Save jasmin spec report to variable or file - jasmine

how to save JASMIN-SPEC-REPORTER the test result in the variable or file, , which will later be sent to slack after test?

From Add it to your config:
let SpecReporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter').SpecReporter;
exports.config = {
// your config here ...
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
Or you can check out a very cool reporer: It will take screen shorts and generate your test result to a html file.


How can I access the name of the currently running test file from an event handler?

I need to access the name of the file with the currently running test within an event handler that runs before every test to log some stuff about that test. Like this:
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
cy.currentTest; // Doesn't have the test file name, only the names of a context and a spec
return false
Is that possible?
You can use the Cypress.spec for this. You can read about it from here
it('log spec info', () => {
// {
// name: '',
// relative: 'cypress/e2e/',
// absolute: '/Users/janelane/Dev/web-app/cypress/e2e/',
// }
The runnable parameter gives you the following information
title: 'my-test-title',
duration: 75,
state: 'failed',
invocationDetails: {
relativeFile: 'path-to-test'
parent: {
title: 'my-describe-title',
tests: [other tests in suite]

Visual testing with Nightwatch-vrt: Test passed, element is captures, but no picture is seen

I installed nightwatch-vrt locally in my project. Npm showed me multiple vulnerities which I ignored.
I created a nightwatch.vrt.conf.js with the following content:
const path = require('path');
const baseConfig = require('./nightwatch.conf.js');
const config = {
custom_commands_path: ['node_modules/nightwatch-vrt/commands'],
custom_assertions_path: ['node_modules/nightwatch-vrt/assertions']
function generateScreenshotFilePath(nightwatchClient, basePath, fileName) {
const moduleName = nightwatchClient.currentTest.module,
testName =;
return path.join(process.cwd(), basePath, moduleName, testName, fileName);
config.test_settings.default.globals = {
"visual_regression_settings": {
"generate_screenshot_path": generateScreenshotFilePath,
"latest_screenshots_path": "vrt/latest",
"latest_suffix": "",
"baseline_screenshots_path": "vrt/baseline",
"baseline_suffix": "",
"diff_screenshots_path": "vrt/diff",
"diff_suffix": "",
"threshold": 0.5,
"prompt": false,
"always_save_diff_screenshot": true
module.exports = config;
My test (simple, just to see if it works) looks like:
module.exports = {
tags: ['x'],
'visual testing':function(browser) {
Now the test passes, no assertions failed, a folder is created and the file is correctly named placed there, but I can only see an field with checkerboard pattern (like the transparent background in vector graphics) in the size of the captured element.
Before the test report messages like this are shown:
[32644:26476:0414/] [08:25:19.134]
USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection:
Ein an das System angeschlossenes Gerõt funktioniert nicht. (0x1F)
If I let Nightwatch take a screenshot itself, it is displayed correctly.
Does anyone know, where's the mistake?
it seems that this package is broken and not updated for a very very long time. I advise you to update to this one

How to get deviceName value from Multicapabilities definition in protractor config

This might be repeated question for you guys but really I didn't get answer yet.
Here is my multi-capabilities definition in protractor config file.
I want to access the deviceName parameter value. How can I do it?
exports.config = {
multiCapabilities: [
browserName: 'chrome',
'chromeOptions': {
'mobileEmulation': {
'deviceName': 'iPad'
Tried under onPrepare but not giving multi-capabilities values
browser.getCapabilities().then(function(c) {
Not sure about solving with getCapabilities(), but you should be able to solve this with getProcessedConfig().
getProcessedConfig will return a promise of your entire configuration settings (and a few protractor defaults). So taking your example:
browser.getProcessedConfig().then((c) => {
You could make console.log(process.env) in the onPrepare block and find what you want.
Try getProcessedConfig()
Or just plain old stupid:
let device_name = 'iPad'
exports.config = {
directConnect: true,
multiCapabilities: [{
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
mobileEmulation: {
deviceName: device_name
onPrepare: function () {
console.log('Device name will be', device_name);
Fetching device name worked as advised by Gunderson but now I am running into different issue I am unable to access the variable value outside the code block while in onPrepare.
onPrepare: function () {
browser.getProcessedConfig().then(function (c) {
return global.deviceName
}).then(function () {
console.log("Device Name is:" + global.deviceName);
customDevice = global.deviceName;
customDevice not printing any value.....which is define as global variable on top of the configuration file.
I know might be doing silly mistake in accessing it...:)

