table will be at front when boostrap date picker pops up - handsontable

table will be at back when boostrap date picker pops up
there fore it blocking the calendar, how do I make it always at the back?

add style to calender/date picker pop up.
z-index: 99999 !important;


SetTitle of Data Picker instead of getting Today Date in Xamarin Forms

I had a datepicker in which I am getting default system date during its Initialization.But I don't want default date.I need to get a Title(Select Date) similar to PikcerTitle in Xamarin.Forms. Anyone please help me to bring a solution for my problem.Thanks in advance.
You can add a label and datepicker instead of just datepicker and hide datepicker. Add a tap gesture to the label, on the tap focus the datepicker and bind the text of the label to the datepicker's date.
On page load add your desired text in the label.

mouseout keep div showing until next rollover

Using the following code, how can I keep the div open and not hidden once the mouse roll off the trigger, until another trigger is rolled over?
I am using this code on the Customer wants a rollover action on the services button, but as they have a lot of text with some of them, you can't scroll down to view it without coming off the trigger, and then it's hidden.
They don't want a click to open.
Really appreciate your help here.
One way would be is that you remove the onmouseout of all pop-up-triggers and you set a onmouseout=document.getElementById('ALL-THE-POP-UP-BOX').style.display = 'none'; to the div with the class="postcontent clearfix"
like so:
<div class="postcontent clearfix" onmouseout=document.getElementById('ALL-THE-POP-UP-BOX').style.display = 'none';>
So when the mouse leaves the pop-up-triggers it wont hide the pop-up-box but if the mouse leaves the postcontent clearfix div it will hide all displayed pop-up-box.
Note: you have to hide all pop-up-box on pop-up-trigger mouseover so that only the current pop-up-box will be displayed.
Hope this helps.

How to trigger native datepickers from javascript in FirefoxOS?

I want to open the native datepicker of FirefoxOS on a click on a button.
By default, the native datepicker shows up when an input (date type obviously) has focus.
But how to do this with for a button ? Moreover, I don't like date inputs, because my app is in french and the format of the date displayed in a date input is not the french format.
I tested with a date input hidden with css. The click on the button triggers the focus on the input. But in this case the datepicker is not shown.
Please do not suggest me to use JQuery UI or other javascript datepickers. On mobile they are not very usuable and the best is native datepicker.
Thanks for your help
Firstly, if your question is about how to fire the native date picker with a button, you can do it by calling focus on it like:
<input id="datepicker" type="date">
<button onclick="document.getElementById('datepicker').focus()"></button>
If it's about hiding the date picker, but still using it with the button, you can put the opacity to 0 with CSS, but it will still be there, just not visible:
#datepicker {
opacity: 0;
Does that answer your question?

css - table cells incorrectly aligned to header cells when global table { display:table-cell } was used

I had the global table's css set so non-related jqGrid table cells render correctly in all web browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.).
table { display: table-cell; }
A few years later, I start using jqGrid for 1st time and noticed the table cells rendered fine in IE but not in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
So, what css property should I inject into to the ui.jqgrid.css file for the jqGrid to render properly?
I am not sure that I understand your problem correctly. I suppose that you have to have the CSS
table { display: table-cell; }
because of some reason and you want do display jqGrid correctly. In the case you can just add CSS
.ui-jqgrid table { display: table; }
which override the "global" setting for all tables used by jqGrid.
See the demo which uses the styles and which displays the grid correctly.

jqgrid multiple datepickers and autofocus

i think i found a strange bug in jqGrid.
If you click on this link you can see a jqGrid with a pager. If you click on the '+' button you get the add form in which the 2 datepickers work as expected.
If you now click on this link you can see the very same table, and the very same add button. Anyway if you try to set the second date using tha datepicker you will notice that the focus moves back to the first input, opening the first datepicker.
The example does not work because it has the first field (Id) hidden, so the real first field is a datepicker. Moreover, the edit form is modal.
Last, if you click in this link the behaviour is correct even if the first field is a datepicker. The only thing i changed is the modal property (to false, before it was true).
However, i NEED to hide the Id field AND have a modal window, so i have to to get rid of this problem...
Can someone suggest a solution or an hint?
PS: notice that if you set modal: false, you still get the black/transparent overlay like if the window is modal BUT it is not! If you click outisde the edit form it will be closed. This is not acceptable for my requirements.
try to set jqModal parameter into false
var editParams = {
modal: true,
... //other options you need
grid.editGridRow(row_id, editParams);
for more information see answer Oleg's analisys
