Error 0xc000007b when launching mongod.exe / mongo.exe - windows

Installed mongodb on Windows.
Mongodb: 3.4.3 - Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit, with SSL support x64
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
When I run mongod.exe or mongo.exe this error occurs
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application
What can I do to get rid of this error?
Thanks to everyone who helped.

I got rid of this error by updating Visual C++ Redistributable. But note that before this i also updated my Net Framework, DirectX and drivers for video-card.

Go to my Computer
Properties (Under windows edition check if service pack 1 is listed)
If not, make sure you have following windows updates installed on your system:
KB958488 (dot NET Framework) (<=10mb) (msu file)
KB2533552 (a prerequisite for service pack 1) (<=10mb) (msu file)
KB976932 (service pack 1) (around 900 mb) (exe file)
KB2999226 (Visual C++) (<=2mb) (msu file)
Add your mongo db bin directory to Path (Environment variable):
Example >>> C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin
Go to control panel → system and security → system → advanced system settings → advanced → environment variable → system variables → Path
Restart your system
Create a file C:\data\db
then run cmd
change directory to mongodb bin
run mongod

I was facing the same issue with mongodb 3.6.5 version on my windows 7. I tried updating .net and vc++, nothing worked. Then I downloaded and installed an older version of mongodb, version 3.2 and it worked!

I have the issue while running mongod (Error 0xc000007b when launching mongod.exe / mongo.exe).
I solve the problem by using these following steps
1 step:uninstall the latest version of mongodb currently (4.2).
2 step: install mongodb version(3.0.15) don't worry its running all the feature that given by 4.2.
3 step:install the mongodb 3.0.15 in installing it gives the option (complete ,custom and other) you select the complete option and install.
4 step: Go to the program file check the mongodb folder inside the mongodb folder go to bin and run the mongod application .On this time the error will gone..

I solved this error by installing all the Microsoft Visual C++ re distribute files .
i.e. all the versions .
You need correct version to run mongo 2013 and 15 didnt work but 2019 did .


How to upgrade MongoDB on Windows Server

How do you upgrade MongoDB on Windows server? Running the Windows installer for the new version only installs a new copy of MongoDB and ignores the existing copy.
First start the cmd.exe in admin mode and cd to the location of the old installation, for standard installations:
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin
Stop all applications, which are accessing mongodb, then enter
mongod --remove
Then install the new mongo db, copy the mongod.cfg file from 3.2 to 3.4 directory. When you had one, otherwise follow the installation instructions for setting up the new service. This update worked fine for me, all data available, I didn't need to use this features switched off.
I upgraded from version 3.6.0 to 3.6.2 just today and below are the steps involved:
Download the latest version from the [mongodb wesbite][1].
When downloading is complete, stop any running instance of mongodb by typing 'Ctrl+C' on the command console.
Run the installation file and it automatically installs the new version at the same path as the previous version (at C:\Program
Start the database server by typing 'mongod'.
All previous databases will be accessible to you.
Windows MongoDB major version upgrade can be performed easily in-place , here i am describing the steps to upgrade MongoDB 4.2 to 4.4 with existing data directory. You can follow the same for any version upgrade.
We will use the Windows command prompt to perform all steps below:
For safety take a backup of existing DB, provide a path to backup them
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin
mongodump -o D:\DB_backup
Stop all the application writes and shutdown the MongoDB service
type "services. msc" and hit Enter or press OK
Services -> MongoDB Server -> Right click & stop
Install the new MongoDB mongodb-windows-x86_64-enterprise-4.4.8-signed.msi file msi package by using GUI provide the old exixting directories. Meanwhile rename directory from 4.2 to 4.4
Data dir - D:\MongoDB\Server\4.4\data
Log dir - D:\MongoDB\Server\4.4\log\
This will replace all the bin files with older version ones and MongoDB will be started automatically.
Finally , move to the bin directory, run mongo.exe client and check the DB availablity
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
On windows pro.
It worked for me like below:
Install new version without uninstalling existing.
Stop the mongodb service.
Copy data folder from previous mongo to new mongo folder.
Repair new mongo installation.
Uninstall previous mongodb.

