Rendering 2D image using Direct3D - winapi

I am trying to replace my GDIPlus rendering with Direct3D. I am rendering some large images of the order (10K x 10K) and it gets really slow with GDI. I am now rendering the image as texture onto a Quad using Direct3D. The image does render but the quality is really off when the image is zoomed out.
I am using the following filters.
m_pDevice3D->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR);
m_pDevice3D->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR);
//m_pDevice3D->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MAXANISOTROPY, 4);
m_pDevice3D->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR);
I have already tried rendering using Anisotropic filter already with no significant improvement.

You can not render a large image on a small surface with a good quality without paying the price of an extensive filtering.
This is a signal processing issue named aliasing. To reproduce a signal, you need a medium that has at least twice the resolution or the spectrum will fold on itself.
In 3D rendering, the typical way to do it is by generating a mipchain. It consists of pre filtered version of the image dividing the resolution by two until we reach a size of 1x1. The GPU is then able to pick the proper version.
If your image is dynamic, and you know the display area, you will prefer a runtime filtering, but to do that with a GPU, you will have to recent direct x version with shaders or work with temporary offscreen surface to ping pong the reduction step by step.


Image downsampling performance

I'm working with image recognition (marker detection) and was looking into image downsampling pre-recognition to boost performance. Reasoning is I'll downsample the image, run the detection algorithm on that and then interpolate the marker coordinates using the downsampling factor. I thought that downsampling cost would be trivial since it's being done all the time by our gpu .
So I tried using opencv to downsample and saw that not only did I not get any improvements, it actually took even longer. I then figured it was because I was making the cpu do it, so I looked into downsampling using opengl mipmaps or even shaders but from what I've read it still remains a costly task, taking tens or even hundreds of milliseconds to halve common image resolutions.
My question is, if downsampling is being continuously done with apparent ease (think resizing an image on any image viewer or any texture in a videogame) why is it so slow using the most common methods? Is there some secret technique or am I just not understanding something?
You can set your image as texture and use this texture on quad. Changing texture coordinates you'll be able to do any transformation on your image. And it's very fast method. Bottleneck here is copying image from host to device and back.

Augment reality like zookazam

What algorithms are used for augmented reality like zookazam ?
I think it analyze image and find planes by contrast, but i don't know how.
What topics should I read before starting with app like this?
This is extremly broad topic and mostly off topic in it's current state. I reedited your question but to make your question answerable within the rules/possibilities of this site
You should specify more closely what your augmented reality:
should do
adding 2D/3D objects with known mesh ...
changing light conditions
adding/removing body parts/clothes/hairs ...
a good idea is to provide some example image (sketch) of input/output of what you want to achieve.
what input it has
video,static image, 2D,stereo,3D. For pure 2D input specify what conditions/markers/illumination/LASER patterns you have to help the reconstruction.
what will be in the input image? empty room, persons, specific objects etc.
specify target platform
many algorithms are limited to memory size/bandwidth, CPU power, special HW capabilities etc so it is a good idea to add tag for your platform. The OS and language is also a good idea to add.
[How augmented reality works]
acquire input image
if you are connecting to some device like camera you need to use its driver/framework or something to obtain the image or use some common API it supports. This task is OS dependent. My favorite way on Windows is to use VFW (video for windows) API.
I would start with some static file(s) from start instead to ease up the debug and incremental building process. (you do not need to wait for camera and stuff to happen on each build). And when your App is ready for live video then switch back to camera...
reconstruct the scene into 3D mesh
if you use 3D cameras like Kinect then this step is not necessary. Otherwise you need to distinguish the object by some segmentation process usually based on the edge detections or color homogenity.
The quality of the 3D mesh depends on what you want to achieve and what is your input. For example if you want realistic shadows and lighting then you need very good mesh. If the camera is fixed in some room you can predefine the mesh manually (hard code it) and compute just the objects in view. Also the objects detection/segmentation can be done very simply by substracting the empty room image from current view image so the pixels with big difference are the objects.
you can also use planes instead of real 3D mesh as you suggested in the OP but then you can forget about more realistic quality of effects like lighting,shadows,intersections... if you assume the objects are standing straight then you can use room metrics to obtain the distance from camera. see:
selection criteria for different projections
estimate measure of photographed things
For pure 2D input you can also use the illumination to estimate the 3D mesh see:
Turn any 2D image into 3D printable sculpture with code
Just render the scene back to some image/video/screen... with added/removed features. If you are not changing the light conditions too much you can also use the original image and render directly to it. Shadows can be achieved by darkening the pixels ... For better results with this the illumination/shadows/spots/etc. are usually filtered out from the original image and then added directly by rendering instead. see
White balance (Color Suppression) Formula?
Enhancing dynamic range and normalizing illumination
The rendering process itself is also platform dependent (unless you are doing it by low level graphics in memory). You can use things like GDI,DX,OpenGL,... see:
Graphics rendering
You also need camera parameters for rendering like:
Transformation of 3D objects related to vanishing points and horizon line
[Basic topics to google/read]
DIP digital image processing
Image Segmentation
Vector math
Homogenous coordinates
3D scene reconstruction
3D graphics
normal shading
paltform dependent
image acquisition

How to get good performance on the gfx card with images larger than the max texture size?

At work, I work with very large images.
I currently do my rendering via SDL2.
The max texture size on the graphics card my machine uses is 8192x8192.
Because my data sets are larger than what will fit in a single texture, I split my image into multiple textures after it is loaded, and tile them.
However, I have found that this comes at a very steep cost. Rendering only 4 textures around 5K by 5K (pixels) each completely tanks the framerate!
Conventional wisdom tells me that the fewer texture swaps the better, but with such large images I've found myself between a rock and a hard place.
One thing I've considered is that perhaps if I were to chunck the images up into many small textures, I could take advantage of culling which would hopefully be a net win. But there's a big problem with that approach - I need to be able to zoom out.
Another option would be to down scale the images. This seems promising as the analysis I am doing on the images do not require the high resolution that the images provide.
I know that OpenGL has mipmapping, but I am inexperienced with OpenGL and am weary of diving into it for a work project. I am not aware of a good way to downscale the images within the confines of SDL2, and for reasons specific to the work I am doing, scaling the images down offline (before I load them) is not appealing.
What is the best approach for me to get the highest framerate in this situation?

Is it better to use a single texture or multiple textures for a YUV image

This question is for OpenGL ES 2.0 (on Android) but may be more general to OpenGL.
Ultimately all performance questions are implementation-dependent, but if anyone can answer this question in general or based on their experience that would be helpful. I'm writing some test code as well.
I have a YUV (12bpp) image I'm loading into a texture and color-converting in my fragment shader. Everything works fine but I'd like to see where I can improve performance (in terms of frames per second).
Currently I'm actually loading three textures for each image - one for the Y component (of type GL_LUMINANCE), one for the U component (of type GL_LUMINANCE and of course 1/4 the size of the Y component), and one for the V component (of type GL_LUMINANCE and of course 1/4 the size of the Y component).
Assuming I can get the YUV pixels in any arrangement (e.g. the U and V in separate planes or interspersed), would it be better to consolidate the three textures into only two or only one? Obviously it's the same number of bytes to push to the GPU no matter how you do it, but maybe with fewer textures there would be less overhead. At the very least, it would use fewer texture units. My ideas:
If the U and V pixels were interspersed with each other, I could load them in a single texture of type GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA which has two components.
I could load the entire YUV image as a single texture (of type GL_LUMINANCE but 3/2 the size of the image) and then in the fragment shader I could call texture2D() three times on the same texture, doing a bit of arithmetic figure out the correct co-ordinates to pass to texture2D to get the correct texture co-ordinates for the Y, U and V components.
I would combine the data into as few textures as possible. Fewer textures is usually a better option for a few reasons.
Fewer state changes to setup the draw call.
The fewer texture fetches in a fragment shader the better.
Less upload time.
I understand some of these are focused on more specific hardware, but the principles apply to most Mobile graphics architectures.
Best Practices for Working with Texture Data
Optimize OpenGL for Tegra
Optimizing performance of a heavy fragment shader
"Binding to a texture takes time for OpenGL ES to process. Apps that reduce the number of changes they make to OpenGL ES state perform better. "
"In my experience mobile GPU performance is roughly proportional to the number of texture2D calls." "There are two texture loads, so the minimum cycle count for the texture sub-unit is two." (Tegra has a texture unit which has to run a cycle for reach texture read)
"making calls to the glTexSubImage and glCopyTexSubImage functions particularly expensive" - upload operations must stall the pipeline until textures are uploaded. It is faster to batch these into a single upload than block a bunch of separate times.

OpenGL tile rendering: most efficient way?

I am creating a tile-based 2D game as a way of learning basic "modern" OpenGL concepts. I'm using shaders with OpenGL 2.1., and am familiar with the rendering pipeline and how to actually draw geometry on-screen. What I'm wondering is the best way to organize a tilemap to render quickly and efficiently. I have thought of several potential methods:
1.) Store the quad representing a single tile (vertices and texture coordinates) in a VBO and render each tile with a separate draw* call, translating it to the correct position onscreen and using uniform2i to give the location in the texture atlas for that particular tile;
2.) Keep a VBO containing every tile onscreen (already-computed screen coordinates and texture atlas coordinates), using BufferSubData to update the tiles every frame but using a single draw* call;
3.) Keep VBOs containing static NxN "chunks" of tiles, drawing however many chunks of tiles are at least partially visible onscreen and translating them each into position.
*I'd like to stay away from the last option if possible unless rendering chunks of 64x64 is not too inefficient. Tiles are loaded into memory in blocks of that size, and even though only about 20x40 tiles are visible onscreen at a time, I would have to render up to four chunks at once. This method would also complicate my code in several other ways.
So, which of these is the most efficient way to render a screen of tiles? Are there any better methods?
You could do any one of these and they would probably be fine; what you're proposing to render is very, very simple.
#1 will definitely be worse in principle than the other options, because you would be drawing many extremely simple “models” rather than letting the GPU do a whole lot of batch work on one draw call. However, if you have only 20×40 = 800 tiles visible on screen at once, then this is a trivial amount of work for any modern CPU and GPU (unless you're doing some crazy fragment shader).
I recommend you go with whichever is simplest to program for you, so that you can continue work on your game. I imagine this would be #1, or possibly #2. If and when you find yourself with a performance problem, do whichever of #2 or #3 (64×64 sounds like a fine chunk size) lets you spend the least CPU time on your program's part of drawing (i.e. updating the buffer(s)).
I've been recently learning modern OpenGL myself, through OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android. The OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide recommends an "array of structures", that is,
"Store vertex attributes together in a single buffer. The structure represents all attributes of a vertex and we have an array of these attributes per vertex."
While this may seem like it would initially consume a lot of space, it allows for efficient rendering using VBOs and flexibility in texture mapping each tile. I recently did a tiled hex grid using interleaved arrays containing vertex, normals, color, and texture data for a 20x20 tile hex grid on a Droid 2. So far things are running smoothly.
