What does 'antMatchers' mean? - spring-boot

I am learning spring-boot and for my brain, in order to accept some things, it needs to find a meaningful explanation of those things. Could anybody tell me what "ant" in "antMatchers" means? What has an insect like an "ant" got to do with the mapping between a resource and the path of the REST-call?
I know that this is not a language research forum, but I think that developers have also the right to understand or refuse logical/illogical things.
Thank you ;)

It comes from Apache Ant Project, which is a java build system that utilises an xml scripting language. Here is the website Apache Ant Home and in Spring Doc for AntPathMatcher it says "Part of this mapping code has been kindly borrowed from Apache Ant." So "antMatchers" means an implementation of Ant-style path patterns in mappings.

The term comes from the archaic build system, Apache Ant. In Ant paths were matched against a simple pattern containing * symbols meaning any string, and ** meaning 'recursive' descending any number of directories/folders. So, an ant-matcher like this: /a/b/*/d/**/z could match: /a/b/w/d/x/y/z because the w bit is matched by * and the /x/y/ bit is matched by **.


What is spifno1stsp really doing as a rsyslog property?

I was reading the template documentation of rsyslog to find better properties and I stumble upon this one:
spifno1stsp - expert options for RFC3164 template processing
However, as you can see, the documentation is quite vague. Moreover, I have not been able to find a longer explanation anywhere. The only mentions found with Google are always about the same snippet or the same very short description.
Indeed, there is no explanation of this property:
on the entire rsyslog.com website,
or in the RFC3164,
or anywhere else actually.
It is like everybody copy & paste the same snippet here and there but it is very difficult to understand what it is actually doing.
Any idea ?
Think of it as somewhat like an if statement. If a space is present, don't do anything. Otherwise, if a space is not present, add a space.
It is useful for ensuring that just one space is added to the output, often between two strings.
For any cases like this that you find where the docs can be improved please feel free to open an issue with a request for clarification in the official GitHub rsyslog documentation project. The documentation team is understaffed, but team members will assist where they can.
If you're looking for general help, the rsyslog-users mailing list is also a good resource. I've learned a lot over the years by going over the archives and reading prior threads.
Back to your question about the spifno1stsp option:
While you will get a few hits on that option, what you'll probably find more results on is searching for the older string template option, sp-if-no-1st-sp. Here is an example of its use from the documentation page you linked to:
template(name="forwardFormat" type="string"
string="<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag:1:32%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg%"
Here is the specific portion that is relevant here:
From the Property Replacer documentation:
This option looks scary and should probably not be used by a user. For
any field given, it returns either a single space character or no
character at all. Field content is never returned. A space is returned
if (and only if) the first character of the field’s content is NOT a
space. This option is kind of a hack to solve a problem rooted in RFC
3164: 3164 specifies no delimiter between the syslog tag sequence and
the actual message text. Almost all implementation in fact delimit the
two by a space. As of RFC 3164, this space is part of the message text
itself. This leads to a problem when building the message (e.g. when
writing to disk or forwarding). Should a delimiting space be included
if the message does not start with one? If not, the tag is immediately
followed by another non-space character, which can lead some log
parsers to misinterpret what is the tag and what the message. The
problem finally surfaced when the klog module was restructured and the
tag correctly written. It exists with other message sources, too. The
solution was the introduction of this special property replacer
option. Now, the default template can contain a conditional space,
which exists only if the message does not start with one. While this
does not solve all issues, it should work good enough in the far
majority of all cases. If you read this text and have no idea of what
it is talking about - relax: this is a good indication you will never
need this option. Simply forget about it ;)
In short, sp-if-no-1st-sp (string template option) is analogous to spifno1stsp (standard template option).
Hope that helps.

Doxygen filter format?

With my team we create software we need to document. I have found doxygen which seems a nice program to do this. Although our programming language is not supported (RAPID).
Yesterday I have asked a question about this. Albert was kind enough to provide a clue in the right direction. A filter should be the right way to go in stead of an preprocessor.
But I did not provide the syntax of the RAPID code which can be found here :
I found the help guide about creating filters from the doxygen website. Also i have found an example filter created by Bert Jordan for perl :
Some questions :
Is a filter the right way to go, or is a preprocessor needed ?
What is the filter exactly doing ?
Doxygen has an lexical scanner, what kind of format must be used for the filter to convert the rapid code to a supported language?
I hope, I have given a clear description now :)
edit : I'm searching for information about how to create the actual filter.
Does anybody know a good source for this ?
There are some examples on filters for other languages at the doxygen site under the helpers section.
I have used an doxygen filter (which is not listed there) for Bash for one of my projects. The filter is pretty simple and might be a good example. This filter is available at Anvils github.
In essence it is just a ~130 line sed script converting bash to quasi-C which doxygen can parse. You could write your own sed script for RAPID.
You should add it to your Doxyfile with:
# Tell doxygen to handle files with sh extension as C files
# Tell doxygen to run sh files through the below sed script
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.sh=MY_PATH/doxygen-bash.sed
There is also a python example via the helpers page here.
The main part to understand is that the filter can be anything you like to write. Python, sed, shell, etc. Doxygen just calls your filter, runs the code through it and your filter should output a language Doxygen can parse.

Can't figure out how to search LOINC using FHIR for a specific test by name?

