Convert path svg animation to pure css animation - animation

Is it possible to convert this path animation to a pure css animation ?
<svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="" width="300" height="300" viewPort="0 0 595.28 841.89">
<path id="thread" transform="translate(242, 130)" fill="none" stroke="#fff" d="M 302 540 l 1 -150">
<animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" values="M-108 -30 c0 10 -10 90 0 106;
M-108 -30 c0 10 3 90 0 106;
M-108 -30 c0 10 10 90 0 106;
M-108 -30 c0 10 -3 90 0 106;
M-108 -30 c0 10 -10 90 0 106" keyTimes="0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" />


SVG animation on Safari runs with low fps

This SVG runs smoothly on Chrome/Edge and FireFox but not on Safari (Mac).
As you can see, the SVG contains animateMotion tags with path composed of big numbers.
The SVG is composed of 58 circles due to snippet limitation. The original code containes 200 objects. Here's the original:
How bad is Safari in calculating big numbers (with big fractional part)? What can I do to improve performance on Safari?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<svg height="1500" width="4000">
<g transform="translate(100.000100010001,100.000100010001) scale(0.001000000100010001 0.001000000100010001)">
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 0000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 100000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 1000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 110000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 2000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 120000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 3000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 130000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 4000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 140000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 5000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 150000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 6000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 160000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 7000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 170000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 8000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 180000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 9000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 190000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 10000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1100000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 11000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1110000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 12000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1120000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 13000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1130000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 14000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1140000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 15000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1150000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 16000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1160000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 17000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1170000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 18000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1180000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 19000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1190000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 20000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1200000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 21000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1210000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 22000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1220000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 23000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1230000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 24000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1240000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 25000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1250000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 26000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1260000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 27000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1270000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 28000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1280000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 29000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1290000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 30000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1300000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
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path="M 31000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1310000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 32000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1320000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 33000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1330000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 34000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1340000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 35000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1350000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 36000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1360000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 37000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1370000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 38000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1380000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 39000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1390000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 40000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1400000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 41000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1410000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 42000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1420000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 43000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1430000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 44000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1440000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 45000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1450000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 46000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1460000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 47000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1470000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 48000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1480000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 49000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1490000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 50000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1500000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 51000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1510000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 52000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1520000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 53000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1530000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 54000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1540000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 55000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1550000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 56000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1560000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 57000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1570000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="9999.000100010001" stroke="#00a2e8" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">
path="M 58000.000100010001 0.000100010001 Q 100000.000100010001 100000.000010000100001 1580000.000010000100001 200000.000010000100001 Q 200000.001001001 300000.001001001"
dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateMotion>
Update (in case someone else run into the same issue):
I managed to spot the culprit; it wasn't using large numbers with decimal point, it was the scale transform="scale(x,y)" in the group element.
Apparently when x and/or y are small (could be the case for big numbers as well, I didn't check) numbers far from 1, Safari (v15.3 in my case) struggles in calculations.
How bad is Safari in calculating big numbers (with big fractional
part)? What can I do to improve performance on Safari?
Avoid unnecessarily large numbers and reduce floating point precision if possible.
Large numbers can significantly increase the amount of time to parse all svg data before rendering
... since they increase the total filesize (when saved as static files or appended as inlined markup to your HTML body)
Animations usually benefit from integer coordinates
Invalid Commands:
Avoid incomplete commands like the Q command in your motion path's
M 1000 0 Q 100000 100000 110000 200000 Q 200000 300000
should rather be (Q expects four coordinates)
M 1000 0 Q 100000 100000 110000 200000
Shared/repeating styles can also be minified by <g> group attributes (like fill="#00a2e8").
