Find all indices of a substring within a string - ruby

I want to be able to find the index of all occurrences of a substring in a larger string using Ruby. E.g.: all "in" in "Einstein"
str = "Einstein"
str.index("in") #returns only 1
str.scan("in") #returns ["in","in"]
#desired output would be [1, 6]

The standard hack is:
indices = "Einstein".enum_for(:scan, /(?=in)/).map do
#=> [1, 6]

def indices_of_matches(str, target)
sz = target.size
(0..str.size-sz).select { |i| str[i,sz] == target }
indices_of_matches('Einstein', 'in')
#=> [1, 6]
indices_of_matches('nnnn', 'nn')
#=> [0, 1, 2]
The second example reflects an assumption I made about the treatment of overlapping strings. If overlapping strings are not to be considered (i.e., [0, 2] is the desired return value in the second example), this answer is obviously inappropriate.

This is a more verbose solution which brings the advantage of not relying on a global value:
def indices(string, regex)
position = 0 do |yielder|
while match = regex.match(string, position)
yielder << match.begin(0)
position = match.end(0)
p indices("Einstein", /in/).to_a
# [1, 6]
It outputs an Enumerator, so you could also use it lazily or just take the n first indices.
Also, if you might need more information than just the indices, you could return an Enumerator of MatchData and extract the indices:
def matches(string, regex)
position = 0 do |yielder|
while match = regex.match(string, position)
yielder << match
position = match.end(0)
p matches("Einstein", /in/).map{ |match| match.begin(0) }
# [1, 6]
To get the behaviour described by #Cary, you could replace the last line in block by position = match.begin(0) + 1.

#Recursive Function
def indexes string, sub_string, start=0
index = string[start..-1].index(sub_string)
return [] unless index
[index+start] + indexes(string,sub_string,index+start+1)
#For better Usage I would open String class
class String
def indexes sub_string,start=0
index = self[start..-1].index(sub_string)
return [] unless index
[index+start] + indexes(sub_string,index+start+1)
This way we can call in this way: "Einstein".indexes("in") #=> [1, 6]


generalize map and reduce lab

I'm working on a lab Using a generalized map method to pass an element and block through returning multiple outcomes.
Really struggled on this one. Found some responses but they don't really make sense to me.
Here is the code:
def map(s)
new = []
i = 0
while i < s.length
i += 1
Here's is the test:
it "returns an array with all values made negative" do
expect(map([1, 2, 3, -9]){|n| n * -1}).to eq([-1, -2, -3, 9])
it "returns an array with the original values" do
dune = ["paul", "gurney", "vladimir", "jessica", "chani"]
expect(map(dune){|n| n}).to eq(dune)
it "returns an array with the original values multiplied by 2" do
expect(map([1, 2, 3, -9]){|n| n * 2}).to eq([2, 4, 6, -18])
it "returns an array with the original values squared" do
expect(map([1, 2, 3, -9]){|n| n * n}).to eq([1, 4, 9, 81])
I don't get how the above code can give you these 4 different results.
Could someone help me understand it ?
Thank you for your help!
How your method map works
To see how your method operates let's modify your code to add some intermediate variables and some puts statements to show the values of those variables.
def map(s)
new = []
i = 0
n = s.length
puts "s has length #{n}"
while i < n
puts "i = #{i}"
e = s[i]
puts " Yield #{e} to the block"
rv = yield(e)
puts " The block's return value is #{rv}. Push #{rv} onto new"
puts " new now equals #{new}"
i += 1
puts "We now return the value of new"
Now let's execute the method with one of the blocks of interest.
s = [1, 2, 3, -9]
map(s) { |n| n * 2 }
#=> [2, 4, 6, -18] (return value of method)
The following is displayed.
s has length 4
i = 0
Yield 1 to the block
The block's return value is 2. Push 2 onto new
new now equals [2]
i = 1
Yield 2 to the block
The block's return value is 4. Push 4 onto new
new now equals [2, 4]
i = 2
Yield 3 to the block
The block's return value is 6. Push 6 onto new
new now equals [2, 4, 6]
i = 3
Yield -9 to the block
The block's return value is -18. Push -18 onto new
new now equals [2, 4, 6, -18]
We now return the value of new
It may by of interest to execute this modified method with different values of s and different blocks.
A replacement for Array#map?
Is this a replacement for Array#map (or Enumerable#map, but for now let's just consider Array#map)? As you defined it at the top level your map is an instance method of the class Object:
Object.instance_methods.include?(:map) #=> true
It must be invoked map([1,2,3]) { |n| ... } whereas Array#map is invoked [1,2,3].map { |n| ... }. Therefore, for your method map to be a replacement for Array#map you need to define it as follows.
class Array
def map
new = []
i = 0
while i < length
i += 1
[1, 2, 3, -9].map { |n| n * 2 }
#=> [2, 4, 6, -18]
We can simplify this method as follows.
class Array
def map
new = []
each { |e| new << yield(e) }
[1, 2, 3, -9].map { |n| n * 2 }
#=> [2, 4, 6, -18]
or, better:
class Array
def map
each_with_object([]) { |e,new| new << yield(e) }
See Enumerable#each_with_object.
Note that while i < length is equivalent to while i < self.length, because self., if omitted, is implicit, and therefore redundant. Similarly, each { |e| new << yield(e) } is equivalent to self.each { |e| new << yield(e) } and each_with_object([]) { ... } is equivalent to self.each_with_object([]) { ... }.
Are we finished?
If we examine the doc Array#map carefully we see that there are two forms of the method. The first is when map takes a block. Our method Array#map mimics that behaviour and that is the only behaviour needed to satisfy the given rspec tests.
There is a second form, however, where map is not given a block, in which case it returns an enumerator. That allows us to chain the method to another. For example (with Ruby's Array#map),
['cat', 'dog', 'pig'].map.with_index do |animal, i|
i.even? ? animal.upcase : animal
#=> ["CAT", "dog", "PIG"]
We could modify our Array#map to incorporate this second behaviour as follows.
class Array
def map
if block_given?
each_with_object([]) { |e,new| new << yield(e) }
[1, 2, 3, -9].map { |n| n * 2 }
#=> [2, 4, 6, -18]
['cat', 'dog', 'pig'].map.with_index do |animal, i|
i.even? ? animal.upcase : animal
#=> ["CAT", "dog", "PIG"]
See Kernel#block_given? and Object#to_enum.
You might use, say, arr, rather than s as the variable holding the array, as s often denotes a string, just as h typically denotes a hash. One generally avoids names for variables and custom methods that are the names of core Ruby methods. That is also an objection to your use of new as a variable name, as there are many core methods named new.

