Marklogic Spring Boot - Installing a Rest Endpoint - gradle

I am currently using the Marklogic spring boot demo. So far I have been able to add indexes, facets, front-end logic etc just fine.
Right now, I am trying to layer in some semantic logic into a rest endpoint.
I wrote a simple query into the query console, and attempted to add it to the src/main/ext folder so that it would get deployed by the ml-gradle bootrun.
Right now. This file will get deployed to the test-modules database, and is visible once saved (I can see it in explorer under URI /ext/my-endpoint. I also tried adding a folder named rest-api but that just adds it to /ext/rest-api/my-endpoint
At the top of the endpoint I have it declared as
`module namespace ext = "";
However when I navigate to the URL it should be living at http://localhost:8090/LATEST/resources/my-endpoint?
It tells me it does not exist.
So I can see it in the modules database, but I can't use it on HTTP. the Query works in the query console (and is rather trivial, and-query of json-property-word-queries)
My question is:
How can I properly update the marklogic-spring-boot framework to properly deploy rest endpoints.

So I figured it out it seems.
Manually creating the file isn't registering the distribution workflow properly.
Instead I create the resource using ml-gradle
gradle mlCreateResource -PresourceName=my_endpoint
This will create a new folder called services, and create the endpoint for me, which can then have code over written.
Still not sure what gradle is doing special, so I can know what the proper way to do this manually would be, but at least it works.


AsyncCrudAppService Breaks Swagger When Providing TCreateInput and TUpdateInput

I recently downloaded a Single Page Web Application (Angular) from using 3.x target version.
I just simply added a few entities and then started to follow the steps on this page
Things do work well for me to Get, List, Update, and Delete entities when my app service class is just inheriting AsyncCrudAppService<Entities.PhoneBook, PhoneBookDto, long, GetAllPhoneBooksInput>, however when it is inheriting AsyncCrudAppService<Entities.PhoneBook, PhoneBookDto, long, GetAllPhoneBooksInput, CreatePhoneBookInput, and UpdatePhoneBookInput> the swagger definition will no longer load.
GitHub Repo:
(which currently does not work and will not load Swagger page).
I can get the swagger page to load by removing CreatePhoneBookInput and UpdatePhoneBookInput from
However, again I am still unable to create entities using this default implementation. Any ideas?
I have cloned your repo and run it and I figured out the error, first as I tell you in comments I verified the text log, and it said the next:
System.InvalidOperationException: Can't use schemaId "$CreatePhoneBookInput" for type "$MyPhoneBooks.SimpleCrudAppServices.Dtos.CreatePhoneBookInput". The same schemaId is already used for type "$MyPhoneBooks.PhoneBooks.Dtos.CreatePhoneBookInput"
What happenig is that you have these two classes UpdatePhoneBookInput, CreatePhoneBookInput repeated in SanokeCrudAppServices\Dtos and PhoneBooks\Dtos
You have the classes in both folders with same exact name, and thats the problem, if you change the name in whatever place the swagger definition will load without errors, I have do it like this and everything works fine!
Change the name in one of the places, and all will be working fine
Personally I don't like to use a different Dto for Create and Update for me is easier to user just one Dto for all.
Ok I figured it out. I had also made a DIY AppService and some of the DTO Class Names associated with the DIY App Service clashed with the DTO Class Names associated with the Automated Service. It was acceptable in .NET since they were in different name spaces but once the swagger definition was configured I assume that there was multiple instances of the same DTO Defition. I checked the AbpLogs table but they didn't give me much details as to the specifics of the internal server error while loading the definition. It sure would have been useful to know that.

Different project structures when building an Angular App with separated Spring Backend

I want to build a web page where I separate Database, Backend and Frontend and make then communicate via REST. I got quite confused about how to structure the project(s). As I read, there are the following approaches:
Make different projects: one for the frontend (let's say Angular) and one for the Backend (Spring) including the database connection. These are completely separated from each other and different IDE's might be used.
Build it in one big project but still use REST for communication (see picture below).
Now what I would like to know is what the difference between these two approaches is? I do not know (and do not ask) which one is the better one, but I cannot even make out reasons or effects to pick one above or below the other one.
This is really question about personal preference, but you have them be in completely different projects and at the same time you can put your JS bundles (from ng build) inside of the resources/static folder (of the Spring app) and it'll work perfectly, assuming you want to run them on the same server.
You can set a proxy config to make it easier like:
"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:8080",
"secure": false
This way whenever you do a rest call with something like Angulars HttpClient, as long as you put /api in front of the url it'll call your spring backend.
public fetchResource(id: number): Observable<Resource> {
return this.http.get(`/api/resources/${id}`);
I prefer to have my client and api in different projects.
Whenever you want to add the JS bundles to your resources/static folder, you can just create an NPM script to do it for you in package.json.

