Could not resolve ionic 2 application - gradle

Hi I am trying to build an application handed over to me by another developer.
When I do ionic build android
I get an error:
Could not GET ''.
Connect to [/] failed: Connection timed out: connect
I think the IP address highlighted in bold is the main problem.
My Router Ip address is where can I change this setting so that the gradle files are downloaded properly.


Kubernetes on Windows Error: Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp some ip

I have downloaded Docker and then enabled Kubernetes on the Desktop. When I execute 'Kubectl version' command on the PowerShell it says:
kubectl : Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp : connectex:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
At line:1 char:1
kubectl version
The same issue started to occur today when I run anything related to kubectl on Windows. However, it previously worked fine. Maybe there are some recent updates in Windows/Docker.
Actually, my network sharing options were reset for some reasons. Please try the solution described below (works for me)
Check your Network and Sharing settings:
Control Panel > Network and Sharing > [YOUR_NETWORK] (For me it's my Wi-Fi connection) > Properties > Sharing
On the Sharing tab make sure that you have all checkboxes checked and that you selected the correct virtual network in the "Home network connection" field. If not, please use the correct one.

Facing this error when i upload laraval app to live server

This error occur when i trying to hit api from live server.But locally api running correctly. I got this error
cURL error 28: Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out (see
Here we uploaded error image
Maybe this is because of your host that your host dont access to
Try on another host.

Arduino IDE falied to connect Blynk USB

Im using Arduino IDE to connect blink cloud with my Smartphone, but when I run the tools> Blynk > Run USB script I receive the flowing message:
socat[11716] E SSL_connect(): error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
I find how to solve this problem (Only for studies propose). In Arduino Home folder, I go to libraries->Blynk->scripts, I open the in a text editor and search for line when socat is used, i find this
So, I change to
socat $GEN_ATTR "$FROM_ATTR" "$TO_ATTR",verify=0
This issue is because in the certs folder client.pem is missing, I dont find how to generate this, but, I avoid ssl validation for the connection.

Docker For Mac / Lando: cannot cURL external webservice

I am testing out Lando for a new local dev setup.
Everything has gone well so far but I am running into an error that I don't get on my old Vagrant/VM environment, but do with Lando.
We have part of the site that uses Guzzle to fetch data from a web service. On Lando, I get a cURL error:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host
How can I resolve this? When I try to ping that url, it says "Destination host unreachable". I am using Docker For Mac if that factors in.

Visual studio apache cordova remote ios connection hostanme/ip does not match issue

I use Visual Studio Apache Cordova for a hybrid application. I try to connect a Mac computer using remote connection. I made settings correctly. A few days ago, ip address of Mac computer has changed. And ı can not connect Mac computer with remote connection. It gives below error:
Error: An error occurred uploading to the build server Error: Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames: "IP: is not in the cert's list ,"
Try to do following steps.
First on Mac terminal give this command
remotebuild --secure false
Then find the IP address of the Mac.
Go to the Tools->Options of visual studio
In the Options dialog box, open Tools for Apache Cordova, and then choose iOS Configuration.
Give the IP of Mac in Host and Port as 3000. Then put secure mode to false
More details could be found from this link
Error: An error occurred uploading to the build server Error: Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames: "IP: is not in the cert's list ,"
It is a known issue. When the IP address changed, the previously generated certificate become invalid. You can fix this by following steps:
Stop the remote agent on your Mac.
In terminal run remotebuild certificates reset.
In terminal run remotebuild certificates generate.
Change the VS remote build configurations in VS.
For details, you can refer to Possible issue 2: The host name or IP address of your Mac has changed.
