Add custom attributes to folder, currentFolder, or files in CKFinder - ckeditor

We are developing a custom connector since we have to integrate CKEditor and CKFinder into our CMS (PeopleSoft). Since the CMS doesn't fully conform with normal file system regarding paths (i.e. /root/folder/file.fil), we would like to add a custom attribute to the folder object in the json response. For example, we would like to add the attribute contentid to each folders to identify each folder especially that it's possible to have the same folder/file name inside a folder. Then we would want to append that attribute when commands such as GetFolders and GetFiles so that we can use it for identifying the correct parent folder.


Joomla - How to create overrides for component files not in view

I am making changes to the JbusinessDirectory in joomla.
I have added some extra fields to the contact form on the business listing using code changes in the companies view. But now I need to send these field inputs by email.
I am trying to add the values to the email template but I can't find a view that I can edit to do this. The files are located at htdocs/components/com_jbusinessdirectory/classes/services/EmailService.php
How can I create an override for this?
I am not even sure these are the exact files I need to work with but they seem to contain the code that creates the email template.

Model attributes visibility inside admin panel

Is there a way to manage model attributes visibility inside admin panel per action? Suppose I've generated Project API with name and slug attributes via the CLI. I want to hide slug from new and edit actions and use beforeCreate callback to generate it. Can I override the view or there are relative settings?
The logic used to populate admin fields is mainly contained in this file:
If you want to add specific behavior for some fields, please add custom code in this file. To do so:
cd api/admin/public/src/
npm install (node 4 required)
gulp serve
visit http://localhost:3002
edit the logic here:
finally, run gulp dist to save your updates
In a next Strapi version, admin fields display will be probably based on an external JSON file or on an adminOptions field located in each attribute of myModel.settings.json files.

How to source images from my storage to NetSuite without uploading them to the file cabinet?

In order to place images in the web store, they have to be uploaded to the file cabinet and then the file name needs to be associated with the item.
What I am looking to do, is to source the images from my current internal storage to NetSuite and still be able to view the images on the website. I am trying to find a way to do this because I don't want to have to upload them all individually or with a mass upload.
You will need to create a custom item field of type "text" and associate the field to the item record.
You can then place the full path to your image in the field you just created and reference the custom field in your templates.
This will allow you to use urls from your own host, but dynamically be able to use them within the NetSuite web store.

Editing magento extension

I have downloaded Youama Ajax Login and Register magento extension.
Its working perfectly.But it has less fields in registration. I want to add more fields in the magento extension like phone no,pincode to edit magento extension?
Hello check below path & more fields.
To keep extension more or less upgradeable and do some customization in same time you should copy key .phtml files to your theme folder and do customization over there.
For example copy
and edit it there (only files you want to edit).
On the other side blocks, models, helpers and controllers should be overridden if customization is needed. You can check overriding process in this article by one of my colleagues.

Understanding the Joomla Component File Structure / from URL

I'm new to joomla and have got a problem with a website.
I need to modify a view and I've been told it is in
It has a registration form and i need to modify its field. I've access to FTP only. I need to know where are these files to modify the registration form. If one can describe the meaning of this url structure then it would be very helpful.
You will find the template files in /components/com_user/views/register/tmpl.
However, you should create an html/com_user folder in your template directory with a copy of those files and use a template override ("never" edit core files).
Here are a couple resources that will point you in the right direction:!_core
com_user means use the user component register view.
Itemid 68 refers to the id of the menu item it is linked from.
You don't want to directly modify any joomla files.
If you want to add a field to registration activate the user plugin or create your own user plugin along the same design but with the fields you want.
It is advisable not to modify the core files directly, they will get overridden whenever the Joomla is updated.
However what you are looking for is available at components\com_users\models\forms\registration.xml file. you can change the default fields of the registration form in this file.
If you would like to add additional fields to registration form, there is a better way:
