Powerpoint business promo animation - powerpoint

before I jump into the whole creating. I would like to know, If It is even possible to make such animation as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TapiSZDvrRs in powerpoint.
Can It be done in powerpoint?

Well, technically speaking, all this is perfectly possible to build in PowerPoint, however, the point is, that at first if you try making it in PowerPoint it won't be that smooth (Although you can work on the smoothness, it can take you hours or even days based on your skill level) and that making it in PowerPoint can be really time consuming.
Although it's a great idea to put PowerPoint to use, I'll still recommend using Adobe After Effects for this purpose.
In case, you wish to make it on PowerPoint, go ahead. After all, it isn't that tough either. Just make sure you get the timings right. That's the challenge.
Hope That helps


why are the dimensions on my Figma file so much bigger than it is meant to be when i try to apply them? is there a way to scale it down?

Okay so i have used Figma before, although it was long ago, i didnt have this problem. I am in a team of developers. we arent very good in designing so we paid a designer to do the design for us. Everything was all good till i started coding the landing page. The dimensions i got from Figma for basically everything is way too big and so unrealistic. I mean it told me that the height of the Navbar is 135px, 135?????? thats way too big for a Navbar. I have to scale it down myself and use trial and error method till it looks somewhat like the design. Normally i wouldnt complain if i was programming for myself but its not a personal project and i am on a deadline so the fact that i have to manually use trial and error method to make the designs match instead is just adding so much time that i didnt account for. Is this a fault of the designer or figma itself? is there a way to scale down the dimensions to make it browser-size ?
The first thing to understand is that if your screen has a higher resolution, it may look smaller or larger.
Second, your designer did his designs on a different scale.
You will have to make a system of scales. If he gave you the height as 135px and you think 80px is actually the correct value, your scale is 0.6 and all values should be passed as height x 0.6. Same way for the width.
The easiest way is for the designer to resize his design to the correct size. This will have only one drawback and that's he will have to edit multiple elements in each page individually and it can take hours. However, it's his mistake.

I can't seem to animate an asteroid impact

I have a project due in a couple days. I have to do a simulation of what would happen during an asteroid impact on earth. I found this short video on youtube:
and it shows exactly what I want to do.
I tried doing it myself because the author did not do any tutorial or explain how they did it except for the fact that they used 'flip fluid addon' which I have. I watched countless tutorials but nothing seems to work because no one did it. Tutorials are all on how to do ocean/sea and how to make an object go through a liquid. I need to make it so an object falls into the liquid and the recreates the slap from the Youtube video. Could someone point me to the right direction? It's really important.
Thank you.

How was Tekken 3 cinematic intro created (software used, process, effect ...etc)?

Apologies if this is a very specific and out of the blue type of question. Tekken 3 was one of the best games that left a lasting impression on me, growing up, especially the cinematic intro. For me it's still one of the best and coolest game cinematic intros ever, even compared to this era (giving it's been over 20 years now since the game's release). Even though I'm a software developer, I've always been intrigued by how such amazing cinematics intros are created. I've researched on Google everywhere, but unfortunately couldn't find a source that discloses such information. I know it's been over 20 years since and the game is quite old, but I still find it strange that there's no discussion anywhere online on how its amazing cinematic intro was created (what software(s) was used, how the cinematic effect was created ...etc). The best resource info I could find, simply talks about the game characters, moves ..etc. Nothing about the opening cinematic intro. Just for those who need a reference as to what I'm talking about, here's the video from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsvtUxEFQaU.
I'm aware it's a very complicated process that requires a highly experienced team to work on it, but I simply want to know what software and what kind of processes/effects were used (even guesses from experienced animators/developers would suffice) and as much information about the process as possible, would be really appreciated. There are numerous tutorials online about how to make computer animations on 3D std max, Maya, Unity and Unreal, but they all look like children Disney animations or animation from the actual game graphic itself, not the cinematic effect rendering you experience from Tekken 3 intro. If you watch its intro you will know what I mean. I would really appreciate any help and would be very intrigued to learn the process if somebody could provide me with a direction and some information on the software and processes used, just from a very high level view.
Thank you so much in advance for the help. You will literally be answering one of my main life's mysteries :)
but they all look like children Disney animations or animation from the actual game graphic itself
I'm sorry, but did we watch the same video? It's entertaining for sure but visually nothing impressive.
This doesn't look like an in-game cinematic so it's probably using a 3d animation package like 3DsMax/Maya/Softimage/etc.. These packages are also used for feature films so I'm not sure where you're getting at that it all looks like children Disney animations. They can also be used for live action for photo realistic renders. Though these days 3DsMax is mostly used for games, Maya is what's mainly being used for films as it's what the studios are using (for the most part, there's exceptions). These packages also include solutions for particle effects, and cloth simulations. Right now Houdini is king for these 2 though.
Of course what matters most is the skills from the team to make the most out of the software.
The process generally goes like this:
Create a script to define the story
Create concept art for characters and locations
Create assets (3d models/textures/shaders)
Rig the assets so they can deform
Animate the assets into shots (modeling/rigging/anim can work in parallel)
Do character effects on your finished shots (cloth, hair, rigid dynamics. This depends on your budget and is optional)
If you're using any other software for lighting/effects, you probably need to export your scene to cache data (alembic is a popular format)
Render everything out
Use a compositing software to add all different elements together and make final tweaks to the shot (optional)
I'm still missing a few stuff, especially for bigger productions, but that's the general idea.