Fixed example: scaled down and rounded to integers
(Inspect your console to get the optimised code)
let circleCount = 200;
let svgMarkup =
`<svg viewBox="0 0 1500 400" xmlns="">
<g opacity="1" transform="translate(100,100)" fill="#00a2e8" data-z-index="1">`;
for (let i = 0; i < circleCount; i++) {
svgMarkup +=
`<circle id="c${i}" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c${i}" path="M${i} 0Q100 100 ${100 +i*10} 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>`;
svgMarkup += `</g></svg>`;
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', svgMarkup);
Static example – generated by js (~24 KB)
<svg viewBox="0 0 1500 400" xmlns="">
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repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c174" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c174" path="M174 0Q100 100 1840 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c175" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c175" path="M175 0Q100 100 1850 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c176" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c176" path="M176 0Q100 100 1860 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c177" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c177" path="M177 0Q100 100 1870 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c178" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c178" path="M178 0Q100 100 1880 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c179" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c179" path="M179 0Q100 100 1890 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c180" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c180" path="M180 0Q100 100 1900 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c181" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c181" path="M181 0Q100 100 1910 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c182" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c182" path="M182 0Q100 100 1920 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c183" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c183" path="M183 0Q100 100 1930 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c184" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c184" path="M184 0Q100 100 1940 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c185" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c185" path="M185 0Q100 100 1950 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c186" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c186" path="M186 0Q100 100 1960 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c187" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c187" path="M187 0Q100 100 1970 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c188" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c188" path="M188 0Q100 100 1980 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c189" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c189" path="M189 0Q100 100 1990 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c190" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c190" path="M190 0Q100 100 2000 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c191" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c191" path="M191 0Q100 100 2010 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c192" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c192" path="M192 0Q100 100 2020 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c193" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c193" path="M193 0Q100 100 2030 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c194" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c194" path="M194 0Q100 100 2040 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c195" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c195" path="M195 0Q100 100 2050 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c196" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c196" path="M196 0Q100 100 2060 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c197" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c197" path="M197 0Q100 100 2070 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c198" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c198" path="M198 0Q100 100 2080 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/><circle id="c199" r="9.9"/><animateMotion href="#c199" path="M199 0Q100 100 2090 200" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/></g></svg>
See also: Taylor Hunt's post on Css tricks: Improving SVG Runtime Performance
Some browsers might also have issues with very big numbers as described here:
The Limits of Numbers in SVG
As I wrote above in the update, it turned out that the issue was caused by scale(). Luckily, I had control over it (I don't over the path itself) so I managed to set the scaling values closer to 1 (0.2 in my case) and it worked like a charm!

