JqGrid MVC post data is not working - ajax

I am trying to pass some values from jQGrid to controller of my MVC application. The grid was displaying properly but no data was showing.
My code is below
function LoadGrid(varLocationID) {
var jqDataUrl = null;
jqDataUrl = "ManageRoutes/ManageRoutes" //+ x;
var Location = varLocationID.getAttribute('value');
var grid = $("#grid").grid({
url: "/ManageRoutes/GetRoutes/",
postData: { "szLocationID": function () { return Location; } },
cache: false,
datatype: "json",
mtype: "POST",
// Specify the column names
colNames: ["RouteID", "CompanyID", "LocationID", "SalesManCode", "SalesManName"],
// Configure the columns
colModel: [
{ name: "RouteID", index: "RouteID", width: 70, align: "left" },
{ name: "CompanyID", index: "CompanyID", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ name: "LocationID", index: "LocationID", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ name: "SalesManCode", index: "SalesManCode", width: 150, align: "left" },
{ name: "SalesManName", index: "SalesManName", width: 170, align: "left" }
pager: { enable: true, limit: 5, sizes: [2, 5, 10, 20] }
and code in controller
public JsonResult GetRoutes(string szLocationID)
List<RouteNames> qry = new List<RouteNames>();
using (TESTEntities1 dc = new TESTEntities1())
qry = (from s in dc.t_hhc_dnl_Route_ID.AsEnumerable()
select new RouteNames
CompanyID = s.CompanyID,
LocationID = s.LocationID ,
RouteID = s.RouteID,
SalesManCode=s.SalesManCode ,
SalesManName = s.SalesManName
}).Where(m => m.LocationID.Contains(szLocationID)).Take(100).ToList();
var jsonData = new
data = from emp in qry select emp
return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Any help would be appreciated.

Changed as below code and got worked ..
"ajax": {
"url": "/ManageRoutes/GetRoutes",
"type": "POST",
"data": function (d) {
d.szLocationID = Location;


Kendo Grid Search ParameterMap

I am not able to get the following to call the web service function. It has something to do with the ParameterMap since if I call a function that does not need parameters (Meditech_MeditechSearchResultsTEST) then I get results. I have logging set up on the Meditech_MeditechSearchResults web service function and can tell it never gets called.
function GetQuery() {
var SearchText;
var URLLink;
SearchText = document.getElementById('QueryID').value;
var FilterSelected;
FilterSelected = document.getElementById('ArchivedResultsSelect').value;
URLLink = URL + 'Meditech_MeditechSearchResults';
var CurrPage = 1;
var Pagesize =10;
try {
if (SearchText != '') {
$(document).ready(function () {
attributes: {
"class": "SearchControls"
dataSource: {
pageSize: Pagesize,
transport: {
read: {
url: URLLink,
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
type: {
data: "odata"
parameterMap: function (options) {
var parameters = {
Search: FormatJSONString(SearchText),
FilterValue: FilterSelected,
CurrentPage: CurrPage,
PageSize: Pagesize
return parameters;
columns: [{
field: "View",
title: "",
width: "30px",
align: "center",
template: kendo.template($("#view-template").html())
field: "Results",
title: "Results",
width: "800px",
template: kendo.template($("#result-template").html())
field: "Rank",
title: "Rank",
width: "40px",
height: 500,
width: 900,
scrollable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
error: function(e) {
else { alert('Please enter a search text.') }
catch(ex) {
The parameterMap option is part of the transport configuration. Try putting it there. Right now it is ignored.

