I understand the problem, as per the answer here, however, I could really use help or a more detailed code explanation of how it's overcome.
My situation is this: I used to have models and controllers separated, and in my models package I had a datastore.go file containing an interface of all the model functions:
package models
type DSDatabase interface {
CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)
// More model functions
type datastoreDB struct {
client *datastore.Client
var (
DB DSDatabase
_ DSDatabase = &datastoreDB{}
func init() {
// init datastore
This was all fine because the model functions were also located within the models package, so my functions in the controller package could freely call models.DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password")).
Now, I have decided to move all the above code to a datastore package, whereas the model for CreateUser is located in a user package. In other words, package user now contains both controller and model functions, for which the controller related functions rely on datastore package, while the DSDatabase interface rely on the user model functions.
I would really appreciate help figuring out how to overcome the import cycle while keeping the DSDatastore interface separate from all the other packages such as home and user.
in case the above is not clear enough, the above code has changed to:
package datastore
import (
type DSDatabase interface {
user.CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, passwoUserRegister(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)
while in my user package I have this in a controller-related file:
package user
import (
func CreateUserPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get formdata and such
datastore.DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))
and in another model-related file I have:
package user
import (
func (db *datastore.datastoreDB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*User, error) {
key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
var user User
err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &user, nil
Which of course results in an import cycle, that I sadly can't figure out how to overcome..
First things first, you cannot define a method, in pacakge A, on a type declared in package B.
So this...
package user
import (
func (db *datastore.datastoreDB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*User, error) {
key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
var user User
err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &user, nil
...should not even compile.
This here...
package datastore
import (
type DSDatabase interface {
user.CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, passwoUserRegister(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)
...this is also invalid Go code.
As to your question... one thing you could do is to define the Datastore interface inside the user package and have the implementation live in another package, this lends itself nicely for when you need different implementations of one interface. If you do this your user package does not need to know about the datastore package anymore, the datastore package still has to know about the user package though, which is a OK.
An example:
package user
import (
type DSDatabase interface {
CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*User, error)
// ...
// This can be set by the package that implements the interface
// or by any other package that imports the user package and
// a package that defines an implementation of the interface.
var DB DSDatabase
type User struct {
// ...
func CreateUserPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get formdata and such
DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))
The package with the implementation of the interface:
package datastore
import (
// DB implements the user.DSDatabase interface.
type DB struct { /* ... */ }
func (db *DB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*user.User, error) {
key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
var user user.User
err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &user, nil
func init() {
// make sure to initialize the user.DB variable that
// is accessed by the CreateUserPOST func or else you'll
// get nil reference panic.
user.DB = &DB{}
I try to implement some unit testing in my go code and find the topic of mocking method quite difficult.
I have the following example where I hope you can help me :)
On the first layer I have the following code:
package api
import (
type createUserDTO struct {
Id string
func ApiMethod() {
fmt.Println("some incoming api call wit user")
incomingUserData := &createUserDTO{Id: "testId"}
mapedUser := incomingUserData.mapUser()
func (createUserDTO *createUserDTO) mapUser() core.User {
return &core.UserCore{Id: createUserDTO.Id}
The second layer has the following code:
package core
import (
type CoreUser struct{ Id string }
type User interface {
func (user CoreUser) Create() {
fmt.Println("Do Stuff")
My question now is, how do I test every public method in the api package without testing the core package. Especially the method Create().
Based on the comments, I put together a trivial GitHub repository to show how I usually deal with structuring projects in Go. The repository doesn't take into consideration the test part for now but it should be pretty easy to insert them with this project structure.
