Asymptotic costs confusion - asymptotic-complexity

So i'm trying to get my head around different asymptotic costs, I can tell generally which are faster but can't really get to grips as to when they occur /why, can anybody explain to me when some of the examples below would occur? or even any other complexities

Knowing how a complexity occurs is largely a matter of understanding where factors arise and putting them together in some way. If the operations being performed are done in a correlated manner with other operations, then the complexities are multiplied; if they are performed in series the complexities are added.
List traversals, for example, are each order n; so you might know right off the bat that O(n²) complexities arise from a doubly nested loop algorithm, O(n³) from a triply nested one.
Now writing complexities with multiple terms is not, in my experience, a common practice - O(n² + 2n + 1) for example. This is because we typically care about complexities for large n and in such a case, the lower order terms eventually become negligible. However, you can visualize such a thing by a nested loop algorithm in which two separate steps are performed in the outer loop that's O(1) (maybe adding something to a collection), plus a single O(1) operation outside of the loops.
Similarly, tree structures often yield logarithmic complexities. The height of a complete and balanced binary tree is proportional to log2(n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree. Thus, finding something in that tree using a recursive algorithm - which can be thought of as stepping through the tree's levels - is log2(n).
Note that in the worst case that the binary tree isn't complete and balanced (ie. each node has only one child filled in), the tree is topologically identical to a list, and thus searching through it is O(n). That's why many algorithms list a range of complexities.


Why does array implemented heap have constant runtime in add in practice?

Above is the runtime chart that I got from one of the lecture on Array Implemented Min-Heap.
It says that add is constant in practice with worst time logN.
Would there be a concrete reasoning why in practice, add will be constant run time?
More precisely, the average time complexity of insertion is constant. This applies for repeated insertion or random heaps, basically as long as you're not inserting smaller and smaller values all the time or otherwise making sure that it always has the worst-case complexity.
Very quickly and vaguely explained, the intuition is that basically about half of the nodes of a heap are leaf nodes, and about half of the rest are their parents, etc. So you are very likely to end up at a constant height from the leaf nodes in the tree (which translates to a constant number of updates), and this probability makes up for the rare log(n) scenarios.
If you are interested in formal proofs, this paper should interest you:
Average case analysis of heap building by repeated insertion (accessible here on Waybackmachine).
I also found this Stackoverflow answer for you, which gives some more intuition on the problem.

Given a situation, how to decide on a data structure?

I'm preparing to attend technical interviews and have faced mostly questions which are situation based.Often the situation is a big dataset and I'm asked to decide which will be the most optimal data structure to use.
I'm familiar with most data structures,their implementation and performance. But I fall under dilemma when given situations and be decisive on structures.
Looking for steps/algorithm to follow in a given situation which can help me arrive at the optimum data structure within the time period of the interview.
It depends on what operations you need to support efficiently.
Let's start from the simplest example - you have a large list of elements and you have to find the given element. Lets consider various candidates
You can use sorted array to find an element in O(log N) time using Binary search. What if you want to support insertion and deletion along with that? Inserting an element into a sorted array takes O(n) time in the worst case. (Think of adding an element in the beginning. You have to shift all the elements one place to the right). Now here comes binary search trees (BST). They can support insertion, deletion and searching for an element in O(log N) time.
Now you need to support two operations namely finding minimum and maximum. In the first case, it is just returning the first and the last element respectively and hence the complexity is O(1). Assuming the BST is a balanced one like Red-black tree or AVL tree, finding min and max needs O(log N) time. Consider another situation where you need to return the kth order statistic. Again,sorted array wins. As you can see there is a tradeoff and it really depends on the problem you are given.
Let's take another example. You are given a graph of V vertices and E edges and you have to find the number of connected components in the graph. It can be done in O(V+E) time using Depth first search (assuming adjacency list representation). Consider another situation where edges are added incrementally and the number of connected components can be asked at any point of time in the process. In that situation, Disjoint Set Union data structure with rank and path compression heuristics can be used and it is extremely fast for this situation.
One more example - You need to support range update, finding sum of a subarray efficiently and no new elements are inserting into the array. If you have an array of N elements and Q queries are given, then there are two choices. If range sum queries come only after "all" update operations which are Q' in number. Then you can preprocess the array in O(N+Q') time and answer any query in O(1) time (Store prefix sums). What if there is no such order enforced? You can use Segment Tree with lazy propagation for that. It can be built in O(N log N) time and each query can be performed in O(log N) time. So you need O((N+Q)log N) time in total. Again, what if insertion and deletion are supported along with all these operations? You can use a data structure called Treap which is a probabilistic data structure and all these operations can be performed in O(log N) time. (Using implicit treap).
Note: The constant is omitted while using Big Oh notation. Some of them have large constant hidden in their complexities.
Start with common data structures. Can the problem be solved efficiently with arrays, hashtables, lists or trees (or a simple combination of them, e.g. an array of hastables or similar)?
If there are multiple options, just iterate the runtimes for common operations. Typically one data structure is a clear winner in the scenario set up for the interview. If not, just tell the interviewer your findings, e.g. "A takes O(n^2) to build but then queries can be handled in O(1), whereas for B build and query time are both O(n). So for one-time usage, I'd use B, otherwise A". Space consumption might be relevant in some cases, too.
Highly specialized data structures (e.g. prefix trees aka "Trie") are often that: highly specialized for one particular specific case. The interviewer should usually be more interested in your ability to build useful stuff out of an existing general purpose library -- opposed to knowing all kinds of exotic data structures that may not have much real world usage. That said, extra knowledge never hurts, just be prepared to discuss pros and cons of what you mention (the interviewer may probe whether you are just "name dropping").

Best-case performance of disjoint set forests, and proving lower bounds of algorithms

There is a question on an assignment that was due today which solutions have been released for, and I don't understand the correct answer. The question deals with best-case performance of disjoint sets in the form of disjoint set forests that utilize the weighed union algorithm to improve performance (the smaller of the trees has its root connected as a child to the root of the larger of the two trees) but without using the path compression algorithm.
The question is whether the best case performance of doing (n-1) Union operations on n singleton nodes and m>=n Find operations in any order is Omega(m*logn) which the solution confirms is correct like this:
There is a sequence S of n-1 Unions followed by m >= n Finds that takes Omega(m log n) time. The sequence S starts with a sequence n-1 Unions that builds a tree with depth Omega(log n). Then it has m>=n Finds, each one for the deepest leaf of that tree, so each one takes
(log n) time.
My question is, why does that prove the lower bound is Omega(m*logn) is correct? Isn't that just an isolated example of when the bound would be Omega(m*logn) that doesn't prove it for all inputs? I am certain one needs to only show one counter-example when disproving a claim but needs to prove a predicate for all possible inputs in order to prove its correctness.
In my answer, I pointed out the fact that you could have a case when you start off by joining two singleton nodes together. You then join in another singleton to that 2-node tree with 3 nodes sharing the same parent, then another etc., until you join together all the n nodes. You then have a tree where n-1 nodes all point up to the same parent, which is essentially the result you obtain if you use path compression. Then every FIND is executed in O(1) time. Thus, a sequence of (n-1) Unions and m>=n Finds ends up being Omega(n-1+m) = Omega(n+m) = Omega(m).
Doesn't this imply that the Omega(m*logn) bound is not tight and the claim is, therefore, incorrect? I'm starting to wonder if I don't fully understand Big-O/Omega/Theta :/
EDIT : fixed up the question to be a little clearer
EDIT2: Here is the original question the way it was presented and the solution (it took me a little while to realize that Gambarino and the other guy are completely made up; hardcore Italian prof)
Seems like I indeed misunderstood the concept of Big-Omega. For some strange reason, I presumed Big-Omega to be equivalent to "what's the input into the function that results in the best possible performance". In reality, most likely unsurprisingly to the reader but a revelation to me, Big-Omega simply describes the lower bound of a function. That's it. Therefore, a worst case input will have a lower and upper bounds (big-O and omega), and so will the best possible input. In case of big-omega here, all we had to do was come up with a scenario where we pick the 'best' input given the limitations of the worst case, i.e. that there is some input of size n that will take the algorithm at least m*logn steps. If such input exists, then the lower bound is tight.

Using red black trees for sorting

The worst-case running time of insertion on a red-black tree is O(lg n) and if I perform a in-order walk on the tree, I essentially visit each node, so the total worst-case runtime to print the sorted collection would be O(n lg n)
I am curious, why are red-black trees not preferred for sorting over quick sort (whose average-case running time is O(n lg n).
I see that maybe because red-black trees do not sort in-place, but I am not sure, so maybe someone could help.
Knowing which sort algorithm performs better really depend on your data and situation.
If you are talking in general/practical terms,
Quicksort (the one where you select the pivot randomly/just pick one fixed, making worst case Omega(n^2)) might be better than Red-Black Trees because (not necessarily in order of importance)
Quicksort is in-place. The keeps your memory footprint low. Say this quicksort routine was part of a program which deals with a lot of data. If you kept using large amounts of memory, your OS could start swapping your process memory and trash your perf.
Quicksort memory accesses are localized. This plays well with the caching/swapping.
Quicksort can be easily parallelized (probably more relevant these days).
If you were to try and optimize binary tree sorting (using binary tree without balancing) by using an array instead, you will end up doing something like Quicksort!
Red-Black trees have memory overheads. You have to allocate nodes possibly multiple times, your memory requirements with trees is doubles/triple that using arrays.
After sorting, say you wanted the 1045th (say) element, you will need to maintain order statistics in your tree (extra memory cost because of this) and you will have O(logn) access time!
Red-black trees have overheads just to access the next element (pointer lookups)
Red-black trees do not play well with the cache and the pointer accesses could induce more swapping.
Rotation in red-black trees will increase the constant factor in the O(nlogn).
Perhaps the most important reason (but not valid if you have lib etc available), Quicksort is very simple to understand and implement. Even a school kid can understand it!
I would say you try to measure both implementations and see what happens!
Also, Bob Sedgewick did a thesis on quicksort! Might be worth reading.
There are plenty of sorting algorithms which are worst case O(n log n) - for example, merge sort. The reason quicksort is preferred is because it is faster in practice, even though algorithmically it may not be as good as some other algorithms.
Often in-built sorts use a combination of various methods depending on the values of n.
There are many cases where red-back trees are not bad for sorting. My testing showed, compared to natural merge sort, that red-black trees excel where:
Trees are better for Dups:
All the tests where dups need to be eleminated, tree algorithm is better. This is not astonishing, since the tree can be kept very small from the beginning, whereby algorithms that are designed for inline array sort might pass around larger segments for a longer time.
Trees are better for Random:
All the tests with random, tree algorithm is better. This is also not astonishing, since in a tree distance between elements is shorter and shifting is not necessary. So repeatedly inserting into a tree could need less effort than sorting an array.
So we get the impression that the natural merge sort only excels in ascending and descending special cases. Which cant be even said for quick sort.
Gist with the test cases here.
P.S.: it should be noted that using trees for sorting is non-trivial. One has not only to provide an insert routine but also a routine that can linearize the tree back to an array. We are currently using a get_last and a predecessor routine, which doesn't need a stack. But these routines are not O(1) since they contain loops.
Big-O time complexity measures do not usually take into account scalar factors, e.g., O(2n) and O(4n) are usually just reduced to O(n). Time complexity analysis is based on operational steps at an algorithmic level, not at a strict programming level, i.e., no source code or native machine instruction considerations.
Quicksort is generally faster than tree-based sorting since (1) the methods have the same algorithmic average time complexity, and (2) lookup and swapping operations require fewer program commands and data accesses when working with simple arrays than with red-black trees, even if the tree uses an underlying array-based implementation. Maintenance of the red-black tree constraints requires additional operational steps, data field value storage/access (node colors), etc than the simple array partition-exchange steps of a quicksort.
The net result is that red-black trees have higher scalar coefficients than quicksort does that are being obscured by the standard O(n log n) average time complexity analysis result.
Some other practical considerations related to machine architectures are briefly discussed in the Quicksort article on Wikipedia
Generally, representations of O(nlgn) algorithms can be expanded to A*nlgn + B where A and B are constants. There are many algorithmic proofs that show the coefficients for quicksort are smaller than those of other algorithms. That is in best-case (quick sort performs horribly on sorted data).
Hi the best way to explain the difference between all sorting routine in my opinion is.
(My answer is for people who are confused how quick sort is faster in practice than another sorting algo).
"Think u are running on a very slow computer".
First thing one comparing operation takes 1 hour.
One shifting operation takes 2 hours.
"I am using hour just to make people understand how important time is".
Now from all the sorting operations quick-sort have very very less comparisons and very less swapping for elements.
Quick-sort is faster for this main reason.

How do I find out out the fundamental operation when calculating run-time complexity?

I am trying to get the worst run-time complexity order on a couple of algorithms created. However I have run into a problem that I keep tending to select the wrong or wrong amount of fundamental operations for an algorithm.
To me it appears to be that the selection of the fundamental operation is more of an art than a science. After googling and reading my text boxes, I still have not found a good definition. So far I have defined it as "An operation that always occurs within an algorithms execution" such as a comparison or array manipulation.
But algorithms often have many comparisons that are always executed so which operation do you pick?
I agree to some degree it's an art, so you should always clarify when writing documentation, etc.. But usually it's a "visit" to the underlying data structure. So like you said, for an array it's a comparison or a swap, for a hash map it may be a manual examination of a key, for a graph it's a visit to a vertex or edge, etc.
Even practicing complexity theorists have disagreements about this sort of thing, so what follows may be a bit subjective:
The purpose of big-O notation is to summarize the efficiency of an algorithm for the reader. In practical contexts, I am most concerned with how many clock cycles an algorithm takes, assuming that the big-O constant is neither extremely small or large (and ignoring the effects of the memory hierarchy); this is the "unit-cost" model alluded to in the linked post.
The reason to count comparisons for sorting algorithms is that the cost of a comparison depends on the type of the input data. You could say that a sorting algorithm takes O(c n log n) cycles where c is the expense of a comparison, but it's simpler in this case to count comparisons instead because the other work performed by the algorithm is O(n log n). There's a sorting algorithm that sorts the concatenation of n sorted arrays of length n in n^2 log n steps and n^2 comparisons; here, I would expect that the number of comparisons and the computational overhead be stated separately, because neither necessarily dominates the other.
This only works when You have actually implemented the algorithm, but You could just use a profiler to see which operation is the bottleneck. That's a practical point of view. In theory, some assume that everything that is not the fundamental operation runs in zero time.
The somewhat simple definition I have heard is:
The operation which is executed at least as many times as any other
operation in the algorithm.
For example, in a sorting algorithm, these tend to be comparisons rather than assignments as you almost always have to visit and 'check' an element before you re-order it, but the check may not result in a re-ordering. So there will always be at-least as many comparisons as assignments.
