IIB ESQL XML Validations - ibm-integration-bus

Input XML:
<LivingThings #Type = Bird>Parrot</LivingThings>
I want to check whether all Field elements under the Root 'Green' is exist and not empty.
I need to throw two different exceptions for each error:
For non existent field - Field not exist;
For empty values - Not a valid value
FIELDTYPE(ref.nonlivingthing)IS NULL) THEN
Throw USER EXCEPTION MESSAGE 2000 VALUES ('Field Not Present');
ELSEIF(FIELDVALUE(ref.fruits)= '' OR FIELDVALUE(ref.Vegetables)= '' OR FIELDVALUE(ref.livingthins)= '' OR
FIELDVALUE(ref.nonlivingthing)= '') THEN
Throw USER EXCEPTION MESSAGE 2004 VALUES ('Invalid Value');
Propagate to terminal 'out1';
Here is the solution, but i need to concatenate the exact field which is null or empty to my exception messages.

Yes, there is.
If your using a SOAP Service you can define the requirements in your XSD. So, in your SOAP Input you can enable the message validation.

First of all to check if a field is null in the input tree you can use: EXISTS(ref.fruits[]). Checkin if null may not work as it seems.
Secondly, you can use the "ResetContentDescriptor" node inside the flow to validate or revalidate the XML message. Please check the node documentation on the knowledge centre here. I hope this helps.


how to promt a message if a field is empty in oracle forms

How to prompt a message if field is empty in oracle forms i'm not sure if it works and the trigger i'm using is when-validate-item
if date = NULL then
message('please enter issue date')
end if;
From my point of view:
you should edit field's properties and set the required property to yes and let Forms worry about it
if you insist on reinventing the wheel, then don't just display a message as it is pretty much useless - user can ignore it. Raise an error, instead
if :block_name.item_name is null then
message('Please, enter issue date');
end if;
Put that piece of code into the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger.
Just modify the code a little bit as
converting date = NULL to :date IS NULL, since : prepended to
the field's name within the code
add an extra message(''); (exactly this with blank padded
argument) if a pop-up message box needed
don't forget the semicolon at the end of the line of the current
as invoking from one of the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM or WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE triggers

grape-api - Force empty string to set values to null

I am creating an API endpoint which contains a file upload field and a few string fields. My goal is to allow clients to clear values on those string fields, i.e. the DB should persist these values as null.
However, due to the fact that the request may contain files, the client should be setting the Content-type header to multipart/form-data. This implies that client cannot send a representation of "null", but can only send an empty string to indicate the intent of clearing the value for a given string field.
Is there a way for grape-api library to know that when it is receiving a multipart request it should be able to nullify blank string values in the params, or is there a better approach to what I am trying to achieve?
Grape.configure do |config|
config.param_builder = Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder
you can override the param builder. extend the default one and override the build_params method or monkey patch it.
params.transform_values {|v| v.eql?('') ? nil : v }

Specifying null with nifi expression language

I'm trying to replace an empty field with nulls in an UpdateRecord processor.
/title ${field.value:replaceEmpty(null)}
This fails because "null" is not a valid keyword. How does one specify null in the nifi expression language?
You can use the literal() function to return a String value that is the exact input to the function, and you can nest that inside your replaceEmpty method. Try using the expression ${field.value:replaceEmpty(${literal('null')})}.
If you are doing this in the UpdateRecord processor, you want to use Apache NiFi RecordPath syntax, not Expression Language. I believe the CSVReader and others parse even a field value containing only spaces to empty, so a regular expression like replaceRegex( /title, '^(?![\s\S])$', 'null' ) doesn't work.
My suggestion would be to file a Jira requesting this capability. In the mean time, do not use UpdateRecord for this, but rather ReplaceText with a regular expression like ,\s?, for an empty CSV value and replace it with null.
There is a trick using RecordPath, if the field value is blank you can do this to get a null value.
It is giving answer as
"fieldname" : "null"
here null is a string not a null value.

<logic:messagesPresent> tag in Struts1 not looping through multiple errors in Action Messages

I have a field in a bean that is failing 2 validations, as such 2 messages are being inserted in ActionMessages with the following command:
validationErrors.add("field1", new ActionMessage("Phone number is greater than 10 digits", false));
validationErrors.add("field1", new ActionMessage("Phone number has invalid characters", false));
Although I see the errors in the ActionMessages object (by setting a breakpoint in the debugger), only the first one gets displayed in my JSP, where I have:
<logic:messagesPresent message="true">
<html:messages id="message" property="field1" message="true">
<logic:present name="message">
<c:out value="${message}"/>
Why is only the first message displayed, when <html:messages> should loop through all the messages where the property is "field1"?
I ended up figuring out my issue and it had to do with how I am creating the new ActionMessage.
When you use:
public ActionMessage(<error message>, false)
While it allows you to display a literal value by using the <html:messages> tag in conjunction with either a <bean:write> or <c:out>, it won't iterate over multiple messages for a given property, why I don't know.
I tested and found that if I use a resource bundle and create the ActionMessage with a standard:
public ActionMessage(<key in resource bundle>)
I am able to display multiple messages for a single property.
Unfortunately, because I am using hibernate validator I don't want to use a resource bundle and struts to replace the values (would rather have the hibernate validator annotation replace values) and will likely just display a single message at a time for now.
Struts <logic:messagesPresent> tag checks that the messages exist on the current request.
Messages are found in the request under the key Globals.MESSAGE_KEY. If you use attribute message only messages are checked.
By default the tag will retrieve the request scope bean it will
iterate over from the Globals.ERROR_KEY constant string, but if this
attribute is set to true the request scope bean will be retrieved
from the Globals.MESSAGE_KEY constant string. Also if this is set to
true, any value assigned to the name attribute will be ignored.
The <html:messages> tag is used to display the messages if specified attribute message is true.
Now you have used a property attribute that filters messages for the given property.
Name of the property for which messages should be displayed. If not
specified, all messages (regardless of property) are displayed.
If you have only one message with the field1 property, then only one message will be displayed.
Look here how can you use action messages object
ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.common.field1.required");
saveMessages(request, messages); // storing messages as request attributes
Properties file:
error.common.field1.required = Field1 is required.
And display messages
<logic:messagesPresent message="true">
<html:messages id="message" message="true">
<bean:write name="message"/><br/>
It will loop all massages under the global message key. If you want to use custom key you can use it with the parameter of ActionMessage
messages.add("field1", new ActionMessage("error.common.field1.required");
to retrieve the message
<logic:messagesPresent message="true">
<html:messages id="message" property="field1" message="true">
<bean:write name="message"/><br/>

"Invalid use of Null" when using Str() with a Null Recordset field, but Str(Null) works fine

I'm banging my head against the wall on this one. I was looking at some old database reporting code written in VB6 and came across this line (the code is moving data from a "source" database into a reporting database):
rsTarget!VehYear = Trim(Str(rsSource!VehYear))
When rsSource!VehYear is Null, the above line generates an "Invalid use of Null" run-time error. If I break on the above line and type the following in the Immediate pane:
It outputs Null. Fine, that makes sense. Next, I try to reproduce the error:
I get an "Invalid use of Null" error.
However, if I type the following into the Immediate window:
I don't get an error. It simply outputs Null.
If I repeat the same experiment with Trim() instead of Str(), everything works fine. ?Trim(rsSource!VehYear) returns Null, as does ?Trim(Null). No run-time errors.
So, my question is, how can Str(rsSource!VehYear) possibly throw an "Invalid use of Null" error when Str(Null) does not, when I know that rsSource!VehYear is equal to Null?
Update: If I type the following in the Immediate window, it works as expected (no error occurs):
This outputs Null. Now, I know that rsSource!VehYear is actually an ADODB.Field instance, but Value is its default property, so Str should be operating on the Value property (which is Null). Even the error message ("Invalid use of Null") suggests that Str is receiving a Null parameter, but how can it treat Null differently in one case and not the other?
My only guess is the internal implementation of Str() is somehow failing to get the default property, and the "Invalid use of Null" error is happening for a different reason (something other than the parameter is causing the "Invalid use of Null", perhaps when it is trying to retrieve the default property from the Field object).
Does anyone have a more detailed, technical explanation for what is actually happening here?
In short:
throws an "Invalid use of Null" error when rsSource!VehYear is Null, but
returns Null.
However, both Trim(rsSource!VehYear) and Trim(rsSource!VehYear.Value) return Null.
If you need a value other than a string, try using IsNull instead:
rsTarget!VehYear = IIf(IsNull(rsSource!VehYear), 0, rsSource!VehYear)
' Note 0 is the default value
The Str function will specifically check if a Null value is passed in and deal with it accordingly. When you pass in an object it attempts to convert the result of a default method to a String. The result of the default method is not passed into the Str method, but Field object is, so a check for the initial Null will fail. The Str function will continue to check the parameter type for datatypes that it supports when it realizes that it has an object, it will attempt to retrieve the default value. It doesn't re-attempt to deal with the default value as it did with the passed in argument, so the attempt to return a Null as a String will fail. It seems MS didn't expect a default value to be Null or any other invalid value for Str. For instance Str doesn't support an empty string either.
This was my workaround in the vb6-days:
rsTarget!VehYear = Trim(Str(rsSource!VehYear & ""))
the & "" will make sure there is allways at least an empty string to work with.
From memory, null database fields are Nothing (or possibly vbNull), which do not have the same rules applied to them as Null. You should just be able to do a quick check:
If (rsSource!VehYear Is Nothing) Then
' Null
' Not null
End If