jQGrid - "reloadGrid" - Keep Position

I'm trying to 'refresh' or 'reload' a grid and keep the row which has focus after the grid has been reloaded.
I've tried to do it as follows:-
var rowId = $("#dispatch").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
var thisRow = (parseInt(rowId) + parseInt(1));
}, 151);
But you can see it just from position #1 to the new position.
Is there any other way of reloading the grid and keeping focus position?
// Display Current Jobs
$('#btn-current').bind('click', function() {
type: 'GET',
url: 'scripts/php/jobs.controller.php',
data: "id=" + "current",
success: function(data){
$("#dispatch").trigger("reloadGrid", [{current:true}]);
$(function () {
var lastsel2
var rowsToColor = [];
url: 'scripts/xml/jobs.xml',
datatype: "xml",
xmlReader: {
colNames: ["Time", "Car", "Status", "P", "Pickup", "Zone", "Destination", "Fare", "Name", "Type", "Tel", "Comments", "Account No", "Allow Time", "Tariff", "Email", "Driver Fare", "Driver Extras", "Customer Extras", "Driver", "Driver Comments", "Reference No", "Payment", "From No", "From Street", "From PostCode", "To No", "To Street", "To PostCode", "Account Name", "Flight No", "From Zone No", "To Zone No"],
colModel: [
{ name: "bookingdatetime", width: 55, editable: true },
{ name: "car", width: 45, editable: true },
{ name: "jbmessage", width: 60 },
{ name: "prebooking", width: 10 },
{ name: "pickup", width: 359, editable: true, classes:"grid-col"},
{ name: "zone", width: 50 },
{ name: "dropoff", width: 359, sortable: false, editable: true },
{ name: "customerfare", width: 76, editable: true },
{ name: "passname", width: 100, editable: true },
{ name: "cartype", width: 50, editable: true, },
{ name: "tel", width: 100, editable: true },
{ name: "comments", width: 150 },
{ name: "accountno", hidden: true },
{ name: "allowtime", hidden: true },
{ name: "tarif", hidden: true },
{ name: "emailaddress", hidden: true },
{ name: "driverfare", hidden: true },
{ name: "driverextras", hidden: true },
{ name: "customerextras", hidden: true },
{ name: "driver", hidden: true },
{ name: "comments1", hidden: true },
{ name: "referenceno", hidden: true },
{ name: "payment", hidden: true },
{ name: "fromno", hidden: true },
{ name: "fromstreet", hidden: true },
{ name: "frompostcode", hidden: true },
{ name: "tono", hidden: true },
{ name: "tostreet", hidden: true },
{ name: "topostcode", hidden: true },
{ name: "customer", hidden: true },
{ name: "flightno", hidden: true },
{ name: "fromzoneno", hidden: true },
{ name: "tozoneno", hidden: true }
loadComplete: function (){
var rowIds = $('#dispatch').jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for (i = 1; i <= rowIds.length; i++) {//iterate over each row
rowData = $('#dispatch').jqGrid('getRowData', i);
//set background style if Payment = Account
if (rowData['payment'] == 'Acc') {
$('#dispatch').jqGrid('setRowData', i, false, "yellow");
if (rowData['payment'] == 'CC') {
$('#dispatch').jqGrid('setRowData', i, false, "purple");
if (rowData['cartype'] == 'Est') {
$('#dispatch').jqGrid('setRowData', i, false, "green");
if (rowData['cartype'] == '8B' || rowData['cartype'] == 'Bus') {
$('#dispatch').jqGrid('setRowData', i, false, "red");
if (rowData['car'] == '00') {
$('#dispatch').jqGrid('setRowData', i, false, "cancel");
pager: "#pager",
loadui: 'disable',
rowNum: 50,
rowList: [10, 20, 30],
sortname: "invid",
sortorder: "desc",
viewrecords: true,
gridview: true,
autoencode: true,
width: null,
shrinkToFit: false,
height: 647,
scrollOffset: 0,
onSelectRow: function (id, status) {
$('body').keyup(function (e) {
if (status && e.keyCode == 66 && $("#booking-docket").dialog("isOpen") === false) {
gridComplete: function () {
$("#dispatch").setSelection(0, true);
$("#dispatch").jqGrid('setGridParam', {ondblClickRow: function(rowid,iRow,iCol,e){
function populateDocket() {
var rowId =$("#dispatch").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
var rowData = jQuery("#dispatch").getRowData(rowId);
var bookingdatetime = rowData['bookingdatetime'];
var car = rowData['car'];
var fromno = rowData['fromno'];
var fromstreet = rowData['fromstreet'];
var frompostcode = rowData['frompostcode'];
var tono = rowData['tono'];
var tostreet = rowData['tostreet'];
var topostcode = rowData['topostcode'];
var customerfare = rowData['customerfare'];
var passname = rowData['passname'];
var cartype = rowData['cartype'];
