I do the tuto wakanda at new version and I have error code 4055 when I play js a method addSuperheroes.js.
Please I need help.
new ds.Superhero({name:"Batman"}).save();
new ds.Superhero({name:"Superman"}).save();
var favoriteSuperhero = new ds.Superhero({name:"Wonder Woman"});
"__ERROR": [
"message": "Cannot read property 'remove' of undefined, line #1, file:///Users/arnaudthierard/Documents/Wakanda/solutions/HelloWorldWeb/back-end-superheroes/script/addSuperheroes.js.",
"componentSignature": "jvsc",
"errCode": 4055
"message": "Error evaluating javascript file:///Users/arnaudthierard/Documents/Wakanda/solutions/HelloWorldWeb/back-end-superheroes/script/addSuperheroes.js",
"componentSignature": "JS4D",
"errCode": 2
Make sure that the dataclass in the model is named Superhero.( not superhero or SuperHero ... )
in Strapi 4.0, i want to validate the input before saving. So i created lifecycles.js file as per the documentation and added the code:
module.exports = {
beforeCreate(event) {
//validation login here;
if (!valid) {
throw strapi.errors.badRequest('Invalid Entry');
How ever throw strapi.errors.badRequest('Invalid Entry'); is giving an error :
Cannot read property 'badRequest' of undefined
My guess is the Strapi v4 changed it from version 3. I looked everywhere but couldn't find a solution.
Any idea on how to handle error in lifecycles.js?
I had a similar situation with a forbidden error. I got to do it importing a class from #strapi/utils/lib/errors.js
const { ForbiddenError } = require("#strapi/utils").errors;
if (!authorized) {
throw new ForbiddenError(errorMessage);
You can show the list of errors based on your requirement
const { ValidationError } = require("#strapi/utils").errors;
if (formValidationError) {
throw new ForbiddenError("Fill the form");
Strapi comes with a lot of error response functions here are they
I am trying to upgrade a project from ElasticSearch 2.3 with NEST version 2.5.8 to ElasticSearch 7.9 with NEST 7.11.1. When I try to create the index I get the error:
# OriginalException: Elasticsearch.Net.ElasticsearchClientException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.. Call: Status code 400 from: PUT /partsearch.01. ServerError: Type: illegal_argument_exception Reason: "failed to build synonyms" CausedBy: "Type: parse_exception Reason: "Invalid synonym rule at line 1" CausedBy: "Type: illegal_argument_exception Reason: "The [standard] token filter has been removed."""
The code that is attempting to create the index when this error occurs is:
protected internal CreateIndexResponse CreateIndex(string name)
var indicesOperationResponse = this.elasticClientProxy.CreateIndex(
name, c => c
s => s
.Setting("index.max_result_window", this.maxResultWindow)
ad => ad
return indicesOperationResponse;
The implementation of the RegisterTokenFilters is:
protected internal override TokenFiltersDescriptor RegisterTokenFilters(TokenFiltersDescriptor descriptor)
return descriptor.UserDefined(TokenFilter.NormalizeNumberSeparator.DisplayName, TokenFilter.NormalizeNumberSeparator.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.CustomStopWordFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.CustomStopWordFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.StripNumberUnit.DisplayName, TokenFilter.StripNumberUnit.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.StripEndingPunctuation.DisplayName, TokenFilter.StripEndingPunctuation.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.StripCommaFromNumber.DisplayName, TokenFilter.StripCommaFromNumber.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.EnglishStemmer.DisplayName, TokenFilter.EnglishStemmer.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.EnglishPossessiveStemmer.DisplayName, TokenFilter.EnglishPossessiveStemmer.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.PatternFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.PatternFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.SynonymFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.SynonymFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.StripLeadingCharNoise.DisplayName, TokenFilter.StripLeadingCharNoise.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.NumericSynonymFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.NumericSynonymFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.StemmerExclusionFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.StemmerExclusionFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.AsciiFoldingTokenFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.AsciiFoldingTokenFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.DashWordsSynonymFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.DashWordsSynonymFilter.Filter)
.UserDefined(TokenFilter.DashSplitTokenFilter.DisplayName, TokenFilter.DashSplitTokenFilter.Filter);
I wanted to find and remove the Standard token filter based on answers I found to similar errors but I don't see it being used here.
How can I troubleshoot and resolve this issue?
The method RegisterAnalyzers made a call that led to this code:
private static AnalyzerBase CustomDescriptionAnalyzer()
var customAnalyzer = new CustomAnalyzer();
customAnalyzer.CharFilter = new List<string>
customAnalyzer.Tokenizer = Tokenizer.DescriptionTokenizer.DisplayName;
customAnalyzer.Filter = new List<string>
I removed the line TokenFilter.Standard.DisplayName from the customerAnalyzer.Filter list and now I don't get the error Type: parse_exception Reason: "Invalid synonym rule at line 1" CausedBy: "Type: illegal_argument_exception Reason: "The [standard] token filter has been removed
See also
Breaking changes in 7.0
The [standard] token filter has been removed #175
Standard token filter removal causes exceptions after upgrade #50734
Hello, I wish to gather custom property values for a window object of a page using cy.window().
