How to replace a Control Array with individual Controls? - vb6

A previous programmer has created a form with a control array, containing the following controls:-
and I am attempting to replace them with
So far I have managed to rename the controls. This leaves me, however, with a set of controls:-
I can fiddle with the Index properties to get:-
but this still leaves a control array, resulting in methods like
cmdMeaningfulName(Index As Integer)
being generated (or required). Later - these methods don't actually compile, being reported as
Member already exists in a object module from which this object module derives.
when it clearly doesn't.
How does one remove the index entirely? I have tried editing the .frm by hand and no trace of any index can be found there.

On the form, select the control, then go to the properties window (F4). You can then select the index property and clear it. The control is then no longer an element of an array. This also means that any event handlers (_click, etc) are no longer hooked up, so you'll need to copy/re-implement those.


UFT: Problem in extracting data from excel file and input in the application dynamically

I am facing issues in performing certain actions based on the value in the excel file cell data.
Actions like if value is "NORMAL" then click Container type = Normal (radio button)
Similarly the Unit Container Value
Following is my code:
I am getting this error while performing action .WebElement("Container_Type_Normal").Click
Your error is because you can't start a line with . unless your within a with - and i can't see a with in your function. (i also don't recommend using a with as the can cause needless confusion)
The .webelement object is a catch-all type of object that is the child of other web objects or .page. You need this to be a full and valid path to the object, by this i mean start with browser().page().
You have a couple of options:
You can either make this a full path to your object based on the object repository:
Browser("<<OR Browser name>>").Page("<<OR Page name>>").WebElement("<<Your webelement name>>".click
For this, look at your OR and insert your names.
Or, option 2, you can use descriptive programming:
Browser("CreationTime:=0").Page("index:=0").WebElement("text:=" & fieldValue,"index:=0").click
That will take the browser that was created first (Creation time 0), the only page it has and the first (index 0) web element that contains your text (text is field value).
I'm assuming that you only have one browser, and that the first element that contains the text you want is what you want to click. You may need to add more layers too this or
A good approach is to mirror what is OR or use the object spy to ensure these properties are correct.

DOORS DXL issue looping through a filtered dataset

I have a script in which I filter the data in a module by a certain attribute value. When I then loop through these objects, for now, I am displaying the absolute number of the objects in an infoBox. However, the script is displaying absolute numbers of objects that are not in the dataset. Upon further investigation, I found that the extra absolute numbers were for each table within the entire module. I can't figure out why the script would include these tables when they are not in the filtered module data. I have even tried manually filtering the module on this attribute value then use the "Tools -> Edit DXL" to loop through the resulting items and it still displays the numbers for the tables that are not included. Why would it do this?
Here's my code:
bm2 = moduleVar
Filter fltr = contains(attribute "RCR_numbers", sRCRNum, false);
filtering on;
set(bm2, fltr);
for oObj in document(bm2) do {
absNum = oObj."Absolute Number";
infoBox("Object #" absNum ".");
I have also tried removing the document cast so it says "for oObj in bm2 do" instead, but this doesn't change the output. Why is the code giving me objects that are not in the filter? Any help would be greatly appreciated since this is a high priority issue for my project and I'm out of ideas myself.
In the DOORS 9.6.1 DXL Reference Manual you can see that:
for object in document
Assigns the variable o to be each successive
object in module. It is equivalent to the for object in module loop,
except that it includes table header objects, but not the row header
objects nor cells.
So, you must either use for object in module or, within your existing loop, test the hidden attribute TableType - this will be set to TableNone for anything that is not part of a table, table headers included.

Record without adding to repository?

Imagine creating a new QTP project. You hit record to get your first bit of code in place. By default, you'll get something like:
Browser("MyApp").Page("MyPage").WebEdit("MyLogin").Set "Bob"
And you'll get the Browser, Page, and WebEdit objects automatically added to the repository. What I would like to be able to do, as one of those QTP bods that prefers descriptive programming, is hit record, and get something like:
Browser("name:=MyApp").Page("name:=MyPage").WebEdit("name:=MyLogin").Set "Bob"
And have no objects added to the repository. Is there a setting / option to do this somewhere?
(Obviously there are arguments for not wanting to do this, which I acknowledge and appreciate - but for those of us that prefer DP, this could help expedite test creation).
From what i understood is that you want to hit 'Record' button and you will get the script in descriptive type rather than the usual. But that is not possible.
For descriptive programming, you have to explicitly write the code by identifying the properties of each object for that (you can use Tools > Object Spy).
For above example:
Go to Object Spy > Select "the pointing hand symbol button" and click on the WebEdit for which you want to set the text "Bob"
Now, from Object Hierarchy select each object Top to Bottom and write properties of those object in the script. Like 1st Browser, then Page, then WebEdit. Try adding as more properties as you can.
You just can not get descriptive script by hitting Record button.

Magento - getTreeHtml() - where on earth is this method?

Hopefully somebody can help me with this one as I'm a bit confused.
I'm trying to reverse engineer the product chooser widget so that I can trigger it off a button in the front end. I'm making progress, albeit slow.
One thing that is confusing me though is one of the lines of code in the container.phtml file:
getTreeHtml() ?>
I just cant seem to see where this 'getTreeHtml' method is. I've looked in the template's associated block, the block that that inherits from, and all the way up the object hierarchy. I've also done a text search on the whole of the Magento directory but this method doesnt appear anywhere... Am I missing something here?
Grateful for any help,
Its a non-declared field accessor (a 'magic' method). Whenever you call a setField(value) or getField() on a Varien_Object without really declaring this methods (they don't exist in the class), Varien_Object checks its $this->data array for a entry with a 'field' key. If such an entry exists it returns/sets the $this->data['field'] value.
The method is used in your Widget. Check out the file:
Somewhere in it you can find this call:
As you can see, the value is set in the controller, and later can be read in the template.

QTP Visibility Issue with a strange solution

I'm testing a Java web application on QTP. In one screen, not all fields are visible initially (ie: they're 'below the fold'), so this:
Browser("x").Page("y").JavaApplet("z").JavaInternalFrame("a").JavaEdit("txtName").Set "bob"
Causes an unspecified error to occur.
But if I change it slightly, to:
Browser("x").Page("y").JavaApplet("z").JavaInternalFrame("a").JavaEdit("txtName").Object.SetText "bob"
It works fine. Why?
If the object Properties for the JavaEdit Box which is set by the Developers is different from other similar objects. hence it has to be done in that way.
There are many instance like where one cell of the Java Table is set by the value using SetCellData for the Edit operation and for a same kind operation usually we use Type / SendKey methods.
