is it possible to lock Sim Card Using Gammu - gammu

Please help, i need information how to lock my SIM card.
For security purpose i want to lock using new PIN Code.
I operate sim card using modem and access it with gammuservice. Is It possible lock simcard using gammu. if it is not, any bode can explain the alternative. I need lock it programmaticly
thanks for any advice

If you know PUK code, it should be possible using:
gammu entersecuritycode PUK currentpuk newpin
See documentation for more details:


Sending images using i2c

I have a question. I would like to know if it is possible to send images from one device to another using I2C communication.
Someone can help me, please?
I am actually using a camera with a WiFi module to transfer data, but I need to separate the photo capture and transmission to do it with 2 devices to reduction size of capturing device. So, I am searching how send the data saved in a SD card in one device to another device and that's the reason to asking if it is possible to send images through I2C.

Sending Bluetooth Advertising Packets and Getting Some Answers

I want to build something with Raspberry Pi Zero and write in Go,
I never tried bluetooth before and my goal is;
Sending a dynamic packet which it will change every second, an iOS app will expand this message and with a button, client will send a message back without a connection.
Is Bluetooth Advertising what I am looking for and do you know any GoLang library for it? Where should I start?
There are quite a lot of parts to your question. If you want to be connection-less then the BLE roles are Broadcaster (beacon) and Observer (scanner). There are a number of "standard" beacon formats out there. They are summarized nicely on this cheat sheet
Of course you can create your own format as these are using either the Service Data or Manufacturing Data in a BLE advertisement.
On Linux (Raspberry Pi) the official Bluetooth stack is BlueZ which documents the API's available at:
If you want to be connection-less then each device is going to have to change it's role regularly. This requires a bit of careful thought on how long each is listening and broadcasting as you don't want them always talking at the same time and listening at the same time.
You might find the following article of interest to get you started with BLE and Go Lang:

How to Lock bootloader in source code- U-boot

I want to make my development board's bootloader (which is u-boot) be locked so no one can stop autoboot process at all. (In this way I will be sure that no one can alter the firmware of the board!)
So please guide me in order to locking the firmware and block any "root" attempts. I am using amlogic s905x SoC.
Another question:
Is this process relates to verified boot and signing kernel images?
If your SoC chip supports secure boot, then it is a way to make its firmware, secure of jail breaking. consult the datasheet. Otherwise you can not 'lock' the firmware.
You can use CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED=Password to require a password for stopping autoboot.
You can use CONFIG_BOOTDELAY=-2 to autoboot with no delay and not check for abort.
This will not stop users with physical access from altering the firmware. They could simply insert there own SD-card or USB stick or reprogram the eMMC.
CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED will make you live easier if you need to reflash a returned device.

EdgeRouter count connected users on wireless interface

I've searched a while for something that can count connected users on wireless interface in Edgerouter Lite and I can't find anything about this in documentation.
I'm wondering if someone hit this problem so far ?
I also using also cacti if someone discovered the OID will be awesome.
You can write a script the logs into the box and gets the information you need. Cacti can call the script during polling.

Accessing/monitoring battery status through SMBus

I am currenlty trying to monitor my battery status through SMBus.
I have a battery along with a control board that constantly outputs the battery status.
This control board is then connected to my mother board through a I2C-USB module.
I need to write a program to recognize the SMBus connection and transmit the battery status to the user.
I'm a beginner when it comes to dealing with smart batteries and I2C/SMBus, and I'm somewhat lost with how to approach this problem.
Any help of suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Your question is a bit lacking. What kind of I2C-USB module? Or rather does it come with a Linux driver? If it does you probably won't need to write one. An application will do. You can read more about I2C and SMBus here.
Basically what you need is the I2C address of the control board (a single byte). When you have the address you (as the master) issue read commands over the I2C bus to the control board using its address and reads the response. If there's a driver for the I2C-USB module this should be straightforward enough. Plug in the device and open() the device (/dev/[i2c-usb-name] where [i2c-usb-name] is the name of the device). Then follow the driver implementer's guide how to setup and send data over that device (typically using read()/write() or ioctl()). Here are some additional information on working with I2C from user space: (select topics in the menu on the left hand side).
If you must write the driver yourself, the first stop for a Linux device driver beginner is the LDD3. Read it, it's quite a pleasant read.