When using cy.log() jointly with JSON.stringify(), it presents that it does have properties with values; however, when using lodash _.has(), does not have these properties and thereby no value because these properties are not found.
The following Cypress custom command using cy.window() gathers custom window's property
export function cmdCypressWindow($propName: string) {
.then(($propValue: Cypress.AUTWindow) => {
cy.log('props names:', JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyNames($propValue), null, 2));
cy.log('props values:', JSON.stringify($propValue, null, 2));
cy.log('VERSION prop:', _.has($propValue, 'VERSION'));
cy.log('HOST prop:', _.has($propValue, 'HOST'));
cy.log('VERSION value:', _.get($propValue, 'VERSION'));
cy.log('HOST value:', _.get($propValue, 'HOST'));
Passed in for parameter $propName value 'ACT', because I am expecting the page's window object to contain window.ACT["VERSION"].
Using the example code, the log output shows that the page's window does contain property ACT["VERSION"].
However, when accessing this window object, listed properties are unavailable and undefined:
- its .ACT
log props names:, [ "__esModule", "VERSION", "HOST", "RulesList", "RulesAddEdit", "AppsList", "AppsOAuth", "AppsAdd" ]
log props values:, { "VERSION": "0.2.11", "HOST": "radmin" }
log VERSION prop:, false
log HOST prop:, false
log VERSION value:
log HOST value:
How do I resolve this? Thank you, all feedback is very much appreciated.
Found part of the solution here:
TypeScript: Find Key / Value in Object (list comprehension?)
Modified the function:
export function cmdCypressWindow($propName: string) {
.then(($propValue: Cypress.AUTWindow) => {
const actValues: Record<string, string> = {};
Object.keys($propValue).forEach(key => {
// #ts-ignore
if (typeof $propValue[key] !== 'function') {
// #ts-ignore
actValues[key as string] = $propValue[key];
cy.log(`window.${$propName}`, JSON.stringify(actValues, null, 2));
Results show that I was able to acquire values from window object:
log props names:, [ "__esModule", "VERSION", "HOST", "RulesList", "RulesAddEdit", "AppsList", "AppsOAuth", "AppsAdd" ]
log window.ACT, { "VERSION": "0.2.11", "HOST": "radmin" }
wrap {version: 0.2.11, host: radmin}
I have a code distributed in 2 Script files. One is the logic.js provided by Hyperledger Composer Playground. And another script file - optedServices.js in which I have a function getService() defined. I need to call this function getService() in the code of logic.js. Please let me know how to do this. Thanks in advance - Madhu
I tried 'Add a file' link in the bottom left corner. And drag and dropped the optedServices.js and pressed 'add' button. That included the file in UI of playground.
The file logic.js contains:
function numToString(optedService) {
if (optedService == "") {
return ""
var optedService2 = require('./optedService');
optedServices = optedService2.getService('2' + optedService);
return optedServices;
The file optedService.js contains:
function getService (number)
return 'Sting1 & String2';
module.exports = {
Expected result: 'Sting1 & String2'
Actual Result:
Error: Error trying invoke business network with transaction id 22b513d8dbbf765bd23e3f448c45d2464e19b6c35628e23989c0a25f6a018b49. Error: No valid responses from any peers. Response from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: error executing chaincode: transaction returned with failure: ReferenceError: module is not defined
Version 2.0.0
I'm trying to use the parse object as per the docs: https://trigger.io/modules/parse/current/docs/index.html
The error I am getting: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined which. So the parse property is not set. I have heard that this is a problem where the config is not set correctly, but setting parse up via the toolkit doesn't seem to have any effect and the parse property is still not set.
My config:
"modules": {
"parse": {
"version": "2.0",
"config": {
"clientKey": "xxx",
"applicationId": "xxx"
Forge signature:
button: Object
config: Object
document: Object
enableDebug: function (){h.debug=true;h.priv.call("internal.showDebugWarning", },null,null);h.priv.call("internal.hideDebugWarning",{},null,null)}
event: Object
file: Object
geolocation: Object
internal: Object
is: Object
logging: Object
message: Object
notification: Object
prefs: Object
reload: Object
request: Object
tabs: Object
tools: Object
__proto__: Object
It looks like you're trying to use Parse on a non-mobile target (probably web). Parse push notifications are only available on Android and iOS.
Try below.
function () {
forge.logging.info("subscribed to offers push notifications!");
function (err) {
forge.logging.error("error subscribing to offers notifications: "+