var tel = rowData['tel'];
var comments = rowData['comments'];
var accountno = rowData['accountno'];
var allowtime = rowData['allowtime'];
var tariff = rowData['tarif'];
var email = rowData['emailaddress'];
var driverFare = rowData['driverfare'];
var driverExtras = rowData['driverextras'];
var customerExtras = rowData['customerextras'];
var driver = rowData['driver'];
var commentsdrv = rowData['comments1'];
var referenceno = rowData['referenceno'];
var payment = rowData['payment'];
var accountname = rowData['customer'];
var flightno = rowData['flightno'];
var prebook = rowData['prebooking'];
var bookedby = rowData['bookedby'];
var date = bookingdatetime.split(' ');
var hour = date[1].substr(0,2)
var minute = date[1].substr(6,5)
// Navigate Grids
$(document).keypress(function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 40) { //down arrow
if(e.keyCode == 38) { //up arrow
if(e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40) //up/down arrow override
var gridArr = $('#dispatch').getDataIDs();
var selrow = $('#dispatch').getGridParam("selrow");
var curr_index = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < gridArr.length; i++)
curr_index = i;
if(e.keyCode == 38) //up
if(e.keyCode == 40) //down
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<joblist resultcount="100">
<job id="0">
<pickup>26 CHIPPENHAM MEWS W9 2AN</pickup><dropoff>BREWER STREET W1F 0RJ</dropoff><bookingdatetime>14/05/2014 10:29:19</bookingdatetime><car></car><jbmessage></jbmessage><zone>MOUNTAIN</zone><customerfare>12</customerfare><passname>ele</passname><cartype>Car</cartype><tel>07771764901</tel><comments></comments><accountno></accountno><allowtime>10</allowtime><tarif>1</tarif><emailaddress></emailaddress><driverfare>12</driverfare><driverextras>0</driverextras><customerextras>0</customerextras><driver></driver><comments1></comments1><referenceno>221194</referenceno><payment>Cash</payment><fromno>26</fromno><fromstreet>CHIPPENHAM MEWS</fromstreet><frompostcode>W9 2AN</frompostcode><tono></tono><tostreet>BREWER STREET</tostreet><topostcode>W1F 0RJ</topostcode><prebooking>X</prebooking><customer></customer><flightno></flightno><bookedby>SAJJAD</bookedby><fromzoneno>27</fromzoneno><tozoneno>29</tozoneno></job><job id="1"><pickup>7 FOSBURY MEWS W23JE</pickup><dropoff>HEATHROW TER(T5) TW6 2GA</dropoff><bookingdatetime>13/05/2014 20:57:40</bookingdatetime><car>4</car><jbmessage>PAloc</jbmessage><zone>BALDWIN</zone><customerfare>41</customerfare><passname>BLOECKER</passname><cartype>MPV</cartype><tel>07435358308</tel><comments></comments><accountno></accountno><allowtime>15</allowtime><tarif>2</tarif><emailaddress></emailaddress><driverfare>41</driverfare><driverextras>0</driverextras><customerextras>0</customerextras><driver></driver><comments1></comments1><referenceno>220938</referenceno><payment>Cash</payment><fromno>7</fromno><fromstreet>FOSBURY MEWS</fromstreet><frompostcode>W23JE</frompostcode><tono></tono><tostreet>HEATHROW TER(T5)</tostreet><topostcode>TW6 2GA</topostcode><prebooking>X</prebooking><customer></customer><flightno></flightno><bookedby>SHEERAZ</bookedby><fromzoneno>21</fromzoneno><tozoneno>196</tozoneno>
Instead of usage setSelection inside of setTimeout you need just use additional parameter of reloadGrid: current:true. See the answer for more details.
UPDATED: The code of gridComplete seems be the reason of your problem:
$("#dispatch").setSelection(0, true);
it resets the selection of the grid after reloading to the row with the id="0".
I would strictly recommend you to replace the code of loadComplete to much more effective rowattr callback. See the answer for the corresponding code example.
Additionally you should not bind $('body').keyup on every row selection. In the way you bind (register) more and more new keyup event handles without unbinding the previous one. I'm not sure what you want to do in the part of the code, but you should probably move the code outside of onSelectRow callback.
I don't see any reason to set ondblClickRow with respect of setGridParam after the grid is created. Instead of that you can just include ondblClickRow callback directly in the list of jqGrid option during creating the grid (like you defined loadComplete, onSelectRow and gridComplete callbacks).
I recommend you to use $(this) instead of $('#dispatch') inside of any jqGrid callback.

