Iam using Apache Hadoop-2.7.1 on Centos 7 Operating System.
To setup HttpFs, this link suggests to install HttpFs. I do not find any binary available for it.
Is there an alternative method to configure HttpFs for Hadoop?
HttpFs is included in the binary tarball of Apache Hadoop itself. You need not download it separately.
The configuration files httpfs-env.sh and httpfs-site.xml are available under $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/ directory.
The startup script httpfs.sh is under $HADOOP_HOME/sbin/.
To configure the embedded Tomcat of HttpFs, look for the configuration files under $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/httpfs/tomcat/conf/.
I'm trying to install Ambari Server 1.7 on Oracle Linux 6 machine, but it turned out that it's not open source anymore. The public repository can't be accessed.
I've got an older version of Ambari's tar.gz file, after I successfully installed the Ambari server, when I build the Hadoop cluster, it was directed to the public repository that is no longer accessible for the HDP and HDP-UTILS repository.
So, I need those rpm files for making a local repository to build the cluster. I'm looking for the file through the internet but I can't find it anywhere, is there anyone who still has the file?
Thank you.
Ambari itself is still open source. HDP has been moved behind Cloudera's pay wall for a while.
You can use Apache Bigtop to deploy Hadoop clusters and get a public/free distribution of Ambari, but Ambari itself is no longer supported or developed, so I would not suggest using it to deploy Hadoop clusters (not even sure Bigtop supports Oracle Linux 6).
You can use any Ambari stack you want, too; you don't need those specific HDP / HDP-UTILS yum repositories, but there aren't any that are as publicly documented, from what I've found
I'm working with Windows and trying to set up Spark.
Previously I installed Hadoop in addition to Spark, edited the config files, run the hadoop namenode -format and away we went.
I'm now trying to achieve the same by using the bundled version of Spark that is pre built with hadoop - spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
So far it's been a much cleaner, simpler process however I no longer have access to the command that creates the hdfs, the config files for the hdfs are no longer present and I've no 'hadoop' in any of the bin folders.
There wasn't an Hadoop folder in the spark install, I created one for the purpose of winutils.exe.
It feels like I've missed something. Do the pre-built versions of spark not include hadoop? Is this functionality missing from this variant or is there something else that I'm overlooking?
Thanks for any help.
By saying that Spark is built with Hadoop, it is meant that Spark is built with the dependencies of Hadoop, i.e. with the clients for accessing Hadoop (or HDFS, to be more precise).
Thus, if you use a version of Spark which is built for Hadoop 2.6 you will be able to access HDFS filesystem of a cluster with the version 2.6 of Hadoop via Spark.
It doesn't mean that Hadoop is part of the pakage and downloading it Hadoop is installed as well. You have to install Hadoop separately.
If you download a Spark release without Hadoop support, you'll need to include the Hadoop client libraries in all the applications you write wiƬhich are supposed to access HDFS (by a textFile for instance).
I am also using same spark in my windows 10. What I have done create C:\winutils\bin directory and put winutils.exe there. Than create HADOOP_HOME=C:\winutils variable. If you have set all
env variables and PATH like SPARK_HOME,HADOOP_HOME etc than it should work.
Currently, I have 3-node cluster running CDH 5.0 using MRv1. I am trying to figure out how to setup Hadoop on my Mac. So, I can submit jobs to the cluster. According to the "Managing Hadoop API Dependencies in CDH 5", you just need the files in /usr/lib/hadoop/client-0.20/* Do I need the following files too? Does Cloudera has hadoop-client in tarball?
- core-site.xml
- hdfs-site.xml
- mapred-site.xml
Yes, I'nk you can make use of cloudera tarball for setting up hadoop client, the same can be downloaded from the following path, configuration files are availble under etc/hadoop/ directory under Hadoop, just need to modify those files according to your environment.
If the above link doesn't match your version, use the following link for getting the available hadoop versions
I want to run a hadoop job remotely from a windows machine. The cluster is running on Ubuntu.
Basically, I want to do two things:
Execute the hadoop job remotely.
Retrieve the result from hadoop output directory.
I don't have any idea how to achieve this. I am using hadoop version 1.1.2
I tried passing jobtracker/namenode URL in the Job configuration but it fails.
I have tried the following example : Running java hadoop job on local/remote cluster
Result: Getting error consistently as cannot load directory. It is similar to this post:
Exception while submitting a mapreduce job from remote system
Welcome to a world of pain. I've just implemented this exact use case, but using Hadoop 2.2 (the current stable release) patched and compiled from source.
What I did, in a nutshell, was:
Download the Hadoop 2.2 sources tarball to a Linux machine and decompress it to a temp dir.
Apply these patches which solve the problem of connecting from a Windows client to a Linux server.
Build it from source, using these instructions. It will also ensure that you have 64-bit native libs if you have a 64-bit Linux server. Make sure you fix the build files as the post instructs or the build would fail. Note that after installing protobuf 2.5, you have to run sudo ldconfig, see this post.
Deploy the resulted dist tar from hadoop-2.2.0-src/hadoop-dist/target on the server node(s) and configure it. I can't help you with that since you need to tweak it to your cluster topology.
Install Java on your client Windows machine. Make sure that the path to it has no spaces in it, e.g. c:\java\jdk1.7.
Deploy the same Hadoop dist tar you built on your Windows client. It will contain the crucial fix for the Windox/Linux connection problem.
Compile winutils and Windows native libraries as described in this Stackoverflow answer. It's simpler than building entire Hadoop on Windows.
Set up JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_HOME and PATH environment variables as described in these instructions
Use a text editor or unix2dos (from Cygwin or standalone) to convert all .cmd files in the bin and etc\hadoop directories, otherwise you'll get weird errors about labels when running them.
Configure the connection properties to your cluster in your config XML files, namely fs.default.name, mapreduce.jobtracker.address, yarn.resourcemanager.hostname and the alike.
Add the rest of the configuration required by the patches from item 2. This is required for the client side only. Otherwise the patch won't work.
If you've managed all of that, you can start your Linux Hadoop cluster and connect to it from your Windows command prompt. Joy!
I have been struggling to install CDH via tarball, there is no document that describes the steps or guides through. I do have root access on the server & wish to install CDH4 via tarball in Pseudo mode. Can anyone help?. On the same server apache hadoop is also installed, i want to install this CDH, without effecting the existing apache hadoop.
It will not work..because in the end CDH4 will use the same ports which your existing apache hadoop is using..It will work ..if you shutdown your existing hadoop cluster and then start your CDH4 cluster. Or else change all the port numbers for namenode,secondary namenode,jobtracker, tasktracker and datanode and their respective web UI's port..which is kind of tedious.. It would be also helpful if you provide some error logs..So I can highlight what exactly is the problem.