python3 argparse autocomplete fail - bash

i find some strange thing when i use arparse in python3.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
def create_parser():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True)
p.add_argument('-i', help='i parameter', required=True)
p.add_argument('-m', help='m parameter', required=True)
return p
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = create_parser()
n = p.parse_args()
when i try launch it with
python3 ./ -i ./some_folder/some_file -m ./
bash autocomplete work with '-i' parameter, but not work with '-m'. If i rename '-m' to '-me' for example, all works good.
In bash i try launch other commands with '-m' parameter, but it not work only with argparse. Where can there be a mistake here?

What happens here is that the autocompletion for the python3 comand kicks in:
$ complete | grep python
complete -F _python python2
complete -F _python python3
complete -F _python python
The function _python that handles it should look like this:
$ type _python
_python is a function
_python ()
local cur prev words cword;
_init_completion || return;
case $prev in
-'?' | -h | --help | -V | --version | -c)
return 0
_python_modules "$1";
return 0
COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "old new warn warnall" -- "$cur" ));
return 0
COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "ignore default all module once error" -- "$cur" ));
return 0
[[ $cword -lt 2 || ${words[cword-2]} != -#(Q|W) ]] && _filedir
local i;
for ((i=0; i < ${#words[#]}-1; i++ ))
if [[ ${words[i]} == -c ]]; then
if [[ "$cur" != -* ]]; then
_filedir 'py?([co])';
COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W '$( _parse_help "$1" -h )' -- "$cur" ));
return 0
The completion function treats the -m flag the same wheather it shows up as argument to python or to the script, so it tries to complete with a list of module names.
One way around this would be to use an alias for the python3 command that does not trigger the completion, e.g:
$ alias py3=python3
To make this persistent you can put it in your ~/.bashrc. Then you can use
$ py3 ./ -i ./some_folder/some_file -m ./[TAB]
which will use filename completion.
Or rename the -m flag to something else.


reading a file using read -r is behaving really weird with MINGW

I have the following snippet which works fine in the terminal app in ubuntu but the same code behaves weirdly in MINGW (a shell which git bash uses in windows).
while true;
while IFS=, read -r x owner login_name
echo "$x $owner $login_name" # putting this makes it work on MINGW
getVisitors "$x" "$owner" "$login_name"
function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
function getVisitors
echo "Running ${cmd} on ${machine}"
result=$(ssh -q -i "${key_file}" -o ConnectTimeout=1 -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t ${user}#${machine} ${cmd})
for visitor in ${result}
shopt -s nocasematch
if [[ ! "$visitor" =~ $myHostName.* ]];then
shopt -u nocasematch
if [[ $isMachineUp -ne 0 ]];then
if [[ $ips == "" ]];then
echo "Users found on $machine === > $ips"
addMachine $(join_by , "${ips}") "${machine}" "${team}"
The above code should keep looping forever and parse the "${machines}" file line by line which is a csv file like the one given below.
However, the code snippet just parses the first line in MINGW shell environment.

'Bad Substitution' sourcing an auto-completion script as non-root user

I am trying to source an auto-completion script as a non-root user but receive a 'Bad Substitution' error message.
I am able to source it as root though.
On a other server I am able to source the script as non-root user.
I am guessing it is not a permission issue since I receive the same error trying to source a copy of the script with full permissions.
I have tried to echo all the environment variables used in the script, no issue there.
As the auto-completion script is packaged with the software I use I would rather not modify it.
Anyone would have a hint on what could be missing to the user so I can source the script from it ?
Thanks in advance for any idea!
ps output:
3261 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
73620 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
Error only as non-root user:
/opt/splunk/share/splunk/ 7: /opt/splunk/share/splunk/ Bad substitution
# Vainstein K 12aug2013
# # # Check a few prereqs.
feature='"splunk <verb> <object>" tab-completion'
[ `basename $SHELL` != 'bash' ] && echo "Sorry, $feature is only for bash" >&2 && return 11
[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ] && echo "Sorry, $feature only works with bash 4.0 or higher" >&2 && return 12
[ `type -t complete` != 'builtin' ] && echo "Sorry, $feature requires a bash that supports programmable command completion" >&2 && return 13
die () {
echo "(exit=$?) $#" >&2 && exit 42
ifSourced () { # do NOT exit(1) from this function!
