Using Test::Unit::Data - ruby

I am trying to create some data driven API tests using Test::Unit for ruby. The eventual intention is to read a series of test cases in from a .csv file. In looking for something that would be the equivalent of #dataprovider for testng, I found a class called Data which looks like exactly what I need.
However, when I tried to create a test case to try to get it working, I get an error saying
"initial_test.rb:4:in <class:InitialTest>': undefined methoddata' for InitialTest:Class (NoMethodError)
code I was running:
require "test/unit"
class InitialTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
data("true" => [true],
"false" => [false])
def test_true_is_true(data)
value = data
assert(false, "FAIL!")
I can't seem to find any mention of the Data class outside of the documentation. Has anyone used this class? Am I missing something?

I'm not familiar with this module in particular, but since data is defined as an instance method on Test::Unit::Data and Test::Unit::Data is a Module, this works:
class YourTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Test::Unit::Data
This said, you're going to want to take a closer look at the docs you linked since your example usage is looking like copy-pasta.

Turns out that the problem was that I was using an older version of Ruby that did not include the class I was trying to use. Updating to a newer version solved the problem.


How does Mocha generate a mock out of in ruby?

My background is Java and I am new to Ruby. I saw a mocking/stubbing framework called Mocka. I saw this example test method:
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
class MiscExampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# ...
def test_mocking_an_instance_method_on_a_real_object
product =
What mechanism was used to "automatically" create a mock object of Person class (or object)? Not sure what to Google for.
If it was something like this
product = mock(
I'd easily get it.
Thank You! :)
in general, this is referred to as "monkey patching".
ruby has the concept of open classes, so at runtime you can mess around with it.
in the specific case of mocha, i assume that it is this piece of code here:

Subclassing a Java class in JRuby, with Generics information

I'm trying to create an actor, using the newest Akka version (2.3.2 right now) using JRuby. Problem is, I keep getting the error:
Java::JavaLang::IllegalArgumentException: erased Creator types are unsupported, use Props.create(actorClass, creator) instead
Basically, I'm following the code here on Akka Documentation
I cannot create a akka.japi.Creator, because this requires Generic information, and these are erased at run-time (and JRuby is basically a run-time-everywhere). What I already tried:
class GreetingActor < UntypedActor
def onReceive(message)
if (message.is_a? Greeting)
puts("Hello " + message.who)
system = ActorSystem.create("MySystem")
greeter = system.actorOf(Props.create(GreetingActor))
The last line fails with erased Creator types are unsupported. I tried to wrap it under a akka.japi.Creator, but with the same error (as Creator needs generics information, and JRuby doesn't provide it). I've tried to use "become_java!" on GreetingActor, but it returns nil (JRuby can't create new java classes from Ruby classes if the Ruby class extends from a Java class).
Is there a way to declare the Creator passing generics information?
I was trying to do the same thing and while I don't have an answer to the title's question I do have an answer for getting the example working. You have to use a different means of constructing the Props instance.
You need to use a factory:
java_import ''
class GreetingActorFactory
include UntypedActorFactory
def create
Then you can use it as follows:
system = ActorSystem.create("GreetingSystem")
props = Props.create(
greeter = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
greeter.tell("John Weathers"), nil)
Hopefully, this helps you get further along!
I've already solved the Akka problem using the following gist:
Still, the JRuby implementation may fail on other libraries that depends on not-erased types, but for now, I can work around in Akka using the code above.

Where and how should I add this new 'non-rails-way' method in my Rails application

