RabbitMQ listener stops listening messages when MessageListener throws exception - spring

I am using Spring AMQP for processing the messages in RabbitMQ. Below is the issue:
1. (say) there are 3 messages in ready state inside RabbitMQ
2. First one is picked up by MessageListener and starts processing. (say) It ends up throwing an exception
3. In this case, the container remains up but the remaining 2 messages are not processed until i restart the container. Also the first messages stays in unacknowledged state.
Is it the expected behavior? If not, how to make sure that other 2 messages will be processed irrespective first one failed processing?
MQ configuraion:
<rabbit:connection-factory id="connectionFactory" host="localhost" username="guest" password="guest" />
<rabbit:admin connection-factory="connectionFactory" />
<rabbit:listener queue-names="testQueue" ref="myProcessorListener " />
MessageListener class:
public class MyProcessorListener implements MessageListener{
public void onMessage(Message message) {
...Some logic...
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

The message is redelivered over and over again; in order to reject it (and discard or route to a dead letter queue), you need to throw AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException or set the container's requeue-rejected property to false. When configuring with Java it's defaultRequeueRejected.
You can also use a custom error handler.
This is all explained in the reference manual.


Spring Integration JMS with JTA rollback although exception is handled in ErrorHandler

I am using Spring Integration with JTA support through Atomikos and JMS bound to different Webshpere MQ and a Oracle Database.
Obviosly for others it seems to be the same thread as in Spring Integration JMS with JTA rollback when message goes to errorChannel but it isn't not at all.
The flow is the following:
message-driven-channel-adapter receive the message within transaction
some transformations
ServiceActivator with deeper business logic
DataBase Update
Everything works really fine expect for one szenario:
If an unchecked exception occurs (maybe due to inkonsistent data which shouldn't be) within the ServiceActivator the message is rethrown and handled within an ErrorHandler (via ErrorChannel).
There - in some cases - the orgininal incoming message should be send to a DeadLetter Queue (Webshere MQ). This is done with outbound-channel-adapter.
See enclosed configuration:
<jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="midxMessageDrivenAdapter"
<int:service-activator input-channel="midxReplyProcessChannel" ref="processMidxReplyDbWriter" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="errorChannel" ref="inputErrorHandler" />
<jms:outbound-channel-adapter id="deadLetterOutboundChannelAdapter"
channel="errorDlChannel" destination="deadLetterQueue"
delivery-persistent="true" connection-factory="nonXAConnectionFactory"/>
Some important hints:
connectionFactory is a MQXAQueueConnectionFactory wihtin an AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean
transaction-manager is Spring JtaTransactionManager
connection-factory is a nonXAConnectionFactory.
CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
MQQueueConnectionFactory mqQueueConnectionFactory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
return cachingConnectionFactory;
And now the error which I observed:
Although I handled the unchecked exception in my ErrorHandler (ref="inputErrorHandler"; send the message to DeadLetter-Queue) an rollback is initiated and the message-driven-channel-adapter receives the message again and again.
Curious is the fact that indeed the message is delivered to the DeadLetterQueue via the outbound-channel-adapter. The destination (deadLetterQueue) contains the failed messages.
Question: What I'm doing wrong? The failed original incoming message is rolled back although I handled the exception in my ErrorHandler.
Any help really appreciate. Many thanks in advance.
concerning to my comment see enclose code of my InputErrorHandler:
if (throwable instanceof MessageHandlingException) {
MessageHandlingException messageHandlingException = (MessageHandlingException) throwable;
if (messageHandlingException.getCause() != null
&& (messageHandlingException.getCause() instanceof CmabProcessDbException
|| messageHandlingException.getCause() instanceof CmabReplyFormatException)) {
String appMessage = ((CmabException) messageHandlingException.getCause()).getAppMessagesAsString();
LOGGER.error(String.format("cmab rollback exception occured: %s", appMessage));
LOGGER.error("******** initiate rollback *********");
throw throwable.getCause();
} else {
ErrorDto payload = fillMessagePayload(messageHandlingException, throwableClassName);
As I mentioned the "business" ServiceActivator throws an unchecked exception so in this case the ELSE-Statements are calling.
Within that I build up a Message with MessagBuilder and sends it ti the errorDlChannel (s. above the outbound-channel-adapter!).
private void sendMessageToDeadLetterQueue(Message<?> message, String description, String cause) {
Message<?> mb =
.setHeaderIfAbsent("senderObject", this.getClass().getName())
.setHeaderIfAbsent("errorText", description)
.setHeaderIfAbsent("errorCause", errorCause).build();
That's all. This is for this case the last statement. There is nothing anything else in the main method of my ErrorHandler. No rethrow or other stuff.
So this is the reason of my confusion. For me the exception is handled by sending it to the errorDlChannel (outbound-channel-adapter -> DeadLetterQueue).
I saw the message on the DeadLetter Queue but nevertheless a jta rollback occurs...and IMO this shouldn't bee.

