Unable to modify file as part of entry point command - bash

My Dockerfile's entry point CMD executes a shell script to modify a local file based on an environment variable before executing my application (Flask). The shell script is like so:
cat static/login.html | sed "s/some_match/some_substitute/g" > static/login.html
However, I am finding that the resulting file is zero bytes. Any ideas what might be going on?

I can reproduce your problem, but not explain it. Maybe other answers follow.
But here is a solution which fixes the problem:
Use a different file name for the output than for the input.
cat input.txt | sed "s/a/b/g" > input2.txt
Alternatively, use the -i.bak option.
sed -i.bak "s/b/a/g" input.txt
I can only speculate about what exactly is going on:
Maybe the output of your pipe is opened for writing (non-appending) before the input is read.


How can I redirect output of a `sed` and `tr` pipe and overwrite the input file? [duplicate]

I would like to run a find and replace on an HTML file through the command line.
My command looks something like this:
sed -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html > index.html
When I run this and look at the file afterward, it is empty. It deleted the contents of my file.
When I run this after restoring the file again:
The stdout is the contents of the file, and the find and replace has been executed.
Why is this happening?
When the shell sees > index.html in the command line it opens the file index.html for writing, wiping off all its previous contents.
To fix this you need to pass the -i option to sed to make the changes inline and create a backup of the original file before it does the changes in-place:
sed -i.bak s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html
Without the .bak the command will fail on some platforms, such as Mac OSX.
An alternative, useful, pattern is:
sed -e 'script script' index.html > index.html.tmp && mv index.html.tmp index.html
That has much the same effect, without using the -i option, and additionally means that, if the sed script fails for some reason, the input file isn't clobbered. Further, if the edit is successful, there's no backup file left lying around. This sort of idiom can be useful in Makefiles.
Quite a lot of seds have the -i option, but not all of them; the posix sed is one which doesn't. If you're aiming for portability, therefore, it's best avoided.
This does a global in-place substitution on the file index.html. Quoting the string prevents problems with whitespace in the query and replacement.
use sed's -i option, e.g.
sed -i bak -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/REPLACE_WITH/g index.html
To change multiple files (and saving a backup of each as *.bak):
perl -p -i -e "s/\|/x/g" *
will take all files in directory and replace | with x
this is called a “Perl pie” (easy as a pie)
You should try using the option -i for in-place editing.
Warning: this is a dangerous method! It abuses the i/o buffers in linux and with specific options of buffering it manages to work on small files. It is an interesting curiosity. But don't use it for a real situation!
Besides the -i option of sed
you can use the tee utility.
From man:
tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
So, the solution would be:
sed s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html | tee | tee index.html
-- here the tee is repeated to make sure that the pipeline is buffered. Then all commands in the pipeline are blocked until they get some input to work on. Each command in the pipeline starts when the upstream commands have written 1 buffer of bytes (the size is defined somewhere) to the input of the command. So the last command tee index.html, which opens the file for writing and therefore empties it, runs after the upstream pipeline has finished and the output is in the buffer within the pipeline.
Most likely the following won't work:
sed s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g index.html | tee index.html
-- it will run both commands of the pipeline at the same time without any blocking. (Without blocking the pipeline should pass the bytes line by line instead of buffer by buffer. Same as when you run cat | sed s/bar/GGG/. Without blocking it's more interactive and usually pipelines of just 2 commands run without buffering and blocking. Longer pipelines are buffered.) The tee index.html will open the file for writing and it will be emptied. However, if you turn the buffering always on, the second version will work too.
sed -i.bak "s#https.*\.com#$pub_url#g" MyHTMLFile.html
If you have a link to be added, try this. Search for the URL as above (starting with https and ending with.com here) and replace it with a URL string. I have used a variable $pub_url here. s here means search and g means global replacement.
It works !
The problem with the command
sed 'code' file > file
is that file is truncated by the shell before sed actually gets to process it. As a result, you get an empty file.
The sed way to do this is to use -i to edit in place, as other answers suggested. However, this is not always what you want. -i will create a temporary file that will then be used to replace the original file. This is problematic if your original file was a link (the link will be replaced by a regular file). If you need to preserve links, you can use a temporary variable to store the output of sed before writing it back to the file, like this:
tmp=$(sed 'code' file); echo -n "$tmp" > file
Better yet, use printf instead of echo since echo is likely to process \\ as \ in some shells (e.g. dash):
tmp=$(sed 'code' file); printf "%s" "$tmp" > file
And the ed answer:
printf "%s\n" '1,$s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g' w q | ed index.html
To reiterate what codaddict answered, the shell handles the redirection first, wiping out the "input.html" file, and then the shell invokes the "sed" command passing it a now empty file.
I was searching for the option where I can define the line range and found the answer. For example I want to change host1 to host2 from line 36-57.
sed '36,57 s/host1/host2/g' myfile.txt > myfile1.txt
You can use gi option as well to ignore the character case.
sed '30,40 s/version/story/gi' myfile.txt > myfile1.txt
With all due respect to the above correct answers, it's always a good idea to "dry run" scripts like that, so that you don't corrupt your file and have to start again from scratch.
Just get your script to spill the output to the command line instead of writing it to the file, for example, like that:
less index.html | sed -e s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g
This way you can see and check the output of the command without getting your file truncated.

Is there a way to add text to the end of a string in a conf file in linux?

