how to tell a bash script to parse a single command-line argument that contains spaces? - bash

I have a bash script that accepts multiple command line arguments ($1, $2, ... etc). The program that's launching the script is, for reasons I won't get into here, passing the command line arguments as one string which the bash script interprets as $1. This one string contains spaces between the desired arguments, but bash is still interpreting it as a solitary command line argument. Is there a way to tell bash to parse it's command line argument using a space as delimiter?
For example, if argstring = 50 graphite downtick I want bash to see $1=50 $2=graphite $3=downtick, instead of $1=50 graphite downtick

Just add this line at the top of your program:
set -- $1
More info about set in the bash reference manual and another example of its usage in this Stack Overflow answer. Basically, it can be used to replace the arguments being passed into your script.


How to pass variables with special characters into a bash script when called from terminal

Hello all I have a program running on a linux OS that allows me to call a bash script upon a trigger (such as a file transfer). I will run something like:
/usr/bin/env bash -c " '${filesize}' '${filename}'"
and the scripts job is to update the log file with the file name and file size. But if I pass in a file name with a single quote in its file name then it will break the script and give an error saying "Unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''"
I realize that a file name with a single quote is making the calling command an invalid one since the single quote is messing with the command itself. However I don't want to sanitize the variables if I can help it cause I would like my log to have the exact file name being displayed to easier cross reference it later. Is this possible or is sanitizing the only option here?
Thanks very much for your time and assistance.
Sanitization is absolutely not needed.
The simplest solution, assuming your script is properly executable (has +x permissions and a valid shebang line), is:
./ "$filesize" "$filename"
If for some reason you must use the bash -c, use single quotes instead of double quotes surrounding your code, and keep your data out-of-band from that code:
bash -c ' "$#"' 'updatelog' "$filesize" "$filename"
Note that only "$#" is inside the -c argument and parsed as code, and that this string is in single quotes, passed through without any changes whatsoever.
Following it are your arguments $0, $1 and $2; $0 is used when printing error messages, while $1 and $2 go into the list of arguments -- aka $# -- passed through to

Shell command SET -X mean in script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does `set -x` do?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
So I have a file, and it has the shell script. Since I know about it, I have a little confusion, that is what does that set -x actually means.
After running the file I have observed that the command written after it in the file gets mentioned in the terminal with a + sign.
Like if I have this,
set -x
ng build
So the output mentions +ng build, and when I comment the set -x from the file, everything executes, but the later commands does not show up in the terminal.
I have researched about it, but specifically couldn't find the real meaning and work of this particular command.
You can read the bash online manual for set:
Print a trace of simple commands, for commands, case commands, select
commands, and arithmetic for commands and their arguments or
associated word lists after they are expanded and before they are
executed. The value of the PS4 variable is expanded and the resultant
value is printed before the command and its expanded arguments.
So it does exactly what you described.
It's a bit hard to find but this is from the bash man page:
set [+abefhkmnptuvxBCEHPT] [+o option-name] [arg ...]
Without options, the name and value of each shell variable are
displayed in a format that can be reused as input for setting or
resetting the currently-set variables. Read-only variables can‐
not be reset. In posix mode, only shell variables are listed.
The output is sorted according to the current locale. When
options are specified, they set or unset shell attributes. Any
arguments remaining after option processing are treated as val‐
ues for the positional parameters and are assigned, in order, to
$1, $2, ... $n. Options, if specified, have the following
-x After expanding each simple command, for command, case
command, select command, or arithmetic for command, dis‐
play the expanded value of PS4, followed by the command
and its expanded arguments or associated word list.
So basically it's a debug option. It does not only execute all the commands but also prints them before it executes them (to stderr).

bash script pass a variable to a ./configure command containing quotes and expansion