Let's start with the general folders' layout:
Now, let's see the relevant files.
package models
import "gorm.io/gorm"
type User struct {
Id string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
func NewUser(id string) *User {
return &User{Id: id}
Simple struct definition here.
package dto
import "time"
type UserDTO struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
AddedOn time.Time `json:"added_on"`
func NewUserDTO(id string) *UserDTO {
return &UserDTO{Id: id}
We enrich the model struct with a dummy AddedOn field which needs only for the sake of the demo.
package db
import (
type UserDb struct {
Conn *gorm.DB
type UserDbInterface interface {
SaveUser(user *models.User) error
func (u *UserDb) SaveUser(user *models.User) error {
if dbTrn := u.Conn.Create(user); dbTrn.Error != nil {
return dbTrn.Error
return nil
Here, we define an interface for using the User repository. In our tests, we can provide a mock instead of an instance of the UserDb struct.
package services
import (
type UserService struct {
DB db.UserDbInterface
type UserServiceInterface interface {
AddUser(inputReq *dto.UserDTO) (*dto.UserDTO, error)
func NewUserService(db db.UserDbInterface) *UserService {
return &UserService{
DB: db,
func (u *UserService) AddUser(inputReq *dto.UserDTO) (*dto.UserDTO, error) {
// here you can write complex logic
user := models.NewUser(inputReq.Id)
// invoke db repo
if err := u.DB.SaveUser(user); err != nil {
return nil, err
inputReq.AddedOn = time.Now()
return inputReq, nil
This is the layer that bridges connections between the presentation layer and the underlying repositories.
package controllers
import (
type UserController struct {
US services.UserServiceInterface
func NewUserController(userService services.UserServiceInterface) *UserController {
return &UserController{
US: userService,
func (u *UserController) Save(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
reqBody, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
var userReq dto.UserDTO
json.Unmarshal(reqBody, &userReq)
userRes, err := u.US.AddUser(&userReq)
if err != nil {
Here, we defined the controller that (through Dependency Injection) uses the UserService struct.
You can find everything in my repository on GitHub
Let me know if it clarifies a little bit.
I'm trying to create an authentication middleware in my Lambda, which basically injects a property user in the ctx struct, and call the handler function. How I'm doing:
package middlewares
import (
func Authentication(next MiddlewareSignature) MiddlewareSignature {
user := models.User{}
return func(ctx context.Context, request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
claims := request.RequestContext.Authorizer["claims"]
// Find user by claims properties.
if err := user.Current(claims); err != nil {
return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{}, err
// Augment ctx with user property.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "user", user)
return next(ctx, request)
package main
import (
func Handler(ctx context.Context, request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{}, nil
func main() {
The problem with this approach is that: it doesn't work. I see the following error when I try to build it: create/main.go:13:17: ctx.user undefined (type context.Context has no field or method user)
Thank you in advance.
You cannot access values added to a context directly—you need to use the Value(key interface{}) interface{} API.
This is because any value added to a Context needs to be immutable in order to be thread safe. Any changes to existing values on a Context, is accomplished by creating a new Context.
This is the updated my-lambda.go:
func Handler(ctx context.Context, request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{}, nil
Value returns an interface, so you need to use type assertion.
NB: the use of plain strings as keys on a Context is not recommended, as this could result in key collision.
I'm porting an app from Play (Scala) to Go and wondering how to implement dependency injection. In Scala I used the cake pattern, while in Go I implemented a DAO interface along with an implementation for Mongo.