Spring poller roll back on exception after a particular retry count

My poller fetches data from DB and pass it to a service activator.
If any exception happens in the service activator method,i should roll back the data fetched to its previous state and should again send the same data to the service activater only for a specific retry-count(say 3). **Is it possible to do this in a xml configuration. ? For details i will share the poller configurations and the service activator.
<int-jdbc:inbound-channel-adapter id="datachannel"
query="select loyalty_id,process_id,mobile_uid from TBL_RECEIPT where r_cre_time
=(select min(r_cre_time) from TBL_RECEIPT where receipt_status=0)"
data-source="dataSource" max-rows-per-poll="1"
update="update TBL_RECEIPT set receipt_status=11 where process_id in (:process_id)">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5000">
<int:channel id="errors">
<bean id="poller" class="main.java.com.as.poller.PollerService" />
<int:channel id="executerchannel">
<int:dispatcher task-executor="taskExecutor" />
<task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="2" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="datachannel"
output-channel="executerchannel" ref="poller" method="getRecordFromPoller">
<int:retry-advice recovery-channel="errors" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="executerchannel"
ref="poller" method="getDataFromExecuterChannel">
service activator method
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void processMessage(Message message) throws IOException {
int capLimit = Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty("capping_limit"));
List<Map<String, Object>> rows = (List<Map<String, Object>>) message
for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) {
String loyaltyId = (String) row.get("loyalty_id");
String processId = (String) row.get("process_id");
String xid=(String)row.get("mobile_uid");
i have heard about int:transactional being used in poller configuration.But when i added it,its taking the same record even after successful transaction.(means its getting rolled back everytime).
Can anyone please help me on this ?
You can add a retry request-handler-advice to the service activator.
To make retry stateful (throw the exception so the transaction will rollback) you need to provide a RetryStateGenerator. Otherwise the thread will simply be suspended during the retries.
Regardless of using stateful or stateless retry, you really should use a transactional poller so that the update is only applied after success.
means its getting rolled back everytime
The transactional poller will only rollback if an exception is thrown. So if you're seeing the same row, something must be failing.
Turn on DEBUG logging for all of org.springframework to follow the message flow and transaction activity.

Publisher should wait till broker is available

I have a simple publisher, which sends messages to a queue.
<int:channel id="publishChannel"/>
<int-jms:outbound-channel-adapter channel="publishChannel" destination="testQueue" session-transacted="true"/>
#Publisher(channel = "publishChannel")
public String sendMessage (String text) {
return text;
If the broker crashes, the publisher throws an MessageHandlingException.
Is it possible to block the publisher, till the broker is available again or to make a periodic retry?
You can add a retry advice to the outbound adapter.
<int-jms:outbound-channel-adapter channel="publishChannel" destination="testQueue" session-transacted="true>
<ref bean="myRetryAdvice" />
You can configure the advice with a backoff policy (e.g. exponential) and to take some action when retries are exhausted (rather than throwing the final exception).