I ham having difficulty understanding how to pass a variable to a ./configure command that includes variable expansion and quotes.
optsB="CPPFLAGS=\"-I${myFolderB} -I${myFolderC}\""
. /home/myvars.cfg
doCmd=("$cmd/configure" "${optsA}" "${optsB}")
The doCmd should look like this
/home/prog/configure --prefix=/home/myPrefix CPPFLAGS="-I/home/stuffB -I/home/stuffC"
however it seems when running bash it is adding single quotes
/home/prog/configure --prefix=/home/myPrefix 'CPPFLAGS="-I/home/stuffB' '-I/home/stuffC"'
causing an error of
configure: error: unrecognized option: `-I/home/stuffC"'
Is there a way to pass a variable that needs top be expanded and contains double quotes?
As your script is written, there is no point to using the doCmd array. You could simply write the command:
"$cmd/configure" "${optsA}" "${optsB}"
Or, more simply:
"$cmd/configure" "$optsA" "$optsB"
However, it is possible that you've simplified the script in a way which hides the need for the array. In any case, if you use the array, you need to ensure that its elements are not word-split and filepath expanded, so you must quote its expansion:
Also, you need to get rid of the quotes in optsB. You don't want to pass
CPPFLAGS="-I/home/stuffB -I/home/stuffC"
to the configure script. You want to pass what the shell would pass if you typed the above string. And what the shell would pass would be a single command-line argument with a space in it, looking like this:
CPPFLAGS=-I/home/stuffB -I/home/stuffC
In order to get that into optsB, you just write:
optsB="CPPFLAGS=-I${myFolderB} -I${myFolderC}"
Finally, the shell is not "adding single quotes" into the command line. It is showing you a form of the command whch you could type at the command-line. Since the argument (incorrectly) contains a quote symbol, the shell shows you the command with its arguments skingle-quoted, so that you can see that the optB has been (incorrectly) split into two arguments, each of which contains (incorrectly) one double quote.
You could have found much of the above and more by pasting your script into As the bash tag summary suggests, you should always try that before asking a shell question here because a lot of the time, it will solve your problem instantly.

How do I redirect output when the command to execute is stored in a variable in a bash script?

Consider the following script:
CMD="echo hello world > /tmp/hello.out"
The output for this is:
hello world > /tmp/hello.out
How can I modify CMD so that the output gets redirected to hello.out?
For my use case, it is not feasible to either do this:
${CMD} > /tmp/hello.out
or to add this at the top of the script:
exec > /tmp/hello.out
No, there is no way to make a redirection happen from a variable.
The first thing the shell does with a command line is:
Each line that the shell reads from the standard input or a script is called a pipeline; it contains one or more commands separated by zero or
more pipe characters (|). For each pipeline it reads, the shell breaks it up into commands, sets up the I/O for the pipeline, then does the following for each command (Figure 7-1):
From: Learning the bash Shell Unix Shell Programming . Chapter Preview / Figure . Pdf
That means that even before starting with the first word of a command line, the redirections are set up.
The "Parameter Expansion" happens quite a lot latter (in step 6 of the Figure).
There is no way to set up redirections after a variable is expanded.
Unless ...
The "command line is reprocessed" using eval.
eval "$CMD"
But this comes with a lot of danger.
The command line is changed by the first processing in the 12 steps detailed in the book (quotes are removed, variables expanded, words split, etc.).
It is usually quite difficult to estimate all the changes and consequences before the line is actually processed.
And then, it is processed again.
You can use eval to instruct the shell to reinterpret the variable content as a shell command:
eval $CMD

Parsing a parameter with quotes in shell script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you pass on filenames to other programs correctly in bash scripts?
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am attempting to parse the parameters sent to shell script. For example the values sent to the script are as follows:
-to -a file1.txt file2.txt "new file.txt"
I can parse the string so that I get -a as my operator, but I want to reformat the parameter part file1.txt file2.txt "new file.txt" so that it looks like 'file1.txt' 'file2.txt' 'new file.txt' so that I can pass it down to the zip utility.
Right now I am using the following to parse the parameter, but it is not getting me the results I want. It is close but not quite right.
for file in `echo $PARM`
FILE_LIST="$FILE_LIST '"$file"'"
This gives me 'file1.txt' file2.txt' 'new' 'file.txt' How can I rework the above code to give me what I want.
Thank you
First, you need to understand the sequence of operations when the shell parses a command line. Here's a partial list: first, it interprets quotes and escapes, then removes them (after they've had their effects), then expands any variable references (and similar things like backquote expressions), word-splits and wildcard-expands the expanded variable values, then finally treats the result of all of that as a command and its arguments.
This has two important implications for what you're trying to do: by the time your script receives its arguments, they no longer have quotes; the quotes have had their effect (new file.txt is a single argument rather than two), but the quotes themselves are gone. Also, when putting quotes in a variable is useless because by they time the variable gets expanded and the quotes are part of the command line, it's too late for them to do anything useful -- they aren't parsed as quotes, they're just passed on to the command as part of the argument (which you don't want).
Fortunately, the answer is easy (and Stephen P summarized it in his comment): put double-quotes around all variable references. This prevents the word-splitting and wildcard-expansion phases from messing with their values, which means that whatever was passed to your script as a single argument (e.g. new file.txt) gets passed on as a single argument. If you need to pass on all of your arguments, use "$#". If you need to pass on only some, you can either use shift to get rid of the options and then "$#" will pass on the remaining ones, or use e.g. "${#:4}" to pass all argument starting at #4, or "${#:4:3}" to pass on three arguments starting at #4.
