View Results Table of the Jmeter script converted from LR using latest Jmeter V3.2 doesn't capture all calls - jmeter

When i tried to convert the LR script into Jmeter using Jmeter latest version 3.2 View results Table doesn't captures all calls , where as Summary Report as well as under Thread group>Recording Controller I can see all the calls.
How does it effects means. If I cannot see the calls in the View Results Tables ,I cannot do correlation, parameterization etc for the missing calls.
Does any one has encountered this wearied issue.
Note: Jmeter V3.1 works perfectly !
Please advise me!

This is not a bug.
As per the issue that was opened:
Starting with JMeter version 3.2 the number of results in View Results Tree is limited by default to 500 entries.
If you want more entries, you have to set the property:
to a higher value, or to "0", if you don't want to impose any limit.
You can set the property in bin/
But be aware that this involves less responsiveness of JMeter during Load Test.
More info might be found at:

You can try the following steps:
Add "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder" under the workbench.
Add "View Test Results Tree" under the "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder".
In the "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder" config, select the following options: Target Controller: "Workbench > HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder" & Grouping: "Put each group in a new Transaction Controller".
Start the recorder, finish recording, and stop the recorder.
Add a "Thread Group" under the "Test Plan" and you can drag/copy the Transaction controllers to the Test Plan.
Note: The "Grouping" option would really depend on how you would like to configure your transactions however this is a recommended approach during recording.
Let me know if this helps.


How to resolve an error like "Assembly "AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.5.605" on execution of JMeter Script?

I have created a JMeter load test script for .Net Version 4.8 framework. It's successfully passed but on re-execution or on increasing thread group count it throws an error like "Assembly "AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.5.60501.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e" does not contain a script with hash code "de1feab2"." in View result Tree in JMeter. Also attached Screenshot for your reference.
I have already handled ViewState and EventValidation. Also the created test script is working fine for thread group count 1. Can you please help me with steps to maintain the ScriptManager's hidden value as it's value is static in all the created steps in a script. Please reply asap.Actually, I need an immediate solution to the mentioned problem statement. Screenshot of Error throwing in JMeter
Looks like missing or improperly implemented correlation, for example you're sending a hard-coded (recorded?) parameter de1feab2 and its value is supposed to be dynamic.
You can record your scenario one more time and compare JMeter test plans - all the values which differ are a subject to correlation.
Another option is considering an alternative recording solution like BlazeMeter Proxy Recorder, it's capable of exporting recorded network traffic in "SmartJMX" form with automatic detection and correlation of dynamic parameters

Cannot see all results in Jmeter results tree and report

I'm facing a weird situation with Jmeter 5.4.1
When running a suite, in my results tree all I can see are the results from first 7 (of 30) tests, and in the report, 20 of 30 tests.
All calls are simple and have just a status code and body response assert, and nothing more.
Anyone aware about this issue?
I don't think it's "weird", it's "by design".
By default JMeter stores/shows 500 last results in the View Results Tree listener
If you want to remove this limitation you can add the next line to file:
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up. Then you will be able to see all the results (given they will fit into memory)
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

JMeter aggregate report does not aggregate in non-gui mode

I have a JMeter test plan which is running two thread groups, with each thread group containing a controller and HTTP cookie manager. The controller is a custom controller, but I don't think this should affect JMeter's output.
Outside the two thread groups, I have an Aggregate Report component. Here is a screenshot of my TestPlan:
If I run the test in GUI mode, as you would expect, the Aggregate Report creates an.... aggregate report. That is, the results are aggregated on my test/sample labels, and I get one row for each test, and a range of attributes, as below:
I also have configured this Aggregate Report component to output to a file, by entering a filename in the "Filename" section, and pressing the "Configure" button and checking the attributes I'd like to be output (I've kept it simple for now with just the label, elapsed time and response code).
When I run my test from non-gui mode, this output file is the only way to view the results. However, the output file is rather useless and it does not aggregate the results, but instead gives me output similar to the usual jtl output, i.e. it doesn't aggregate the results at all. Pretty useless. Here is the top few lines of my output file, you can clearly see they are not aggregated:
So, the obvious question, am I doing something wrong here? Why is my aggregate report output not an aggregate report? Surely JMeter has a way for producing aggregate output in non-gui mode, without me adding any plug-in or extensions. For the record I need to script this process at some point, so opening a JTL in gui mode is not acceptable, I need this entire process to occur within non-gui JMeter and scripts.
The values you see in the Aggregate Report GUI are calculated from the raw data which is stored in the .jtl file.
If you need to make the process unattended, depending on metrics you need to obtain here are the options:
Since JMeter 3.0 there is a HTML Reporting Dashboard which contains some tables and charts. You can either generate a dashboard from existing results file or make it a part of your test. See Generating Reports chapter for the relevant commands.
Another way to get basic HTML report is running JMeter via Ant Task or Maven Plugin - in both cases you'll get test output like:
See Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI guide for details on configuring a JMeter test run through Ant and/or Maven. There is a number of pre-defined .xsl stylesheets in "extras" folder, you can take whatever you like and customize if needed.
You can also consider running your JMeter test via Taurus tool, it provides interactive console and web-based reporting and has few more options to export test results.

In Apache Jmeter(2.13r1665067) how to get multiple sample result using HTTP(S) Script recorder?

Apache JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder not generating multiple samples in listener.
I am new to JMeter and have been following the steps outlined in usermanual/jmeter_proxy_step_by_step.pdf.
I am using the Recording Controller.
I have added HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder to the Work Bench and added listeners: Results Tree and Results in Table.
I can successfully start the test from HTTP(S) Script recorder and I am able to view the result in Result Table and Result Tree.
The problem occurs in the case of multiple threads accessing same sample(HTTPS Request),the result returns single sample.
How to get multiple instances of a same sample in View Results Tree and View Results in Table?
Why not multiple instances of same sample are generated?
In JMeter 2.13, you have option to use default 'Recording' template that you can find under File menu > Templates > Recording.
Just select that to record your scenario.
Under Workbench, in HTTP(S) Test Script recorder, there is dropdown menu of grouping. Select first option in it that is "Donot group samplers".
Now if you follow the steps defined in your PDF guide, you will see the samplers being recorded under Recording Controller of your Test Plan.
As for multiple threads, Please clarify what do you mean by multiple threads? In JMeter, we define number of threads (virtual users) for script execution. If your problem is for script execution then edit your question and share more accurate info as it will not be a recording problem in that case.

View result file in Jmeter

Need a help in jmeter. When we run jmeter from GUI mode, we can see the instant results in UI and that gets auto refreshed in milliseconds or lesser.
But when I run jmeter from command line , in non GUI mode it still creates the result file and I can view it by another jmeter and with the adding an aggregate report listener to it. It opens the results with a pop up alert message but does not refresh it. For getting the updated results , need to browse and open it again .
So is there any way/plugin to open the file to view with auto refreshed as we can view while running in GUI mode.
It is not recommended to use listeners during test run, even if it is done via another instance of JMeter. Wait for the test to finish and then perform the analysis.
If for some reason looking into interim stats is absolutely required I would recommend running your JMeter test using Taurus tool as a wrapper, you'll be able to see some statistics and graphs this way:
