Would a balanced binary search tree help you complete the following task in a faster big-oh time than a balanced binary tree?
Creating a list of all elements in the tree that are smaller than some value v.
In my opinion no because what if all the values in the BST are smaller than v. Then you would have to visit each node and that would be O(n) which is not any better than a binary tree.
Am I correct?
In my opinion no because what if all the values in the BST are smaller
than v. Then you would have to visit each node and that would be O(n)
which is not any better than a binary tree.
Am I correct?
You are. Notice however that for all practical purposes is better to use BST, because with "plain" binary tree you always have to visit all nodes in order to find those smaller than v, while in BST with in-order traversal you examine only those smaller than v.
A splay tree is a type of self-adjusting binary search tree. Inserting a node into a splay tree involves inserting it as a leaf in the binary search tree, then bringing that node up to the root via a "splay" operation.
Let us say a binary search tree is "splay-constructible" if the tree can be produced by inserting its elements into an initially empty splay tree in some order.
Not all binary search trees are splay-constructible. For example, the following is a minimal non-splay-constructible binary search tree:
What is an efficient algorithm that, given a binary search tree, determines whether it is splay-constructible?
This question was inspired by a related question regarding concordance between AVL and splay trees.
More details: I have code to generate a splay tree from a given sequence, so I could perform a brute-force test in O(n! log(n)) time or so, but I suspect polynomial time performance is possible using some form of dynamic programming over the tree structure. Presumably such an algorithm would exploit the fact that every splay-constructible tree of size n can be produced by inserting the current root into some splay-constructible tree of size n-1, then do something to take advantage of overlapping/isomorphic subproblems.
I am very confused by a number of articles at different sites regarding constructing a Binary Search Tree from any one traversal (pre,post or in-order), or a combination of any two of them. For example, at this page, it says that given the pre,post or level order traversal, along with the in-order traversal, one can construct the BST. But here and there, they show us to construct a BST from pre-order alone. Also, here they show us how to construct the BST from given pre and post-order traversals. In some other site, I found a solution for constructing a BST from the post-order traversal only.
Now I know that given the inorder and pre-order traversals, it is possible to uniquely form a BST. As regards the first link I provided, although they say that we can't construct the BST from pre-order and post-order, can't I just sort the post-order array to get its inorder traversal, and then use that and the pre-order array to form the BST? Will that be same as the solution in the 4th link, or different? And given pre-order only, I can sort that to get the in-order, then use that and the pre-order to get the BST. Again, does that have to be different from the solution at links 2 and 3?
Specifically, what is sufficient to uniquely generate the BST? If uniquement is not required, then I can simply sort it to get the in-order traversal, and build one of the N possible BSTs from it recursively.
To construct a BST you need only one (not in-order) traversal.
In general, to build a binary tree you are going to need two traversals, in order and pre-order for example. However, for the special case of BST - the in-order traversal is always the sorted array containing the elements, so you can always reconstruct it and use an algorithm to reconstruct a generic tree from pre-order and in-order traversals.
So, the information that the tree is a BST, along with the elements in it (even unordered) are equivalent to an in-order traversal.
Bonus: why is one traversal not enough for a general tree, (without the information it is a BST)?
Answer: Let's assume we have n distinct elements. There are n! possible lists to these n elements, however - the possible number of trees is much larger (2 * n! possible trees for the n elements are all decayed trees, such that node.right = null in every node, thus the tree is actually a list to the right. There are n! such trees, and another n! trees where always node.left = null ) Thus, from pigeon hole principle - there is at least one list that generates 2 trees, thus we cannot reconstruct the tree from a single traversal.
If the values for the nodes of the BST are given then only one traversal is enough because the rest of the data is provided by the values of the nodes. But if the values are unknown then, as per my understanding, constructing a unique BST from a single traversal is not possible. However, I am open to suggestions.
How can you convert Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree with O(1) extra space ?
Converting an unordered binary tree into an ordered binary search tree is trivial, but a bit more difficult to do fast.
Here's a naive implementation that should satisfy your criteria, I will not describe the actual steps to take, just the overall algorithm.
Grab a random leaf node from your existing tree
Unlink the leaf node from your existing tree
Make the node the root of your new binary search tree
Grab another random leaf node from your existing tree
Unlink that node from your existing tree
Find the right spot for, and link the node, into your new binary search tree
Repeat step 4-6 until the original tree is empty
You should require only a few variables, like the parent of the leaf node you're unlinking (unless the nodes has parent-links), the root node of the new tree, and a couple of temporary variables, all within your O(1) space criteria.
This will not produce an optimal binary search tree. For that you need to either sort the nodes before adding them, and adding them in the right order, or use a balancing binary search tree, like a red-black tree or a splay tree.
Convert Binary Tree to a doubly linked list- can be done inplace in O(n)
Then sort it using merge sort, nlogn
Convert the list back to a tree - O(n)
Simple nlogn solution.
a BST(binary search tree) T is given.
how to find the nth smallest element of T ?
A binary search tree is effectively sorted, so you just need to go through the tree in-order and get to the nth spot. If the tree is fully balanced, you can calculate the spot to get to.
If the binary search tree is not fully balanced, then you need to do a recursive search to find the nth smallest element. This can be hugely accelerated by having each node store the number of subnodes pointed to by each of its branch pointers, effectively turning the search into a binary one. However, this add overhead on tree updates as each insertion or deletion now requires a leaf-to-root traversal to update the node counts.
Alternatively, you can keep the tree balanced, and use the above answer.
What is the name of the binary tree (or the family of the binary
trees), that is balanced, and has the minimum number of nodes
possible for its height?
balanced binary tree
(data structure)
Definition: A binary tree where no leaf is more than a certain amount farther from the root than any other. After inserting or deleting a node, the tree may rebalanced with "rotations."
Generalization (I am a kind of ...)
binary tree.
Specialization (... is a kind of me.)
AVL tree, red-black tree, B-tree, balanced binary search tree.
Aggregate child (... is a part of or used in me.)
left rotation, right rotation.
See also BB(α) tree, height-balanced tree.
-- http://www.itl.nist.gov/div897/sqg/dads/HTML/balancedbitr.html
It is called Fibonacci tree
AVL is a balanced tree with log(n) height (this is the lowest height possible for binary tree).
Another implementation of a similar data structure is Red Black Tree.
Both trees implement all operations in O(log(n)).
AVL Tree is something that you have been looking for.
From Wikipedia:
In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and it is the first such data structure to be invented. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; therefore, it is also said to be height-balanced. Lookup, insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst cases, where n is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more tree rotations.