Use of go's struct pointer as interface - go

I want to pass struct method as function value. Why does compilation fail if function is required to return interface{} and it returns *struct? It perfectly works if I try to return *struct from function that is declared to return interface{} (wrapper func).
package main
func main() {
testInterface(wrapper) // works
instance := MyStruct{}
testInterface( // works
testInterface(instance.fails) // fails: ./main.go:8: cannot use instance.fails (type func(int) *MyStruct) as type func(int) interface {} in argument to testInterface
func testInterface(f func() interface{}) {
type MyStruct struct {
func (s *MyStruct) works() interface{} {
return s
func (s *MyStruct) fails() *MyStruct {
return s
func wrapper() interface{} {
s := MyStruct{}
return s.fails()

That's because it does not fit the assignability criterias
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
So, this explains why testInterface(instance.fails) fails: because the instance.fails is not assignable to the f func() interface{}.
Now the second question:
It perfectly works if I try to return *struct from function that is declared to return interface{} (wrapper func).
It works fine, because the value of the *struct type is assignable to the interface{} type because of:
this rule of the assignability: "T is an interface type and x implements T."
"A type implements any interface comprising any subset of its methods and may therefore implement several distinct interfaces. For instance, all types implement the empty interface:" (bold is mine)
Type identity
Interface types


Go 1.18 Generics how to define a new-able type parameter with interface

This used to work in go1.18beta1, but not works in go1.18rc1
package main
type A struct{}
func (*A) Hello() {
func Create[M any, PT interface {
}](n int) (out []*M) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
v := PT(new(M))
out = append(out, v)
func main() {
Execute will throw
./prog.go:16:21: cannot use v (variable of type PT constrained by interface{Hello(); *M}) as type *M in argument to append:
PT does not implement *M (type *M is pointer to interface, not interface)
Seems due to this limitation:
Embedding a type parameter, or a pointer to a type parameter, as an unnamed field in a struct type is not permitted. Similarly, embedding a type parameter in an interface type is not permitted. Whether these will ever be permitted is unclear at present.
How can I do this in go1.18rc1 ?
You have to convert v back to *M again.
out = append(out, (*M)(v))
The error you got is about assignability. In fact the quote in your question doesn't forbid embedding a pointer type in an interface . Both M and PT are different named type parameters and you can't assign one to the other without explicit conversion.
The conversion instead is valid because all types in PT’s type set (only *M) are convertible to *M.

Why cant i pass a struct pointer with *interface{} parameter?

I can't find anything about *interface{} on google. So... The question is why these two approaches work differently?
package main
type MyStruct struct {}
func valI(x interface{}) {}
func pointI(x *interface{}) {}
func valS(s MyStruct) {}
func pointS(s *MyStruct) {}
func main() {
s := MyStruct{}
p := &s
valI(p) // Why? Success
pointI(s) // Why? Fail: cannot use s (type S) as type *interface {} in argument to point: *interface {} is pointer to interface, not interface
pointI(p) // Why? Fail: cannot use p (type *S) as type *interface {} in argument to point: *interface {} is pointer to interface, not interface
valS(p) // It's obvious to me why these two fail
pointS(s) // -//-
An interface contains a pointer to the underlying data and type information. When you assign a non-interface value to an interface (or pass a non-interface value as an interface arg) the compiler generates code to pass the type and pointer to the underlying data. In a way, an interface is a struct:
type interface struct {
Data pointer
Type type
A pointer to an interface is simply a pointer to an instance of this struct.
All values satisfy the interface{} interface, so you can pass a struct or *struct where interface{} is required. *interface{} is a pointer to an interface, and only a pointer to an interface can be passed:

Can interface type and value be a type that does not implement the interface and its value?

