What is Vagrant Homestead root password? - laravel

I have installed Homestead with
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
vagrant init
vagrant up
I can login with user vagrant:vagrant, but I can't login as root!
root:root and root:vagrant is wrong password.
I have solution: there is no root password, because user "vagrant" can run sudo -s bash.

For me, I was able to type sudo su and then I became root.
See https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/laravel/root-password-for-homestead-not-mysql-root-password/replies/107601 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/28097781/470749

According to the docs, the vagrant user default password is just vagrant.
This user should be setup with the insecure keypair that Vagrant uses as a default to attempt to SSH. Also, even though Vagrant uses key-based authentication by default, it is a general convention to set the password for the "vagrant" user to "vagrant". This lets people login as that user manually if they need to.

The username and password for both databases is homestead / secret.
Follow the section "Connecting to Databases" at https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/homestead#connecting-to-databases

Try this password: secret
I think that password works.

Ive come to a solution by changing the port:
DB_PORT=33060 in the .env file


Vagrant ssh promtps for password

I have a strange problem with vagrant ssh. Similar questions, like Vagrant asks for password after SSH key update, or (vagrant & ssh) require password, or Vagrant ssh authentication failure do not help me.
So, the plot.
I have a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04.3. All setup was made according to this article: https://blog.engineyard.com/2014/building-a-vagrant-box.
Note: I can ssh to this virtual machine using Putty with vagrant's insecure_private_key (converted to *.ppk), which is located "C:/Users/Gino/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key. Password is not promtped.
Then I packaged this virtual machine, init vagrant with this package and ran vagrant up. I got "Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying..." error. But nevertheless I could vagrant ssh to this machine, but it asked me a password. And if I tried to ssh to it using Putty with the necessary key (as in the first paragraph), it asked me for a password too.
I vagrant halted this machine, found it in VirtualBox VM's list and ran it manually. After that I tried to ssh to this machine using Putty with the same key and succeed - I could logon without any password.
Result of vagrant ssh-config, if needed:
h:\VagrantBoxes\main-server32>vagrant ssh-config
Host default
User vagrant
Port 2222
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
PasswordAuthentication no
IdentityFile "C:/Users/Gino/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key"
IdentitiesOnly yes
LogLevel FATAL
My Vagrantfile (it was generated automatically, almost nothing there, only a suggested line from comments was added):
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "vagrant-main-server32"
config.ssh.insert_key = false
So what's the mystery here? Why ssh using key works without vagrant up and fails and prompts for password with it?
Note. Another funny thing: it still can not authenticate during
vagrant up. But if at the time when errors "authentication failure"
appear I log in to vm through virtualbox, it also succeed to log in in
the window with vagrant up. And then vagrant ssh works.
I had the same issue with vagrant 1.8.1, on several boxes I use (ie: geerlingguy/centos6)
I didn't have any problem with Vagrant 1.7 on those boxes.
After some research on why i could not ssh in that box, it appears that /home/vagrant on the box had 755 permissions and ssh prevent authentication to user with those permissions
extract of /var/log/secure:
Jan 28 15:11:36 server sshd[11721]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/vagrant
To fix that vm, I only have to change the permissions /home/vagrant (did a chmod 700 on it) and now i can ssh directly into my boxes
I don't knwo how to fix it directly I think you should modify your box directly
Hope this helps!
edit: I thought it was a shared folder from the host but it's /vagrant that is shared not /home/vagrant
I had this old setting at the top of ~/.ssh/config.
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-dss,ssh-rsa
After removing it, vagrant ssh stopped asking for password.
If you saved your Vagrantfile on an external HardDrive and use exfat because you are working cross platform like me, you will also encounter this error. Since exfat does not save permissions, ssh will always think that the private keys permission is 777 => to open.
I put together this script as a workaround which runs on powershell and bash (so compatible with Linux, Mac and Windows):
# ssh-agent # uncomment if your ssh-agent isn't running as a service
cat V:\vm\arch_template\.vagrant\machines\default\virtualbox\private_key | ssh-add -
ssh -p 2222 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no vagrant#localhost
It requieres a working ssh-agent configuration. Also pay attantion to the correct port! Vagrant changes it to a different port if 2222 isn't availabe during vagrant up.
I had the same issue, getting vagrant#'s password: when starting up vagrant, after inputting the supposed password [vagrant], I could connect to the VM. However, after reading through other solutions, I tried ssh-agent on the same directory where the vagrantfile that was initiated is, and vagrant-ssh, and I am able to connect to the running instance.

Correct steps to setup Ambari on a centos VM

I am using: CentOS 7 with Ambari 2.1.1 to try and setup a single node setup on a VM. I want to do this to install vanilla hadoop etc instead of installing a prepackaged VM with some modified version of hadoop.
I am logged in as root. I have created a ssh key pair. I also ran:
"cat id_rsa.pub > authorized_keys"
"chmod 700 .ssh/"
"chmod 640 ./ssh/authorized_keys"
I have edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to: permit empty passwords, allow root login and also to state where the authorized_keys file is.
Without a password I can run "ssh root#localhost" and log in fine.
I have ran "ambari-server setup" successfully and logged in at localhost:8080 with user: admin pass: admin.
In "Install Options" FQDN I typed "localhost.test" and have selected a copy of my private key for the Host Registration Information.
But not matter what I do I am unable to get the components install under the confirmed hosts part and thus can't get any further.
Can someone please point out what I am missing here?
Thanks to Yusaku on HortonWorks forum for the help.
Ok I ran:
hostname -f
and got localhost
python -c ‘import socket; print socket.getfqdn()’
and got localhost.localdomain
By entering localhost.localdomain into the FQDN I was able to get the install working.

Configuring Homestead to work with MySQL Workbench

I just started using Homestead today and so far I don't think I know what I am doing, previously I was using the inbuilt PHP server that comes with Laravel and I had MySQL server and workbench installed separately on my computer.
With this setup I was able to connect to my database with ease, however since I got my Homestead running I can't seem to access that database again. This error keeps popping up:
3/3 ErrorException in Connector.php line 47: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045]
Access denied for user 'myproject_db101'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
(View: /home/vagrant/Projects/myproject/resources/views/layout/index.blade.php)
(View: /home/vagrant/Projects/myproject/resources/views/layout/index.blade.php)
How can I fix this?
I was facing the same issue and I tried below steps to fix it. Please let me know if they work for you.
Note the homestead ip address for your vagrant box. It is available in Homestead.yaml file under ~/.homestead directory. This directory location would be different on different OS. But since you have already installed vagrant with homestead you should know its location. For me the ip address was
Open up the Mysql Connection wizard and provide the below settings
hostname =
port = 3306
username = homestead
password = secret
Test Your connection
For me these settings worked. Check if they work for you.
These other answers might have worked for you guys, but in case anyone has a case like mine, I'm just going to provide what worked for me. Hopefully it helps someone out. I'm working on a brand new homestead installation as of today, but on a very old mac in case thats relevant.
What worked for me was using the regular localhost ip of my machine as the host, and then the homested/secret combination for the password, and using the default port but with a 0 at the end.
This adds up to be the following settings:
Connection method: Standard (TCP/IP)
Username: homestead
Password: secret
Port: 33060
Hopefully this helps someone out. Its the only configuration that worked for me.
Try using homestead's default MySQL credentials: User: root Password: secret
If you are accessing the database from your computer via MySQL Workbench (not from within the homestead VM), you can use localhost:33060 (note: non-standard port). This is mapped to port 3306 within your VM.
From your application and any time you're working from within the homestead VM, you can connect to the database normally as localhost on port 3306.
Very likely a configuration issue. Either the user 'myproject_db101'#'localhost' has no password set or is not allowed to connect from localhost. You need another user with proper rights (e.g. the root user) to fix permissions for that user.

Laravel "envoy run" command not working with ssh key

I am running following command in a laravel project folder and getting following error.
rakib$ envoy run list --env=production
[ubuntu#]: Permission denied (publickey).
But I can successfully ssh using following command:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/sw-new.pem ubuntu#
My ~/.ssh/config file content looks like:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/sw-new.pem
Can anyone suggest me what is the possible reason of getting "Permission denied" error?
It's possible that envoy is using the wrong user when attempting to ssh into the production server. Specify a user in your ~/.ssh/config file:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/sw-new.pem
User ubuntu
That should work.
It is possible as answer above for AWS user when you attempting to ssh in production mode, after define "config" file as "~/.ssh/config":
Host ec2-52-29-45-15.eu-central-2.compute.amazonaws.com
IdentityFile /home/tux/Desktop/ssh/masterpro.pem
User ubuntu

Vagrant Laravel Homestead SSH authentication failed

On vagrant provision of Laravel Homestead I get SSH authentication failed! and the Vagrant instance won't run.
SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM.
This seems to have started from the error when I first provisioned homestead:
==> default: tee: /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory
Having the default folder mapped to /home/vagrant in the Homestead.yaml was causing the issue.
This was my folders setting:
- map: /Users/username/www
to: /home/vagrant
Adding a folder deep fixed the problem:
- map: /Users/username/www/homestead
to: /home/vagrant/www
Working :)
Perhaps someone can elaborate as to why this happens?
did you set your ssh key to the correct path?
if you didnt set them right it cant connect
You should not match your project to the root folder, because it matches the Homestead repository to your /home/vagrant/ path