local readonly tempfile=`pwd`/tmp--cli-completion--$$
rm -f $tempfile
$BASH ${BASH_ARGV[0]} --populateTempfile $tempfile
[ $? -eq 0 ] || return
[ -e $tempfile ] || return
. $tempfile
rm -f $tempfile
# # # Associate the completion function with the splunk binary.
local readonly completionFunction=fSplunkComplete
complete -r splunk 2>/dev/null
complete -F $completionFunction splunk
# You can view the completion function anytime via: $ type fSplunkComplete
ifInvoked () { # all error checking happens in this function
local readonly debug=false
local readonly tempfile=$1
$debug && echo "Told that tempfile=$tempfile"
# # # If anything goes wrong, at least we don't pollute cwd with our tempfile.
$debug || trap "rm -f $tempfile" SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM SIGABRT SIGPIPE
touch $tempfile || die "Cannot touch tempfile=$tempfile"
# # # Decide where SPLUNK_HOME is.
if [ "$(dirname $(pwd))" == 'bin' ]; then
local readonly splunkHome=$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))
elif [ -n "$SPLUNK_HOME" ]; then
local readonly splunkHome=$SPLUNK_HOME
die 'Cannot figure out where SPLUNK_HOME is'
$debug && echo "Decided SPLUNK_HOME=$splunkHome"
# # # Check that splunk (the binary) exists.
local readonly splunkBinary=$splunkHome/bin/splunk
[ -e $splunkBinary -a -x $splunkBinary ] || die "Cannot find expected binary=$splunkBinary"
# # # Find the file with object->{verb1,verb2,...} map.
local readonly splunkrcCmdsXml=$splunkHome/etc/system/static/splunkrc_cmds.xml
[ -e $splunkrcCmdsXml ] || die "Cannot find expected file $splunkrcCmdsXml"
$debug && echo "Shall read verb-obj info from: $splunkrcCmdsXml"
# # # Parse the map file, and generate our internal verb->{objA,objB,...} map.
local -A verb_to_objects
local line object verb objectsForThisVerb lineNumber=0
local inItem=false
local readonly regex_depr='\<depr\>'
local readonly regex_verb='\<verb\>'
local readonly regex_synonym='\<synonym\>'
while read line; do
if $inItem; then
if [[ $line =~ '</item>' ]]; then
$debug && echo "Exited item tag at line=$lineNumber; this was obj=$object"
elif [[ $line =~ '<cmd name' && ! $line =~ $regex_depr && ! $line =~ $regex_synonym ]]; then
[ -z "$object" ] && die "BUG: No object within item tag. (At line $lineNumber of $splunkrcCmdsXml)"
verb=${line#*\"} # remove shortest match of .*" from the front
verb=${verb%%\"*} # remove longest match of ".* from the back
[ "$verb" == '_internal' ] && continue # Why the... eh, moving on.
objectsForThisVerb="$objectsForThisVerb $object"
$debug && echo "Mapped object=$object to verb=$verb at line=$lineNumber; now objectsForThisVerb='$objectsForThisVerb'"
else # ! inItem
if [[ $line =~ '<item obj' && ! $line =~ $regex_depr && ! $line =~ $regex_verb && ! $line =~ $regex_synonym ]]; then
object=${line#*\"} # remove shortest match of .*" from the front
object=${object%%\"*} # remove longest match of ".* from the back
$debug && echo "Entered item tag at line=$lineNumber, parsed object=$object"
[ "$object" == 'on' ] && inItem=false # Do not expose Amrit's puerile jest.
[ "$object" == 'help' ] && inItem=false # Although 'help' is a verb, splunkrc_cmds.xml constructs it as an object; ugh. We'll deal with the objects (topics) of 'splunk help' separately, below.
done < $splunkrcCmdsXml
$debug && echo "Processed $lineNumber lines. Map keys: ${!verb_to_objects[*]}, values: ${verb_to_objects[#]}"
# # # Oh wait, '<verb> deploy-server' aren't in splunkrc_cmds.xml; thanks, Jojy!!!!!
for verb in reload enable disable display; do
objectsForThisVerb="$objectsForThisVerb deploy-server"
# # # Find the file with topics understood by 'splunk help <topic>' command, and extract list of topics.
local readonly literalsPy=$splunkHome/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/clilib/
[ -e $literalsPy ] || die "Cannot find expected file $literalsPy"
$debug && echo "Shall read help topics list from: $literalsPy"
local readonly helpTopics=$(sed '/^addHelp/! d; s/^addHelp//; s/,.*$//; s/[^a-zA-Z_-]/ /g; s/^[ ]*//; s/[ ].*$//; /^$/ d' $literalsPy | sort | uniq)
$debug && echo "Parsed help topics list as: $helpTopics"
# # # Write the completion function to tempfile: BEGIN.
local readonly completionFunction=fSplunkComplete
echo -e 'function '$completionFunction' () {' >> $tempfile
echo -e '\tlocal wordCur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}' >> $tempfile
echo -e '\tlocal wordPrev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}' >> $tempfile
echo -e '\tcase $wordPrev in' >> $tempfile
# # # What can follow 'splunk' itself? Verbs used in main.c to key the 'cmd_handlers' array; and verbs from splunkrc_cmds.xml; and 'help'.
local readonly keys__cmd_handlers='ftr start startnoss stop restart restartss status rebuild train fsck clean-dispatch clean-srtemp validate verifyconfig anonymize find clean createssl juststopit migrate --version -version version httpport soapport spool ftw envvars _RAW_envvars _port_check cmd _rest_xml_dump search dispatch rtsearch livetail _normalizepath _internal logout btool pooling _web_bootstart offline clone-prep-clear-config diag'
local allVerbs="${!verb_to_objects[*]}"
echo -e '\t\tsplunk)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "'$keys__cmd_handlers $allVerbs' help" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
# # # What can follow 'splunk _internal'? see cmd_internal() of main.c
local readonly actions_internal='http mgmt https pre-flight-checks check-db call rpc rpc-auth soap-call soap-call-auth prefixcount totalcount check-xml-files first-time-run make-splunkweb-certs-and-var-run-merged'
echo -e '\t\t_internal)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "'$actions_internal'" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
# # # Options to 'splunk clean' are in CLI::clean() of src/main/Clean.cpp; to 'splunk fsck', in usageBanner of src/main/Fsck.cpp; to 'splunk migrate', in CLI::migrate() of src/main/Migration.cpp
echo -e '\t\tclean)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "all eventdata globaldata userdata inputdata locks deployment-artifacts raft" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
echo -e '\t\tfsck)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "scan repair clear-bloomfilter make-searchable" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
echo -e '\t\tmigrate)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "input-records to-modular-inputs rename-cluster-app" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
# # # List the help topics.
echo -e '\t\thelp)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "'$helpTopics'" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
# # # What can follow 'splunk cmd'? any executable in SPLUNK_HOME/bin/
echo -e '\t\tcmd)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o default -o filenames -G "'$splunkHome'/bin/*" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
# # # Finally, let each verb be completed by its objects.
for verb in $allVerbs; do
echo -e '\t\t'$verb')\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "'${verb_to_objects[$verb]}'" -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
# # # And if we've run out of suggestions, revert to bash's default completion behavior: filename completion.
echo -e '\t\t*)\n\t\t\tCOMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f -- $wordCur) ) ;;' >> $tempfile
echo -e '\tesac' >> $tempfile
echo -e '}' >> $tempfile
$debug && cp $tempfile $tempfile~bak
# # # Write the completion function to tempfile: DONE.
# # # Sanity check: source the tempfile, make sure that the function we wrote can be parsed and loaded by the shell.
unset $completionFunction
. $tempfile
[ "`type -t $completionFunction`" == 'function' ] || die 'BUG: generated completion function cannot be parsed by bash'
if [ $SHLVL -eq 1 ]; then
[ $# -ge 1 ] && echo "Ignoring supplied arguments: $#" >&2
elif [ $SHLVL -eq 2 ]; then
if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ $1 == '--populateTempfile' ]; then
ifInvoked $2
echo -e "This script must be sourced, like so:\n\n\t\033[1m. $0\033[0m\n"
: # user is running screen(1) or something of the sort.
# # # Clean up.
unset die ifSourced ifInvoked
xtrace output
++ feature='"splunk <verb> <object>" tab-completion'
+++ basename /bin/bash
++ '[' bash '!=' bash ']'
++ '[' 4 -lt 4 ']'
+++ type -t complete
++ '[' builtin '!=' builtin ']'
++ '[' 1 -eq 1 ']'
++ '[' 0 -ge 1 ']'
++ ifSourced
+++ pwd
++ local readonly tempfile=/home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--12431
++ rm -f /home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--12431
++ /bin/sh --populateTempfile /home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--12431
+ feature="splunk <verb> <object>" tab-completion
+ basename /bin/bash
+ [ bash != bash ] 8: Bad substitution
++ '[' 2 -eq 0 ']'
++ return
++ unset die ifSourced ifInvoked
When using
set -o verbose
set -o noglob
set -o noglob
and checking differences between OK (root) and failing (non-root) run.
OK side:
+++ basename /bin/bash
++ '[' bash '!=' bash ']'
[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ] && echo "Sorry, $feature only works with bash 4.0 or higher" >&2 && return 12
++ '[' 4 -lt 4 ']'
++ local readonly tempfile=/home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--42064
++ rm -f /home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--42064
++ /bin/bash --populateTempfile /home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--42064
+ set -o verbose
set -o noglob
+ set -o noglob
# Vainstein K 12aug2013
[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ] && echo "Sorry, $feature only works with bash 4.0 or higher" >&2 && return 12
+ '[' 4 -lt 4 ']'
Failing side:
+++ basename /bin/bash
++ '[' bash '!=' bash ']'
[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ] && echo "Sorry, $feature only works with bash 4.0 or higher" >&2 && return 12
++ '[' 4 -lt 4 ']'
++ local readonly tempfile=/home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--40686
++ rm -f /home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--40686
++ /bin/sh --populateTempfile /home/splunk/tmp--cli-completion--40686
+ set -o verbose
set -o noglob
+ set -o noglob
# Vainstein K 12aug2013
# # # Check a few prereqs.
feature='"splunk <verb> <object>" tab-completion'
+ feature="splunk <verb> <object>" tab-completion
[ `basename $SHELL` != 'bash' ] && echo "Sorry, $feature is only for bash" >&2 && return 11
+ basename /bin/bash
+ [ bash != bash ]
[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ] && echo "Sorry, $feature only works with bash 4.0 or higher" >&2 && return 12 10: Bad substitution
++ '[' 2 -eq 0 ']'
++ return
# # # Clean up.
unset die ifSourced ifInvoked
++ unset die ifSourced ifInvoked
Seems like as non-root, it runs as /bin/sh whereas as 'bash' as root.
Weird because I tried multiple things to force bash there, maybe not the right ones.
It also fail at line 7 even though the first loop succeeds.
This should do the trick (line 7):
[ $(type -t complete) != 'builtin' ] && echo "Sorry, $feature requires a bash that supports programmable command completion" >&2 && return 13
Turns out from trace output that /bin/sh was used instead of /bin/bash to launch the script because /bin/bash was not set as default shell.
I have changed the default shell to /bin/bash and it is all ok now :)
I have used this method to set /bin/bash as default shell :
grep /etc/passwd
chsh --shell /bin/bash
Check modification:
grep /etc/passwd
Thanks for the help!

Completion doesn't work "properly" when it is aliased

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with bash v4.3.46.
I set an alias "p" to "python3". By writing this in .bashrc
alias p='python3'
Completion doesn't work properly when aliased. (It shows in-executable files for python, too)
$p <tab> a.txt b.txt c.txt hoge/
Compared with normal command: (This only shows executable files)
$python3 <tab> hoge/
What I tried:
When I checked the completion for python3,
$complete -p python3
complete -F _python python3
Therefore, I added the following in .bashrc
complete -F _python p
And now, I got:
$complete -p p
complete -F _python p
It seems to be working, however, I got the same result as the beginning.
------- Added --------
I found the definition of _python at /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/python3
# bash completion for python -*- shell-script -*-
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$( ${1:-python} -c 'import pkgutil
for mod in pkgutil.iter_modules(): print(mod[1])' )" 2>/dev/null -- "$cur" ) )
local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return
case $prev in
return 0
_python_modules "$1"
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "old new warn warnall" -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "ignore default all module once error" \
-- "$cur" ) )
return 0
[[ $cword -lt 2 || ${words[cword-2]} != -#(Q|W) ]] \
&& _filedir
# if '-c' is already given, complete all kind of files.
local i
for (( i=0; i < ${#words[#]}-1; i++ )); do
if [[ ${words[i]} == -c ]]; then
if [[ "$cur" != -* ]]; then
_filedir 'py?([co])'
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _parse_help "$1" -h )' -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
} &&
complete -F _python python python2 python3
# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh
editing this seems to be fine.
Could you tell me how shoud I edit this?
To edit this, I need sudo, is there any other way that doesn't use sudo?
Thank you.
The problem is that this case statement: !(?(*/)python*([0-9.])|-?)) is restricting the tab completion to only aliases/commands that have the word python in them.
If you change that case statement to be: !(*|-h)) or even !(p|-h)) then your autocomplete should work.
I would personally just add the modified code to my .bashrc... something like the following, just renaming the functions and doing the aliasing:
# bash completion for python -*- shell-script -*-
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$( ${1:-python} -c 'import pkgutil
for mod in pkgutil.iter_modules(): print(mod[1])' )" 2>/dev/null -- "$cur" ) )
local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return
case $prev in
return 0
_python_modules_cust "$1"
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "old new warn warnall" -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "ignore default all module once error" \
-- "$cur" ) )
return 0
[[ $cword -lt 2 || ${words[cword-2]} != -#(Q|W) ]] \
&& _filedir
# if '-c' is already given, complete all kind of files.
local i
for (( i=0; i < ${#words[#]}-1; i++ )); do
if [[ ${words[i]} == -c ]]; then
if [[ "$cur" != -* ]]; then
_filedir 'py?([co])'
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _parse_help "$1" -h )' -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
} &&
alias p='python3' &&
complete -F _python_cust p
# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh

Bash : create file with name from function parameter [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
"~/Desktop/test.txt: No such file or directory"
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I want to append things to a file in a way that uses sudo if needed, here's what I have so far :
# create file if doesn't exist, with right permission
[[ ! -s $2 ]] && touch "$2" || [[ ! -s $2 ]] && sudo touch "$2" # line 1
# append stuff to it
[[ -w $2 ]] && curl -sSL $1 >> $2 || sudo bash -c "curl -sSL $1 >> $2"
[[ -w $2 ]] && echo -e "\n" >> $2 || sudo bash -c "echo -e \"\n\""
getAndAppend $url $file
However line 1 doesn't work in that the output will be something like ~/.wot: No such file or directory
Then of course the file won't exist and the following lines cannot work properly.
How could I fix that ? Thank you ! Any other comment or approach is welcome of course !
Quotes prevent tilde expansion.
By the way -- you can do better than plastering sudo in front of every command that needs to emit output to your destination file. Consider:
# Note that this requires bash 4.1 for automatic FD allocation
# otherwise, modify it to hardcode a FD number for our backup.
withOutputToFile() {
local orig_stdout retval
exec {orig_stdout}>&1 || return
if ! exec >"$1"; then
if ! exec > >(sudo tee -- "$1"); then
exec >&$orig_stdout
return 1
"$#"; retval=$?
exec >&$orig_stdout {orig_stdout}>&-
return "$retval"
That's a mouthful, sure, but once you have it you can use it to wrap any function:
getAndAppend() {
curl "$1" && printf '\n'
withOutputToFile /path/to/your/file getAndAppend

Determine if a function exists in bash

Currently I'm doing some unit tests which are executed from bash. Unit tests are initialized, executed and cleaned up in a bash script. This script usualy contains an init(), execute() and cleanup() functions. But they are not mandatory. I'd like to test if they are or are not defined.
I did this previously by greping and seding the source, but it seemed wrong. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
Edit: The following sniplet works like a charm:
LC_ALL=C type $1 | grep -q 'shell function'
Like this: [[ $(type -t foo) == function ]] && echo "Foo exists"
The built-in type command will tell you whether something is a function, built-in function, external command, or just not defined.