Compatibility Mode error when installing Visual Studio SDK (vssdk)

Whenever I try to install the Visual Studio SDK I get the following error:
Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.
I have checked and Compatibility mode is not turned on. From what I've read, renaming the installer to vssdk_full.exe should help. That hasn't had any impact.
I got the installer from Microsoft's website.
What do I need to do to get this to install?
Are you installing on Windows 10? If so, then I have the same problem and it seems as though the current SDK setup is checking the Windows version and 10 isn't currently supported. See for more info
I have managed to get it to install on windows 10, download the sdk, it will download vssdk_full.exe, run this with /layout path which will extract the actual setup file.
Then set compatibility on the new file to win 8 and it will install just fine.
You might not need to do the/layout thing but that is what I did.
I had the same problem. I downloaded .iso file with install package form the internet. Then I mounted it using PowerISO and tried to start it from virtual CD drive. It ended up in the same message as above.
I looked it up and thought that in Properties of .exe install file, it's enough to uncheck some boxes compability section. But nothing was checked.
Soon afterwards I unzipped the package to a temporary directory with PowerISO and installed Visual from there. Worked without problems.
I had this problem, I renamed the instalation file to "vssdk_full.exe" and it installed without problems.

ArangoDB installation in Windows 8

I downloaded ArangoDB version 2.3.4 and tried to install it on my Windows 8 OS.
During the installation, I had been prompted to choose the default path or All Users and such. I opted for default path, which installed the application under the path C:\Program Files\ArangoDB 2.3.4\bin. After successfully installed ArangoDB, I tried to open the console and typed arangod.exe. It prompted me some error message:
ERROR cannot open datafile "c:\program files\arangodb 2.3.4 ....\logfile-207139.db': 'No Error'
ERROR cannot open datafile "c:\program files\arangodb 2.3.4 ....\logfile-207139.db": system error
ERROR could not inspect WAL logfiles: system error
FATAL unable to start WAL logfile manager
I am not sure what's going wrong, but I tried uninstall and reinstall with All User option and it worked by showing me
ArangoDB is ready for business. Have fun!
However, the ArangoDB was installed under the C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArangoDB 2.3.4 folder, which I think is not appropriate. Anyone knows how to install by selecting the default path on Windows 8?
I have finally found a solution on this. Go to the var folder security tab and click on Advanced then Disable the inheritance. It works for me now

IBM Websphere ILog JRules Studio 7.1.1 Installation Failed Due to Error: Could not Java Virtual Machine

Has any one encountered the error: Could not create Java Virtual Machine error while installing IBM Websphere ILog JRules Studio 7.1.1? I have Windows 7 64 bit OS but this error could happen on any Windows machine. By default IBM ships the package for 32 bit so our installation team tried with 32 bit JDK 6 (with many minor versions) for many days but could not figure out. I have posted my own solution below. Check this out and save your life.
You usually start installation by running JRules_V711_CZLX7ML.exe file on windows. It will extract all resources on your temp directory and you might encounter error: "Could Not Create Java Virtual Machine". Just follow these steps and it "might" solve your problem:
1. Go to your temp directory by typing "%temp%" in Start-> Run or Windows Explorer.
2. Look for directory something like: I1403739667. Go inside this directory.
3. Open command prompt and go to I1403739667/Windows/resource/jre/bin
4. Run command: java -version
5. If you see following error, go further otherwise you might have some other problems:
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
Error: could not load Mercury Interactive support. Please run the setup again.
If the problem persists please contact Mercury's Customer support.
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library jvmhook(-3): JVM_OnLoad failed
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
This happens if you have installed HP Quick Test Professional which used to be Mercury before HP bought over.
Right click on your computer icon on desktop and look for following environment variable: IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS
Either rename it to IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS_DONOTUSE or delete it.
Try installing again.
NOTE: I had tried to by pass this error by changing the vm property in Rule Studio.lax file to use JDK 6 32 bit installed on my windows machine and was able to install successfully but there were just too many Rules compilation errors which would not make any sense. So NEVER try to use your own JDK. You have to use the IBM JDK shipped as part of Rule Studio.