Convert SVG with image not working in safari

i want to convert a SVG with an image inside into a png.
In Firefox and Chrome everything works perfect, but in Safari the conversion is ignoring the image inside the SVG.
The library i am using is html-to-image (html2canvas gave me the same result)
Here is a codepen (the face is the image)
var node = document.getElementById('item');
.then(function (dataUrl) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = dataUrl;
.catch(function (error) {
console.error('oops, something went wrong!', error);
Maybe someone can help me
Testing your example on iOS safari(v15), I've also encountered this issue.
Basically, the svg to image conversion process involves:
creating a Blob/Blob URL (see also What is a blob URL and why it is used?)
render it to a canvas
return a data url
For some reasons (at least some) safari versions, apparently need some delay to render the canvas properly.
This example employs both the initially used html2canvas (library/script based) and a stripped down js code.
function save() {
var node = document.getElementById("item");
.then(function (dataUrl) {
var img = new Image();
//img.width = nodeW;
//img.height = nodeH;
img.src = dataUrl;
let imgWrp = document.createElement("div");
.catch(function (error) {
console.error("oops, something went wrong!", error);
function svg2Png(selector) {
const svgEl = document.querySelector(selector);
let svgBB = svgEl.getBBox();
let svgW = svgBB.width;
let svgH = svgBB.height;
let blob = new Blob([svgEl.outerHTML], {type: 'image/svg+xml'});
let URL = window.URL;
let blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let tmpImg = new Image();
tmpImg.src = blobURL;
tmpImg.width = svgW;
tmpImg.height = svgH;
tmpImg.onload = () => {
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = svgW;
canvas.height = svgH;
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
// draw blob img to canvas with some delay
setTimeout(function () {
context.drawImage(tmpImg, 0, 0, svgW, svgH);
let pngDataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
let svgImg = document.createElement("img");
svgImg.width = svgW;
svgImg.height = svgH;
svgImg.class = "svgImg";
svgImg.src = pngDataUrl;
// just additional wrapping for example usage
let imgWrp = document.createElement("div");
imgWrp.setAttribute("class", "img-wrp img-wrp-vanilla");
}, 300);
height: 1em;
border: 2px solid green
border: 2px solid red
border: 2px solid orange
height: 1em;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="btn-wrp">
<button type="button" onclick="save()">Convert svg (html-to-image.js)</button>
<button type="button" onclick="svg2Png('svg')">svg2Png</button>
<div class="img-wrp img-wrp-svg">
<svg id="item" width="500" height="500" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 500 500">
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<path d="M140 227c1 1 12 7 21 5a276 276 0 0 0-11 43c-9 10-19 7-26-27a97 97 0 0 0 16-21" fill="#d61535" />
<path d="M140 227a97 97 0 0 1-16 20l6 22c7-8 13-16 16-26a51 51 0 0 0 12-2l3-9c-9 2-20-4-21-5" fill="#bf132f" />
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<path d="M323 247a80 80 0 0 0 13-14 67 67 0 0 0-3-8c-12 18-48 27-74 30a69 69 0 0 1-15 0v13c29 3 68-12 79-21" fill="#d61535" />
<path d="M338 238a83 83 0 0 1-14 13c-13 10-30 15-46 20h-1a149 149 0 0 0 64-22l-1-3-2-8" fill="#d61535" />
<path d="M169 226c4 4 11 3 15-2 14 15 37 28 60 31v28l-22 1c-5 0-8 2-10 7h-1l-34-2 1-1c0-1-7-6-10-2a12 12 0 0 0-1 2l-18-2 1-11a276 276 0 0 1 11-43c2-9 4-14 5-14 0 3 1 6 3 8" fill="#f1183c"/>
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<image width="400" height="530" transform="matrix(0.23, 0.03, -0.03, 0.23, 220.68, 59.26)" xlink:href=""/>
<path d="M301 92c-7-8-13-17-39-19-28-2-36 8-44 19s-24-28-19-33c10-10 35-18 59-16 42 3 71 24 66 36s-19 19-23 13Z" fill="#f0f0f0" />
<g mask="url(#a)">
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<g mask="url(#b)">
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<g mask="url(#c)">
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<g mask="url(#c)">
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<g mask="url(#d)">
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The used custom function svg2Png() is just a simplyfied example code and might not be appropriate to provide the best legacy browser support.
Thus consider posting a issue report on github for 'html2canvas' (or other used libraries).

How does SVG affect border rendering in Chrome 60 / Windows 7?

Exact chrome version: 60.0.3112.113 64bit.
It happens on my Windows 7 desktop, but I can't reproduce it on my Windows 10 laptop.
This code works fine:
<button style="border-radius: 17px; border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px">
But if I add this SVG to the document:
<path d="M0 0c0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60"></path>
<path d="M0 0c0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60"></path>