Tibco +Spring JMS behavior with ErrorHandler on TransactionRolledBackException

I would like to clarify behavior of the Tibco bus (6.1) used via Spring (4.1) JMS config - with and without ErrorHandler specified, and for a specific case of the TransactionRolledBackException.
I configure JMS listener with the "transacted" mode as following:
<jms:listener-container connection-factory="singleConnectionFactory"             
acknowledge="transacted" task-executor="myTaskExecutor" concurrency="${my.queue.concurrency}">
<jms:listener destination="${queue.destination}" ref="myProcessor" method="processMyMessage" />
and also set 'maxRedelivery' for the queue to 2.
Here are the scenarios of processing an event in the myProcessor.processMyMessage():
message is processed successfully; Result: message is ACK'ed and removed from the queue
a Runtime exception is thrown , either by business logic or by the Spring container (say OOM or HectorException); Result: message is not ACK'ed, put back on the bus and redelivered up to 2 times
org.springframework.jms.TransactionRolledBackException is thrown (by Spring, I assume) - since it is a Runtime exception the resulting behavior is the same as in 2. (is this correct?)
Now, I am adding an explicit ErrorHandler to better log some runtime exceptions:
<jms:listener-container connection-factory="singleConnectionFactory"             
acknowledge="transacted" task-executor="myTaskExecutor" concurrency="${my.queue.concurrency}"
<jms:listener destination="${queue.destination}" ref="myProcessor" method="processMyMessage" />
And the following implementation of the ErrorHandler, where we swallow TransactionRolledBackException:
import org.springframework.jms.TransactionRolledBackException;
import org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler;
public class JMSListenerErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
public void handleError(Throwable t) {
if (t.getCause() instanceof TransactionRolledBackException) {
log.warn("JMS transaction rollback; reason: " + t.getMessage(), t);
} else {
log.error(t.getMessage(), t);
throw new RuntimeException(t);
What is going to happen for each of the use cases? Here is my guess:
no change
no change - this Runtime exception is re-thrown, so the message will not be ACK'ed and will be redelivered up to 2 time
TransactionRolledBackException: when I handle this exception in the ErrorHandler - is this happening AFTER the TX was already rolled back (as the name RolledBack suggests) and message was marked as not ACK'ed, thus, causing it to be redelivered as in the case 2. ? Or do I effectively cause this messaged to be ACK'ed by swallowing this exception?
Couple more questions:
under what conditions would Spring throw an org.springframework.jms.TransactionRolledBackException ?
is TransactionRolledBackException treated any different than any other Runtime exception?
Thank you,
Spring JMS only throws that exception when the underlying JMS client throws a javax.jms.TransactionRolledBackException - it is simply an unchecked wrapper exception - see JmxUtils.convertJmsAccessException().
Take a look at the stack trace and you will see where/why it was thrown.
In general, i.e. if it was thrown on the container's session, catching it won't have any effect - the transaction is already rolled back; but the stack trace is the key.