How to change settings for SQL Developer to correctly recognize current version of SDK

I've installed Oracle 11g r2 to my machine and when I opened Oracle SQL Developer it says: java 1.6.0_02 is not supported and telling me to install new java version.
Then I've installed JDK 1.6.0_27 and set the path in environment variables and run Oracle SQL Developer again, but the same error occurred.
How can I change the settings for Oracle SQL Developer to recognize 1.6.0_27 as my SDK?
In windows 10, I needed to go to following folder and change following product.conf file and set SetJavaHome directive.
in my machine:
with following line.
SetJavaHome C:\Tools\oraclejdk8
Thanks to comment from #thatjeffsmith, in MacOS or Linux/Unix, go to:
to set same SetJavaHome directive.
sqldeveloper.conf under sqldeveloper/bin in the SQLDeveloper base directory has an entry for the java home being used.
(So, on Windows, if you have unzipped SQLDeveloper to C:\sqldev then sqldeveloper.conf is under C:\sqldev\sqldeveloper\bin)
Something like:
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20
Quit SQLDeveloper, remove this entry and relaunch SQLDeveloper. You should be prompted for the location of Java.
Go to sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin and edit sqldeveloper.conf file.
There you'll see
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21
Change it to correct jdk path
With SQL Developer 19.1 (2018) I tried to install it with Java 11 but it failed, so for luck I still have an old java 8 version jdk8u202-b08.
If that happens you need to remove this folder
And then run the exe again
Yes, Oracle just made a dumb installation package to makes us waste our time...good job guys!!!
The thing is, there should be a wizard/installer to configure the java path, this is because the jdk that comes pre-configured just doesn't work. Personally, I had to edit to the sqldeveloper.conf
under sqldeveloper\bin just has Nivas said and change the pre-configured path "SetJavaHome ../../jdk" to "SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73" - for earlier versions of sqldeveloper it's a requirement to have Java8 and be sure that if you install SQLDeveloper x64 version that the java version that you set in your path is also x64.
If you have MacOS:
->SQLDeveloper didn't worked on 15.0.1.(Oracle has mentioned that Developer supports either Oracle JDK 8 or 11.)
->Install JDK8 (macOSx64)
->Go to cd /Users/amritshukla/.sqldeveloper/20.4.1
->Edit product.conf to add this line: SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_291.jdk/Contents/Home
->Launch SQLDeveloper
This workaround helped many people (including me) during the last 12 months, so you must try it if you still have the problem:
Go to sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin folder and locate "msvcr100.dll"
Copy this dll to C:\Windows\System32 folder
Obs: you will need to provide administrator authorization to finish the file copy, so you must be logged on as a true windows administrator.
After copying the file, just try to start the sqldeveloper again. No reboot needed.
Hope this helps you too!
If you have MacOS :
Get the JDK home path
eg: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Go to
eg : cd /Users/sarath_sukumaran/.sqldeveloper/19.2.1
Edit product.conf to set SetJavaHome
eg : SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Re-open the SQL Developer and check the Java version from 'About Oracle SQL Developer' > Version
Adding a solution for Mac.
Edit this file: /Applications/
Uncomment the below line for SetJavaHome and give it the full path to JDK1.8. As of today, it does not work with JDK 11.
# By default, the product launcher will search for a JDK to use. If you wish
# to specify a JDK to use for all users of this install, uncomment the line
# below and set the path the the preferred JDK
# SetJavaHome /path/jdk
If you are using SQL developer > 4.x you can find this setting at this location on windows:
<USER HOME PATH>\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper\<VERSION>\product.conf
and change SetJavaHome to your JDK path. You can get the user home path on the command prompt using %homepath%.
Building on top of other answers:
For macOS 12.3.1 (M1 processor), SQL Developer 21.4.3, using sdkman to install Zulu 11.
mkdir -p ~/.sqldeveloper/21.4.3 (this directory didn't exist so I had to create it)
echo 'SetJavaHome $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.15-zulu/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home' >> ~/.sqldeveloper/21.4.3/product.conf
One solution is to install the latest Oracle SQL Developer. Link # SQL Developer Downloads . This installation will install and use the latest Java version 1.8.x.
The sqldeveloper.conf file resides at a newer location at ...\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin .
In order to change the version of SDK linked to your SQL developer, uninstall the other versions of SDK and install the required version. Once you install the required version, try running SQL developer it will automatically prompt you to attach the path. ANd you can provide the new path.
None of the sqldeveloper.conf had an entry in my case, and i downloaded another zip installation, which gave me same error for same JDK versoin, without me configuring anything, S
Issue: I was getting following error when try to open oracle sql developer
Oracle SQL Developer
Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine
Located at path:
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.322.6-hotspot\jre\bin\msvcr100.dll
File msvcr100.dll was missing in the location *C:\Program
Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.322.6-hotspot\jre\bin*.
copied that file from C:\Windows\System32\msvcr100.dll TO
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.322.6-hotspot\jre\bin*
This helped me to lauch the oracle SQL developer.