Mask dynamic logo using ffmpeg

I am trying to detect and hide a logo that dynamically positioned in a video.
In this video the logo is positioned at the top and after a few minutes down etc.
it's possible to detect every time the logo when it changes place and hide it with ffmpeg?
I tried with delogo but I must tell the position x/y, so it is not possible in my case!
Thank you very much!
Edit: It cannot and should not be done. Ignore the everything after this.
Simple idea but likely a complex execution.
I would be shocked if ffmpeg had functionality to do this in a strait-forward manner. You could manually find every logo shift, use ffmpeg to cut the video on those points, manually use your delogo tool for each, then concat them back together again?
If you want to automate this then you're likely doing to have to do a bit of image processing coding. I'm not going to code it but I'll go through a few highlights.
First, ask what you are looking for?
Is the logo a static block that covers what it is over? Is it slightly transparent? Does it change size? Does it change in intensity?
I don't know how much effort went into creating the logo so I can only make guesses.
If its static and entirely in the foreground, then this is a simple search followed by a replacement with whatever you want. easy
If its slightly transparent but of constant size, you will want to reverse-engineer the template they used, search each frame for that pattern, then undo it.
If they got fancier and you want this to be automated then you'll be delving into machine learning and more advanced techniques.
I can think of a whole plethora of nice features for an application like this but that's enough to likely make a start.

Adjusting hard values in processing for any screen size

So I'm making a game with my group on processing for a project and we all have different computers. The problem is we built the game on one computer, however at this point we have realized the the (1200,800) size we used does not work on our professors computer. Unfortunately we have hard coded thousands of values to fit on this resolution. Is there any way to make it fit on all computers?
From my own research I found you can use screen.width and screen.height in order to get the size of the screen, I set the game window to about half the screen size. However all the images I had loaded for background and stuff are 1200x800 So I am unsure how to go about modifying ALL of my pictures (backgrounds), and hard values.
Is there anyway to fix this without having to go manually change the 1000's of hard values? (Yes I am fully aware how bad it is I hard coded the numbers).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. As mentioned in title, the language is processing.
As I'm sure you have learned your lesson about hard-coding numbers, I won't say anything about it :)
You may have heard of embedding a processing PApplet inside a traditional java JFrame or similar. If you are okay with scaling the image that your PApplet draws (ie it draws it at the resolution that you've coded, and then the resulting image is scaled up or down to match the screen), then you could embed your papplet in a frame, capture the papplet's output to an image, scale the image, then draw it to the screen. A quick googling yielded this SO question. It may make your game look funny if the resolutions are too different, but this is a quick and dirty way. It's possible that you'll want to have this done in a separate thread, as suggested here.
Having said that, I do not recommend it. One of the best thing (IMO) of Processing is not having to mess directly with AWT/Swing. It's also a messy kludge and the "right thing to do" is just to go back and change the hard-coded numbers to variables. For your images, you can use PImage's resize(). You say your code is several hundred lines long, but in reality that isn't a huge amount-- the best thing to do is just to suck it up and be unhappy for a few hours. Good luck!
