I would like to convert the array to an array string so that this ["2016-06-02","2016-06-02"] becomes 2016-06-02| 2016-06-02
Use concat_ws(string delimiter, array<string>) function to concatenate array:
select concat_ws(',',collect_set(date)) from table;
If the date field is not string, then convert it to string: concat_ws(',',collect_set(cast(date as string)))
I have a table of string data. It is essentially a csv file.
Example string: "01.10.2021 5:41:15";"255,1759949"
I need to convert datatype from string to date
Need to replace original string with date column
The simpliest way is to add and drop column:
table("<<str1><S>><<str2><S>>","01.10.2021 5:41:15","255,1759949","01.10.2021 5:41:15","255,1759949")
,"parseDate({str1}, 'dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss', 'GMT+3' )"
I import an Excel-spreadsheet using the following SAS-procedure.
%let datafile = 'Excel.xlsx'
%let tablename = myDB
proc import datafile = &datafile
out = &tablename
dbms = xlsx
One of the variables (date_variable) has the format DD.MM.YYYY. Therefore, I was defining a new format like this:
data &tablename;
set &tablename;
format date_variable mmddyy10.;
Now, I would like to sort the table by that variable:
proc sort data = &tablename;
by date_variable;
However, as the date_variable is defined as a string, I dont get the sorting right. How can I re-define the date_variable as a date?
Use the input function to convert the string-value containing a date representation to a date-value that can have a date-style format applied to it that will affect how the date-value is rendered in output and viewers.
The input function requires an informat as an argument. Check the format documentation, which includes an entry for:
DDMMYYw. Informat
Reads date values in the form ddmmyy or dd-mm-yy, where a special character, such as a hyphen (-), period (.), or slash (/), separates the day, month, and year; the year can be either 2 or 4 digits.
* string values contain date representations;
data have;
input date_from_excel $10.;
data want;
set have;
date = input(date_from_excel, ddmmyy10.); * convert to SAS date values;
format date ddmmyyd10.; * format to apply when rendering those values;
* sort by SAS date values;
proc sort data=want;
by date;
format date_variable mmddyy10.; does not convert a string to a date. It just sets a format for displaying that field etc.
Essentially I think what you are saying is date_variable is a string that looks like "31.01.2019". If that is the case, you will have to first convert it into a date value:
date_variable_converted = input(date_variable, DDMMYY10.);
You should be now able to sort using date_variable_converted which is a SAS date value.
In hive how to convert a string to number where the number is formatted and string for hour ?
Samples :
String with formatted to integer
40.868.031 => 40868031
String to hour
0:06:52.203954 => 00:06:52
I'm trying to display a date column in grid like this: "dd-mm-yyyy". In dbf table, the date is stored in this format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss" in a character field.
The grid is created from this cursor:
select id,beginningDate,endDate,cnp from doc ORDER BY id desc INTO CURSOR myCursor
I wish something like this:
select id,convert(beginningDate, Datetime,"dd-mm-yyyy"),endDate,cnp from doc ORDER BY id desc INTO CURSOR myCursor
Fox doesn't have a builtin function called convert(), nor can it handle your non-standard date/time string format directly.
A quick and dirty way to convert a string foo in the given format ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss") to a date/time value is
ctot("^" + chrtran(foo, "T", " "))
The caret marks the input as the locale-independent standard format, which differs from the input format only by having a space instead of a 'T'.
You can extract the date portion from this via the ttod() function, or simply extract only the date portion from the string and convert that:
ctod("^" + left(foo, 10))
Fox's controls - including those in a grid - normally use the configured Windows system format (assuming that set("SYSFORMATS") == "ON"); you can override this by playing with the SET DATE command.
There seems to be no mask-based date formatting option as in most other languages. dtoc() and ttoc() don't take format strings, transform() takes a format string but blithely ignores it for date values.
I am with Tamar on this subject, you should have used a datetime field instead.
Since you are storing it like this anyway, you can 'convert' to datetime using the built-in cast function (or ttod(ctot()) in versions older than VFP9 - in either case you don't need to remove T character):
select id, ;
Cast(Cast("^"+beginningDate as datetime) as date) as beginningDate, ;
endDate,cnp ;
from doc ;
ORDER BY id desc ;
INTO CURSOR myCursor ;
In grid or any other textbox control, you can control its display style using DateFormat property. ie:
* assuming it is Columns(2). 11 is DMY
thisform.myGrid.Columns(2).SetAll('DateFormat', 11)
Hi I am playing around with Pig for the first time and am curious how to deal with splitting up a field into multiple other fields.
I have a bag, A, like the one below:
grunt> Dump A;
(text, text, Mon Mar 07 12:00:00 CDT 2016)
What I'd like to do is split the Date-Time field into multiple fields so that I can explore the distribution of the data set and do group bys on the Day of Week, Month, Year, etc.
I have been looking at tokenize but am unsure this meets my needs as I need/want to have field names added to the bag or create a nested bag.
Any ideas?
Assuming that the value is already of datatype datetime, then you could use the following functions to extract individual elements.Builtin function reference DateTime Functions in PIG
GetDay(f3) as f3_Day,
GetMonth(f3) as f3_Month,
GetYear(f3) as f3_Year,
GetHour(f3) as f3_Hour,
GetMinute(f3) as f3_Minute,
GetSecond(f3) as f3_Second;
If the datatype is chararray then use the ToDate() function to convert it to datetime and extract the date parts.
B = FOREACH A GENERATE f1,f2,ToDate(f3,'choose your datetime format') as f3_Date;
GetDay(f3_Date) as f3_Day,
GetMonth(f3_Date) as f3_Month,
GetYear(f3_Date) as f3_Year,
GetHour(f3_Date) as f3_Hour,
GetMinute(f3_Date) as f3_Minute,
GetSecond(f3_Date) as f3_Second;