Spring MVC forward appending request parameter values comma separated when we have same parameter name for topRequest and forward request - spring

Spring MVC forward appending request parameter values comma separated when we have same parameter name for topRequest and forward request
#RequestMapping(path = "/details")
public ModelAndView details(#ModelAttribute final DetailsForm detailsForm){
//DetailsForm contain a parameter called destinationId with value 1234
final ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
//Some logic to get targeted destinationId (7890) using destinationId (1234) from detailForm
return mav;
#RequestMapping(path = "/search")
public ModelAndView details(#ModelAttribute final SearchForm searchForm){
//Here I tried to get destinationId from model-attribute searchForm
final Integer destinationId = searchForm.getDestinationId();
//Then it returned me 1234,7890
Can someone please help me out how to resolve this. I want to get only 7890.

I am interested in the answer also. I also hit this problem hacked it by adding a method:
private String getLastPartFromFormValue(final String value) {
if (value == null)
return null;
String[] parts = value.split(",");
return parts[parts.length -1];

Just for sake of knowledge.
If you have a method, and you have a query param named thing and have an object annotated with #ModelAttribute and, in that object you have a field with the same name of your query param, you can expect that behavior.
For example:
#PostMapping(value = "/my-awesome-path")
public String myAwesomeMethod(
#RequestParam(name = "token", required = false) final String token,
#ModelAttribute("formData") final MyFormData formData) {
//class fields and members...
And, in the MyFormData you have this:
public class MyFormData{
private String token;
//other fields, getters and setters...
You will receive the query param token with the value duplicated and comma separated as well as in the MyFormData object.
The alternative is check the casuistic and change the parameter name or redesign if it's necessary.
In the example the query param name is changed like this:
#PostMapping(value = "/my-awesome-path")
public String myAwesomeMethod(
#RequestParam(name = "custom-token", required = false) final String customToken,
#ModelAttribute("formData") final MyFormData formData) {
//class fields and members...
And the values are not more duplicated nor comma separated.


Creating custom requestParam in springboot controller

i have a use case where the user can send following params with get request
GET localhost/8080/users?filter=alex
GET localhost/8080/users?suffixFilter=lex
GET localhost/8080/users?prefixFilter=a
is it possible to add only one request param instead of 3 in controller
instead of
public String getFoos(#RequestParam String filter, #RequestParam String prefixFilter , #RequestParam String suffixFilter) {
return "ID: " + id;
is it possible to create a dynamic one which includes those three variantes? I was thinking creating class like this
public class FilterCreteria {
private String filter;
private String suffixFilter;
private String prefixFilter;
and then passing this to controller
public String getFoos(#RequestParam FilterCreateria filter) {
return "ID: " + id;
the problem is if i send filter=alex the other attributes in the class FilterCreteria is null and i want to avoid this null.
What i searching for:
is there other way of making this possible?
if my suggestion is ok, how to avoid null attributes when the user only sends one queryparam like filter=alex?

How do I get the names of the request parameters for a Spring REST URL?

I have a Spring REST API and I don't know what the parameter names will be ahead of time. It's like this ...
Which basically becomes ... SELECT * FROM employees WHERE firstname = 'bob' and lastname = 'jones';
Basically becomes ... SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerNumber = '12345';
If I knew the params before hand (like 'firstname') then I could do this ...
#RequestMapping(value = "/{entityType}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<String> getEntity(#PathVariable String entityType, #RequestParam(required = false) String firstname) throws Exception {
... but I don't know the names of the parameters before hand. They can be anything.
How do I get the list of parameter names that were passed in?
Answering my own question. Found the solution in this article here ...
#RequestMapping(value = "/{entityType}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<String> getEntity(#PathVariable String entityType, #RequestParam Map<String,String> allParams) throws Exception {
allParams is now a key-value map of all params and values passed it.

Avoid duplicate code in Controllers and service

I am using Spring framework.
I wrote some pretty long code to save some results.
So later it turned out in other controllers I will also need this code. Just with small differences for example returning some other strings.
So of course every controller will have its own mapping. So the parameters will be duplicate anyway.
But now for the code inside the mapping method.
I was thinking putting the code in the service of the original controller. Then the other controllers will call this service. The service of course will have plenty of parameters + the slight differences between the controllers. Or should I make like a general service, have good documentation there because of course the methods there will be general and later I should know what they were for.
#PostMapping("/testcase") public RedirectView saveResult(Model model, #ModelAttribute("testResultEntity") TestResultEntity testResultEntity, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes , #RequestParam(required = false) String version , #RequestParam(required = false,defaultValue = "0") String page, #RequestParam(required = false) String operation, Authentication authentication,Locale locale)
{ // here comes long code, which will be used also in other controllers ;
If all the controller mappings have the same signature you can create a parent class with the common implementation.
Something like this:
public abstract class BaseAbstractController {
// specific logic per controller
abstract String specific();
public RedirectView save(Model model, #ModelAttribute("testResultEntity") TestResultEntity testResultEntity,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, #RequestParam(required = false) String version,
#RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "0") String page, #RequestParam(required = false) String operation,
Authentication authentication, Locale locale) {
// here comes long code, which will be used also in other controllers ;
String specific = specific();
public class TestController extends BaseAbstractController {
String specific() {
return "something"; // here goes your specific logic;
public RedirectView saveResult(Model model, #ModelAttribute("testResultEntity") TestResultEntity testResultEntity,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, #RequestParam(required = false) String version,
#RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "0") String page, #RequestParam(required = false) String operation,
Authentication authentication, Locale locale) {
return save(model, testResultEntity, redirectAttributes, version, page, operation, authentication, locale);

Thymeleaf add multiple parameters to URL in one go

Given I have MVC endpoint with mapping:
public String eventHistory(final Model model,
#PageableDefault(sort = {"id"}, direction = DESC) final Pageable pageable,
final EventHistoryFilter eventHistoryFilter) {
model.addAttribute("eventHistoryFilter", eventHistoryFilter);
where EventHistoryFilter is:
final class EventHistoryFilter {
private Long eventId;
private String eventType;
private String eventDateFrom;
private String eventDateTo;
and in thymeleaf template I would like to construct URL with parameters, e.g.:
How can I add multiple parameters into URL in one go?
I didn't find it here: https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/articles/standardurlsyntax.html#adding-parameters
I'd like to avoid specifying each parameter one by one.
I tried to use https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/3.0/thymeleafspring.html#building-uris-to-controllers
String url = MvcUriComponentsBuilder.fromMappingName("EHE#eventHistory").arg(2, eventHistoryFilter).build();
but resolved URL doesn't contain any request parameters.
and thymeleaf counterpart:
fails during evaluation.

How to handle a request with multiple parameters on Spring-MVC

I am sending following request that need to be handled by Spring-MVC but it does not.
public class FlightController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/find?origin={origin}&destination={destination}&departure={departure}&arrival={arrival}&return={return}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String findFlight(#PathVariable String origin,
String destination, Date departure, Date arrival, boolean return) {
That is not the correct way (or place) to use #PathVariable. You need to use #RequestParam.
public class FlightController {
public String findFlight(#RequestParam String origin
, #RequestParam String destination
, #RequestParam(required = false) Date departure
, #RequestParam(required = false) Date arrival
, #RequestParam(defaultValue = "false", required = false, value = "return") Boolean ret) { ... }
Note that return is a keyword in Java so you cannot use it as a method parameter name.
You will also have to add a java.beans.PropertyEditor for reading the dates because the dates will (presumably) be in a specific format.
Try this, may be it works:
public String findFlight(#RequestParam("origin") String origin
, #RequestParam("destination") String destination,....
