MVC Kendo Grid ClientTemplate string not working - kendo-ui

I'm trying to make this work but I don't understand what's wrong with this template string.
"#=" + column.ColumnName + "# #if(NumeroGermi != \"0\" && #=" + column.ColumnName + "# == \"Positivo\") {# <span class=\"fa fa-cog\"> </span> #} #"
I've noticed that the bit that doesn't make it work is the second if condition.
This way it will work, but i still need the second condition:
"#=" + column.ColumnName + "# #if(NumeroGermi != \"0\") {# <span class=\"fa fa-cog\"> </span> #} #"

Give this a go:
"#=" + column.ColumnName + "# # if(NumeroGermi != \"0\" && " + column.ColumnName + " == \"Positivo\") { # <span class=\"fa fa-cog\"> </span> # } #"
I don't believe you need the encapsulation for the second condition.


Xpath text between tags

Any idea how i would get the text between 2 tags using Xpath code? specifically the 3, bd, 1, ba.
<p class="MuiTypography-root RoofCard__RoofCardNameStyled-niegej-8 hukPZu MuiTypography-body1" xpath="1">
<span class="NumberFormatWithStyle__NumberFormatStyled-sc-1yvv7lw-0 jVQRaZ inline-block md">$65,000</span></p>
**"3" == $0
" bd, " == $0
"1" == $0
" ba | " == $0**
<span class="NumberFormatWithStyle__NumberFormatStyled-sc-1yvv7lw-0 jVQRaZ inline-block md" xpath="1">926</span>
In fact from your sample that's a simple text() node after p:
but of course you'll need to parse it. This will return almost that you need:
values = response.xpath('//p/following-sibling::text()[1]').re(r'"([^"]+)"')

How to change datetime in Vue?

Trying to use Vue for the first time.
I dont know how to change the datetime in Vue.
I know it works in laravel, like this:
{{ date("d.m.Y", strtotime($file->created_at)) }}
How can I change datetime in Vue?
This is what I tried in Vue:
<time datetime="1.1.2019">#{{ file.created_at }}</time>
and it shows me the exact database entry on the view page:
2019-01-25 12:03:40
But I want it to appear like this:
25.02.2019 12:03. 40
Thank you!
Create a Vue method -
let arr = d.split(/[- :]/);
let date = new Date(Date.UTC(arr[0], arr[1]-1, arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5]));
return date.getDate() + "." + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getFullYear() + " " + date.getHours() + ":" + date.getMinutes() + ":" + date.getSeconds()
And then Call that method within double curly brackets
<time datetime="1.1.2019">#{{ formattedDate(file.created_at) }}</time>

Hidden SPAM script in Joomla footer

I got my Joomla site and there is suddenly some hidden SPAM script in my footer? How do I remove this?
If you are referring to the following code:
document.getElementById('cloak6482').innerHTML = '';
var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to';
var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '=';
var addy6482 = 'Kontakt' + '#';
addy6482 = addy6482 + 'semignu' + '.' + 'dk';
var addy_text6482 = 'Kontakt' + '#' + 'semignu' + '.' + 'dk';
document.getElementById('cloak6482').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy6482 + '\'>'+addy_text6482+'<\/a>';
Then this is not spam. It's part of the email cloaking that you possibly have turned on.
Open the footer module in the Joomla Module Manager and look for:

How to insert line break in a return statement for D3

I have the following code d3 code:"#popupCount").text(function(){
if (varToGraph == "rough_top_cost"){
return " " + textValue + ": $" + addCommas(allCountyData[countyName][varToGraph]) + "\n" +
I want the word count to appear on a new line. However, the above code results in everything being on one line. How can I get the output to be on two lines?
Untested answer, but FWIW this may get close;"#popupCount").html(function(){
if (varToGraph == "rough_top_cost"){
return " " + textValue + ": <br/>$" + addCommas(allCountyData[countyName][varToGraph]) + "\n" +
Working from the example provided on page 80 of D3 Tips and Tricks which includes tooltips with line breaks.
Uses html element instead of text which allows line breaks. Check out the document for more detail.

Carrying an ID with strings to a next page

I'm trying to carry the ID to the next page, but all i manage to get is review.php?ID= without the ID.
Here is the code:
html = html + "Name:" + name + "Type : " + type + "Location : " + location + '<input type="button" value="Write a review!" onclick=parent.location="review.php?ID=" ('+ ID +') />' + "<br/>";
Thanks in advance for any help.
There's a couple things wrong here. You have mismatched quotes (single and double), and I'm pretty sure the id shouldnt have spaces round it with parens. The embeded quotes need to be escaped, too
something like this:
html = html + "Name:" + name + "Type : " + type + "Location : " + location +
"<input type='button' value='Write a review!' onclick='parent.location=\"review.php?ID=("+ID+")\" />" + "<br/>";
