Changing the base URL for Capybara Acceptance Tests - ruby

I am developing a sinatra based web application and I extensively use tests to make sure that everything is working before deployment. As testing frameworks I use minitest::specs and capybara with webkit.
My problem is that after deployment my application runs with a base url like this:
But during tests capybara assumes a clean base-url with a path to / not to to-the-application/. This means I can't test to find bugs which relate to forgetting to set the base-url within links and actions.
For dry testing I followed Changing the base URL for Rails 3 development and modified my, but I haven't found any way to get capybara to use a different base.
Any ideas how to solve this?

If using the rack_test driver the hostname is completely ignored so changing it isn't going to do anything. If using a different driver you can specify
Capybara.app_host = ""
Note that would generally need to resolve to since thats where Capybara binds the app being tested.
Update: After thinking about this I'm not sure that is what you wanted. If what you want is for Capybara to mount your app under /to-the-application then you're going to have to create your own app object which you assign to - see for how Capybara currently mounts the app.


How to test Capybara?

I have a script that use Capybara to publish links in Google+. I would like to have tests to cover this functionality. Usually Capybara is using as a tool for writing Integration tests. In may case i need to test Capybara itself.
I see 3 possible ways:
stub capybara's method (but in this case i test nothing but just stubbed methods)
test capybara agains saved HTML/JS page (that will help me understand that i did not break anything during refactoring)
do not test at all (no comments here)
Have you ever faced such a problem?
If you register different drivers for your app and your test code, possibly manage the sessions manually depending on how you're using it in your app, and make sure you're careful with Capybaras setting's you should be able to go with option 2. You have to be careful with Capybaras settings because most of them are global so changing them for your tests will also change them for your app.

Annoying Guard notification when testing

Recently I made a simple ruby application and have been using minitest to test it.
Following the advice of the Head First Ruby book, I automated this testing using Rake(I'll write what it told me to put in the Rakefile at the end of this post, in case that helps). The test seems to run fine (everything passes in a way I would expect it to), but I always get this notification at the end of it all:
rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/guard-2.14.0/lib/guard/notifier.rb:28: warning: instance variable #notifier not initialized
Testing things manually by telling ruby to include which files I want, does not have this issue, only when I use "rake test" to test things.
As far as I can tell, this is related to when I set up Guard when I was following Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial, at the end of chapter 3. I followed the directions for setting that up (correctly, as far as I can tell), and this was all in a completely different folder(ultimately my ruby and rails projects do have the same parent folder that they sit in, but are themselves in completely separate ruby_projects and rails_projects folders). If possible, I would like to stop this notification on my ruby application that I am testing. Is there a good way to do this?
Contents of the Rakefile I am using, if that helps:
require "rake/testtask" do |t|
t.libs << "lib"
My test file requires minitest/autorun, and the file for the application that I am testing, then has the normal tests
Seems like there's some weird conflict...
The reason is that Guard::Notifier.connect isn't connected. Normally, when you run guard, Guard.setup is called which does this.
If you're not using guard (e.g. interactively), then calling the following from your Rakefile should work around the problem:
Guard::Notifier.connect(notify: false, silent: true)
This will initialize the variable.
For a faster response, always report such issues on the project page on Github. If you can share the project where this occurs, maybe a better fix is possible. (It's best to provide a repository, since it really speeds up fixing things and often errors like this are very hard to simulate without the exact code).

Rails 3.1 Testing AJAX Capybara and Spec

I have a mountable engine that provides Javascript assets to the main Rails App, but while I try testing AJAX calls (provided by the Javascript I just mentioned) in Capybara and Spec. The database doesn't seem to update.
Because of the cluster nature of testing, I can't have a clear understanding of what exactly is being run and loaded on the Dummy App. I was thinking about running the Dummy App as a standalone app and verify what is being rendered via the web browser (sort of manually checking things out). But that wasn't possible because of a Gemfile not found error every time I try running 'rails s' within the spec/dummy folder.
So my question: is there another way to check why the AJAX calls are not working in my test cases(although when I run the app normally the AJAX calls are working just fine) or does anyone know how to run the dummy app as a standalone rails App?
The default settings of Capybara doesn't allow AJAX calls.....I had to modify the driver used by Capybara in the spec_helper.rb by adding the following:
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium

A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active

Whenever two concurrent HTTP requests go to my Rails app, the second always returns the following error:
A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
From there it gives an unhelpful stack trace to the effect of "we went through the standard server stuff, ran your first before_filter on ApplicationController (and I checked; it's just whichever filter runs first)", then offers the following:
which I'm assuming is a generic response and doesn't really say much.
Google seems to tell me that people developing Rails Engines will encounter this, but I don't do that. All I've done is upgrade my Rails app from 2.2 (2.1?) to 2.3.
What are some possible causes for this error, and how can I go about tracking down what's really going on? I know this question is vague, so would any other information be helpful?
More importantly: I tried doing a test run in a "production" environment just now, and the error doesn't seem to persist. Does this only affect development, then, and need I not worry too much?
This is a bug in Rails 2.3.3:
There is a patch for it (but incomplete?) in 2-3-stable:
You have a few options to address the problem:
Revert to Rails 2.3.2, wait for 2.3.4 to come out, probably at the end of August. 2.3.3 has a couple bad issues, so that might be best.
The problem should not happen in production mode, nor will it happen in development mode under the Thin server. If you are having this issue on Google Engines in production mode, the patch is your only hope. If it's only in dev mode, you can just run your local server with Thin instead of Mongrel.
If it is Google Engines, you can move off of Google Engines and host your app another way. This seems like a lot of work though.
Best of luck, this is a really bad bug many people are running into.
I addition to the workarounds mentioned in the other answers, I have encountered two others:
Add "config.cache_classes = false" to your config/environments/development.rb file. This has the unfortunate side effect of requiring you to restart your server whenever you want to see your changes.
Add 'unloadable' inside your controller classes in your engine. See and
I haven't tried the second approach, since I found the other solution first, but there is of course a trade-off between avoiding having to edit plugin code, which may be reverted if a newer version of the plugin is downloaded, and then the ease of development provided by not having to restart the development server all the time in the second solution.
i faced with same problem for my new engine on rails 2.3.4 and i found solution here.
calling unloadable method solved my problem.
Trying running "rake rails:update" to make sure the configs are scripts are up to date. You may have to check the existing ones against a template application.
i had this error and from memory it was one of one of these three things that fixed it.
1) I needed to update mongrel/rack
2) I had an environment variable from restful authentication that i had moved into the production.rb and development.rb files from the environment.rb - shifting it back to environment.rb seemed to help
3) will_paginate was out of date
We called out to an activerecord model in a namespaced module which overrides the "name" class method. Rails expects that the name method returns Product::Categories::MilkProducts::Firstproduct but gets just Firstproduct and throws an error. So if you get this error first check if you redefined
Firstproduct.method(:name).owner should be Module
module Product::Categories::MilkProducts
class Base
class Firstproduct < Base
self.product = Product.first

File uploads using the selenium-client gem

I am using the selenium-client gem with Webrat and Cucumber to test a rails project. I have Cucumber set up pretty much as described here:
My problem is that Selenium is prevented from performing file uploads. Ideally I'd like to be able to replicate webrat's 'attach_file' method. I tried dodging the issue by using selenium-client's 'type' method to type the path to the required file, but this seems to fail.
Does anyone have a sugestion for a workaround using selenium-client (i.e. not the regular Selenium gem)?
The normal selenium can't do this because browser security prevents javascript from writing to input=file elements. This is a security feature so that your password file doesnt get uploaded to hackers if you go to a site thats been hacked. has the details
I finally figured this out.
You need to be using firefox with the chrome backend, and you need to specifiy an absolute filepath.
I ended up creating a helper module to specify the filepath, and a "fixtures" folder containing test content. Here is a gist of the solution I came up with:
Therefore it is totally possible to replicate Webrat's attach_file method!
