sbt 0.13 on Windows - Cannot Access Repositories - windows

I've gone through almost everything related to installing sbt on Window on stackoverflow (there are quite a few people having the same problem with me). However, the answer seems unclear/unreproducible on my machine.
Here is what I did:
Download sbt-0.13.13 on this site
Install it successfully and set the PATH
Try sbt version to see if it is installed successfully. Error
returned (as at the end of this post)
A few things we should know:
I already have JDK
I don't use Proxy on my computer (tested with netsh winhttp show
Someone said it is because sbt doesn't support ASCII character - but
the solution wasn't clear
problems summary
module not found: org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.11
local: tried
-- artifact org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.11!jansi.jar:
==== Maven Central: tried
-- artifact org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.11!jansi.jar:
==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
==== sbt-ivy-snapshots: tried
org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.11: not found
Server access Error: Permission denied: connect url=
Server access Error: Permission denied: connect url=
Server access Error: Permission denied: connect url=
Server access Error: Permission denied: connect url=

You could try to configure the use of IPV4 (not IPV6), as described in the accepted answer for this question:
Error while importing sbt project , Server Access error, unresolved dependencies

I was struggling with the same for a week. The only thing, that helped, was to uninstall sbt from the default location (c:\Program Files(x86)\sbt) and reinstall it to some location without spaces (I've installed it to d:\sbt).

Did you try taking a look in your sbt repositories file (likely to be c:\users\.sbt\repositories, and specifying http:// instead of https:// ?


How to resolve Plesk Error : Internal error: filemng failed

my website is no longer accessible. When I try to load my plesk file manager, im presented with the following error below.
Internal error: filemng failed: Unable to lookup SID for name TestWebSite: (1332) No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. (Error code 1)
I believe i'm on shared hosting so I can't RDP to the server. Any idea's what other options I have or how to resolve this issue/
Fix it in CLI with following commands:
"%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --repair-webspace-system-users -webspace-name
"%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --repair-webspace-security -webspace-name

Running Android Studio with an HTTP Proxy

I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Android Studio (3.0.1) at work to start a new tablet project. During setup it needed me to enter my proxy server information which I did. I created an empty project and it asked me to accept or reject a couple of certificates one from Google Inc (* and another from JetBrains s.r.o. ( I accepted them and they now show up in Settings -> Tools -> Server Certificates. It has been able to download a number of packages, but after everything appears to be installed I get a message "Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality will not work properly."
There are a number of error messages that look like this:
Unable to resolve dependency for ':app#debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve
Could not resolve
Required by:
project :app
> Could not resolve
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''.
I tried adding http and https proxy server information to the '' as suggested here.
That changed the error message to this:
Unable to resolve dependency for ':app#debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve
Could not resolve
Required by:
project :app
> Could not resolve
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''.
> PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
> PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
> unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Further digging came up with this. Adding the URL to FireFox allows me to download the appcompat-v7-26.1.0.pom file but does not provide a "HTTPS certificate chain" to export a certificate from. I am also not sure where I am supposed to get the keytool mentioned as well.
To verify that it is the proxy setup that is causing the problem I took my laptop home. Using my home network and turning off the HTTP Proxy caused a 3rd error (connection timed out) which was fixed by clearing the certificates. So it appears that the certificates accepted in Android Studio are used by at least part of the process. Now that I am back at work everything seems to work just fine.
There must be others out there running Android Studio with an HTTP Proxy set. What is the "correct" way of fixing this?
I replaced the file
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\jre\lib\security>\cacerts
with the file from the jre (%JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts).
The certificates in the new cacerts file directed the android jre to go through the proxy server.

Illegal Argument Exception: Unable to access BASE URL: httpHDP Installation

I'm trying to install HDP2.3 with ambari. I had already installed ambari client and server. In three nodes. When I'm selecting stack - I'm getting unable to access BASE URL error. Please see below error image.
Also in server logs, I can see the Error as:
Resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install hdp-select' returned 1. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: HDP-2.3. Please verify its path and try again
How can I resolve this issue?
for me maintaining the Internet-Proxy solved the issue.
Kind regards,

Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:1234/ failed with the error

I'm trying to load a web-project in VS2013 and I get the following error.
Full Error: Creation of the virtual directory http:/ /localhost:1234/ failed with the error: The IIS Express applicationHost.config file contains invalid entries and must be corrected.
I've tried different numbers. If I use a portnumber that is configured in IIS I get the error that it's already configured for another webapplication
some of the relevant configuration:
I had the same problem.
For me, decrypting IISExpress folder (that one with 'config', 'Logs' and 'TraceLogFiles' subfodlers) solved this issue.

hg clone using mercurial throws "getaddrinfo failed" error (windows 7)

I have created a public repository on bit bucket website. I can run the clone command from outside the office network (LAN).
But it is not working inside the office network. I am suspecting it is to do with firewall or proxy settings. I can access the URL from browser window (IE9/Chrome).
Please help in fixing this problem. Thanks.
hg clone
abort: error: getaddrinfo failed
PS: I went through other posts but it did not help.
Sounds like you might need to tell Mercurial what your proxy settings are. First hit for "mercurial proxy":
If you need to figure out what settings to use, you should probably look at what your IE settings are, e.g. by going to the Internet Properties | Connections | LAN Settings dialog.
If you find yourself on this page because you've hit a getaddr error when using the hg-git plugin with a username, it is likely that you've hit the Fails with username in URL (getaddreinfo failed) bug.
$ hg clone https://foo#stash/
abort: error: getaddrinfo failed
$ hg clone https://stash/
http authorization required for http://stash.....
realm: Atlassian Stash
user: ...
(Doesn't solve the original user's issue, but can be a cause of the same symptoms).
Just remove the http_proxy environment variable. (worked for me, after of 5 hours of headache).
Pls check whether you can access the repository directly first. e.g from web browser
For me, the solution was to set http_proxy env var.
In PyCharm mercurial clone dialog that was resolved by enabling the corporate vpn and setting up automatically detecting the proxy in Win 10. However, the PyCharm throwed some new exception like this:
6:03 PM Clone failed
Clone from your url here failed.
** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension hg4ideapromptextension
** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
** Please disable hg4ideapromptextension and try your action again.
** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
** Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 4.7.1)
** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, hg4ideapromptextension
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hg", line 41, in
