OpenGl without compatible graphics card? - windows

Basically I have a windows system that does not have a graphics card, and I am trying to execute a .jar file in cmd, which gives the following output:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\shattered>java -jar test.jar
Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: OpenGL is not supported by the video driver.
I am only somewhat tech literate but the takeaway I got from that was that I needed to get OpenGl. So I did some research and found a few mentions of OpenGl software mode or something but I have no idea of how to go about doing so. Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers!
And before it is mentioned, I have tried updating the video driver.

First on the "what":
OpenGL is a application programming interface (API) between the graphics facilities of the operating system (which in broad term covers everything between putting windows to the screen down to placing single pixels) and individual programs. The main purpose of OpenGL is providing access to accelerated graphics infrastructure optimized for rasterizing graphics primitives most suitable for 3D image generation.
Now to the "how":
The typical OpenGL implementation ships as part of the drivers of 3D graphics accelerator processors (GPUs). However since (a very old) version of OpenGL, namely OpenGL-1.1, has been specified as part of the Win32 API every version of Windows since Windows 95B and Windows NT-4 includes a fallback software implementation that can be used in case no accelerated OpenGL version is available. However if any version beyond OpenGL-1.1 is required this fallback does not provide it.
However you can substitute the standard OpenGL interface with an advanced software rasterizer implementation: The Mesa project provides a version of their software rasterizer that provides even modern core profile OpenGL. The usual recommendation is to place these substitute opengl32.dll besides the .exe file of the program that requires it; in fact on modern Windows systems with system file protection it's actually impossible to replace the original DLLs without jumping a few hoops. The MSys2 project offers prebuilt versions of substitute DLLs.
Current (as of writing this):
64 Bit version:
32 Bit version:
XZ archives can be unpacked with 7-zip.

Default VGA/VESA driver is also used for gfx card without propper driver. Such cards usually emulate EGA/VGA/VESA until initialized so windows default driver works for them.
So during boot freeze the screen and look at the PID/VID table of installed devices. from that numbers you can detect which gfx card you really have and look for drivers.
In rare case you really got just EGA/VGA/VESA (which I doubt) in the old MS-DOS times there were OpenGL software drivers even for those. What you need is find OpebGL DLL for your platform like (opengl32.dll) and place it either directly to your executable or into known path like system32 ... In such case you should get at least OpenGL 1.0 support in SW rendering mode
btw if my memory serves well in the old times of win3.11 and win9x this OpenGL32.dll was a part of windows instalation and we got the OpenGL screen savers running on VESA cards natively.


What does WindowsDX mean; what does WindowsGL mean, and the basic difference

I want to install some libraries, namely MonoGame, on my Windows10 computer. There appear to be a WindowsDX and WindowsGL (or DesktopGL). What is the basic difference between references to WindowsDX and GL. Thanks.
I assume WindowsGL refers to the Windows implementation of OpenGL. OpenGL is an open, industry standard library and interface for using/programming graphics hardware.
WindowsDX probably refers to Windows DirectX. DirectX is a suite of libraries for multimedia programming in general, including D3D for interfacing with graphics hardware, in particular.
The capabilities are comparable, but the interfaces differ.
Windows supports both, with OpenGL possibly being handled by translating commands into their DirectX equivalents at some level of the driver stack. I don't think any non-Windows platforms support DirectX.

