Can't make a POST request to REST API - visual-studio

GET, PUT, DELETE request work fine, but everytime i make a POST request I get an 500 status code. I have no idea where to start debuggin or what to look for. My api is depolyed on Microsoft Azure.
Any tips on what to look for or how to solve this issue would be much appriciated. I know a 500 status code, could be pretty much anything, but i find it really wierd that POST is the only request that dosn't work.

I have no idea where to start debuggin or what to look for. My api is depolyed on Microsoft Azure.
Please make sure your API application could run fine locally before you deploy it to Azure. Besides, http 500 error indicates the server encountered an unexpected condition, if you deploy your app to Azure app service, you could remote debugging web apps to troubleshoot the issue. If you publish it as cloud service Web role, you could try to use Azure compute emulator to debug your cloud service on a local machine.


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error - Azure Bot Serivice

I have developed a bot on node.js as a teams app using the yo teams generator. The bot is hosted and deployed on an azure app service web app. The bot was working fine all the while, but started throwing http 500 internal server errors in the past couple of weeks.
I am not sure what has changed, but I am trying to fix this issue but not finding any leads and useful information from appInsights or the trace logs. All I see is the below exception being thrown in appInsights:
"POST to the bot's endpoint failed with HTTP status 500"
The bot works perfectly fine locally, when debugging through ngrok. Please let me know how I can fix this or where I can look for useful logs to help resolve this.
I was able to resolve this with MS on a support ticket. Looks like the fix is to update the configuration setting to reflect the latest version of node from 12.13 to 16.13.0 in the app service config section.

Get remote errors in Service Fabric using Web Api

Web API has GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy
= IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always; to turn on remote errors. (Allowing them to see them in a browser even if you are not browsing on the local machine.
But, near as I can tell, Service Fabric, running Web Api, does not support GlobalConfiguration.
Is there a way to configure things so I don't have to log into one of my Service Fabric server machines each time I want to see what a services error message is?
I recommend you don't show error details to everyone.
It's a security risk.
Consider moving your error logs out of your cluster. For instance, by using OMS, ELK or Application Insights.

Debugging Azure Mobile Service Authentication

I'm new to azure mobile services development and any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have created sample mobile service application and could successfully launch and debug it locally. As a next step I've added google authentication. Everything works fine when the service is Published and running in the cloud. But, I could not make the service to run locally so that I can debug the service for cases when the user is authenticated.
So for I have wrestled with IIS Express and made it work with HTTPS on port 44300. But Google authentication services complained because of redirect URLs mismatch, even though I've added https://localhost:44300/signin-google to redirect list.
I feel like I'm not doing something correct here. Something does not make me believe that debugging locally is not possible.
Is possible to debug in localhost, but the google/facebook/Microsoft authentication should not be tested, because it is provided out-of-the-box by Azure Mobile Service team.
you should configure it in Azure Portal and then you should implement it in your application like documentation provides.
The following resources has the references to the Authentication articles:
Azure Mobile Services for Client Apps

Web API on IIS7.5 Unable to download * from localhost

I'm currently trying to install web api project directly from vs 2013 to my local dev machine, but when I test one of my http get controllers, I get the following:
My url looks like this:
When I test this on my local, this url works and I get my json response.
pay no attention to the web config error in the background. If I enter anything invalid, I get an IIS error, so I know I'm hitting the right URL.
Side note: I'm using IE8 for testing.
I found out the solution, and it may be a config thing, but when I made this as an virtual application to a website, this went away, and it gave me a yellow sign of death (which is a good thing). I was able to deduce this to be an oracle issue, where it couldn't find the database connection, and then found out it couldn't resolve tns names.
So I guess Web API can not be hosted by itself on IIS? I haven't looked into it, but it seems this to be the case, unless there needs to be more tweaking involved.
i know too late for response. But i get same error when I try deploy Odata v4 Application in IIS server.
In server , i hit this error as above, i try everything config but nothing change.
At last, i try connect from client and it work.
I recognize that in Client , it download a json file from Server (in case use Odata , it seem like wsdl file in webservice) and API still work well.
For some reason, it cant download in server, but dont worry, it still work.
Hope this helps!

Deploy using IIS Web Deploy (WMSv)c with basic auth fails but NTLM works?

I'm trying to setup Web Deploy on IIS 7, so that 1-click publishing in Visual Studio works.
Every time i try and publish the app i get a 401 error, which seems to be failing to auth against WMSvc. I have set the build output verbosity to detailed and can see the web deploy command being used. When i try and run it from the command prompt i get the same 401 error (ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED), however when i change the the authType parameter in the command from basic to NTLM it works fine and publishes correctly...
As far as i was aware WMSvc only worked with basic auth and not NTLM. As far as my server config goes i have tried setting the management service to accept only windows users and to allow Windows users and management service users, neither setting seems to make any odds.
I can connect fine using IIS manager locally to the remote server, but as soon as i try and use any of the export functionality on the remote server i get permission issues from the remote connection. This all seems most odd, can any one shed some light on this behaviour?
Just providing the answer that worked for me, after searching in vain I stumbled upon an article by Phil Haack (whilst looking for something else entirely):
It turned out I had a URL-ACL defined which was stopping everything from working.
Followed the instructions in that post and it all just worked like it should :-)
I personally wish web deploy was a bit less fragile when it comes to setting it up, works great once you've gone through the pain.