I've written a small method to query and retrieve from an MS SQL 2008 server and I am not sure where to put the code in my rails app.
The scenario:
I am writing a Ruby and Rails app with a connection to a legacy MS SQL 2008 server DB.
A lot is working as expected, which is nice.
For now I work off a copy of the legacy DB and I treat it as readonly. It's big (7000+ tables some of which have over 40 million records). I am using it 'as-is' and don't want to change any of the underlying schema.
I do want to extend some very server-specific functionality. For instance, I make use of:
thing = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(my_query_string_here)
... and it works. The result is an array that contains a hash and I can get to the relevant hash value by using:
... which works.
So, I thought I should write a method to make this easier and I wrote:
Class Tool < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.queryRDW(x)
return ret[0][""]
and put it in config/initializers/tool.rb Unfortunately, webrick complains about the file during boot with the following cryptic error:
.../config/initializers/tool.rb:7: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting $end (SyntaxError)
I recognize that this is not an out-of-the-box rails-way of doing things, so please don't remind me. (My struggles remind me often enough)
My question:
Where should I put this code so that I can invoke it from within a controller or a view in my rails app? Does this need to be a new Class method or something else?
Many thanks!
I changed Class to class (doh!)
I moved tool.rb into lib/
I changed tool.rb to now be:
module Tool
def self.queryRDW(x)
res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(x)
but doing this in app/views/stats.html.erb
thing=queryRDW("mysql string")
gets me an 'undefined method error'
Addendum 2
I made the directory app/concerns and put tool.rb there.
When I use:
I get:
undefined method `queryRDW' for #<#<Class:0x0000000378ccf8>:0x00000003c1ce58>
You need to lowercase the keyword class in line 1.
I'd also say that this class doesn't need to inherit from ActiveRecord::Base — and doesn't even really need to be a class — if it's simply a wrapper around exec_query. There's nothing "wrong" with this, but if you never intend to instantiate an object of this class, you could just create a simple utility module:
module Tool
def self.queryRDW(x)
res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(x)
You can save this file in a couple of places:
lib/tool.rb. If you're using Rails 3, you'll need to add (or uncomment) this line in config/application.rb:
# config/application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
app/concerns/tool.rb. This will automatically be detected by Rails 3.
I generally use app/concerns for tools that are entirely application-specific and lib for utilities that I might reuse among several different applications.
I wouldn't put this in config/initializers. This seems like code you'd put in app/models.
The error you're getting is syntax related, so double check the syntax.
To answer your question more directly, though, it's acceptable to put this stuff in your model if it's model related (in other words, part of your business domain). If it is something extraneous or orthogonal to your domain, I'd put it in lib.
Hope this helps.

In Rails, how to add a new method to String class?

I want to build an index for different objects in my Rails project and would like to add a 'count_occurences' method that I can call on String objects.
I saw I could do something like
class String
def self.count_occurences
What's the exact way to define this method, and where to put the code in my Rails project?
You can define a new class in your application at lib/ext/string.rb and put this content in it:
class String
def to_magic
To load this class, you will need to require it in your config/application.rb file or in an initializer. If you had many of these extensions, an initializer is better! The way to load it is simple:
require 'ext/string'
The to_magic method will then be available on instances of the String class inside your application / console, i.e.:
>> "not magic".to_magic
=> "magic"
No plugins necessary.
I know this is an old thread, but it doesn't seem as if the accepted solution works in Rails 4+ (at least not for me). Putting the extension rb file in to config/initializers worked.
Alternatively, you can add /lib to the Rails autoloader (in config/application.rb, in the Application class:
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
require 'ext/string'
See this:
When you want to extend some core class then you usually want to create a plugin (it is handy when need this code in another application). Here you can find a guide how to create a plugin and point #3 show you how to extend String class:

Importing a Ruby class from a socket connection?

I have this idea for a client/server archetype where the server would hold a hash of Marshal.dump'ed class objects along with their version numbers. Then the client could query the server concerning the version number and import the newer version of the class before instantiating it:
class Stuff
def methods
$obj_hash["Stuff"] = [3.0, Marshal.dump(Stuff)]
The problem I'm running into is that Ruby doesn't seem to want to allow me to Marshal.load the data once I've downloaded it from the server because the class and its methods don't exist in the client. If I bypass this by creating a 'dummy' class I'm then unable to replace the dummy class with the Marshal.load'ed data. If I simply try to use the loaded data as a class it functions according to the contents of the dummy class rather than the downloaded one.
Is there another way to go about this? If not then I guess I could just gz the code and then eval it at the other end, but I'm trying to avoid using eval or sending easily decipherable code over the line.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Look at what happens.
class Stuff
def methods
ruby-1.8.7-p352 :001 > Marshal.dump(Stuff)
=> "\004\bc\bStuff"
Notice how it says nothing about "methods" or "foo." If the server isn't sending that code down the wire, how is the client supposed to know what Stuff#methods should do?
It won't. :)
To do what you want to do, you'll have to send down the code itself and eval it. You'll have to implement the versioning logic yourself, of course, and "really re-define" the classes (not just monkey-patch) them.
See are you allowed to redefine a class in ruby? or is this just in irb