JQGRID Performance issues

My Jqgrid is freezing after 500 rows, page is blocking and if rows exceeds 1000 or 1500 then one browser alert is coming and saying that "long time to execute script .. do you wanna stop or continue.. " I am in no mans land can you please check my code and suggest me.. Am I doing any wrong.
one more issue is Why my loading GIF image and page stuck until all rows loaded?
$(document).ready(function ()
var searchFilter = {};
searchFilter.REFERENCE = "%";
searchFilter.INVOICENOR = "";
searchFilter.PRODNAME = "ALL";
searchFilter.ORDSTATUS = "WIP";
------etc ------
function GetTrackOrdersData()
var param = JSON.stringify(
'searchFilter': searchFilter
}); //This function is from JSon2.js
type: "POST",
url: "TrackOrdersNew.aspx/GetTrackOrdersData",
data: param,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (mydata)
var mydata = $.parseJSON(mydata.d);
if (mydata != null && mydata.length == 0)
alert('No Records');
else if(mydata != null)
var i = 0;
for (i; i <= mydata.length; i++)
jQuery("#list1").jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, mydata[i]);
if (i > 0)
$('.ui-jqgrid-title').text('Track Orders (' + (i - 1) + ')');
error: function (mydata)
alert("Some thing went wrong because of network. Please reload the page. Code:100T"+mydata.responseText);
complete: function ()
function bindGrid()
datatype: "local",
colNames: ['Customer', 'Delivery', 'TrackNo','Ref', 'JobNo', 'Type', 'Product', 'Status',
'EntryDate', 'Scheduled', 'Invoiced'
colModel: [
name: 'CUOH_CUST_CD',
index: 'CUOH_CUST_CD',
width: 100,
classes: 'pointer'
index: 'CUOA_DEL_CUST_CD',
width: 69,
classes: 'pointer'
name: 'CUOH_TRAK_NO',
index: 'CUOH_TRAK_NO',
width: 70,
classes: 'pointer'
width: 70,
classes: 'pointer'
name: 'CUOH_JOB_NO',
index: 'CUOH_JOB_NO',
width: 60,
classes: 'pointer'
width: 65,
classes: 'pointer'
index: 'CUOL_DESCR_LOC',
width: 155,
classes: 'pointer'
name: 'Status',
index: 'Status',
width: 100,
classes: 'pointer',
cellattr: function (rowId, value)
// additional parameter of cellattr: rawObject, cm, rdata are optional
if (value.indexOf("ompleted")!=-1)
return ' class="bcolor"';
formatter: 'date',
srcformat: 'd/m/Y',
newformat: 'd/m/Y'
width: 77,
classes: 'pointer'
formatter: 'date',
srcformat: 'd/m/Y',
newformat: 'd/m/Y'
width: 84,
classes: 'pointer'
formatter: 'date',
srcformat: 'd/m/Y',
newformat: 'd/m/Y'
width: 72,
classes: 'pointer'
//multiselect: true,
//rowList: [10, 20, 30, 40],
//pager: jQuery('#pager1'),
//rowList: [], // disable page size dropdown
//pgbuttons: false, // disable page control like next, back button
//pgtext: null, // disable pager text like 'Page 0 of 10'
//viewrecords: true, // disable current view record text like 'View 1-10 of 100'
rowNum: 10000,
sortorder: "asc",
caption: "Track Orders",
gridview: true,
//shrinkToFit: true,
loadonce: true,
rownumbers: true, //Displays Row number Column
onSelectRow: function (rowId)//ondblClickRow
var rowData = jQuery(this).getRowData(rowId);
var trackingNo = rowData['CUOH_TRAK_NO'];
C sharp:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static string GetTrackOrdersData(TrackOrdersFilterData searchFilter)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginName"] == null)
string val = string.Empty;
DataSet ds = GetTrackOrders(searchFilter);
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
val = DataTableToJSON(ds.Tables[0]);
return val;

