VS Reporting Services - [rsInvalidFormatString] The Format value for the textrun is not valid - visual-studio-2010

I wrote code in SQL Server that gives the year, the month and some data for those months in separate columns. The column for month (MM) gives months in numeric digits (1 to 12).
The code I used was:
Select ....
,Month(IRDate) AS MM
I created a report in MS VS Report builder and included all the data in table columns. The report runs fine. However, at the bottom I get the below warning message:
[rsInvalidFormatString] The Format value for the textrun
‘MM.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ is not valid. Format specifier was
I checked the formatting for that cell, it is set to default - No formatting.
In the report, I've set the parameter to have a default value as
=DateValue("September 01, 2016")
Would that be the issue? Maybe the default value is not the right format? I removed the default value and kept it as no specified value. Warning message still comes up.
How can I fix this?

Have you tried formatting the textbox properties that holds the MM value to be a number datatype with no decimal places?
Regarding your other question about the default parameter value, I have typically seen DateValue formatted as such: 9/1/2016
Also, is your parameter datatype set to Date/Time?

Apparently, the error message '[rsInvalidFormatString] The Format value for the textrun....' is a log message. Rectifying the problem does not take away the message because it is a log message. So even after you correct the issue, the message will still show.
The only way to remove that message is to simply restart Visual Studio. When Visual Studio starts back up, the log is cleared and you won't see the message any more.
"Who knew healthcare would be so complicated?" ;)


Power Automate: Create_Item Failed

I am trying to create an intake process where where a response from a Microsoft Form creates an item into our SharePoint queue for my team to work. This workflow has some branching so some questions may not always need answers. When the "Date of Change" field is used as intended in the workflow by the user, everything works correctly and appears in our queue. When the user goes down a path where the "Date of Change" field is not needed or a part of the workflow, I receive the below error and the results are never pushed to our queue.
Error Message:
The 'inputs.parameters' of workflow operation 'Create_item' of type 'OpenApiConnection' is not valid. Error details: Input parameter 'item/DateofChange' is required to be of type 'String/date'. The runtime value '""' to be converted doesn't have the expected format 'String/date'.
Workflow Images:
To fix this I have tried making the field "Not required" in hopes that if left blank it would not get read by the flow.
I have also tried, changing the format of the column from Date and time to Single Line of Text and neither of those have worked.
Try an expression instead of the dynamic content field. In this expression check for empty with the empty function. If it is empty use the null value.
Below is an example
Make sure you change the question id to your question id in the expression.
if(empty(outputs('Get_response_details')?['body/rec7e8e58aab84f49a27cacc460a7eeaf']), null, outputs('Get_response_details')?['body/rec7e8e58aab84f49a27cacc460a7eeaf'])

ZEN : Allow multiple date formats in a dateText control and converting them to the YYYY-MM-DD

There is a finite list of date formats that users want to use to enter a date in a form. These formats include single digits for month and day and double digits for year. The field is represented by a dateText control.
How would one get to allow a dateText control to accept multiple date formats ? I see only 3 listed (https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GZCP_forms_dateText), do those include using single digits for month and day ?
I tried to set the value of format = "#(myPageProperty.myValue)# " but I got a compilation error in Studio so that went nowhere. Has anyone ever been able to set the format value depending on the user input value?
I am guessing that the control input value must be converted to the YYYY-MM-DD before validation. I am open to calling a javascript function to do that but where would be the best place to put it?
for details see Class %ZEN.Component.dateText
setting format:
Property format As %ZEN.Datatype.string(MAXLEN = 3, **VALUELIST = ",MDY,DMY,YMD",** ZENEXPRESSION = 1)
you have exactly 3 formats or ""
Your guess on values is correct and documented:
/// The value of this control is always in the canonical form: YYYY-MM-DD
As this is one of the oldest components of ZEN your only chance to achieve
your way of operation is to create your own version inheriting from
Class %ZEN.Component.dateText and overloading the parts you want to change

How to format CRM "Date Only" field to string with Freemarker?

Im trying to build a email template with Freemarker/Clickdimensions plugin in CRM 2013. I have a "Date only" field on an entity which for example contains the date 2017-04-17. I want this date to show as the following: Monday 17 april.
This is done with Freemarker and I have tried the following:
<#assign x = Recipient.field_booking.field_scheduleddate?time>
This doesnt seem to work. Im not getting any result at all, just an empty line.
Does anyone know what could be wrong?
I will assume that field_scheduleddate is a string (not a java.util.Date).
At ?time FreeMarker should throw and exception saying something like that the string doesn't follow the expected pattern. I suspect the framework you are using catches and suppresses that exception (which makes using FreeMarker much much harder). Check the logs, maybe it's there.
You want to deal with a date-only value there, hence you should use ?date, as ?time is for time-only values. Also, field_scheduleddate apparently uses ISO 8601 format, so unless the date_format configuration setting is set to ISO, you will have to use ?date.iso (supported since FreeMarker 2.3.21).
As of printing the date, ?string.full should work, but usually you should set date_format globally to the format you prefer, and then you can simply write ${x}.
(Also note that #assign is unnecessary above, as you can put arbitrarily complex expression inside ${}.)

MS Access 2013 DSum calculated field DSum returns #error

OK, I have searched for an answer in the usual places, and tried several fixes (i.e. quote syntax, field type) but have still not found a solution to this issue...
I have a calculated field in Access 2013 in a query as follows:
CumGPA: DSum([TermGPA],[Transcript_Info],"[Sequence]<=" &[Sequence])
Give a running sum of TermGPA for every row from the Transcript_Info table where Sequence is less than or equal to the current row's value
I get the unhelpful #Error returned.
TermGPA and Sequence are Fixed Decimal
Any ideas? I could be staring right at it, but I've been on a long programming binge and can't see straight right now.
CumGPA: DSum("TermGPA","Transcript_Info","Sequence<=" &[Sequence])

How to limit the characters in input field in crystal report

I am using crystal report 2008, i have a report and that has a input field called "Departure_no".
In this input field we can type maximum of four departure_no (Eg: 2345,234,2345,23456), if it exceeds this limit(more than 4 numbers-can count with 3 commas(,)), this input field should not allow to type further.
Is there any way to achieve this by formula or something else by crystal report??
Thanks in advance!!
try below
use alerts to show the message: I am showing on a database field
Go to Report--> Alert --> Create or modify alert
When a window is opened provide the following:
required name
Required message
Condtion when alert need to be displayed
You can give condition as
if Length(databasefield)> 4 //you need only 4 chars hence this condition
then true
else false
Click ok.
Now you will get message
Let me know of you are looking for something different