Deploying Qt5 on Windows without Hardware Acceleration

Qt5 can use the OpenGL driver or the DirectX Driver by using ANGLE. As we cannot depend on an installed OpenGL driver, we need to use the ANGLE backend. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve all deployment problems especially on Windows virtual machines without hardware acceleration. On these systems, we're getting an error message saying that the creation of an OpenGL context failed.
Screenshot: Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat
We're deploying all required libraries (libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll libeay32.dll msvcp110.dll msvcr110.dll d3dcompiler_46.dll) but we're still getting this error message.
How do you deploy a QML application that needs to run on end user machines without OpenGL driver and on (virtual) machines without Direct3D Acceleration?
There is a page on the Qt wiki mentioning this problem, but that's not very helpful for solving it.
Update for Qt 5.4.0:
My findings so far are:
Setting QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM=warp -> creates a windows without content.
Setting QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM=d3d9 -> same error dialog, as expected.
Setting QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM=d3d11 -> same error dialog, as expected.
Setting QT_OPENGL=desktop -> same as QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM=warp.
Setting QT_OPENGL=angle -> same error dialog, as expected.
Setting QT_OPENGL=software + opengl32sw.dll (mesa for windows) -> unpredictable: May run, may crash, may show the error dialog.
Update for Qt Quick 2D Renderer
Although, Mesa seems to be a partial solution, the configration seems to be very crash often in Qt 5.4.0 .
Another fallback could be the Qt Quick 2D Renderer, but unfortunately this crashes too.
Copying softwarecontext.dll into /scenegraph + Setting QMLSCENE_DEVICE=softwarecontext -> crash
Update after some user experience:
Has some render bugs on some systems
Does not work reliable on all systems
Angle with Warp
Not reliable
Desktop OpenGL
The default implements OpenGL 1.1, which is too old.
Not reliable, even if the OpenGL version is ok.
Has render bugs, if used by Qt
Has some major render issues
Crashes, Freezes
Works on systems without HW acceleration
Mesa OpenGL Backend
Seems to be quite reliable at the moment
quite slow in general, very slow on some systems.
Heavy Deployment weight
Conclusion: there is still no real solution for these systems
Update for Qt 5.5
Anno 2015: Broken graphics drives are still broken.
My conclusion for the moment is:
Use QtQuick2dRenderer if possible.
Use Mesa backend otherwise.
Skip Angle, skip Desktop OpenGL, skip Warp.
QT 5 has huge compatibility issue with opengl on some hardware configurations
Combination of Intel HD3000 driver and Nvidia/ATI card won't work on Windows 10.
Intel drops support for this card but their drivers has bug that leads to crash.
You cannot rely on hardware opengl if you want to support customers with HD3000.
Under Windows, opengl32.dll is the default OpenGL driver. It implements OpenGL 1.1 (really old version).
ANGLE has a baseline of OpenGL ES 2.0 and needs DirectX 9/11 installed to map the calls into.
So if you got a video card that doesn't have an OpenGL driver installed, an OpenGL driver less than 2.0, and/or DirectX 9/11 not installed, your app is not going to work.
In regards to virtualization and 3D acceleration, these maybe worth a read:
Why does Qt Creator 3.0.0 Welcome Mode not work in VM?
Also, if you run a multi monitor Windows environment under VirtualBox, 3d acceleration will be disabled.
I re-checked this to see if these problems have been fixed by the latest release of QT 5.12.2, but no they have not. The function described in the QT wiki entry OP referenced sounds good but in practice it simply doesn't work.
I conclude avoid OpenGL on QT in any form. It's just too unreliable.

Expanding media capabilities of Win Embedded CE 6.0

I have an embedded device with WinCE 6.0 as OS. The manufacturer provides an IDE for 3rd party development to it. The IDE pretty much allows nothing else than
.NET 3.5 Compact Framework scripting that's invoked from various events from the main application
Adding files to the device.
The included mediaplayer seems to be using DirectShow and the OS has media codec only for mpeg-1 encoded video playback. My goal is to to be able to play media encoded with some other codecs as well inside that main application.
I've already managed to use DirectShowNETCF (DirectShow wrapper for .NET Compact Framework) and successfully playback mpeg-1 encoded video.
I'm totally new with this stuff and I have tons of (stupid) questions. I'll try to narrow them down:
The OS is based on WinCE, but as far as I've understood, it's actually always some customized version of it (via Platform Builder). Only "correct way" of developing anything for it afterwards is to use the SDK the manufacturer usually provides. Right? In my case, the SDK is extremely limited and tightly integrated into IDE as noted above. However, .NET CF 3.5 is capable for interop so its possible to call native libraries -as long as they are compiled for correct platform.
Compiled code is pretty much just instructions for the processor (assembler code) and the compiler chooses the correct instructions based on the target processor setting. Also there's the PE-header that defines under which platform the program is meant to be run. If I target my "helloworld.exe" (does nothing but returns specific exit code) to x86 and compile it with VC, should it work?
If the PE-header is in fact the problem, is it possible to setup for WINCE without the SDK? Do I REALLY need the whole SDK for creating a simple executable that uses only base types? I'm using VS2010, which doesn't even support smart device dev anymore and I'd hate to downgrade just for testing purposes.
Above questions are prequel to my actual idea: Porting ffmpeg/ffdshow for WinCE. This actually already exists, but not targeted nor built for Intel Atom. Comments?
If the native implementation is not possible and I would end up implementing some specific codec with C#...well that would probably be quite a massive task. But having to choose C# over native, could I run into problems with codec performance? I mean.. is C# THAT much slower?
Thank you.
I've not seen an OEM that shipped their own IDE, but it's certainly possible. That shouldn't change how apps can created, however. It's possible that they've done a lot of work to make sure only things from their IDE work, but that would be a serious amount of work for not that much benefit, so I'd think it's unlikely.
As for your specific questions:
The OS is Windows CE, not "based on" it. The OS is, however, componentized, so not all pieces are going to be available. An SDK generally provides a mechanism to filter out what isn't available. You can actually use any SDK that targets the right processor architecture, but if your app calls into a library for something that isn't in the OS, then you'll get at the very least an error. For managed code this is all not relevant because the CF isn't componentized. If it's there, and CF app can run (and if it's not, you can often install it after the fact). This means that if the platform supports the CF, then you can write a CF app and run it. That app can then call native stuff via P/Invoke (unless, of course, the OS creator decided to add security to prevent that. This is possible in the OS, though I've never seen it implemented).
Yes, compiled code is just "instructions". For native, yes, they are processor instructions. For managed, they are MSIL instructions that the managed runtime in turn converts to processor instructions at JIT time. If your target is an ARM platform, you cannot use an x86 compiler. Broadly speaking, you need to use the correct Microsoft compiler that support Windows CE, and call that compiler with the proper switches to tell it not only the processor architecture, but also the target OS because the linking that needs to be done will be different for OS-level APIs and even the C runtimes. The short of this is that for your platform, you need to use Visual Studio 2008 Pro.
For native apps, you need some SDK that targets the same OS version (CE 6.0) and processor architecture (e.g. ARMv4I). Having it match the OS feature set is also useful but not a requirement. For managed code, you can just use the SDKs that ship with Studio because managed code is not processor-dependent. Still, you have to go back to Studio 2008 because 2010 doesn't have any WinCE compilers.
If you've found an existing library, then you can try to use it. Things that might impede your progress are A) it's unlikely to use an SDK you have so you probably have to create new project files (painful, but workable) and B) if it uses features not available in your OS, then you'd have to work around those. If you're missing OS features, you're probably out of luck but if it already has a media player and codec, I suspect you'll be ok.
Don't implement this in managed code. Seriously, just don't do it. Could you? Yes. Performance could probably be made to be nearly the same except to avoid GC stuttering you're going to have to basically create your own memory manager. The amount of work involved in this path is very, very large.