Swagger-ui Validation issue with REST API

I am trying to integrate Swagger in my existing application for REST APIs.
While running on localhost I am getting the expected result in Swagger UI.
But when I deploy my .war file on DAP and try to access it is not able to read the JSON from the URL.
{"schemaValidationMessages":[{"level":"error","message":Cant read from file..
I suppose this is a validator issue.
I cannot make the link public as I work for a bank and it has to be private and secure at any cost.
Alternately I tried to bypass the validator.
I have already tried setting validatorUrl = null in my index.html.
Also i have set validatorUrl = null in my swagger-ui.js file.
Both these don't seem to work.
Can any one please guide me on how can I go about doing this as this is really important and critical.

Persist a Spring Java Object into Magnolia repository

If i had an additional Spring application extending my Magnolia, which gets some Java Object, which will be used inside my application, how can i save it ???
I already learned to do queries, but i cannot use it yet to put something in or change it. I can only fetch data. into nodes.
where or how do i persist ??
For Info: I have a repository which shall store the special data and i have a nodetype declared for this. As it is now the spring social UserConnection i have the workspace "connections" with nodeType mgnl:userConnection
My JavaObject is a UserConnection, designed near to MgnlUser, so i also add properties, but i don't know yet, what to do with path and uuid.
i don't know yet how to declare it or where to get it.
You can store the data same way as you fetch it. Assuming you are running your spring app through Magnolia filter chain you have MgnlContext setup for given thread and can easily call MgnlContext.getJCRSession("connections") to obtain the session and node same way you do to retrieve your data, to add subnodes or set properties on given node you just call node.addNode("myNewNode") or node.setProperty("myProp", "newValue") on the node and follow that with call to to persist the session info. But I guess you already know all that.
If you want to get whole object serialised into repo for you by system instead, you can use JackRabbit OCM for this, or even easier - use integration of OCM into Magnolia -
. It's already used in Shop module of Magnolia if you are looking for examples on how to work with OCM.

How entity edit URL from within plug-in in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

I would like to have a workflow create a task, then email the assigned user that they have a new task and include a link to the newly created task in the body of the email. I have client side code that will correctly create the edit URL, using the entities GUID and stores it in a custom attribute. However, when the task is created from within a workflow, the client script isn't run.
So, I think a plug-in should work, but I can't figure out how to determine the URL of the CRM installation. I'm authoring this in a test environment and definitely don't want to have to change things when I move to production. I'm sure I could use a config file, but seems like the plug-in should be able to figure this out at runtime.
Anyone have any ideas how to access the URL of the crm service from within a plug-in? Any other ideas?
There is no simple way to do this. However, there is one.
The MSCRM_Config is the deployment database that handle physical deployment properties, like the URL from which users are accessing the CRM deployment. The url that you might want is the one stored in "ADWebApplicationRootDomain", in the MSCRM_CONFIG.dbo.DeploymentProperties table. You may need some permission to access this database.
Note that this doesn't work in a deployment that is an Internet Facing Deployment.
Another way could be to query the discovery service to retrieve the same information (in the case that you are on the Online edition of MSCRM4).
What do you mean by "change things"?
If you create a custom workflow assembly, you can give it a server url input. Once you register it with CRM, you can simply type in the server url when you configure the workflow. You'll have to update the url for any workflows that use the custom workflow assembly once you move to production, but you'll only have to do that once.
My apologies if this is what you meant you wanted to avoid.
Edit: Sounds like you may be able to use the CustomConfiguration attribute when you register the plugin. Here's some more info.
String Url = ((string)(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(
).Replace("MSCRMServices", "");
