How can i get http based heroku domain - heroku

I created a new heroku nodejs app.
And i received the domain name with HTTPS.
I am using an API where service provider provides only http based requests.
Now the question is can i run heroku app on http?

Your Heroku app will respond to both ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) on the domain you were given. So if your app is called myapp, you can access it via and


How to host a website on Heroku without using heroku's own http router?

I need to host a website on Heroku, but I need to have direct access to the HTTP traffic without Heroku's own http router meddling in.
That's not possible.
Heroku doesn't provide a full server infrastruture.
It's rather a limited platform to host HTTP services.

Spring App on GCP - Cloud Run - HTTPS only - This combination of host and port requires TLS

My Spring app uses lets encrypt and is https only. I did not include http to https thing, as it worked for me in postman with https:// format
When I deployed to Cloud Run, and mentioned the custom port (the port specified in spring)
and tested using URL from dashboard
I am getting error/message
Bad Request
This combination of host and port requires TLS.
What configuration is required on Cloud Run to resolve this?
The url as I see on service details page has htpps://...
If Cloudrun does not need me to take case of SSL, I can remove the application properties entries
So Can I get an answer on whether to remove SSL from spring?
If cloudrun always uses http, all my calls use redirectConnector, which seems pointless
The Cloud Run Service listens on HTTP and HTTPS. Your application running in the container must listen on a port configured with HTTP only.
FYI: For a public facing web server, you should almost always enable HTTP. Otherwise, when a user enters in the browser, the user will receive a connect error. This not always the case, for example .dev gTLDs, but is good practice. When a user connects to Cloud Run with the HTTP protocol, Cloud Run will redirect the user to HTTPS and connect to your application using the HTTP protocol.

Setting Google domains to use https

I purchased a domain (say, from Google and my Django application (say, runs on Heroku. The CNAME is set on Google to forward the http requests to the Django applicaiton on Heroku. Forwarding requests from to works just fine.
Recently, I need to introduce progressive-web-application to my application and it requires the https protocol, instead of http, that is, the URL now has to be and it doesn't work for Google domains. I tried and it works fine, which means Heroku already supports https. However, I tried (and also googled) for a long time without finding a solution.
So how do I set the Google domain to use https protocol?
The DNS answer from Google cannot contain the port or protocol (http vs. https), it just contains the hostname.
You need to add a redirect from http to https in the Heroku django app, see e.g. here for more instructions.
It's not Google you need to change, it's your Django configuration.
Set SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT to True, and enable the SecurityMiddleware in your app, and any requests should automatically be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS.
When switching to HTTPS you need to add certs to heroku and that process updates the host from "" to something like "". You will need to update your DNS to serve HTTPS pages from the new SSL compliant heroku instance for both HTTP and HTTPS.
Here is a tutorial that outlines the process with Godaddy, it should be very similar or all DNS providers.
Just got a solution from one of Heroku's engineers:
1) Upgrade the Heroku app to a paid one (e.g., Hobby)
2) On the DNS provider's settings, set the DNS target to <app_name>.<domain> (e.g., "")
3) Run $ heroku certs:auto:refresh -a <app_name> (e.g., $ heroku certs:auto:refresh -a mysite)
I'm not sure if this is the same problem that you ran into, but when forwarding from to my wix subdomain, I got a "No resource with given identifier found" error in the browser. Forwarding from to was working just fine.
I had to open Google Domains' advanced forwarding options for my forwarding rule and enable SSL forwarding, like so:

Can I deploy a server to Heroku without a client?

I have built a backend server application without a frontend to it. Can I still deploy it to heroku ?
Sure. Heroku only hosts apps.
As long as your backend server application listens on a specified port, and is able to receive and respond to HTTP requests, you can host it on Heroku.

setting up a custom domain with a heroku node.js instance

I have a node.js app hosted on Heroku, and domain registered with
I want my DNS to be the domain for my Heroku hosted app - Not just a redirect or an iframe.
What are the correct DNS settings for this?