Additional examples:
$ LC_ALL=C type foo
bash: type: foo: not found
$ LC_ALL=C type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto'
$ which type
$ LC_ALL=C type type
type is a shell builtin
$ LC_ALL=C type -t rvm
$ if [ -n "$(LC_ALL=C type -t rvm)" ] && [ "$(LC_ALL=C type -t rvm)" = function ]; then echo rvm is a function; else echo rvm is NOT a function; fi
rvm is a function
The builtin bash command declare has an option -F that displays all defined function names. If given name arguments, it will display which of those functions exist, and if all do it will set status accordingly:
$ fn_exists() { declare -F "$1" > /dev/null; }
$ unset f
$ fn_exists f && echo yes || echo no
$ f() { return; }
$ fn_exist f && echo yes || echo no
If declare is 10x faster than test, this would seem the obvious answer.
Edit: Below, the -f option is superfluous with BASH, feel free to leave it out. Personally, I have trouble remembering which option does which, so I just use both. -f shows functions, and -F shows function names.
function_exists() {
declare -f -F $1 > /dev/null
return $?
function_exists function_name && echo Exists || echo No such function
The "-F" option to declare causes it to only return the name of the found function, rather than the entire contents.
There shouldn't be any measurable performance penalty for using /dev/null, and if it worries you that much:
fname=`declare -f -F $1`
[ -n "$fname" ] && echo Declare -f says $fname exists || echo Declare -f says $1 does not exist
Or combine the two, for your own pointless enjoyment. They both work.
fname=`declare -f -F $1`
(( ! errorlevel )) && echo Errorlevel says $1 exists || echo Errorlevel says $1 does not exist
[ -n "$fname" ] && echo Declare -f says $fname exists || echo Declare -f says $1 does not exist
Borrowing from other solutions and comments, I came up with this:
fn_exists() {
# appended double quote is an ugly trick to make sure we do get a string -- if $1 is not a known command, type does not output anything
[ `type -t $1`"" == 'function' ]
Used as ...
if ! fn_exists $FN; then
echo "Hey, $FN does not exist ! Duh."
exit 2
It checks if the given argument is a function, and avoids redirections and other grepping.
Dredging up an old post ... but I recently had use of this and tested both alternatives described with :
test_declare () {
a () { echo 'a' ;}
declare -f a > /dev/null
test_type () {
a () { echo 'a' ;}
type a | grep -q 'is a function'
echo 'declare'
time for i in $(seq 1 1000); do test_declare; done
echo 'type'
time for i in $(seq 1 100); do test_type; done
this generated :
real 0m0.064s
user 0m0.040s
sys 0m0.020s
real 0m2.769s
user 0m1.620s
sys 0m1.130s
declare is a helluvalot faster !
Testing different solutions:
test_declare () {
declare -f f > /dev/null
test_declare2 () {
declare -F f > /dev/null
test_type () {
type -t f | grep -q 'function'
test_type2 () {
[[ $(type -t f) = function ]]
funcs=(test_declare test_declare2 test_type test_type2)
test () {
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do $1; done
f () {
echo 'This is a test function.'
echo 'This has more than one command.'
return 0
post='(f is function)'
for j in 1 2 3; do
for func in ${funcs[#]}; do
echo $func $post
time test $func
echo exit code $?; echo
case $j in
1) unset -f f
post='(f unset)'
2) f='string'
post='(f is string)'
outputs e.g.:
test_declare (f is function)
real 0m0,055s user 0m0,041s sys 0m0,004s exit code 0
test_declare2 (f is function)
real 0m0,042s user 0m0,022s sys 0m0,017s exit code 0
test_type (f is function)
real 0m2,200s user 0m1,619s sys 0m1,008s exit code 0
test_type2 (f is function)
real 0m0,746s user 0m0,534s sys 0m0,237s exit code 0
test_declare (f unset)
real 0m0,040s user 0m0,029s sys 0m0,010s exit code 1
test_declare2 (f unset)
real 0m0,038s user 0m0,038s sys 0m0,000s exit code 1
test_type (f unset)
real 0m2,438s user 0m1,678s sys 0m1,045s exit code 1
test_type2 (f unset)
real 0m0,805s user 0m0,541s sys 0m0,274s exit code 1
test_declare (f is string)
real 0m0,043s user 0m0,034s sys 0m0,007s exit code 1
test_declare2 (f is string)
real 0m0,039s user 0m0,035s sys 0m0,003s exit code 1
test_type (f is string)
real 0m2,394s user 0m1,679s sys 0m1,035s exit code 1
test_type2 (f is string)
real 0m0,851s user 0m0,554s sys 0m0,294s exit code 1
So declare -F f seems to be the best solution.
It boils down to using 'declare' to either check the output or exit code.
Output style:
isFunction() { [[ "$(declare -Ff "$1")" ]]; }
isFunction some_name && echo yes || echo no
However, if memory serves, redirecting to null is faster than output substitution (speaking of, the awful and out-dated `cmd` method should be banished and $(cmd) used instead.) And since declare returns true/false if found/not found, and functions return the exit code of the last command in the function so an explicit return is usually not necessary, and since checking the error code is faster than checking a string value (even a null string):
Exit status style:
isFunction() { declare -Ff "$1" >/dev/null; }
That's probably about as succinct and benign as you can get.
From my comment on another answer (which I keep missing when I come back to this page)
$ fn_exists() { test x$(type -t $1) = xfunction; }
$ fn_exists func1 && echo yes || echo no
$ func1() { echo hi from func1; }
$ func1
hi from func1
$ fn_exists func1 && echo yes || echo no
Invocation of a function if defined.
Known function name. Let's say the name is my_function, then use
[[ "$(type -t my_function)" == 'function' ]] && my_function;
# or
[[ "$(declare -fF my_function)" ]] && my_function;
Function's name is stored in a variable. If we declare func=my_function, then we can use
[[ "$(type -t $func)" == 'function' ]] && $func;
# or
[[ "$(declare -fF $func)" ]] && $func;
The same results with || instead of &&
(Such a logic inversion could be useful during coding)
[[ "$(type -t my_function)" != 'function' ]] || my_function;
[[ ! "$(declare -fF my_function)" ]] || my_function;
[[ "$(type -t $func)" != 'function' ]] || $func;
[[ ! "$(declare -fF $func)" ]] || $func;
Strict mode and precondition checks
We have set -e as a strict mode.
We use || return in our function in a precondition.
This forces our shell process to be terminated.
# Set a strict mode for script execution. The essence here is "-e"
set -euf +x -o pipefail
function run_if_exists(){
[[ "$(type -t $my_function)" == 'function' ]] || return;
run_if_exists non_existing_function
echo "you will never reach this code"
The above is an equivalent of
set -e
function run_if_exists(){
return 1;
which kills your process.
Use || { true; return; } instead of || return; in preconditions to fix this.
[[ "$(type -t my_function)" == 'function' ]] || { true; return; }
This tells you if it exists, but not that it's a function
type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1;
[[ $(type -t $1) == function ]] && return 0
isFunc ()
[[ $(type -t $1) == function ]]
$ isFunc isFunc
$ echo $?
$ isFunc dfgjhgljhk
$ echo $?
$ isFunc psgrep && echo yay
I would improve it to:
type $1 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'is a function'
And use it like this:
fn_exists test_function
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'Function exists!'
echo 'Function does not exist...'
I particularly liked solution from Grégory Joseph
But I've modified it a little bit to overcome "double quote ugly trick":
function is_executable()
typeset TYPE_RESULT="`type -t $1`"
if [ "$TYPE_RESULT" == 'function' ]; then
return 0
return 1
It is possible to use 'type' without any external commands, but you have to call it twice, so it still ends up about twice as slow as the 'declare' version:
test_function () {
! type -f $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && type -t $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
Plus this doesn't work in POSIX sh, so it's totally worthless except as trivia!
You can check them in 4 ways
fn_exists() { type -t $1 >/dev/null && echo 'exists'; }
fn_exists() { declare -F $1 >/dev/null && echo 'exists'; }
fn_exists() { typeset -F $1 >/dev/null && echo 'exists'; }
fn_exists() { compgen -A function $1 >/dev/null && echo 'exists'; }