<path d="M0 0c0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60"></path>
<path d="M0 0c0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60"></path>
<path d="M0 0c0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60"></path>
<path d="M0 0c0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60"></path>
The result becomes weird:
Here is the fiddle:
This is simplified SVG code. And not any SVG produce side effects. A real example I found at (look closely at button corners)
Can you explain that strange behavior?
Is there any way to avoid it?

SVG chart generated through D3 not crispy

I'm having some troubles to make my line chart looking crispy. I don't understand why is that. The code associated to the generation of the chart is a bit too long to share it here, so I created a JSFiddle with the result only.
<svg shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" width="1024" height="409"><defs><clipPath id="clip"><clip-rect id="clip-rect" x="30" y="40" width="944" height="389"></clip-rect></clipPath></defs><path stroke="none" class="splitted-lines lines line-0" stroke-width="0" fill="rgba(0,0,0,0)" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" d="M30,1436L35,1436L40,1436L45,1436L50,1436L55,1436L60,1436L65,1436L70,1436L74,1436L79,1436L84,1436L89,1436L94,1436L99,1436L104,1436L109,1436L114,1436L119,1436L124,1436L129,1436L134,1436L139,1436L144,1436L149,1436L154,1436L158,1436L163,1436L168,1436L173,1436L178,1436L183,1436L188,1436L193,1436L198,1436L203,1436L208,1436L213,1436L218,1436L223,1436L228,1436L233,1436L238,1436L242,1436L247,1436L252,1436L257,1436L262,1436L267,1436L272,1436L277,1436L282,1436L287,1436L292,1436L297,1436L302,1436L307,1436L312,1436L317,1436L321,1436L326,1436L331,1436L336,1436L341,1436L346,1436L351,1436L356,1436L361,1436L366,1436L371,1436L376,1436L381,1436L386,1436L391,1436L396,1436L401,1436L405,1436L410,1436L415,1436L420,1436L425,1436L430,1436L435,1436L440,1436L445,1436L450,1436L455,1436L460,1436L465,1436L470,1436L475,1436L480,1436L485,1436L489,1436L494,1436L499,1436L504,1436L509,1436L514,1436L519,1436L524,1436L529,1436L534,1436L539,1436L544,1436L549,1436L554,1436L559,1436L564,1436L569,1436L573,1436L578,1436L583,1436L588,1436L593,1436L598,1436L603,1436L608,1436L613,1436L618,1436L623,1436L628,1436L633,1436L638,1436L643,1436L648,1436L653,1436L657,1436L662,1436L667,1436L672,1436L677,1436L682,1436L687,1436L692,1436L697,1436L702,1436L707,1436L712,1436L717,1436L722,1436L727,1436L732,1436L736,1436L741,1436L746,1436L751,1436L756,1436L761,1436L766,1436L771,1436L776,1436L781,1436L786,1436L791,1436L796,1436L801,1436L806,1436L811,1436L816,1436L821,1436L825,1436L830,1436L835,1436L840,1436L845,1436L850,1436L855,1436L860,1436L865,1436L870,1436L875,1436L880,1436L885,1436L890,1436L895,1436L900,1436L904,1436L909,1436L914,1436L919,1436L924,1436L929,1436L934,1436L939,1436L944,1436L944,324L939,324L934,325L929,325L924,326L919,327L914,327L909,328L904,329L900,329L895,330L890,330L885,331L880,332L875,332L870,333L865,333L860,334L855,334L850,335L845,336L840,336L835,337L830,337L825,338L821,338L816,339L811,339L806,340L801,340L796,341L791,342L786,342L781,343L776,343L771,344L766,344L761,345L756,345L751,346L746,346L741,347L736,347L732,347L727,348L722,348L717,349L712,349L707,350L702,350L697,351L692,351L687,351L682,351L677,352L672,352L667,352L662,352L657,352L653,352L648,352L643,351L638,351L633,351L628,351L623,351L618,350L613,350L608,350L603,349L598,349L593,348L588,348L583,348L578,347L573,347L569,346L564,346L559,345L554,344L549,344L544,343L539,342L534,342L529,341L524,340L519,340L514,339L509,338L504,338L499,337L494,336L489,335L485,334L480,334L475,333L470,332L465,331L460,330L455,330L450,329L445,328L440,327L435,327L430,326L425,325L420,324L415,323L410,323L405,322L401,321L396,321L391,320L386,319L381,318L376,318L371,317L366,316L361,316L356,315L351,314L346,314L341,313L336,312L331,312L326,311L321,311L317,310L312,309L307,309L302,308L297,307L292,307L287,306L282,305L277,305L272,304L267,303L262,303L257,302L252,301L247,301L242,300L238,299L233,299L228,298L223,297L218,296L213,296L208,295L203,294L198,294L193,293L188,292L183,292L178,291L173,290L168,290L163,289L158,288L154,288L149,287L144,286L139,286L134,285L129,284L124,284L119,283L114,282L109,282L104,281L99,280L94,279L89,278L84,277L79,275L74,273L70,271L65,268L60,265L55,262L50,258L45,255L40,252L35,249L30,245Z"></path><path stroke="none" class="splitted-lines lines line-1" stroke-width="0" fill="rgb(255,120,161)" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" 