Any downsides of moving from GDI+ to OpenGL?

I recently moved the rendering part of a program of mine from GDI+ to OpenGL.
Now I'm wondering: are there any downsides to doing so?
For example, are there any versions of Windows (XP or later) that support GDI+ but not OpenGL?
Or, for example, is it possible for a lack of drivers (or poor drivers), or a lack of a graphics card, etc. to make OpenGL rendering impossible on a system on which GDI+ works fine?
(I understand the OpenGL might need to resort to software rendering on less capable systems, but aside from slowness, I'm wondering if it would ever simply not work correctly in a situation in which GDI+ would.)
It depends on the OpenGL version/profile you're using. Up to, inclusing Windows XP OpenGL-1.1 is available by default without additional drivers. Since Windows Vista the minimum available OpenGL version is OpenGL-1.4.
However if you need anything more than that, you're relying on the user installing the drivers that come from the GPU vendor; the drivers installed by default in a standard Windows installation don't cover OpenGL (for not perfectly sane reasons).
Programs and libraries that strongly depend on OpenGL-ES have resorted to incorporate fallbacks like ANGLE.
There are some idiosyncrasies, as for example: you cannot create a transparent OpenGL window, if transparency is disabled (which means, not at all, under XP). Otherwise, as datenwolf notes, there's ANGLE, but even that does not always work. Another option might be mesa3d compiled for the windows target, with software rendering enabled. This option might be the safest one and faster than the software OpenGL 1.1 implementation from Microsoft.

OpenGL software rendering alternatives

I need to software render OpenGL in Windows and have already found about Mesa3D, which doesn't provide DLLs and I'm having some pain to build... Are there alternatives available?
That depends on what OpenGL version you wish to accelerate. Depending on your needs, there are some alternatives available. I've listed those I'm aware of below:
OpenGL 1.0 & 1.1
Windows (since Windows NT 3.5) actually includes an OpenGL software implementation to begin with. If you haven't installed any other software rasterizer, this ought to be your default implementation. The Microsoft software rasterizer supports either OpenGL 1.0 or 1.1, depending on your platform, but will not accelerate anything newer than that. If your desired OpenGL version is covered by 1.0 or 1.1 (however unlikely), the solution should be sufficient. I'm unsure as to what extent the default Windows OpenGL software implementation covers the OpenGL ES 1.x frameworks through its OpenGL 1.0 or 1.1 support.
OpenGL 1.4
Furthermore, in Windows Vista, Microsoft included an emulation layer which may translate OpenGL into Direct3D; thus supporting up-to OpenGL 1.4. Additionally, this should mean that Windows Vista (and up?) runtimes may accelerate most parts of OpenGL SC. I've never used this emulator myself, and was quite surprised to hear about it, but it may be of interest to someone having to run one of these old frameworks in a Windows environment.
Note that the standard Windows OpenGL software rasterizer (OpenGL 1.0 or 1.1) is also included in Windows Vista and above.
OpenGL ES 2.0
Additionally, there's the ANGLE project which accelerates WebGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 by translating OpenGL ES 2.0 invocations to DirectX 9 and 11. Their development notes also mention that an OpenGL ES 3.0 solution is in the works. Never having used ANGLE, I cannot offer a verdict.
OpenGL 3.1
In addition to those mentioned above, Mesa 3D (which supports up to OpenGL 3.1) feature three software implementations:
Since I know very little of swrast (the original Mesa project software rasterizer) and softpipe (a reference driver) I'll refrain from going into these. The third implementation, llvmpipe, and probably the one that may interest you the most, is a high-speed software implementation that uses multithreading and JIT compilation to speed up simulation with native- and SIMD instructions.
I have used Swiftshader from Transgaming for a production project before and I must say, it was brilliant. A tad costly, but brilliant.
As far as I've searched, the only other option is using WebGL software renderer, that as of today only Chrome supports. Direct3D has the reference driver (which is really unstable) and Swiftshader, which is good and expensive.
After some more headaches I managed to build Mesa3D for Windows, but only an old version which had still some support for it. At least, it has an awesome performance.
