Heroku and GoDaddy DNS configuration - heroku

I have been struggling to configure my Heroku to point to my domain name registered with GoDaddy.
I've setup my Heroku domain:
And I've configured my CNAME www to point to www.ithhero.com.herokudns.com
So far all tutorials/examples I've seen have had a different DNS target e.g. www.ithero.herokuapp.com . And even though I have followed the steps no results have been yielded. Godaddy and Heroku have been bouncing responsibility between them when raising an issue with either.
What am I doing wrong?

You postet it a while ago so I assume you found a solution already, but you should only change your CNAME value from:

This is definitely an issue on GoDaddy.
If you try the following, you can see that the domain has been setup correctly from Heroku's side:
curl -v -H "Host: www.ithehero.com" www.ithehero.com.herokudns.com
Also, if you check your DNS resolution, your CNAME's haven't been propagated at all: https://www.whatsmydns.net/#CNAME/www.ithehero.com
I would go back to GoDaddy and get them to have a look at this.


Setting up domain service to work with Heroku using Gandi

Let me keep this as simple as possible. I have looked at a bunch of other posts related to this but haven't found an answer :(. I am hosting my web app on Heroku and using Gandi as my domain provider.
Note: The top answer from this post is what I used as my basis.
A few days ago I set up web forwarding on Gandi so that my mydomain.gg forwards over to www.mydomain.gg. I also set up custom domains in Heroku. It looks like this:
*.mood.gg wildcard.mood.gg.herokudns.com
www.mood.gg www.mydomain.gg.herokudns.com
mood.gg mydomain.gg.herokudns.com
I then went into Gandi and added these to my zone file so it looks like this:
# A
* CNAME mydomain.gg.herokudns.com.
www CNAME www.mydomain.gg.herokudns.com.
The A tag is there for the web forwarding where the IP points to a Gandi IP. Heroku changes IP addresses frequently, which is why I use CNAME.
This all worked perfectly for 3 days, where I didn't touch my zone file or Heroku app for those 3 days at all.
So here is where the oddness begins. I upgraded my Heroku server to a more expensive plan and pushed some new code to it as well. A few hours later, my root domain mydomain.gg breaks and doesn't forward over to www.mydomain.gg. If I go directly to www.mydomain.gg it works perfectly.
So my question comes down to, where did this break? I never touched my Gandi zone file. All I did was push to my Heroku server and it seemed to break the web forwarding with Gandi. How did pushing to Heorku cause something to mess up with Gandi where all I'm specifying is a Heroku DNS that didn't change at all?
Another thing is, Gandi says they don't support naked domain CNAMEs which is why I use web forwarding. But then whats the point of this line in my zone file:
* CNAME mood.gg.herokudns.com.
Any help would be appreciated!

Not able to apply dns mapping in godaddy

I am trying to apply the DNS mapping in godaddy. I am doing it for first time so there might me some silly things.
My application is hosted on heroku and have a link something like this www.example.herokuapp.com. I am trying to apply the dns mapping of www.something.com. Steps I have followed :-
heroku heroku domains:add something.com
Added CNAME host - www, Points To - example.herokuapp.com
Added Forwarding to example.herokuapp.com
Following these steps I am able to do the mapping or so but when I go to www.something.com it redirects to www.example.herokuapp.com which I do not want. I want it to be www.something.com. Please suggest something.
P.S. - I have also tried removing step 3 after seeing some tutorials but then it stops even to redirect.

DNS Problems with Heroku

I'm having some problems configuring the DNS settings for my custom domain to work correctly on Heroku.
I have set the DNS records as follows:
Host Type Points to
example.com WR www.example.com
www.example.com CNAME example.herokuapp.com
www.example.com.au CNAME example.herokuapp.com
However, the 'www.example.com' domain sometimes fails to load on my computer, as well as my client's phone. It seems rare for this domain to fail (it works fine on everyone else's computers that I've asked), but the fact that it doesn't work on mine and my client's computers is a problem.
However, the '.com.au' domain (and the heroku one) always works. Why is this?
Is there anything wrong with the configuration above? I followed the 'custom domain names' article on heroku to reach this configuration (I don't have much experience with DNS, unfortunately). The DNS provider I am using does not support ANAME or ALIAS so I went with the above config instead.
Thanks. Any help in getting the '.com' domain working on every device would be appreciated.
I'm not really sure, it may be a lot of things, DNS caching and other stuff.
But if you don't have a lot of DNS records, I suggest you use a heroku add-on like PointDNS (https://addons.heroku.com/pointdns) as it supports ALIAS.

heroku and domain name conventions

(tried on Server fault, so going to try here)
Hi I recently setup my octopress blog at http://davidmjohnson.me. This domain works fine, but when I try http://www.davidmjohnson.me I get a "heroku no app found." Why is the www not working. Would really appreciate an explanation. I bought my domain name at dnsimple. Do I need to add a redirect from "http://www.dav..." to just "http://dav..." ?
I'm guessing you need to configure this domain (and any subdomain) in the heroku CLI application (equiv. of ssh-ing into the machine and changing the nginx/apache location/virtualhost configuration).
I see they have an entry about this in their reference:
To elaborate a bit from the documentation:
Subdomains ( www.mydomain.com)
For each subdomain you want to setup configure your DNS provider using
a CNAME record pointing the subdomain to the applicable Heroku
If the app is on Cedar, then CNAME the subdomain to myapp.herokuapp.com
If Bamboo, then myapp.heroku.com
In DNSimple a CNAME
record entry for a Cedar app would look like:
You can confirm that your DNS is configured correctly with the host
$ host www.example.com
www.example.com is an alias for myapp.herokuapp.com.
myapp.herokuapp.com is an alias for ar.herokuapp.com.
ar.herokuapp.com is an alias for argon-stack-1879049447.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
argon-stack-1879049447.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com has address
Actually, it should really be the other way around. It is much better practice to point CNAMEs at Heroku apps, since Heroku apps have no real "static" IP. Since naked domains need an A-record, pointing a naked domain to a Heroku app makes everything much less stable. So the best practice is to forward your naked domain to a "www" subdomain, and then point the "www" CNAME to your Heroku app.
Heroku goes into detail about this here.

DNS routing not working on Heroku app

I'm trying to setup a custom domain for my Heroku Cedar stack app, but it's not working.
I've tried entering 'host www.mydomain.com' command' in Terminal, but it yields no output.
I've already changed my DNS settings and added a 'CNAME' host: www, direct to: my domain.herokuapp.com but still it's not working.
What could I be doing wrong here???
The fact that you're not getting any results in terminal for host then the problem lies with your DNS settings - it sometimes takes a while for updates to propogate across the internet, I usually allow for 24 hrs to be sure. If it still doesn't work then you should get in touch with your DNS host.
You also have to add domain entries to your Heroku app:
heroku domains:add yourdomain --app yourapp
The "-app yourapp" is not required if you are in the root directory of your Rails app.
You can repeatedly add more than one domain to your Heroku app.
Here is an article about adding custom domains and DNS setup, at the Heroku Dev Center:
