Hello everyone this is my first post and after giving this a lot of work my head just doesn't want to cooperate anymore, I've searched online for answers but can't find related cases, I am working in laravel 5.2 with a query, said query is to get the progress on items and count the items that share the same progress to display in a pie chart.
Relations are as follows:
I have 3 tables:
Steps to complete (each one has a percentage).
Progress of each item per step (Completed true or false)
Right now I have this code
table('items as i')
->join('items_sectors as is', 'i.sector_id', '=', 'is.id')
->join('sectors_steps_progress as stp', 'i.id', '=', 'stp.item_id')
->join('sectors_steps as cs', 'stp.step_id', '=', 'cs.id')
->where('stp.completed', true)
->selectRaw('count(distinct i.id) as count, CONCAT(sum(cs.percentage), "%") as percentage')
->groupBy('stp.completed', 'i.id');
And this with some testing data outputs
array:3 [▼
0 => {#2042 ▼
+"count": 1
+"percentage": "50%"
1 => {#2043 ▼
+"count": 1
+"percentage": "100%"
2 => {#2044 ▼
+"count": 1
+"percentage": "100%"
What I want is to now join all the matchings "percentage" and count them so it would end up like:
array:3 [▼
0 => {#2042 ▼
+"count": 1
+"label": "50%"
1 => {#2043 ▼
+"count": 2
+"label": "100%"
Thanks a lot if anyone can help me with this, I'm still trying to figure it out :(
if result is not a collection convert it to a collection and apply the code below
$result = $array->groupBy("percentage")
$newArray['count'] = count($q);
$newArray['percentage'] = $q[0]['percentage'];
return $newArray;
return $result;
Hope it helps.
Good Morning. I am trying to get the data for each BuffaloID which i get in array. From that ID i am trying to get milk record for each buffaloID. But 2nd query give the data for first id only. How can i get the data for each id.
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalomilkrecord::groupBy('buffaloID')->get('buffaloID')
array:4 [▼
0 => "Buffalo-01"
1 => "Buffalo-02"
2 => "Buffalo-03"
3 => "Buffalo-04"
When i try below query i received data only for first id
$avgbuffalomilk = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID',$buffalidforavgmilk)->
array:5 [▼
0 => "9.00"
1 => "13.00"
2 => "12.00"
3 => "13.00"
4 => "12.00"
I hope i describe my problem and where did i make mistake to get data for all ID
Thanks in Advance
use whereIn
$buffalidforavgmilk = ['1','2','3'];
$avgbuffalomilk = Buffalomilkrecord::whereIn('buffaloID',$buffalidforavgmilk)->pluck('totalmilk')->toArray();
Is there a way to group by data in Laravel collection by model?
Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1743 ▼
#items: array:5 [▼
0 => App\Models\Inicijativa {#1789 ▶}
1 => App\Models\Obavestenje {#1742 ▶}
2 => App\Models\Obavestenje {#1733 ▶}
3 => App\Models\Samoprocena {#1672 ▶}
4 => App\Models\Samoprocena {#1795 ▶}
In this example i want to have 3 groups:
Inicijativa with 1 item
Obavestenje with 2 items
Samoprocena with 2 items
They don't have a column by which i can differentiate them.
Once you have a collection you can use whatever you want to group it:
$grouped = $collection->groupBy(function ($item) { return get_class($item); });
This will group the elements of the collection based on the result of applying get_class on each of them. This is allowed since the result of get_class is a string indicating the fully qualified name of the object's class
I am trying to query for rows from transaction table where the amount is less than sum of allocations against that transaction row in allocations table. This works halfway. It is giving me all transaction queries with an additional field of "allocated_amount".
$all_transactions = Transaction::
'allocations AS amount_allocated' => function ($query) {
DB::raw("CAST(SUM(amount) AS INTEGER)"
0 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 4
"amount" => 10000
"created_by" => 1
"amount_allocated" => 7500
1 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 5
"amount" => 10000
"created_by" => 1
"amount_allocated" => 10000
But I don't want the second result to come up because amount = amount allocated. How to fix this query?
Tried using:
but maybe because it is additionally added filed, throws an error saying allocated field does not exist. I need it within the query, not as a separate addition.
Well, in this case you can simply use map()
$all_transactions = collect($all_transactions)->map(function ($row) {
if ($row['amount'] > $row['amount_allocated']) {
return $row;
})->filter()->toArray(); // filter() to remove null values
I have a controller in Laravel
This is my collection
$milestones = $this->getmilestones();
and the value is
array:3 [▼
0 => "["109"
1 => "110"
2 => "111"]"
And I tried this code based on the answer here.
So, I have code like this
array_unshift($milestones, $milestones[0]);
and the value is (index was changed)
array:3 [▼
1 => "["109"
2 => "110"
3 => "111"]"
So, after unshifting the collections, I tried to use array_map to convert array of strings to array of integers.
$milestones = array_map('intval', $milestones);
But, I still got the same value. The first index returns 0 like this
array:3 [▼
1 => 0
2 => 110
3 => 111
What should I do?
Try this one
array_splice($milestone, 0, 1);
Ah, finally I got the results that I wanted. I try to remove square brackets and double quote. Because milestones is collection. So my code is
$milestones = str_replace(array('[', ']', '"'),'',$milestones);
Thank you all for your help
Use array_values this should re-index your array the way you need it:
$milestones = array_values($milestones);
If $milestones is a collection:
$milestones = $milestones->values();
The method values() will call array_values on your items defined in your collection instance.
Source: http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-values.php
Basically, I want to do this:
$locals['companies'] = Company::orderBy('name')->get(['id','name'])->map(function($c) { return [$c->id, $c->name]; })->toArray();
But without such a verbose map function. Isn't there a get-like method that will return flat numeric arrays instead of objects?
To be clear, the output should look like this:
array:4 [
0 => array:2 [
0 => 4
1 => "My Company"
1 => array:2 [
0 => 14
1 => "Example Company"
2 => array:2 [
0 => 13
1 => "Best Company"
3 => array:2 [
0 => 12
1 => "Super Co"
This is what I mean by 2-tuples: two-element numeric arrays. I know they don't exist in PHP, but the concept is the same; each entry has a fixed length.
There is no function out of the box to do this, but Laravel's Collection is Macroable, so you can add your own function to it to do this.
For example, somewhere in your code (like the boot() method of your AppServiceProvider), you can add a new method to the Collection:
// add toIndexedArray method to collections
\Illuminate\Support\Collection::macro('toIndexedArray', function() {
return array_map('array_values', $this->toArray());
Now you can use this new method like any other normal Collection method, so your final code would be:
$locals['companies'] = Company::orderBy('name')->get(['id','name'])->toIndexedArray();
If this is something you need a lot, you can change the PDO fetch mode in config/database.php to PDO::FETCH_NUM. I'm assuming it's possible to change it on-the-fly as well, but the code probably won't look that great. I don't think there's a Laravel command to change it for a single query, I'm afraid.
Otherwise, since the array is multidimensional, I'm afraid you do need to map over them somehow, and Laravel collections don't work nicely with e.g. ->map('array_values') which would have been a lot cleaner.
You could wrap it in array_map('array_values', $array) but that seems silly.
At least you could make it a little shorter if you change ->map() to ->transform() - then you don't need to tack on the ->toArray() at the end.
Use pluck():
$locals['companies'] = Company::orderBy('name')->pluck('id', 'name')->toArray();
If you need a list for Form::select this will work:
$locals['companies'] = Company::orderBy('name')->pluck('name', 'id');
You can omit the map function and just do:
$locals['companies'] = Company::orderBy('name')->get(['id','name'])->toArray();