How to check WebSphere is 32 or 64 bit? - websphere-liberty

How to check if WebSphere is running 32 or 64 bit?
These are the files in the WebSphere directory:
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty$ ls
Copyright.txt README.TXT bin clients dev lafiles lib templates usr

Able to get it with ./server version in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/bin


How do I run Redis on Windows 32 bit?

I have tried to set up Redis server on my windows 7 32 bit. I did not find a 32-bit supportive version of Redis. How can I do this?
Advance thanks.
Download the .zip file to your hard drive.
Unzip the files into any location, such as ‘C:\Program Files\Redis\’.
Add the path of your Redis folder as a Windows ‘environment variable.’
Open your Command Prompt (ex: cmd.exe).
install redis server
redis-server --service-install
start redis server
redis-server --service-start
save and stop the Redis database
redis-server shutdown save
from command line please check if redis is up
redis-cli ping
The source of redis not contains executable file like redis-server, you must compile it.
Redis not support windows officially, but microsoft had provided a fork in windows
The release it supported is only for 64bit windows, but the document says you can build it yourself with 32bit

notepad++ Open current dir cmd using 64 bit cmd

When I Open current dir cmd it opens a 32 bit cmd. This is a problem because I have a 64 bit java 8 and javac 8 in program files but running java defaults to the 32 bit java 7 in program files (x86).
Without manually opening a 64 bit cmd or installing a 32 bit java 8, is there a way for me to quickly make and test simple programs this way?
You can open 64-bit cmd.exe from a 32-bit application by running c:\windows\sysnative\cmd.exe. Just modify your current entry in shortcuts.xml or add another one specifying full path.

Tizen-sdk-for-wearable-setup Installation issue because of JAVA HOME

System Configuration:
OS - Windows 8
System type - 64-bit Operating System , x64-based processor
I have installed java-8 and set JAVA_HOME as
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0
I am getting error as below image while Tizen-sdk-for-wearable-setup Installation.
error - Cannot execute Java even if it was installed. Check environment variable or Java version(over 1.6) please.
I tried installing after JDK 7 both 32 bit and 64 bit and setting JAVA_HOME - Program Files path and Program Files (x86) path both also it didn't worked.
I have a another system in which the Issue didn't occurred.
System Configuration :
OS - Windows 7 Enterprise
System Type - 32 bit operating system.
Installed Java - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45
JAVA_HOME set as - C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.6.0_45
Now there may be many chances why installation is not getting in my win-8 64 bit.
64 bit JAVA support is not available.
I am not sure about ~ symbol in JAVA_HOME path but it may be to escape space between Program Files and I have not set java home using this symbol.
In win-8 64 bit I have 2 folders. Program Files and Program Files (x86) , I am not sure whether to use ~ or " " to set JAVA_HOME and for 32 bit java or 64 bit java installed.
May be only java 1.6 is supported right now.
I searched and found similar issues :
I find this link but not able to get why its advised to set the system environment Path Variable to 'c:\windows\system32'.
In this link its advised to use InstallManager.jar via cmd.exe.
I can try each possible assumption till it works but hoping to find a solution with proper reason why I am getting this error.
If any one knows how should I work this out please help.
At last solve the Issue.
Installed jdk1.7.0_51 (I think currently JAVA 8 is not supported).
Set the JAVA_HOME as C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 (thanks to #Michael comment).
This link: solved for me the problem of Tizen SDK installation:
Change directory to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\tizensdk_TimeStampOfInstallationInvocation
java -jar InstallManager.jar
My system: Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Java's version installed (64 bit):
g:>echo %JAVA_HOME%
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05
g:>echo %CLASSPATH%
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\jre\lib
Added to PATH: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\
(Tizen IDE and "Hello World" example run just fine.)
I encountered the same problem and finally I realised that my version of Tizen installer is 64bit but I installed 32bit java in my computer. Then I downloaded 32bit Tizen installer and everything was fine.
I encountered the same problem, and it was solved by placing the Java path in the beginning of the system path ! weird.. but worked :)
You must include, depending on whether you downloaded the x86 or x64 Tizen installer, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin or C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin in the PATH environment system variable. You can't use java 8. See this oracle page for instructions on setting environment variables. I have read some others mention that they put the entry at the very beginning of the PATH variable. I think this would only matter if you also had an entry for java 8, but better safe than sorry.

install libssh2.dll on windows

I want to install SSH on my PC (windows 7 64bits).
But I have a problem with the installation of libssh2.dll file
I saved in: C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64
and even in C: \ Windows \ System32
and when I execute this command "regsvr32 libssh2.dll" in cmd as administrator I get this error message:
Libssh2.dll "The module" "was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found.
Verify that "libssh2.dll" is a valid DLL or OCX file and try again. "
I downloaded from this site file:
The only good that contains the libssh2.dll is x86 (knowing that I have a 64bits), is what may be causing the problem?
If someone knows a solution, please, share it, it is very important that I find a solution as soon as possible and thank you.
You have to put that libssh2.dll somewhere on the %path% so then the PHP extension can find it. Logic were to put it into your PHP dir (if you use the standard zipball from
well why have you downloaded a 32 bit file to a 64 bit system
am I missing something here
You can only run a 32bit type if your Apache PHP and MySQL have 32bit running versions or 64 bit in your case. So if you are running a 32bit OS on a 64bit system then this is fine, if you are running 64 bit script on a 64 bit system and are trying to use a 32 bit script which I suspect you are then this is not fine!
I would therefore suggest that if this is the case you may have a mix match of OS Versus Script.
There are a few brave people operating in the 64 bit world and you should only ever use the stable versions of the product and like Apache unless you do you will not get the support you want because you have not utilised a stable version only and Apache will not support 64 bit, hence Apache lounge.
If you are running off localhost or, then running a stable 32 bit OS and running the 32 bit stable version is the only way you will get support.

Glassfish installation JRE not found

I can't install Oracle Glassfish Server
When I run the installer (as admin) a dialog box appears saying "extracting files" and then I get the following error box saying I don't have JRE installed.
I have JRE and JDK 1.6 and 1.7 installed (all are 64 bit).
All are in the PATH system variable.
I've tried the program from CMD using the instructions in the error.
The command I use to run is:
OracleGlassfishServer(OGS)-" -j "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin
I've also tried with the 1.6 bin.
I am running Win 7 64 bit.
The only thing I haven't thought to try yet was installing a 32bit JRE in the Program Files(x86) directory. Does it make sense that this would require a 32bit JRE?
What else could be the cause?
The Glassfish installation program requires the path to the JRE installation folder to be in the JAVA_HOME environment variable; if the variable is not set the folder can be specified on the command line. In both cases the folder must be the root folder of the JRE, not the bin subfolder.
Unfortunately, I found setting JAVA_HOME to be ineffective for me.
The solution that worked on my server was to run the Glassfish install with the -j option pointing to my JDK.
using command line and pointing to JRE installation directory should work Just fine, the problem with the above command is that you were pointing to bin directory, simply point to the home directory that is "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09"