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d="M30,245L35,240L40,235L45,231L50,227L55,222L60,218L65,214L70,210L74,207L79,204L84,201L89,199L94,198L99,197L104,196L109,195L114,194L119,193L124,192L129,191L134,190L139,189L144,189L149,188L154,187L158,186L163,185L168,184L173,183L178,182L183,181L188,180L193,179L198,179L203,178L208,177L213,176L218,175L223,174L228,173L233,172L238,171L242,170L247,170L252,169L257,168L262,167L267,166L272,165L277,164L282,163L287,162L292,162L297,161L302,160L307,159L312,158L317,157L321,156L326,156L331,155L336,154L341,153L346,152L351,152L356,151L361,150L366,149L371,148L376,148L381,147L386,146L391,145L396,144L401,144L405,143L410,142L415,141L420,140L425,139L430,139L435,138L440,137L445,136L450,135L455,134L460,133L465,133L470,132L475,131L480,130L485,129L489,128L494,127L499,127L504,126L509,125L514,124L519,123L524,122L529,121L534,121L539,120L544,119L549,118L554,117L559,116L564,116L569,115L573,114L578,113L583,112L588,112L593,111L598,110L603,109L608,109L613,108L618,107L623,106L628,106L633,105L638,104L643,103L648,103L653,102L657,101L662,101L667,100L672,100L677,99L682,98L687,98L692,97L697,97L702,97L707,96L712,96L717,95L722,95L727,95L732,94L736,94L741,94L746,93L751,93L756,92L761,92L766,92L771,91L776,91L781,91L786,90L791,90L796,89L801,89L806,89L811,88L816,88L821,88L825,87L830,87L835,87L840,86L845,86L850,86L855,85L860,85L865,85L870,84L875,84L880,84L885,83L890,83L895,83L900,83L904,82L909,82L914,82L919,81L924,81L929,81L934,80L939,80L944,80"></path><path shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" class="simple-lines lines line-3" stroke="rgb(0,0,255)" stroke-width="2" fill="none" d="M30,245L35,245L40,245L45,245L50,245L55,245L60,245L65,245L70,245L74,245L79,245L84,245L89,245L94,245L99,245L104,245L109,245L114,245L119,245L124,245L129,245L134,245L139,245L144,245L149,245L154,245L158,245L163,245L168,245L173,245L178,245L183,245L188,245L193,245L198,245L203,245L208,245L213,245L218,245L223,245L228,245L233,245L238,245L242,245L247,245L252,245L257,245L262,245L267,245L272,245L277,245L282,245L287,245L292,245L297,245L302,245L307,245L312,245L317,245L321,245L326,245L331,245L336,245L341,245L346,245L351,245L356,245L361,245L366,245L371,245L376,245L381,245L386,245L391,245L396,245L401,245L405,245L410,245L415,245L420,245L425,245L430,245L435,245L440,245L445,245L450,245L455,245L460,245L465,245L470,245L475,245L480,245L485,245L489,245L494,245L499,245L504,245L509,245L514,245L519,245L524,245L529,245L534,245L539,245L544,245L549,245L554,245L559,245L564,245L569,245L573,245L578,245L583,245L588,245L593,245L598,245L603,245L608,245L613,245L618,245L623,245L628,245L633,245L638,245L643,245L648,245L653,245L657,245L662,245L667,245L672,245L677,245L682,245L687,245L692,245L697,245L702,245L707,245L712,245L717,245L722,245L727,245L732,245L736,245L741,245L746,245L751,245L756,245L761,245L766,245L771,245L776,245L781,245L786,245L791,245L796,245L801,245L806,245L811,245L816,245L821,245L825,245L830,245L835,245L840,245L845,245L850,245L855,245L860,245L865,245L870,245L875,245L880,245L885,245L890,245L895,245L900,245L904,245L909,245L914,245L919,245L924,245L929,245L934,245L939,245L944,245"></path><g class="x axis" transform="translate(0, 40)"><g class="tick" transform="translate(96,0)" style="opacity: 1;"><line y2="-5" x2="0"></line><text dy="0em" y="-15" x="0" style="text-anchor: middle;">Jan 16</text></g><g class="tick" transform="translate(277,0)" style="opacity: 1;"><line y2="-5" x2="0"></line><text dy="0em" y="-15" x="0" style="text-anchor: middle;">Jan 17</text></g><g class="tick" transform="translate(458,0)" style="opacity: 1;"><line y2="-5" x2="0"></line><text dy="0em" y="-15" x="0" style="text-anchor: middle;">Jan 18</text></g><g class="tick" transform="translate(638,0)" style="opacity: 1;"><line y2="-5" x2="0"></line><text dy="0em" y="-15" x="0" style="text-anchor: middle;">Jan 19</text></g><g class="tick" transform="translate(818,0)" style="opacity: 1;"><line y2="-5" x2="0"></line><text dy="0em" y="-15" x="0" style="text-anchor: middle;">Jan 20</text></g><path class="domain" d="M30,-5V0H944V-5"></path></g><g class="y axis" transform="translate(30, 0)"><g class="tick" transform="translate(0,364)" style="opacity: 1;"><line x2="914" y2="0"></line><text x="5" y="-5" style="text-anchor: start;"></text></g><g class="tick base-line" transform="translate(0,245)" style="opacity: 1;"><line x2="914" y2="0"></line><text x="5" y="-5" style="text-anchor: start;"></text></g><g class="tick" transform="translate(0,126)" style="opacity: 1;"><line x2="914" y2="0"></line><text x="5" y="-5" style="text-anchor: start;"></text></g></g></svg>
I tried multiple stuff, like
But nothing works for me, and when I see this I can't understand the issue.
When I will understand the underlying problem, I will update my post with examples that makes it more relevant for future readers.
Find out in the following JSFiddle the resolved issue:
So the problem was because of rangeRound() used with a simple interpolation('basis')
And the doc says:
Sets the scale's output range to the specified array of values, while also setting the scale's interpolator to d3.interpolateRound. This is a convenience routine for when the values output by the scale should be exact integers, such as to avoid antialiasing artifacts. It is also possible to round the output values manually after the scale is applied.