Here below is how I tried to implement a pattern that let me change the DAO implementation as needed (e.g. test, different DB, etc.):
1. entity.go
package models
import (
type (
Entity struct {
Id bson.ObjectId `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty" bson:"createdAt,omitempty"`
LastUpdate time.Time `json:"lastUpdate,omitempty" bson:"lastUpdate,omitempty"`
2. user.go
package models
import (
type (
User struct {
Entity `bson:",inline"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" bson:"name,omitempty"`
BirthDate time.Time `json:"birthDate,omitempty" bson:"birthDate,omitempty"`
3. dao.go
package persistence
type (
DAO interface {
Insert(entity interface{}) error
List(result interface{}, sort string) error
Find(id string, result interface{}) error
Update(id string, update interface{}) error
Remove(id string) error
daoFactory func() DAO
var (
New daoFactory
4. mongoDao.go (DB info and collection name are hard-coded since it's just an example)
package persistence
import (
type (
mongoDAO struct{
session *mgo.Session
func NewMongoDAO() DAO {
dialInfo := &mgo.DialInfo{
Addrs: []string{"localhost:27017"},
Timeout: 60 * time.Second,
Database: "test",
session, err := mgo.DialWithInfo(dialInfo)
if err != nil {
session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)
return &mongoDAO{session}
func (dao *mongoDAO) Insert(entity interface{}) error {
doc := entity.(*models.User)
doc.Id = bson.NewObjectId()
doc.CreatedAt = time.Now().UTC()
doc.LastUpdate = time.Now().UTC()
return dao.session.DB("test").C("users").Insert(doc)
func (dao *mongoDAO) List(result interface{}, sort string) error {
return dao.session.DB("test").C("users").Find(nil).Sort(sort).All(result)
func (dao *mongoDAO) Find(id string, result interface{}) error {
if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(id) {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid hex id", id))
oid := bson.ObjectIdHex(id)
return dao.session.DB("test").C("users").FindId(oid).One(result)
func (dao *mongoDAO) Update(id string, update interface{}) error {
if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(id) {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid hex id", id))
oid := bson.ObjectIdHex(id)
doc := update.(*models.User)
doc.LastUpdate = time.Now().UTC()
return dao.session.DB("test").C("users").Update(oid, bson.M{"$set": structs.Map(update)})
func (dao *mongoDAO) Remove(id string) error {
if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(id) {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid hex id", id))
oid := bson.ObjectIdHex(id)
return dao.session.DB("test").C("users").RemoveId(oid)
func (dao *mongoDAO) Close() {
func init() {
New = NewMongoDAO
Finally, here is how I use the types above:
5. userController.go
package controllers
import (
type (
UserController struct {
dao persistence.DAO
func NewUserController(dao persistence.DAO) *UserController {
return &UserController{dao}
func (userController *UserController) CreateUser() echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(context echo.Context) error {
user := &models.User{}
if err := context.Bind(user); err != nil {
return err
if err := userController.dao.Insert(user); err != nil {
return err
return context.JSON(http.StatusCreated, user)
func (userController *UserController) UpdateUser() echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(context echo.Context) error {
user := &models.User{}
if err := context.Bind(user); err != nil {
return err
id := context.Param("id")
if err := userController.dao.Update(id, user); err != nil {
return err
return context.JSON(http.StatusOK, user)
The code above is 90% fine... I've just a problem in mongoDao.go with methods Insert and Update where the compiler forces me to cast input entity to a specific type (*models.User), but this prevents me from having a generic DAO component that works for all types. How do I fix this issue?
How about creating an interface that you implement for the Entity struct?
type Entitier interface {
GetEntity() *Entity
The implementation would simply return a pointer to itself that you can now use in the Insert and Update methods of your DAO. This would also have the added benefit of letting you be more specific in the declarations of your DAO methods. Instead of simply stating that they take an arbitrary interface{} as argument you could now say that they take an Entitier.
Like so:
func (dao *mongoDAO) Update(id string, update Entitier) error
Here's a minimal complete example of what I mean:
Hope this gives you some ideas! You might want to adjust naming of Entity/Entitier/GetEntity for style and clarity once you've settled on the pattern to use.
This generalization
DAO interface {
Insert(entity interface{}) error
looks over-helming
You both assert to *models.User for mongo
doc := entity.(*models.User)
and do
user := &models.User{}
when use your generic DAO interface.
Why don't you just define interface more precisely?