I have a problem: I have a file that, if I knew how, I would like to edit from the command. I would like to locate the file by content on that line.
I am in CyberPatriot, and my team is second in my state. I know someone who is on the number one team and I know one of the people on the first team. It kills me so I want to make a list of commands that I can go off of to make it faster and more efficient.
Imagine I had this file:
and I wanted to change it to this:
random 'added text'
How do I do so?
I know I can use the echo command to add text to the end of a file, but I don't know how to add text to the end of a specific line.
Thanks, Owen
You can use sed for this purpose.
sed 's/random/& Hello World/' file
to append text to the matched string.
You can use ^random$ to make sure the entire line is matched, before appending.
If you need to modify the file directly, you can use the -i flag, which facilitates in-place editing. Further, using -i.bak creates a backup of the original file first before modifying it, as in
sed -i.bak 's/random/& Hello World/' file
The original copy of the file can be found in file.bak
More about sed : https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html
Use something like below
sed '4!d' file | xargs -I{} sed -i "4s/{}/{} \'added text\'/" file
Basically in the above command, we are getting the 4th line of the file using sed sed '4!d' file and then using this line to replace it with the same text and some new text(added text)

sed: Using a variable in sed

I am writing a script that changes the paths in a file. This is what I want to do. If I have a file that has the string "/path/to/incorrect/location", I want to change it to "/path/to/correct/location". I have tried using sed to do this by doing this...
sed -i "s/$badpath/$goodpath/g" file
Doing this though, does absolutely nothing and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I do need to use the variable for the bad path, but the good path can be written out (since that one never changes). How would one do this?
I am using GNU sed, so the -i flag is valid.
Seems to work for me, after fixing the delimiters:
$ cat sample
$ badpath="/path/to/incorrect/location"
$ goodpath="/path/to/correct/location"
$ sed -i "s|$badpath|$goodpath|" sample
$ cat sample

Trying to comment out lines in a file with instance of a word

This is probably another super simple question, I just can't figure it out. I'm writing a script that needs to comment out all the lines of a file that have any instance of the word "NETWORKID". The problem is, the code I have is putting a "#" at the beginning of all the lines of the particular file. (/etc/profile)
What I have is this:
grep -i "NETWORKID" /etc/profile | sed 's/^/#/'
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
You don't need grep, just used `sed:
sed '/NETWORKID/s/^/#/' /etc/profile
Using -i(something) will update the file and create a backup with the extension, eg
sed -i.bak -e 's/(.*NETWORKID.*)/#\1/' /etc/profile
Will update your profile, and create a copy of how profile was before running the command in /etc/profile.bak

Best way to modify a file when using pipes?

I often have shell programming tasks where I run into this pattern:
cat file | some_script > file
This is unsafe - cat may not have read in the entire file before some_script starts writing to it. I don't really want to write the result to a temporary file (its slow, and I don't want the added complication of thinking up a unique new name).
Perhaps, there is there is a standard shell command that will buffer a whole stream until EOF is reached? Something like:
cat file | bufferUntilEOF | script > file
Like many others, I like to use temporary files. I use the shell process-id as part of the temporary name so that if multiple copies of the script are running at the same time, they won't conflict. Finally, I then only overwrite the original file if the script succeeds (using boolean operator short-circuiting - it's a little dense but very nice for simple command lines). Putting that all together, it would look like:
some_script < file > smscrpt.$$ && mv smscrpt.$$ file
This will leave the temporary file if the command fails. If you want to clean up on error, you can change that to:
some_script < file > smscrpt.$$ && mv smscrpt.$$ file || rm smscrpt.$$
BTW, I got rid of the poor use of cat and replaced it with input redirection.
You're looking for sponge.
Using a temporary file is the correct solution here. When you use a redirection like '>', it is handled by the shell, and no matter how many commands are in your pipeline, the shell is free to delete and overwrite the output file before any command is executed (during pipeline setup).
Another option is just to read the file into a variable:
file_contents=$(cat file)
echo "$file_contents" | script1 | script2 > file
Using mktemp(1) or tempfile(1) saves you the expense of having to think up unique filename.
In response to the OP's question above about using sponge without external dependencies, and building on #D.Shawley's answer, you can have the effect of sponge with only a dependency on gawk, which is not uncommon on Unix or Unix-like systems:
cat foo | gawk -voutfn=foo '{lines[NR]=$0;} END {if(NR>0){print lines[1]>outfn;} for(i=2;i<=NR;++i) print lines[i] >> outfn;}'
The check for NR>0 is to truncate the input file.
To use this in a shell script, change -voutfn=foo to -voutfn="$1" or whatever syntax your shell uses for filename arguments. For example:
cat "$1" | gawk -voutfn="$1" '{lines[NR]=$0;} END {if(NR>0){print lines[1]>outfn;} for(i=2;i<=NR;++i) print lines[i] >> outfn;}'
Note that, unlike real sponge, this may be limited to the size of RAM. sponge actually buffers in a temporary file if necessary.
Using a temporary file is IMO better than attempting to buffer the data in the pipeline.
It almost defeats the purpose of pipelines to buffer them.
I think you need to use mktemp. Something like this will work:
some_script <"$FILE" >"$TMP"
mv "$TMP" "$FILE"
I think that the best way is to use a temp file. However, if you want another approach, you can use something like awk to buffer up the input into memory before your application starts receiving input. The following script will buffer the all of the input into the lines array before it starts to output it to the next consumer in the pipeline.
{ lines[NR] = $0; }
for (line_no=1; line_no<=NR; ++line_no) {
print lines[line_no];
You can collapse it into a one-liner if you want:
cat file | awk '{lines[NR]=$0;} END {for(i=1;i<=NR;++i) print lines[i];}' > file
With all of that, I would still recommend using a temporary file for the output and then overwriting the original file with it.