Can anyone provide some insight on the required syntax to use to search LOINC using FHIR for a specific string in the labs descriptive text portion of an Observation resource?
Is this even possible?
The documentation is all over the place and I can't find an example for this generic kind of search.
I found similar examples here: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/2015Sep/valueset-operations.html
Such as: GET "[base]/ValueSet/23/$validate-code?system=http://loinc.org&code=1963-8&display=test"
But none of them are providing a general enough case to do a global search of the LOINC system for a specific string in an Observation resource.
None of my attempts to use the FHIR UI here, http://polaris.i3l.gatech.edu:8080/gt-fhir-webapp/search?serverId=gatechreadonly&resource=Observation , have been successful. I keep getting a 500 Internal Server Error because I don't know the correct syntax to use for the value part of the search, and I can't find any documentation out of all the copious documents online that explains this very simple concept.
Can anyone provide some insight?
Totally frustrated at this point.
where 12345-6 is whatever LOINC code you want to look for (e.g. 39802-4)
The second ensures you'll only match on LOINC codes as opposed to codes from other systems, though given the relatively unique format of LOINC codes, you're mostly safe without including that.
If you want to search for a set of codes, then you can separate the codes or the tuples with commas: E.g.
If you expect to search by a really long list of codes frequently, you can define a value set that includes all the desired codes and then filter by value set:
Note: for readability, I haven't escaped the URL contents, but you'll need to escape the URL values appropriately.

Structured debug log

I am writing a complex application (a compiler analysis). To debug it I need to examine the application's execution trace to determine how its values and data structures evolve during its execution. It is quite common for me to generate megabytes of text output for a single run and sifting my way through all that is very labor-intensive. To help me manage these logs I've written my own library that formats them in HTML and makes it easy to color text from different code regions and indent code in called functions. An example of the output is here.
My question is: is there any better solution than my own home-spun library? I need some way to emit debug logs that may include arbitrary text and images and visually structure them and if possible, index them so that I can easily find the region of the output I'm most interested. Is there anything like this out there?
Regardless you didn't mentioned a language applied, I'd like to propose apache Log4XXX family: http://logging.apache.org/
It offers customizable details level as well as tag-driven loggers. GUI tool (chainsaw) can be combined with "old good" GREP approach (so you see only what you're interested in at the moment).
Colorizing, search and filtering using an expression syntax is available in the latest developer snapshot of Chainsaw. The expression syntax also supports regular expressions (using the 'like' keyword).
Chainsaw can parse any regular text log file, not just log files generated by log4j.
The latest developer snapshot of Chainsaw is available here:
The File, load Chainsaw configuration menu item is where you define the 'format' and location of the log file you want to process, and the expression syntax can be found in the tutorial, available from the help menu.
Feel free to email the log4j users list if you have additional questions.
I created a framework that might help you, https://github.com/pablito900/VisualLogs

Extracting a Hostname's TLD with a Regular Expression

Extracting an accurate representation of the top-level domain of a hostname is complicated by the fact that each top-level domain registry is free to make up its own policies regarding how domains are issued and what subdomains are defined. As there doesn't appear to be any standards body coordinating these or establishing standards, this has made determining the actual TLD a somewhat complicated affair.
Since web browsers assign cookies only to registered domains, and for security reasons must be vigilant about ensuring cookies cannot be assigned on a broader level, these browsers typically contain a database of all known TLDs in some form. I've found that Firefox has a fairly complete database:
I have two specific questions:
Although it is fairly trivial to convert this listing into a regular expression, is there a gem or reference regexp that's a better solution than rolling your own? The tld gem only provides country-level info for the root-level domain.
Is there a better reference than the Firefox TLD listing? All of the local Google sites are correctly parsed by this specification, but that's hardly an exhaustive test.
If there's nothing out there, is anyone interested in a gem that performs this kind of operation? This sort of thing should be present in the URI module but is apparently missing.
Here's my take on converting this file into a usable Regexp in Ruby:
TLD_SPEC = Regexp.new(
'[^\.]+\.(' + %q[
// ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
// ... (Rest of file)
].split(/\n/).collect do |line|
line.sub(%r[//.*], '').sub(/\s+$/, '')
end.reject(&:blank?).collect do |s|
Regexp.escape(s).sub(/^\\\*\\\./, '[^\.]+\.')
end.join('|') + ')$'
You might want to look into using Addressable to see if that has what you need. It's got a lot more features than Ruby's default URI library. In particular, its template ability might help you.
From the docs:
Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to the relevant RFCs and adds support for IRIs and URI templates. Additionally, it provides extensive support for URI templates.
With the recent opening of the new TLDs, it's going to be a nightmare for a while. Check out the related list to the right to see how many people are trying to find a solution. Regex to match Domain.CCTLD recommends using a function to break it down into smaller steps and is what I'd do. Trying to do this with a regex assumes you can do it all in one expression, which starts to smell like using regex to parse XML or HTML. The target is too wiggly for a single pattern, or at least for a single maintainable pattern.
That answer mentions the public TLD list. Using the information there you could quickly use Ruby's Regexp.escape and Regexp.union methods to build a reasonably good regex on the fly. It'd be nice if we had Perl's Regexp::Assemble module available to us, but we don't so union will have to do. (See "Is there an efficient way to perform hundreds of text substitutions in Ruby?" for a way to work around this.)
There is another flat-file db here at http://guava-libraries.googlecode.com/svn-history/r42/trunk/src/com/google/common/net/TldPatterns.java
Perhaps you could combine the 2, and upload it to somewhere like OData.org, github, sourceforge, etc.
There's a gem called public-suffix-list which provides access to a more formalized version of the Mozilla listing.