I guess that I should have used it with interpolateRound function.
Hope this will help someone. Don't hesitate to correct me if I said something wrong here; but anyhow this solved my issue (thanks to squeamish ossifrage answers)
I'm not sure what you mean by "crispy", but your jsfiddle example looks quite pixellated to me. It's quite easy to see why this is happening. Here's an excerpt from the d attribute of the first <path> element:
L944,324 L939,324 L934,325 L929,325 L924,326 L919,327 L914,327 L909,328 L904,329
L900,329 L895,330 L890,330
As you can see, the coordinates all have integer values, and the Y coordinate only changes intermittently. The result is a line that consists of many horizontal segments with little vertical jumps between each segment and the next. If you change these coordinates to floating point values with a couple of digits after the decimal point, then your lines will be smoother.
Here's an example:
<svg width="400" height="100" viewBox="0 0 200 50">
<g fill="none" stroke-width="2px">
<!-- Grey path with integer Y coordinates -->
<path d="M5 33 7 32 9 32 11 32 13 31 15 31 17 31 19 31 21 30 23 30 25 30 27 29 29 29 31 29
33 28 35 28 37 28 39 28 41 27 43 27 45 27 47 26 49 26 51 26 53 25 55 25 57 25 59
25 61 24 63 24 65 24 67 23 69 23 71 23 73 23 75 22 77 22 79 22 81 21 83 21 85 21
87 20 89 20 91 20 93 20 95 19 97 19 99 19 101 18 103 18 105 18 107 18 109 17 111
17 113 17 115 16 117 16 119 16 121 15 123 15 125 15 127 15 129 14 131 14 133 14
135 13 137 13 139 13 141 12 143 12 145 12 147 12 149 11 151 11 153 11 155 10 157
10 159 10 161 10 163 9 165 9 167 9 169 8 171 8 173 8 175 7 177 7 179 7 181 7 183
6 185 6 187 6 189 5 191 5 193 5 195 5 197 4 199 4" stroke="#888"/>
<!-- Blue path with floating-point Y coordinates -->
<path d="M5 43.12 7 42.82 9 42.52 11 42.23 13 41.93 15 41.64 17 41.34 19 41.05 21 40.75 23
40.45 25 40.16 27 39.86 29 39.57 31 39.27 33 38.98 35 38.68 37 38.38 39 38.09 41
37.79 43 37.50 45 37.20 47 36.90 49 36.61 51 36.31 53 36.02 55 35.72 57 35.43 59
35.13 61 34.83 63 34.54 65 34.24 67 33.95 69 33.65 71 33.36 73 33.06 75 32.76 77
32.47 79 32.17 81 31.88 83 31.58 85 31.29 87 30.99 89 30.69 91 30.40 93 30.10 95
29.81 97 29.51 99 29.21 101 28.92 103 28.62 105 28.33 107 28.03 109 27.74 111
27.44 113 27.14 115 26.85 117 26.55 119 26.26 121 25.96 123 25.67 125 25.37 127
25.07 129 24.78 131 24.48 133 24.19 135 23.89 137 23.60 139 23.30 141 23.00 143
22.71 145 22.41 147 22.12 149 21.82 151 21.52 153 21.23 155 20.93 157 20.64 159
20.34 161 20.05 163 19.75 165 19.45 167 19.16 169 18.86 171 18.57 173 18.27 175
17.98 177 17.68 179 17.38 181 17.09 183 16.79 185 16.50 187 16.20 189 15.91 191
15.61 193 15.31 195 15.02 197 14.72 199 14.43" stroke="#44c"/>

CSS Scale Transform on an SVG element with a filter creates blurry result in firefox

If SVG element has any filter the vector image in FF not rendered clearly.