DAO interface {
Insert(entity *models.User) error
I'm trying to return a instance from the gorm.Open() return it i'm getting following error
controllers/db.go:34: cannot assign *gorm.DB to dc.DB (type gorm.DB) in multiple assignment
This is the db.go controller
package controllers
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
//v "github.com/spf13/viper"
type DBController struct {
DB gorm.DB
func (dc *DBController) InitDB() {
var err error
dc.DB, err = gorm.Open("mysql","root:12345#tcp(localhost:3306)/api")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error when connect database, the error is '%v'", err)
func (dc *DBController) GetDB() gorm.DB {
return dc.DB
What is reason for this error and how can i fix this?
You need and most probably you want to have a pointer in the structure of controller. Passing structure with a pointer to the database object (gorm.DB) will prevent Go from making a copy of this object (gorm.DB).
Do the following:
type DBController struct {
DB *gorm.DB
Now it should work fine.
I am new to golang, am trying develop a login page with sesions. the code is building successfully but when I run in browser its saying 404 page not found.can any one help for me. Thanks in advance.
Here is my code
// main.go
package main
import (
_ "HarishSession/routers"
var globalSessions *session.Manager
var provides = make(map[string]Provider)
func sayhelloName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
r.ParseForm() // parse arguments, you have to call this by yourself
fmt.Println("the information of form is",r.Form) // print form information in server side
fmt.Println("path", r.URL.Path)
fmt.Println("scheme", r.URL.Scheme)
for k, v := range r.Form {
fmt.Println("key:", k)
fmt.Println("val:", strings.Join(v, ""))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello astaxie!") // send data to client side
type Manager struct {
cookieName string //private cookiename
lock sync.Mutex // protects session
provider Provider
maxlifetime int64
type Provider interface {
SessionInit(sid string) (Session, error)
SessionRead(sid string) (Session, error)
SessionDestroy(sid string) error
SessionGC(maxLifeTime int64)
type Session interface {
Set(key, value interface{}) error //set session value
Get(key interface{}) interface{} //get session value
Delete(key interface{}) error //delete session value
SessionID() string //back current sessionID
func NewManager(provideName, cookieName string, maxlifetime int64) (*Manager, error) {
provider, ok := provides[provideName]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("session: unknown provide %q (forgotten import?)", provideName)
return &Manager{provider: provider, cookieName: cookieName, maxlifetime: maxlifetime}, nil
func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sess := globalSessions.SessionStart(w,r)
fmt.Println("method:", r.Method)
if r.Method == "GET" {
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("login.tpl")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
} else {
//logic part of log in
func main() {
var globalSessions *session.Manager
http.HandleFunc("/", sayhelloName)
http.HandleFunc("/login", login)
err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) // set listen port
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ListenAndServe the error is: ", err)
package routers
import (
func init() {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/login", &controllers.MainController{})
package controllers
import (
type MainController struct {
func (this *MainController) Get() {
this.Data["Website"] = "beego.me"
this.Data["Email"] = "astaxie#gmail.com"
this.TplNames = "index.tpl"
You have two variables at different scopes, each called globalSessions. One is in your definition in main.go, which is defined at global scope, and another is defined in the main function, and is defined as a local variable to main. These are separate variables. Your code is making this mistake of conflating them.
You can see this by paying closer attention to the stack trace entry:
github.com/astaxie/beego/session.(*Manager).SessionStart(0x0, 0x151e78, 0xc08212 0000, 0xc082021ad0, 0x0, 0x0)
as this points to globalSessions being uninitialized due to being nil. After that, troubleshooting is a direct matter of looking at the program to see what touches globalSessions.
Note that you should include the stack trace as part of your question. Don't just add it as a comment. It's critical to include this information: otherwise we would not have been able to easily trace the problem. Please improve the quality of your questions to make it easier for people to help you.
Also, you may want to take a serious look at go vet, which is a tool that helps to catch problems like this.
As this is the one line you used in code :
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("login.tpl")
So what you need to check is whether the file login.tpl is at the correct location, where it must be, or not. If not then correct the reference of it and also check same for the other references.
This helped me.