Laravel 5.2 JWT-AUTH Token based authentication - laravel

I am writing a RESTFUL API in Laravel 5.2 which will be rolled out to third party users.
Users will be given an API KEY upon sign up which will be used for authentication when api would be called. I want to use JWT-AUTH for authentication but that seems to be generating a token based on user's email and password. Is it possible that I could use JWT-AUTH for api key authentication?

Yes. JWT can be used for API authentication. OAuth is the standard for API authentication and authorization, which also use JWT, For more check here :


Laravel API Based Validation / Auth

I am currently using a API to validate Login Credentials.
I have gotten to the point where I am sending username/password correctly.
This API will return a bolean, depending on if those credentials are correct.
Along with the entire user's information, including their address etc.
How can I correctly store this into Laravel Auth, so I can use Auth::user etc in blade?
I do NOT have Database access, only API access to validate user login details.
I cannot create a local - Laravel database, as this application has to be completely API based.
I am using Guzzle to query the API.
You should try using JWT for authentication, implementing your own API Authentication can cause some security issues if not done right.
Also JWT for Laravel already has support for Laravels Authentication system

Generate api token for users in database laravel

I have a database of users that work with web login based on laravel sessions. Now I want to generate an api token for each of these users for an api login, how can I generate it? I have already migrated to the database for this new column but I need each user to have their api token.
I'd recomment you to use Laravel Passport. APIs typically use tokens to authenticate users and do not maintain session state between requests. Laravel makes API authentication a breeze using Laravel Passport, which provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes.
If You need session mechanism then You should use Laravel Passport.
But if You are building traditonal stateless REST Api then you can use API Authentication

Django rest framework working with multiple apps

My aim is to authorize browsable API(first app) using the JWT token generated(second app).
I have two apps created,
1. API - has all the data
2. Authentication - generate JWT tokens after validating the user.
Now, when I try to access the API after generating the token it says,
Authentication credentials were not provided.
Trying to access the API (passing the bearer whatevertoken)
I mean, is there a way to authenticate the Browsable API using JWT token? Instead of creating a user session.
Passing Authorization header as,
"Authorization: JWT token"
authenticates the user.
But, limits me to browse the API in a browser. Is there any way we can implement Browsable API using JWT authentication?
A thorough reading on
Authentication classes
Permission classes
Django settings
Helped in understanding the core concepts and apply appropriate solutions.

How can I create HTTP API Key based authentication in laravel passport

I'm new to Laravel. I learnt, Passport allows to authenticate API using OAuth2. But I needed solution to use API-Key in Passport to authenticate.
Can anyone provide any resource and information how could I achieve solution?

REST service using Spring Security and Firebase Authentication

Is there a simple way to integrate Firebase Authentication with Spring Security (for a REST service)?
From what I've read, I'll probably need to use a JWT token (obtained via Firebase), use that to authenticate the Spring service, and finally verify the token within the service via Firebase. But I can't find any (simple) documentation on using JWT with Spring Security.
I'd also like to be able to provide an /auth/login endpoint that uses Basic Auth rather than JWT so that I can obtain a JWT token via Firebase using email/password credentials. But this would mean enabling Basic Auth at one endpoint in the service and JWT Auth at all others. Not sure that's possible.
Short answer: no.
Long answer: you should create your own JWT, regardless of Firebase. When you receive a JWT from Firebase, verify its integrity. Then, issue your own based on the data in the token. Then you only need to adapt it to various OAuth providers. This way you can avoid round trips to firebase on each request.
For authenticating the user on each request (stateless auth), you add a filter with highest precedence. From the http request you are filtering, get the JWT and verify its integrity. If it's all good, set the authentication in the SecurityContextHolder.