Search a hash for string with most vowels

So let's say I have a hash full of strings as the values. How would I make a method that will search the hash and return the string with the most vowels in it?
I suggest you use Enumerable#max_by and String#count.
def most_vowel_laden(h)
h.values.max_by { |str| str.count('aeiouAEIOU') }
keys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
h =| It was the best of times |).to_h
#=> {1=>"it", 2=>"was", 3=>"the", 4=>"best", 5=>"of", 6=>"times"}
most_vowel_laden h
#=> "times"
h =| by my dry fly why supercalifragilisticexpialidocious |).to_h
#=> {1=>"by", 2=>"my", 3=>"dry", 4=>"fly", 5=>"why",
# 6=>"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"}
most_vowel_laden h
#=> "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
def most_vowel_laden(h)
h.max_by { |_,str| str.count('aeiouAEIOU') }.last
result = nil
max = 0
# hash is your hash with strings
hash.values.each do |value|
vowels = value.scan(/[aeiouy]/).size
if vowels > max
max = vowels
result = value
puts result

Ruby inject with index and brackets

I try to clean my Code. The first Version uses each_with_index. In the second version I tried to compact the code with the Enumerable.inject_with_index-construct, that I found here.
It works now, but seems to me as obscure as the first code.
Add even worse I don't understand the brackets around element,index in
.. .inject(groups) do |group_container, (element,index)|
but they are necessary
What is the use of these brackets?
How can I make the code clear and readable?
FIRST VERSION -- WITH "each_with_index"
class Array
# splits as good as possible to groups of same size
# elements are sorted. I.e. low elements go to the first group,
# and high elements to the last group
# the default for number_of_groups is 4
# because the intended use case is
# splitting statistic data in 4 quartiles
# a = [1, 8, 7, 5, 4, 2, 3, 8]
# a.sorted_in_groups(3) # => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 7], [8, 8]]
# b = [[7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 7], [2, 8]]
# b.sorted_in_groups(2) {|sub_ary| sub_ary.sum } # => [ [[2, 8], [4, 5, 7]], [[7, 8, 9]] ]
def sorted_in_groups(number_of_groups = 4)
groups = { }
return groups if size == 0
average_group_size = size.to_f / number_of_groups.to_f
sorted = block_given? ? self.sort_by {|element| yield(element)} : self.sort
sorted.each_with_index do |element, index|
group_number = (index.to_f / average_group_size).floor
groups[group_number] << element
SECOND VERSION -- WITH "inject" AND index
class Array
def sorted_in_groups(number_of_groups = 4)
groups = { }
return groups if size == 0
average_group_size = size.to_f / number_of_groups.to_f
sorted = block_given? ? self.sort_by {|element| yield(element)} : self.sort
sorted.each_with_index.inject(groups) do |group_container, (element,index)|
group_number = (index.to_f / average_group_size).floor
group_container[group_number] << element
What is the use of these brackets?
It's a very nice feature of ruby. I call it "destructuring array assignment", but it probably has an official name too.
Here's how it works. Let's say you have an array
arr = [1, 2, 3]
Then you assign this array to a list of names, like this:
a, b, c = arr
a # => 1
b # => 2
c # => 3
You see, the array was "destructured" into its individual elements. Now, to the each_with_index. As you know, it's like a regular each, but also returns an index. inject doesn't care about all this, it takes input elements and passes them to its block as is. If input element is an array (elem/index pair from each_with_index), then we can either take it apart in the block body
sorted.each_with_index.inject(groups) do |group_container, pair|
element, index = pair
# or
# element = pair[0]
# index = pair[1]
# rest of your code
Or destructure that array right in the block signature. Parentheses there are necessary to give ruby a hint that this is a single parameter that needs to be split in several.
Hope this helps.
lines = %w(a b c)
indexes = lines.each_with_index.inject([]) do |acc, (el, ind)|
acc << ind - 1 if el == "b"
indexes # => [0]
What is the use of these brackets?
To understand the brackets, first you need to understand how destruction works in ruby. The simplest example I can think of this this:
1.8.7 :001 > [[1,3],[2,4]].each do |a,b|
1.8.7 :002 > puts a, b
1.8.7 :003?> end
You should know how each function works, and that the block receives one parameter. So what happens when you pass two parameters? It takes the first element [1,3] and try to split (destruct) it in two, and the result is a=1 and b=3.