Here is the link to the code and description I was looking at:
I change method M of type *T to T, that is changing from a pointer receiver to a value receiver as below.
package main
import (
type I interface {
type T struct {
S string
func (t T) M() {
type F float64
func (f F) M() {
func main() {
var i I
i = &T{"Hello"}
i = F(math.Pi)
func describe(i I) {
fmt.Printf("(%v, %T)\n", i, i)
However, the change above gave me the same result as it was still a pointer receiver.
(&{Hello}, *main.T)
(3.141592653589793, main.F)
I am not sure I got this concept right. From my understanding since interface variable i got assign a pointer to an instance of struct T, the type of that interface variable should be a pointer to struct T, and since pointer to struct T does not implement method M, it will cause a panic.
Spec: Method sets:
The method set of the corresponding pointer type *T is the set of all methods declared with receiver *T or T (that is, it also contains the method set of T).
[...] The method set of a type determines the interfaces that the type implements and the methods that can be called using a receiver of that type.
So all methods you declare with value receiver will also belong to the method set of the corresponding pointer type, and thus all interfaces a non-pointer type implements will also be implemented by the pointer type too (and possibly more).
Go has some shortcuts. For example:
is the same as
is similar to the concept here

How can I return a subtype of the specified return value (in this case interface{})?

I have an interface that defines one parameter to have type func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{} and I'm trying to pass something of type func reduceMsg(a interface{}, b proto.Message) []*PersistentData to it. This results in the following compiler error:
Cannot use reduceMsg (type func(a interface{}, b proto.Message) []*PersistentData as type func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{}
What is the reason for this error, and how can I work around it? It seems like returning a more specific type than interface{} should be legal. Here's a simple complete example that illustrates the issue:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var t func() interface{} = func() []string { return []string{} }
The type of the object is the whole function signature. If the signature don't match, then it's not the same type and can't be assigned that way.
Anything can be assigned to the empty interface, because all types satisfy the interface, but in your problem neither type is the empty interface, you just have a function that returns an empty interface.
Not because a part of the function can be assigned to another it makes it the same. The type is the whole function signature. I think it's the same logic behind not being able to assign an int to an int8. You can cast them if you want, but for go, they are separate types and you need to deal with making the necessary conversions to be able to assign them.
What you can do is change your second function signature to return an empty interface like this:
func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{}
func reduceMsg(a interface{}, b proto.Message) interface{} {
var a []*PersistentData
// do something here
return a
This way the function signature is the same, so it's consider the same type and you are returning an []*PersistentData. Of course you will need to do a type assertion before using it as such because the program will treat it as an {}interface because that is the type that the function returned.
Referencing the spec,
In assignments, each value must be assignable to the type of the operand to which it is assigned, with the following special cases:
Any typed value may be assigned to the blank identifier.
If an untyped constant is assigned to a variable of interface type or the blank identifier, the constant is first converted to its default type.
If an untyped boolean value is assigned to a variable of interface type or the blank identifier, it is first converted to type bool.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
In general, Go doesn't allow you to implicitly convert values from one type to another, with the exception of being able to use concrete-typed objects as though they were interfaces (that they implement).
In this particular case, since your function doesn't actually return an interface{}, the compiler would have to do some extra work to wrap up the return value as an interface{} and return it; if you really want to accomplish what you're trying you can do this explicitly yourself:
type Foo struct {
X int
func create(x int) Foo {
return Foo{X: x}
func main() {
var f func(int) interface{} = func(x int) interface{} {
return create(x)
which is basically doing (explicitly) the wrapping operation that you want the runtime to do implicitly.

Go: Variable to a function, returning an interface

In Go, why can I not have a variable to a function, which returns an interface type?
Here's a minimal test case:
type DummyInterface interface {
Method(string) string
// Dummy implements the DummyInterface interface
type Dummy struct{}
func (d Dummy) Method(i string) string {
return i
// DummyFunc returns a Dummy pointer (which implements the DummyInterface interface)
var DummyFunc (func() *Dummy) = func() *Dummy {
a := Dummy{}
return &a
// DummyInterfaceFunc is declared as returning function returning an object which implements DummyInterface -- it
// is set to DummyFunc, which does return a conforming object
var DummyInterfaceFunc (func() DummyInterface) = DummyFunc
This fails to compile (Playground example here), stating:
cannot use DummyFunc (type func() *Dummy) as type func() DummyInterface in assignment
Yet, as you can see, a *Dummy does implement DummyInterface.
Why is this?
Because *Dummy is not the same type as DummyInterface. The rule that you can assign an object to something of an interface type that object implements only applies in that literal case. If the interface type appears in one of the parameters of a type (i.e. the return type of a function), assignment is not possible.
Refer to the assignability rules for more information.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to
T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not
a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
This is a similar concept to: Can I convert a []T to an []interface{}?
Basically func() *Dummy is a different type from func() DummyInterface, and conversion between them is not possible.
You will need to use the interface throughout to make the function signature the same.