See example in FF and in Google Chrome:
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<g id=":m28-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M1.4 -9.75 Q2.55 -9.25 3.1 -8.25 L3.1 -10 7.15 -10 7.15 2.05 Q7.15 6.55 5.05 8.8 3 11 -0.75 11 -3.1 10.95 -4.9 9.8 -6.75 8.65 -7.65 6.65 L-5.95 5.8 -4.3 5 Q-4.05 5.65 -3.45 6.15 L-2.2 6.95 -0.75 7.25 Q0.85 7.2 1.7 6.55 2.6 5.9 2.9 4.8 3.2 3.7 3.1 2.25 L2.1 3.35 Q1.45 3.8 0.65 4.05 L-1.1 4.3 Q-2.9 4.3 -4.5 3.4 -6.05 2.5 -7.05 0.9 -8.05 -0.75 -8.05 -2.95 -8.05 -5.25 -7.05 -6.85 -6.05 -8.5 -4.5 -9.4 -2.9 -10.3 -1.1 -10.3 0.25 -10.3 1.4 -9.75 M3 -3.05 Q3 -4.1 2.55 -4.85 L1.3 -5.95 Q0.5 -6.35 -0.35 -6.35 L-2 -5.95 -3.25 -4.8 Q-3.7 -4.05 -3.7 -3.05 -3.7 -2 -3.25 -1.2 -2.8 -0.45 -2 -0.05 L-0.35 0.4 1.3 -0.05 2.5 -1.25 Q3 -2 3 -3.05"/>
<filter id="18t4a8dd8-2">
<feComponentTransfer color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
<feFuncA type="linear" intercept="0" slope="1"/>
<feFuncR type="linear" intercept="1" slope="0"/>
<feFuncG type="linear" intercept="0" slope="1"/>
<feFuncB type="linear" intercept="1" slope="0"/>
<g transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 50 20)" filter="url(#18t4a8dd8-2)">
<use id="s29d1m12" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m12-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 -29.1 -1.25)"></use>
<use id="s29d2m23" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m23-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 -17 2.7)"></use>
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<use id="s29d4m25" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m25-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(0.9998 0.0179 -0.0179 0.9998 18.75 -2)"></use>
<use id="s29d5m26" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m26-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 32 -0.65)"></use>
<use id="s29d6m27" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m27-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 44.6 2.65)"></use>
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<g transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 50 50)">
<use id="s29d1m12" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m12-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 -29.1 -1.25)"></use>
<use id="s29d2m23" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m23-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 -17 2.7)"></use>
<use id="s29d3m24" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m24-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(0.9962 -0.0839 0.0781 0.9273 0.55 0.2)"></use>
<use id="s29d4m25" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m25-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(0.9998 0.0179 -0.0179 0.9998 18.75 -2)"></use>
<use id="s29d5m26" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m26-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 32 -0.65)"></use>
<use id="s29d6m27" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m27-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 44.6 2.65)"></use>
<use id="s29d7m28" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#:m28-18svjv0b7" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 61.95 6.45)"></use>
1-st element has filter and no css-transforms
2-nd element has filter and css-transform (scale and translate)
3-rd element has no filter and has css-transform (scale and translate)
How fix this bug in FF?
PS: This behavior not depend on css-transforms, its made just for an example.
SVG Filters convert vector graphics to bitmaps. When you apply a scale transform higher in the nesting hierarchy, you're going to see the result as if a bitmap is scaled up - hence the blurriness
