How to get the lastest update of quality cheklist in Google Play Game Services? - google-play-games

Few minutes ago I know that Quality checklist of Google Play Game Services has been updated last week. Only thing what I need is what things are changed through the latest update on it. Is there any way to pick the point?

Unfortunately, there's no list of revisions or previous doc versions that you can see to check for update notes with regard to Quality Checklist. Unless, you manually save the updates every time and compare.


Why are some recent versions of Geoserver not available on

Looking at it seems odd that under the older versions the links stop at v2.13.2. Did the community stop publishing the interactive HTML document at some point such that we now have to find a way to the page where it has to be downloaded?
We are actually going to stop providing anything other than main, stable and maintenance due to lack of resources to keep documents online: the company that provided the old doc server is no more, the project has no budget, so we'll move the docs to GitHub pages, which has a space limitation allowing only 3 versions of the doc to be published.
However, each release comes with a zip file with documentation. Go to the, move to the archived tab, pick the one you want, e.g.,, follow the "user guide HTML", save and unpack the zip. You now have the docs you need.
It looks like something changed in the release process some time ago (2.13.x was quite a while ago). To be honest I didn't know we had ever provided hosted copies of any version of the manual except for Development, Stable and Maintenance. In principal you should never need a manual that is older than Maintenance as that means you are running an unsupported version.
If you desperately need a specific version (to complete a collection maybe) then you can find a zipped copy of the HTML manual under the Archived tab of the Download page.
I'll probably raise a ticket about that documentation page as it has broken links too, so expect all the old links to go soon.

How to report on hours per period in Azure Devops?

I can't work out how to report how many hours per week were recorded by each team member.
For example if a task is 20 hrs, and 10 hours was done last week, and 10 this week, how can I tell how meany hours were recorded against the task each week?
I saw some time tracker plugins, they are not what I'm talking about. They require that the user start and stop time tracking kind of like upwork.
The developers already enter completed hours as they progress the tasks. So if devops remember the dates of each entry then I should be able to query how many hours were added this week, or month, or whatever per user per task.
Here is an excerpt from a discussion we had about it:
Meh, as far as Im concerned:
I make the tasks in notepad usually, so someone can add them to devops.
Someone adds them to develops.
The developers receive them in devops and record their status and times as they develop.
Devops doesnt seem to report on weekly times to us, so we ask the developers to write everything down in notepad or doc and pass us a
list or what they did with times.
We get the developers lists and use them to report to mgmt.
What is the point of steps 2 and 3? May as well just pass the guys
their task in plain test list as I make it in notepad, it will be
easier for them to add their times and pass it back. For us devops is
just extra unwanted work while ever we cant work out how to report on
developer hours.
I think, you can use several ways:
Way 1. Use PowerBi reporting.
Each developer updates work hours every day.
You can use Analytics view to get task history:
Add Completed work to this view.
Connect to Analytics with Power BI Data Connector. Then you can find revisions for each tasks and calculate hour difference
Way 2. Customize your process template.
Add to your process template new work item type (like Time or Activity). Add to these work items new field (like Activity date) or use existing field Target Date. Add to these work items the Completed Work field. Add a custom work item type, Add a custom field to a work item type.
You developers add a new Time work item as child work item to their task and update the Completed Work field. You can use work item queries to see time updates.
TimeTracking in Azure Devops is pain. We have developed our custom solution to track time in DevOps. You can install extension For more info you can visit also for more info.

Azure Search index is not updating when I publish changes to my QnAMaker knowledgebase

I have a Microsoft chat bot that is using a QnAMaker knowledgebase that is getting frequently updated due to still being in development. It seems that updates to pre-existing question and answer pairs are not being propagated in the Azure Search Index when changes in the QnAMaker knowledgebase are published.
What can I do to force the search index to update itself?
Thanks for any help!
I would recommend getting into contact with support for the qna maker team for cases like this, however if you're willing to commit some time and try to do it yourself (if you have a lot of questions) then there is an extreme option that should work to force refresh your search instance.
The steps that worked for me are:
Delete your current frozen indexes from the search instance in azure (everything but test).
Make an edit to every single QnA pair in your kb (even a blank space at the end of the question works, you just need it to be added for retraining)
Retrain/save your kb. (refresh the url-populated questions as well)
Publish your knowledge base again.
All the newly edited questions (in this case all of them) should be freshly added to the index. I am sorry that this is a bit of an extreme option though, so I'd still recommend going to support before this generally.

How to create time reports by user/project in Phabricator Phrequent

Is there a way to create a custom reporting system under the Phrequent section in Phabricator?
In the Maniphest app there is a report feature. However, it only counts total number of task by person or project. My organization still requires total time spent on a project and task.
Inside Phrequent you can already sort by user, however, I need one step further total time spent on a task by user or project. Currently it requires a manual process of totaling each time entry per task by hand.
This is not "yet" a feature and there is no implemented way of doing it right now.
Phrequent is still in its early stage of development and a lot of work remains on it.
The tracking per project is definitely a must feature and is being logged here:
Finally, the current focus for Phabricator right now seems to be the CI part (Harbormaster and Drydock) so the roadmap does not mention incoming work in the short term:
but only in the long term:
On a side note, I considered using phrequent but I believe it's too far from being production ready right now so using other time tracking system seems to be the only viable solution.

Google play publish again

I have uploaded my apk-file as release version and published it. After some time(half day) I unpublished it to fix something. Now, 1 week later, I want to publish it again.
Would it affect promotion? I heard that "new, just published" applications have more chances to get to top apps list.
So, if I publish my application again, it would be "new app", or only first publish considered?
I have not noticed any "penalty". Amount of installs per day grows as it was in first time.
