jsGrid: how to reference a row directly? - jsgrid

I am using jsGrid.
Given a row index, how do I access the items in a row of a jsGrid table directly from Javascript?


How to save the data in a different column instead of replacing the data in same column

I have one field on my form (field example name "completion_date"). This data is stored to table column "completion_date". When users edits the detail, data is overwritten in the backend table field as a default way of storing the data. How can I pass on the existing data in this column to a new column (completion_date_a) when the user saves a new date in the field.
One option is to create a database trigger, e.g.
create or replace trigger trg_bu_date
before update on your_table
for each row
:new.completion_date_a := :old.completion_date;
Littlefoots' answer is correct, but you could also do this in apex with very little work. Suppose your form items are P1_COMPLETION_DATE and P1_COMPLETION_DATE_A, both mapped to their respective database column. P1_COMPLETION_DATE_A is hidden. Add a computation to P1_COMPLETION_DATE_A with point "After Header" and type "Item". Pick P1_COMPLETION_DATE as item.
Now when you save the form, the value of P1_COMPLETION_DATE_A will be set to the value of P1_COMPLETION_DATE when it was selected.

Add data in excel Data table UIPath

I have 3 columns in an excel file and 3 variables(Age,name,Family) that change.
I need to add data each time in a new line.
I create an Excel Application Scope, open excel file. Then 3 Assign where filling in variables with values like
age = 19
Then 3 Add Data Row element and in Data Row field I write variable age. Next Add Data element Name.
But I have error.
Age Name Family
12 Kate Nooq
If I understood correctly I think you want to add the Data Row that you have created to the end of your data, I mean to say Append the Row at the end of your Excel Data.
If that is the case please use Append Range Activity and provide you new Data Table with the new Rows added.
You will need to create a temporary data table and add the data rows in that datatable with new rows and use this datatable to the Append Range Activity

Oracle APEX DML form (with no report) doesn't show existing data in the table

I've been able to create APEX forms with reports and interactive grids successfully, but when I tried to just create a simple DML form, using the wizard, I get a page where I can create a row, but I can't see the existing data in the table.
This particular table always has only one row and I just need a form to update that 1 row. How can I get this view to open in update mode?
If you don't know ahead of time what any of the values in one of the columns, you can use ROWID as the primary key and set it to the row's ROWID in order to trigger the automatic row fetch process.
Create a hidden item called P1_ROWID. Its Source should be set to Database Column, ROWID.
On the Automatic Row Fetch process, set Primary Key Column to ROWID and Primary Key Item to P1_ROWID.
Create an additional process, to run before the automatic row fetch process, that executes a query like the following:
select rowid into :P1_ROWID from mytable;

Insert Rows in Word table

I have a code which allows me to open a word application and create a table with 4 columns and 10 rows.
Is it possible with VBScript to insert new rows between the existing ones? I couldn't find the command for that.
The Rows.Add method has an optional parameter BeforeRow. Pass it the Row object of the row that should follow the new Row. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff838946.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

how to hide an external table when there is no data in internal table in BIRT?

I have two tables one inside the other. When there are no detail rows in the inner table i am making it invisible. but i am not able to make the external table invisible.
In detail My inner table heading row and footer is visible even when there are no detail rows so i made the table visibility to true when no detail rows. But i am not able to make the external table invisible with the same logic. it is because even though the inner table is invisible the detail and footer is there so when i say no detail rows no visibility it is not working. so how can i hide the external table when the internal table is invisible?
I would try Binding the data set to the external table and making an aggregation that counts the number of rows in the data set.
Click on the Table
go to Binding in the Property Editor
click Add Aggregation
I called the Column Binding Name RowCount and set the Function to COUNT. Set the Expression to one of the columns from your dataset that you have included in the binding. In my case, I set Expression to row["columnname"].
Click on your table.
go to Visibility in the Property Editor.
check Hide Element and set the Expression to:
row["RowCount"]==0 || row["RowCount"]==null
The element will only display when the RowCount aggregation counts more than 1 row in your dataset.
My solution for this was to create a function that counts the records that meet the desired criterion, in my case select count(*) from my_table where user_id = id.
Then I inserted this function as a detail component that gets the count based on the selected table record.
Then I used the result of the count as a visibility rule. count > 0. this way I can hide the tables that return empty.
Using this trick is possible to hide the secondary table but the count details component will be still there, if you want to hide it you have to put it in a flexbox component. then in the visibility rules you an access you flexbox component and include the rule count > 0