jqgrid retrieving empty rows using webapi (REST)

I'm using jqgrid in an ASPNET MVC4 project with WebApi (REST), Entity Framework 5 using Unit Of Work and Repository patterns.
My problem is that I see the data flowing as json to the browser and I see three rows in the grid, but those rows are empty, and the data is not shown (three empty rows in the grid).
This is method to get the data in the WebApi controller:
public dynamic GetGridData(int rows, int page, string sidx, string sord)
var pageSize = rows;
var index = sidx;
var order = sord;
var categories = Uow.Categories.GetAll().OrderBy(t => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(index) ? "Id" : index) + " " + (order ?? "desc"));
var pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1;
var totalRecords = categories.Count();
var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float) totalRecords / (float) pageSize);
var categoriesPage = categories.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
return new
total = totalPages,
page = page,
records = totalRecords,
rows = (from category in categoriesPage
select new
id = category.Id.ToString(),
cell = new string[]
This is the json received in the browser
"total": 1,
"page": 1,
"records": 3,
"rows": [{
"id": "1",
"cell": ["1", "Category 1", null]
}, {
"id": "3",
"cell": ["3", "Category 3", "asAS"]
}, {
"id": "4",
"cell": ["4", "Category 4", null]
This is the .js file with jqgrid
url: $("#ServiceUrl").val(),
datatype: "json",
jsonReader: { repeatitems: false, id: "Id" },
colNames: ['Id', 'Name', 'Description'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'id', editable: true, sortable: true, hidden: true, align: 'left' },
{ name: 'name', editable: true, sortable: true, hidden: false, align: 'left' },
{ name: 'description', editable: true, sortable: true, hidden: false, align: 'left' }
mtype: 'GET',
rowNum: 15,
pager: '#ajaxGridPager',
rowList: [10, 20, 50, 100],
caption: 'List of Categories',
imgpath: $("#ServiceImagesUrl").val(),
altRows: true,
shrinkToFit: true,
viewrecords: true,
autowidth: true,
height: 'auto',
error: function(x, e)
alert(x.readyState + " "+ x.status +" "+ e.msg);
function updateDialog(action) {
return {
url: $("#ServiceUrl").val(),
closeAfterAdd: true,
closeAfterEdit: true,
afterShowForm: function (formId) { },
modal: true,
onclickSubmit: function (params) {
var list = $("#ajaxGrid");
var selectedRow = list.getGridParam("selrow");
params.url += "/" + list.getRowData(selectedRow).Id;
params.mtype = action;
width: "300",
ajaxEditOptions: { contentType: "application/json" },
serializeEditData: function (data) {
delete data.oper;
return JSON.stringify(data);
add: true,
edit: true,
del: true,
search: false,
refresh: false
BTW, If I want to return jqGridData instead the dynamic, How should I do it? Did is showing empty rows as well:
public class jqGridData<T> where T : class
public int page { get; set; }
public int records { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<T> rows { get; set; }
public decimal total { get; set; }
public jqGridData<Category> GetGridData(int rows, int page, string sidx, string sord)
var pageSize = rows;
var index = sidx;
var order = sord;
var categories = Uow.Categories.GetAll().OrderBy(t => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(index) ? "Id" : index) + " " + (order ?? "desc"));
var pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1;
var totalRecords = categories.Count();
var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)pageSize);
var categoriesPage = categories.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
return new jqGridData<Category>
page = page,
records = totalRecords,
total = totalPages,
rows = categoriesPage
Thanks in advance!!! Guillermo.
Ok, I can't believe it, but it was the case in the name of the columns. First letter should be capitalized as it's capitalized in the data sent.

