How to change Joomla broken Jooma link to new one - joomla

I'm stuck for about 2 hours now and can't solve this issue.
On this page, there are 6 links starting by (Advocacy) and finishing by (Research) located on the Left side of the page.
I need to re-link each of these link to the correct article.
I have all the articles in place, but I'm unable to link them to they respective articles.
I tried to go to "Menu Items" but it doesn't appear to be Menu as I tried to link but have not worked.
Please can you help?

It looks like it might be a custom HTML module which can be edited in Extensions -> Modules.


Magento 2.2.3 Top category menu suddenly disappeared

Sorry in advance I'm not very familiar with Magento.
I am working on a Magento Web Shop and one day the top navigation, where you can open the categories, just disappeared. I tried searching in the vendor folder for the Block or templates for it but no success there. Didn't find a solution in the Admin panel as well. Searched in Google, but the only thing I found was about Varnish, which I'm not using.
I'm open to any suggestions and questions.
Look in Vendor/magento/module_theme/view/frontend/layout/default.xml
remove ttl="3600" from
This happens on sites without ssl (local?)
Preferably you make a child theme first and put the catalog.topnav section in the default.xml of your theme otherwise you have to repeat this with every update..

Frontpage modules appear on article pages

I have a very weird problem with a JS Jobs installation on Joomla 3.2.3.
I'm using some modules on the main page: new jobs, new resumes and jobs by city and when i click on a link within the modules the info will show up at the bottom of the front page, still showing all the modules. Obviously this is not the desired effect. I need to have those modules to be shown only on the front page.
I'm using a theme by rockettheme, already tried to adjust settings on the back end, but without any solution. Anyone has an idea how to solve this problem?
Articles without menu items are shown in the home page template by default. One solution is to create a hidden menu (simply an menu that's not published via a module) and create links to your articles in it. You can also create blog layouts to account for entire categories of articles in the same manner.
More info from RocketTheme

Where is menu item in Joomla 1.5?

OK, I'm new to Joomla. Making updates for someone still using 1.5, plan to get them upgraded to v3...
I need to add a new article and menu item. I've figured out where to do that in the backend, but my menu item isn't showing up in the navigation. I went to menu manager, where I added the new link to a menu called mymenu. I see the actual module in the template is titled myleftmenu, and I have the menu item selected there with the others from mymenu that appear throughout the site.
I've researched this and see maybe there were some bugs in 1.5, even some weird conflict with php 5.3, but none of this makes sense. I don't have spaces or special characters in the menu alias (or wherever that had been an issue for some people). I'm really stumped here because this really makes no sense. I don't seem to have anywhere else to look in the backend to update or change this, so what's the issue?
I would check:
1- check if you are placing your mymenu in the right module position. To do that put that /index.php?tp=1 at the end of your url (eg: it will give you the position.
2- check if your menu is published (you need to click on "published")
3- if you are trying to make a drop down menu : know that it is not supporter by native joomla so you need to download module such as this one.
4- maybe your menu works but is not display because of overflow:hidden
I tried to modify other menu items in the backend and nothing was updating. I finally went searching for a php file that could have been hand-coded and modified and found that in my modules directory. Not being familiar with Joomla, and not sure if this menu had even been set up correctly, I then had to figure out how to get the right blog and item ID numbers for the hyperlink. Ugh! I feel like someone went about building this in a way that just made it more difficult for everyone who has to update the site in the future. Now I'm really wondering what a version upgrade is going to do to this!

Get preview link to article before publishing

In Joomla 1.5, I created an article. Before publishing it, I want to send a preview URL to my colleagues (they are not registered to Joomla).
I'm looking for something like adding task=preview to the URL and it would show the article.
It would be enough if the article would be normally published but would not be displayed on the main page in the latest news. I tried to set "Front Page" to "No" but without success.
How can I solve the problem?
Joomla! 1.5 doesn't have a feature like this and from the way it's built I'm not sure it's possible without modifying the core com_content files. You could try a search of the Joomla! Extension Directory to see if someone has implemented what you're after.
In the meantime if the article is turning up on the websites front page even when you've set it not to - then the front page must be using a Section/Category Blog page style rather than a Joomla Frontpage page. In this case you could find out which category is set to show on the menu item being used for the front page and then temporarily change your article to another that doesn't appear there.
Once you've got it in another Category you should be able to get a link to the article by doing a search from the front end (assuming you don't want to create a menu link).
try creating a new category called Preview and since that wouldn't have been assigned to any pages yet, it should not appear. If you have trouble finding the article then, you could temporarily publish it either on the home page or somewhere in the menu. Then when you have found and copied the url, you can remove the article from the home page or menu or wherever you temporarily have it appear.
If you should ever want several 'preview' articles appearing on one page, create a new menu item, assign it to the Preview category you made, and in System Parameters, click on Show Title: 'No' so it doesn't appear in the menu. I don't know about what shows up in Google for example so if it's sensitive data I can't say it won't show in search engines, it probably will.
It probably appears on the Front Page because as you say it's part of the 'latest news' module. You could also try removing it from the module feed, but a new category is what I'd do.
I just selected Section: "Uncategorised" and the article went out from the latest news. Hope it's not accessible any other way in the current setup (there is no search function hopefully). It's not a cleanest solution, but it seems to work.

MOO FAQ component in joomla is not working

we have purchased the "moo faq" component.. but it is not working form our side... we have installed the component as the component package consists of the plugins and the module... we have made a section and under that section we have made a category.. under that same section and the category we have made an article but the content of the article is not showing.. we have made a menu and linked it to the category... the front-end link is only showing the "expand" and "Collapse" link but not showing the content of the article.. this is the link where you can see the problem "".. you can see this link under the "For now" link in the menu which will come after logged in... the login details is UN==samitbose PW==samitbose2011 .. we are using joomla version 1.5.23 and MooFaq version is Please have a look on this point .. any help will be greatly appreciated.. thanks in advance...
Looks like you are still struggling with this.
If so, I'd check the following:
The FAQ category is published
The FAQ question itself is published
The menu links to the same category that contains the question
The category/question are no set to 'special' access level
My initial thought on reading the question was that this would be a clash with Mootools/jQuery or perhaps Mootools in the component and the Mootools upgrade plugin. I don't see anything in the page to point to this though.
If none of the above points you in the right direction - chase the developers, especially as this is a paid extension.
