit.framework (Be sure DONOT delete orginal files).

How to troubleshoot when Safari App Extension not appear in Safari Preferences?

I'm developing a Safari App Extension. Previously it worked fine. When I run the project in Xcode, and enable Allow Unsigned Extensions in Safari, I can see my extension in Safari Preferences -> Extensions page.
After I merged code with one of my team member, suddenly the Extension cannot get installed.
I have tried:
Clean the build folder in Xcode, and run again. But no luck.
Restart Xcode doesn't help either.
Use command pluginkit -mAvvv -p to check installed Safari extensions list. My extension is not in the list.
There are some errors in Xcode output, but I can't link them with the issue I'm facing:
objc[49476]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EmbeddedOSInstall.framework/Versions/A/EmbeddedOSInstall (0x7fff9a2aa748) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x108db2600). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[49476]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSPersonalization.framework/Versions/A/OSPersonalization (0x7fff9b5d49f0) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x108db2650). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2018-12-13 16:25:46.003099+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] Could not connect action, target class SecurityPreferences does not respond to -toggleJavaScriptCanOpenWindows:
2018-12-13 16:25:46.163130+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] AssertMacros: 0 (value = 0x0), file: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 75
2018-12-13 16:25:46.163219+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] AssertMacros: 0 (value = 0x0), file: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 396
2018-12-13 16:25:46.163465+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] [Framework-Internal-Legacy] AssertMacros: _xpcClient (value = 0x0), file: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 137
2018-12-13 16:25:47.060959+0800 Safari[49476:1264368] [RemotePlistController] The downloaded plist could not be loaded: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file couldn’t be opened because it doesn’t exist."
2018-12-13 16:25:47.128105+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] Scheduling the NSURLConnection loader is no longer supported.
2018-12-13 16:25:47.491811+0800 Safari[49476:1264370] NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100
2018-12-13 16:25:47.799590+0800 Safari[49476:1264514] [CloudBookmarks] Error fetching remote migration state: Error Code=0 "(null)"
2018-12-13 16:25:47.953259+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] [WebKit2Callbacks] Page (pid: 0) did become unresponsive
2018-12-13 16:25:47.970927+0800 Safari[49476:1264512] NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100
2018-12-13 16:25:48.032647+0800 Safari[49476:1264425] [RemotePlistController] The downloaded plist could not be loaded: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file couldn’t be opened because it doesn’t exist."
2018-12-13 16:25:48.125530+0800 Safari[49476:1264426] Calling IOPPFGetProperty simulator_utility_clamp!
2018-12-13 16:25:48.840769+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] [WebKit2Callbacks] Page (pid: 49481) did become responsive
Now I'm running out of options. It lacks official documentation in Apple Developer site.
Is there regular steps to troubleshoot this kind of issue? Is there any kind of system logs which can help me address the error? Any suggestion is appreciated.
Make sure that the extension .appex is listed as embedded content for your App Extension target. Otherwise it doesn't get bundled when you build from Xcode. Look in the project editor under Target_Name > General > Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content. The extension should be listed there.
Also check under the Build Phases tab > Dependencies that your extension is added there as well.
Check to see if the code signature of your app is valid. Safari will refuse to list your extension otherwise. Run codesign on your built app as follows:
codesign -d --verify --verbose=3 ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OnePassword-epeydspviethpabprcrsqenrkiin/Build/Products/Debug_WebStore/1Password\
It should show valid on disk and satisfies its Designated Requirement. If it doesn't, Safari will ignore your extension completely, even when Allow Unsigned Extensions is enabled.
I had a similar problem more recently after updating to Xcode 13.2.1 and a I think a MacOS update. My Safari web extensions I was developing stopped showing up in Safari (even with unsigned extensions enabled).
In a Terminal/CLI shell, I ended up running:
lsregister -f /Applications/
And suddenly my extensions started showing up again in Safari. Something screwy happened with Safari and LaunchServices.

Xcode can’t launch project for debugging

I’m using Xcode 4.6.3 to build a library for OS X. My project includes a target called LibraryTest, which is a command-line app to test the functionality of the library. Both the library and the test app build fine, but when I try to run the app it quits immediately and the debug console shows:
error: failed to launch '/Users/bdesham/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Wavelength_and_Spectrum_Library-byosniusyaoidgdcpzwzuzkitzgv/Build/Products/Debug/LibraryTest'
-- error: Host::LaunchProcess (launch_info) => pid=0,
err = error: ::posix_spawnp (
pid => 98649,
path = '/Applications/',
file_actions = 0x10b09e268,
attr = 0x10b09e2a0,
argv = 0x7fe2701377e0,
envp = 0x0 )
err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009) (0x00000009)
error: failed to launch '/Users/bdesham/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Wavelength_and_Spectrum_Library-byosniusyaoidgdcpzwzuzkitzgv/Build/Products/Debug/LibraryTest'
-- error: Host::LaunchProcess (launch_info) => pid=0,
err = error: ::posix_spawnp (
pid => 98649,
path = '/Applications/',
file_actions = 0x10b09e268,
attr = 0x10b09e2a0,
argv = 0x7fe2701377e0,
envp = 0x0 )
err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009) (0x00000009)
(Line breaks added for readability.) I have the Xcode 5 DP installed, so I tried removing Xcode 4 and reinstalling it from the Mac App Store, but no dice. Deleting DerivedData didn’t help either. Any ideas?
Restarting my Mac seems to have fixed this.
Check "Build Settings" -> "Provisioning Profile". It should be "none" or some provisioning for Max OSX (if you're building for the app-store) . In my case it erroneously had "iOS Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile". This resolved this problem for me.
Note: I found this out by checking the syslog ("cat -f /var/log/system.log" in terminal, then start app). It wrote a crash report which had "...embedded provisioning profile not valid:..." among other lines. Checking the app container itself indeed showed an "embedded.provisionprofile" file, which triggered me to check the build settings for it.
I solved it by updating iOS. I was using JailBreak iOS version.

Unzip/zip ipa file causes install problems

I have been wrestling with resigning an iOS app (ipa file) provided by a third party. As documented in many other places I am following the process:
copy embedded.mobileprovision
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The same file will load sometimes and not others. In trying to isolate the problem I have simply unzipped the ipa, then rezipped it. The new ipa file is slightly different to the original but everything inside the original and the new ipa is identical. When I try to install the new ipa file it fails with:
Could not install application on device. Error: A signed resource has been added, modified or deleted.
Looking in the console log of the device I get the following messages:
iPad1 installd[843] : 00403000
verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620393
iPad1 installd[843] : 00403000
preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at
iPad1 installd[843] : 00403000
install_application: Could not preflight application install
iPad1 mobile_installation_proxy[876] :
handle_install: Installation failed
Given that nothing inside the ipa file has changed, which is where I thought all the signing information was, why won't the rezipped file install?
Some more info, the error above occurs installing the rezipped ipa file using the iPhone Configuration Utility running under Windows. The rezipped ipa file installs using iTunes but gives the following errors in the console log for the device:
iPad1 installd[918] : entitlement 'aps-environment' has value
not permitted by a provisioning profile
iPad1 installd[918] : entitlement 'application-identifier' has
value not permitted by a provisioning profile