Fix this by scaling the SVG path with an SVG transform before, or at the same time as you apply the filter.
In this case, remove the CSS transform scale which is applied to the div wrapper, and adjust the transform that's on the same element as the filter to scale the element without the blurry bitmapped result.
Something like the following:
<div id="2" >
<svg version="1.1" style="width: 150px; height: 100px;" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="">
<g id=":m12-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M-2.4 -9.9 L1.8 -9.9 1.8 11.75 -2.4 11.75 -2.4 -9.9 Z"/>
<g id=":m23-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M0 -6.5 Q2 -6.5 3.65 -5.6 5.3 -4.7 6.25 -3.1 7.25 -1.45 7.3 0.75 7.25 2.95 6.25 4.6 5.3 6.25 3.65 7.15 2 8.05 0 8.05 -2 8.05 -3.65 7.15 -5.3 6.25 -6.25 4.6 -7.25 2.95 -7.25 0.75 -7.25 -1.45 -6.25 -3.1 -5.3 -4.7 -3.65 -5.6 -2 -6.5 0 -6.5 M2.25 -1.55 Q1.35 -2.4 0 -2.4 -1.3 -2.4 -2.25 -1.55 -3.1 -0.7 -3.15 0.75 -3.1 2.25 -2.25 3.1 -1.3 3.95 0 3.95 1.35 3.95 2.25 3.1 3.15 2.25 3.15 0.75 3.15 -0.7 2.25 -1.55"/>
<g id=":m24-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M2.6 -1.05 L1.35 -2.2 -0.3 -2.6 -2 -2.2 -3.25 -1.05 Q-3.8 -0.3 -3.8 0.7 L-3.8 0.75 Q-3.8 1.75 -3.25 2.5 L-2 3.65 -0.3 4.05 1.35 3.7 2.6 2.55 Q3.1 1.8 3.1 0.7 3.1 -0.35 2.6 -1.05 M0.25 -6.45 L1.75 -5.85 Q2.55 -5.45 3.1 -4.7 L3.1 -6.25 7.25 -6.25 7.25 7.75 3.1 7.75 3.1 6.15 1.85 7.25 0.35 7.85 -1 8.05 Q-2.8 8 -4.4 7.15 -6.05 6.25 -7.05 4.65 -8.1 3 -8.1 0.75 -8.1 -1.55 -7.05 -3.15 -6.05 -4.8 -4.4 -5.65 -2.8 -6.55 -1 -6.55 L0.25 -6.45"/>
<g id=":m25-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M-0.4 1.4 Q-1.75 1.45 -2.65 2.3 -3.6 3.2 -3.6 4.75 -3.6 6.3 -2.65 7.25 -1.75 8.15 -0.4 8.15 L1.25 7.7 2.4 6.55 Q2.85 5.75 2.85 4.75 2.85 3.7 2.4 2.95 1.95 2.2 1.2 1.8 0.5 1.4 -0.4 1.4 M1.3 -2 Q2.4 -1.45 2.95 -0.5 L2.95 -9.85 7.1 -9.85 7.1 11.8 2.95 11.8 2.95 10.05 Q2.4 11.05 1.3 11.55 0.2 12.1 -1.15 12.1 -3 12.1 -4.5 11.2 -6.05 10.3 -7 8.7 -7.9 7.05 -7.95 4.85 -7.9 2.55 -7 0.95 -6.05 -0.7 -4.5 -1.6 -3 -2.5 -1.15 -2.5 L1.3 -2"/>
<g id=":m26-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M1.8 -2.8 L1.8 11.2 -2.35 11.2 -2.35 -2.8 1.8 -2.8 M1.55 -9.75 Q2.25 -9.05 2.3 -8 2.25 -6.95 1.55 -6.25 0.8 -5.55 -0.25 -5.55 -1.35 -5.55 -2.1 -6.25 -2.85 -6.95 -2.85 -8 -2.85 -9.05 -2.1 -9.75 -1.35 -10.4 -0.25 -10.45 0.8 -10.4 1.55 -9.75"/>
<g id=":m27-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M1.35 -6.45 Q3.75 -6.45 5.1 -5 6.45 -3.5 6.5 -0.55 L6.5 7.85 5.65 7.85 4.4 7.85 3.15 7.85 2.3 7.85 2.3 0.4 Q2.3 -1.05 1.6 -1.7 0.95 -2.4 -0.15 -2.4 -1.25 -2.45 -1.95 -1.8 -2.7 -1.15 -2.7 0.45 L-2.7 7.85 -6.9 7.85 -6.9 -6.15 -2.7 -6.15 -2.7 -4.15 Q-2.1 -5.2 -1 -5.8 0.1 -6.45 1.35 -6.45 Z"/>
<g id=":m28-18svjv0b7">
<path stroke="none" fill="rgb(255,0,255)" d="M1.4 -9.75 Q2.55 -9.25 3.1 -8.25 L3.1 -10 7.15 -10 7.15 2.05 Q7.15 6.55 5.05 8.8 3 11 -0.75 11 -3.1 10.95 -4.9 9.8 -6.75 8.65 -7.65 6.65 L-5.95 5.8 -4.3 5 Q-4.05 5.65 -3.45 6.15 L-2.2 6.95 -0.75 7.25 Q0.85 7.2 1.7 6.55 2.6 5.9 2.9 4.8 3.2 3.7 3.1 2.25 L2.1 3.35 Q1.45 3.8 0.65 4.05 L-1.1 4.3 Q-2.9 4.3 -4.5 3.4 -6.05 2.5 -7.05 0.9 -8.05 -0.75 -8.05 -2.95 -8.05 -5.25 -7.05 -6.85 -6.05 -8.5 -4.5 -9.4 -2.9 -10.3 -1.1 -10.3 0.25 -10.3 1.4 -9.75 M3 -3.05 Q3 -4.1 2.55 -4.85 L1.3 -5.95 Q0.5 -6.35 -0.35 -6.35 L-2 -5.95 -3.25 -4.8 Q-3.7 -4.05 -3.7 -3.05 -3.7 -2 -3.25 -1.2 -2.8 -0.45 -2 -0.05 L-0.35 0.4 1.3 -0.05 2.5 -1.25 Q3 -2 3 -3.05"/>
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<g transform="matrix(2 0 0 2 50 20)" filter="url(#18t4a8dd8-2)">