How to integration test some Spring JMS config

I wonder if anyone can help. My starter for 10 is that I know very little (next to nothing) about JMS and messaging in general - so please go easy with me with any answers/comments :)
Given that this is a learning exerise for me, I'm trying to put together a very basic Spring JMS config, and then write some integration tests to help me understand how it all works.
This is my current Spring context config with its JMS components:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<bean class="com.lv.gi.jmstest.ApplicationContextProvider" />
<!-- Embedded ActiveMQ Broker -->
<amq:broker id="broker" useJmx="false" persistent="false">
<amq:transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:0" />
<!-- ActiveMQ Destination -->
<amq:queue id="destination" physicalName="myQueueName" />
<!-- JMS ConnectionFactory to use, configuring the embedded broker using XML -->
<amq:connectionFactory id="jmsFactory" brokerURL="vm://localhost" />
<!-- JMS Producer Configuration -->
<bean id="jmsProducerConnectionFactory"
p:targetConnectionFactory-ref="jmsFactory" />
<bean id="jmsProducerTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate"
p:defaultDestination-ref="destination" />
<bean class="com.lv.gi.jmstest.JmsMessageProducer">
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="jmsProducerTemplate" />
<!-- JMS Consumer Configuration -->
<bean id="jmsConsumerConnectionFactory"
p:targetConnectionFactory-ref="jmsFactory" />
<jms:listener-container container-type="default"
<jms:listener destination="myQueueName" ref="jmsMessageListener" />
<bean id="jmsMessageListener" class="com.lv.gi.jmstest.JmsMessageListener" />
My JmsMessageProducer class has a postMessage method as follows:
public void postMessage(final String message) {
template.send(new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(final Session session) throws JMSException {
final TextMessage textMessage = session.createTextMessage(message);
LOGGER.info("Sending message: " + message);
return textMessage;
And my JmsMessageListener (implements MessageListener) has an onMessage method as follows:
public void onMessage(final Message message) {
try {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
final TextMessage tm = (TextMessage)message;
final String msg = tm.getText();
LOGGER.info("Received message '{}'", msg);
} catch (final JMSException e) {
LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
In my test class, I can fire up the Spring context, get the JmsMessageProducer bean, and call postMessage; and I see the message on the console as expected:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:/com/lv/gi/jmstest/JmsMessageListenerTest-context.xml" })
public class TestJms {
private JmsMessageProducer jmsMessageProducer;
public void setup() {
jmsMessageProducer = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext().getBean(JmsMessageProducer.class);
public void doStuff() throws InterruptedException {
jmsMessageProducer.postMessage("message 1");
Whilst this works, its not really much of a test, because other than me visually seeing the message received on the console, I can't assert the message has been received.
We use mockito, so I'm wondering if there is a way within my test that I can replace the MessageListener bean with a mock, then call verify on it. I guess I could do it by providing a different Spring context file for the purpose of these tests, but that might not work well with my next requirement ...
My end goal with all of this is to create a Topic, where my message producer can fire a message onto the queue, and 1 of more MessageListeners will read the message off the queue, and when all registered listeners have read the message, the message is deleted from the queue. (I think Topic is the right terminology for this!)
To prove that this system would work, I would want a test where I can fire up the Spring context. The first thing I'd want to do is replace the listener with 3 mocks all wired to the same destination so that I can use verify on each of them. I'd post a message, then verify that each mock has received. Then I'd want to remove/disable 2 of the listeners, call postMessage, and verify the onMessage method was called on the one remaining mock listener. Then perhaps wait a while, and re-establish the 2 mocks, and verify their onMessage method was called. And finally, check the message is no longer on the queue (by virtue of the fact that the 3 registered listeners had all received the message)
With the above in mind, I think what I'm trying to do is register and de-register (or disable) listeners against the destination at runtime, and if I can do that, then I can register mocks.
Phew!, that's complicated!, but I hope it makes sense as to what I'm trying to do?
Any pointers as to how to achieve this? Many thanks in advance,
In my opinion, as soon as you are doing integration testing, you should not try to mock anything.
On one hand you write unit tests. For example, you could test the behaviours of your consumer, by calling the onMessage method of jmsMessageListener directly from your tests. You typically don't use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner for this kind of test, and you typically use Mockito to mock the dependencies of the object you are testing.
On the other hand you have integration tests. These are testing the behaviour of your entire application. It would make sense to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class here, but not Mockito. You should test that whatever your jmsListener was supposed to do has been done. For example, if your application was supposed to write logs about the incoming message, open the log file and check it.
Your example here is very simple, maybe this is why you are confused (in my opinion). With a more complex listener, it would be more natural to it isolated from the rest of the system.