jqGrid Problem Binding Subgrid

I have a jqGrid that is not correctly displaying the subgrid rows. When I load the page, the regular grid rows display fine as well as the plus sign next to each of them, but when I click the plus button to expand them, the "Loading..." message just remains and nothing happens. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I am trying to do it on client side (loadonce: true).
Here is the code for creating the grid:
// setup custom parameter names to pass to server
prmNames: {
search: null,
nd: null,
rows: "numRows",
page: "page",
sort: "sortField",
order: "sortOrder"
datatype: function(postdata) {
$(".loading").show(); // make sure we can see loader text
url: 'WebServices/GetJSONData.asmx/getGridData',
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(postdata),
dataType: "json",
success: function(data, st) {
if (st == "success") {
var grid = $("#Grid1")[0];
//Loadonce doesn't work, have to do its dirty work
$('#Grid1').jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype: 'local' });
//After rows are loaded, have to manually load subgrid rows
var subgridData = JSON.parse(data.d).subgrid;
var lista = jQuery("#Grid1").getDataIDs();
var rowData;
//Iterate over each row in grid
for (i = 0; i < lista.length; i++) {
//Get current row data
rowData = jQuery("#Grid1").getRowData(lista[i]);
error: function() {
alert("Error with AJAX callback");
// this is what jqGrid is looking for in json callback
jsonReader: {
root: "rows",
page: "page",
total: "totalpages",
records: "totalrecords",
cell: "cell",
id: "id", //index of the column with the PK in it
userdata: "userdata",
repeatitems: true
coNames: ['Inv No', 'Amount', 'Store', 'Notes'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'InvNum', index: 'InvNum', width: 200 },
{ name: 'Amount', index: 'Amount', width: 55 },
{ name: 'Store', index: 'Store', width: 50 },
{ name: 'Notes', index: 'Notes', width: 100 }
subGrid: true,
subGridModel: [{
name: ['InvNum', 'Name', 'Qauntity'],
width: [55, 200, 80],
params: ['InvNum']
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 20, 50],
pager: '#Div1',
viewrecords: true,
width: 500,
height: 230,
scrollOffset: 0,
loadonce: true,
ignoreCase: true,
gridComplete: function() {
}).jqGrid('navGrid', '#Div1', { del: false, add: false, edit: false }, {}, {}, {}, { multipleSearch: true });
Here the code that I am using in the webservice call to create the JSON data:
IEnumerable orders = getOrders();
IEnumerable items = getItems();
int k = 0;
var jsonData = new
totalpages = totalPages, //--- number of pages
page = pageIndex, //--- current page
totalrecords = totalRecords, //--- total items
rows = (
from row in orders
select new
id = k++,
cell = new string[] {
row.InvNum.ToString(), row.Amount.ToString(), row.Store, row.Notes
subgrid = (
from row in items
select new
cell = new string[] {
row.InvNum.ToString(), row.Name, row.Quantity.ToString()
result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonData);