Configurable redirect URL in DocPad

I'm using DocPad to generate system documentation. I am including release notes in the format
I want to include a link which will redirect to the most recent release.
My question: how do I make a link that will redirect to a relative URL based on configuration? I want this to be easily changeable by a non-programmer.
Update: I've added cleanurls into my docpad.js, similar to example below. (see code below). But using "grunt docpad:generate" seems to skip making the redirect (is this an HTML page?). I've a static site. I also confirmed I'm using the latest cleanurls (2.8.1) in my package.json.
Here's my docpad.js
'use strict';
var releases = require('./releases.json'); // list them as a list, backwards: ["1.3", "1.2", "1.1", "1.0"]
var latestRelease = releases.slice(1,2)[0];
module.exports = {
outPath: 'epicenter/docs/',
templateData: {
site: {
swiftype: {
apiKey: 'XXXX',
resultsUrl: '/epicenter/docs/search.html'
ga: 'XXXX'
collections: {
public: function () {
return this.getCollection('documents').findAll({
relativeOutDirPath: /public.*/, isPage: true
plugins: {
cleanurls: {
simpleRedirects: {'/public/releases/latest': '/public/releases/' + latestRelease}
lunr: {
resultsTemplate: 'src/partials/',
indexes: {
myIndex: {
collection: 'public',
indexFields: [{
name: 'title',
boost: 10
}, {
name: 'body',
boost: 1
When I run grunt docpad:generate, my pages get generated, but there is an error near the end:
export default function ambi (method, ...args) {
I can't tell if that's the issue preventing this from running but it seems suspicious.
Providing that your configuration is available to the DocPad Configuration File, you can use the redirect abilities of the cleanurls plugin to accomplish this for both dynamic and static environments.
With a configuration file, it would look something like this:
releases = require('./releases.json') # ['1.0', '1.1', '1.2', '1.3']
latestRelease = releases.slice(-1)[0]
docpadConfig =
'/releases/latest': '/releases/' + latestRelease
module.exports = docpadConfig

How to test browserify project using karma/jasmine

I'm totally new to the concept of testing, and i need one solid example on how to do it in my project:
I have a gulp file goes like this (Not all of it, just the important portions)
gulp.task('bundle', function() {
debug: true
This is a slight portion of my main.js:
'use strict';
angular.module('myApp', [
], ['$interpolateProvider',
function($interpolateProvider) {
.controller('homeController', require('./controllers/homeController'))
.controller('modalInstanceCtrl', require('./controllers/modalInstanceCtrl'))
.controller('navController', require('./controllers/navController'))
.controller('signInController', require('./controllers/signInController'))
.controller('pricingController', require('./controllers/pricingController'))
Now this is my config file for karma:
module.exports = function(config) {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: '',
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks:
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// list of files to exclude
exclude: [
When i run karma with karma start this is what i get:
Uncaught reference error:require is not defined
at root/public/angular-app/main.js
So my question is simple, how can i do tests, for example, on my homeController...
So I updated my test file to this:
describe("An Angularjs test suite",function(){
var target, rootScope;
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope) {
rootScope = $rootScope;
// Mock everything here
spyOn(rootScope, "$on")
beforeEach(inject(function(homeController) {
target = homeController;
it('should have called rootScope.$on', function(){
and my config file to this:
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// list of files to exclude
exclude: [
browserify: {
watch: true,
debug: true
preprocessors: {
'test/*': ['browserify']
Still nothing works, first he says 'unknown provider homeControllerProvider',
Now if i delete them lines:
beforeEach(inject(function(homeController) {
target = homeController;
it still gives me error, expected spy $on to be called, How do i fix this?
You need to inform Karma to run Browserify before running tests.
You can add this in your Karma config:
browserify: {
watch: true,
debug: true
preprocessors: {
'test/*': ['browserify']
Karma config file reference:
Or have a look at one of of my projects that uses Karma for testing: smild.