Now, inject takes two arguments in the block parameter, so it is usually looks like |a,b|. So passing a parameter like |group_container, (element,index)| we are in fact taking the first one as any other, and destructing the second in two others (so, if the second parameter is [1,3], element=1 and index=3). The parenthesis are needed because if we used |group_container, element, index| we would never know if we are destructing the first or the second parameter, so the parenthesis there works as disambiguation.
9In fact, things works a bit different in the bottom end, but lets hide this for this given question.)
Seems like there already some answers given with good explanation. I want to add some information regards the clear and readable.
Instead of the solution you chose, it is also a possibility to extend Enumerable and add this functionality.
module Enumerable
# The block parameter is not needed but creates more readable code.
def inject_with_index(memo = self.first, &block)
skip = memo.equal?(self.first)
index = 0
self.each_entry do |entry|
if skip
skip = false
memo = yield(memo, index, entry)
index += 1
This way you can call inject_with_index like so:
# m = memo, i = index, e = entry
(1..3).inject_with_index(0) do |m, i, e|
puts "m: #{m}, i: #{i}, e: #{e}"
m + i + e
#=> 9
If you not pass an initial value the first element will be used, thus not executing the block for the first element.
In case, someone is here from 2013+ year, you have each_with_object and with_index for your needs:
records.each_with_object({}).with_index do |(record, memo), index|
memo[record.uid] = "#{index} in collection}"

What is clearest way to add up all elements in 2 dimensional array by position using Ruby?

What is the clearest and most efficient way to add all the elements in 2D array by their position in Ruby. Example:
2darray = [[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]
result = [2,4,6]
I have the following code
def sum_elements_by_position(array)
total_elements = array.length
result = []
for i in 0...array.first.length
n = 0
array.each { |subarray| n += subarray[i] }
result << n
Assumptions: All primary elements are of the same length
For bonus points it would be great to see a solution that works primary elements of an arbitrary length
You can zip the first row with the rest of them and then do the sum:
def sum_elements_by_position(array)
array[0].zip(*array[1..-1]).map do |col|
Here's a solution addressing when the rows aren't the same length.
def sum_cols arr
arr.reduce( [] ) do |res,row|
row.each_with_index { |e,i| res[i] ||= 0; res[i] += e }
irb> sum_cols [ [0,1,2], [3,4], [5,6,7,8] ]
=> [8, 11, 9, 8]
#oldergod suggested using zip based on the longest row, but finding the longest row and rejecting nils has a cost. I benchmarked the following against the above method using the example array above and found the reduce+each_with_index method more than 30% faster:
def sum_cols_using_zip arr
max_len =
([0] * max_len).zip(*arr).map do |col|
I'd do this: {|x| x.reduce(:+)}
Clean, simple, flexible. The .transpose turns this
into this
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6]]
and then .map applies .reduce to each subarray. And .reduce, in turn, aggregates the subvalues by adding them. Or, more precisely, by applying the + method to them.
I highly recommend reading the doc for these functions until you fully understand this example, as it's a pretty good succinct demonstration of how to think in a Rubyish way!

How to multiply the elements of an array using array#each?

I am trying to write a method which takes as its input an array of integers and returns their product. For example:
product([1,2,3]) # returns 6
I need to do this using Array#each and not the inject method. This is what I have come up with, but it seems to be incorrect:
def product(array)
final = 0.0
array.each do |i|
final *= i
return final
Also, how could I modify this method to return the product of all the odd integers in the array, such that
product([1,2,3]) # returns 3, because 2 is even
product([0,-1,-10]) # returns -1, because 0 and -10 are even
As Ramon said, just initialize final to 1.0:
def product(array)
final = 1.0
array.each { |i| final *= i }
However, in idiomatic Ruby:
[1, 2, 3].inject(:*)
def find_product(x)
return x.inject(&:*)
x = [5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 18, 32]
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
for i in arr
for j in arr
a *=j
p a
for i in arr
p product = arr.inject(i , :*)
def product(array)
final = 1.0
array.each do |i|
final *= i
