Laravel: Class App\Console\Commands\BlockModelsDidNotShowUp does not exist - laravel

I'm trying to run composer update on my project on a production server and I keep getting this error:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
Class App\Console\Commands\BlockModelsDidNotShowUp does not exist
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with error code 1
Before this I had a permission denied error because of /storage/logs/laravel.log file - I've updated permissions on that file and I keep getting an error from above.
I've tried this, but I don't have bootstrap/cache/compiled.php file.

If you deleted this class, just clear the cache with:
php artisan clear-compiled
Or delete bootstrap/cache/services.php file manually.


no php artisan commands are working after new migration

I am new to laravel .
Following tutorial videos on laracast,i made a new migration (cmd command) like following
php artisan make:migration delete_title_from_posts_table
which gave me the message
Created Migration: 2020_02_05_185721_delete_title_from_posts_table
after that no php artisian command is working in cmd.
Any command i run gives me the following error
In Container.php line 805:
Target class [db] does not exist.
In Container.php line 803:
Class db does not exist
what would be causing this?
my laravel app version=6.2 and php version=7.3.5 on Win10 64-bit.
similar questions i already viewed,not working for me
Since it's a facade, add this to the top of the class to make it work:
use DB;
Or use full namespace:
$tables = \DB::table...
run these commands steps by step:
composer dump-autoload clean up all compiled files and their paths
composer update --no-scripts Skips execution of scripts defined in composer.json
composer update update your project's dependencies

Laravel 5.4: What is the best way to create routes based on user logged in or logged out

So, I have an API endpoint /api/v1/xxx that calls a single controller and method.
In the routes/api.php I have added the following logic
if (Auth::guard('api')->guest()) {
Route::post('xxx', 'API\v1\XXController#xx');
} else {
Route::post('xxx', 'API\v1\XXController#xx')->middleware('auth:api');
Everything works except when I run composer install, I get the following error:
a#b /var/www/html/test/app13 $ composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postInstall
> php artisan optimize
Key path "file:///var/www/html/test/app13/storage/oauth-public.key" does not exist or is not readable
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-install-cmd event returned with error code 1
Removing the lines in routes/api.php does not output that ^ error when I run composer install.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
Key path "file:///var/www/html/test/app13/storage/oauth-public.key" does not exist or is not readable
This above lines says everything, you have laravel/passport installed and enabled but you forget to generate the key,
run command
php artisan passport:install
and it will work just fine.

Trouble removing a Laravel package

I have recently cloned my bitbucket repo and I'm in the process of moving it to a new live directory.
Upon deploying my codebase to the new live directory, I got a "Class not found" error related to the thujohn/twitter package. So I attempted to remove the package altogether by using:
composer remove thujohn/twitter
Unfortunately, I get this error back:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Thujohn\Twitter\TwitterServiceProvider' not found in /home/forge/ on line 158
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() /home/forge/
PHP 2. require_once() /home/forge/
PHP 3. require() /home/forge/
PHP 4. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->load() /home/forge/
PHP 5. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->createProvider() /home/forge/
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'Thujohn\\Twitter\\TwitterServiceProvider' not found","file":"\/home\/forge\/\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Foundation\/ProviderRepository.php","line":158}}
I've removed reference to the package from my composer.json file and under providers and aliases in the config/app.php file
It is also removed from the two places I was using it in my code.
Any ideas as to what else I need to do to eliminate this error and entirely remove the package?

Laravel migrations messed up

I meesed up my Laravel migrations and I get PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Class when running
php artisan migrate --path="workbench/fefe/feeds2go/src/migrations"
I have been deleting the migration file and dropping manually the table and recreated with php artisan migrate:make but still the same.
How can I fix migratons?
You need to check all of your migration class files and check for duplicate class names.
"Cannot redeclare class" happens when the class name appears at least
2 times.
The easiest way to do it is to run either composer install or composer.phar dump-autoload. It will generate warning information for you to identify which class is duplicated. Then, simply remove the class that declared twice.
Here is the error I got after I ran php artisan migrate
Cannot redeclare class CreateKidTimeslotTable
Therefore, I use composer.phar dump-autoload to identify the error.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "CreateKidTimeslotTable" was found in both "laravel/database/migrations/2016_05_23_024341_create_kid_timeslot_table.php" and "laravel/database/migrations/2016_08_24_022635_create_kid_time_slot_table.php", the first will be used.
Remove the duplicated table that you don't need anymore.
You need to delete that migration file manually from the migration directory of your project and also, delete it's entry from the migration table in the database or you can run the php artisan migrate:refresh but it will drop your all table data so also add the your step with php artisan migrate:refresh --step=n
This is a late answer, but probably this would solve your issue.
Go to app/storage/migrations.
Delete the migration file that causes the error (You can also delete everything stored there).

laravel PackageServiceProvider not found; moving from workbench to vendor

This is basically a problem of moving a laravel package from workbench to vendor, but the solutions in other threads have not worked in this case:
I have a package iateadonut/signup.
I created a fresh laravel installation (laravel_test), and, just for testing sake, I put iateadonut/signup in laravel_test/workbench/.
I put Iateadonut\Signup\SignupServiceProvider, in the 'providers' array in app.php.
I then run:
/laravel_test> php artisan dump-autoload
and get:
Generating optimized class loader
Running for workbench [iateadonut/signup]...
My package is successfully installed.
On a fresh installation of laravel (laravel_test), I then put iateadonut/signup in larael_test/vendor.
I put Iateadonut\Signup\SignupServiceProvider, in the 'providers' array in app.php.
I then run:
/laravel_test> php artisan dump-autoload
and get:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Iateadonut\Signup\SignupServiceProvider' not found in /var/www/html/laravel_test/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 4214
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'Iateadonut\Signup\SignupServiceProvider' not found","file":"/var/www/html/laravel_test/bootstrap/compiled.php","line":4214}}
Any idea what could be wrong?
Here is a more google friendly version in case someone else is looking for this:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Vendor\Package\PackageServiceProvider' not found in /var/www/html/laravel/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 4214
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'Vender\Package\PackageServiceProvider' not found","file":"/var/www/html/laravel/bootstrap/compiled.php","line":4214}}
Try to remove the the bootstrap/compiled.php file and try your composer dumpautoload again
