In Visual Studio, I'm trying to configure an ASP.NET Web API project to be published to the Azure cloud. Authentication will be done through the Microsoft Identity Platform. Currently, this is not configured in the project's publishing settings:
Clicking "Configure" pulls up a dialog box where I complete a series of simple config steps. At the end, the dialog seems to execute a number of tools/utilities to put in place the settings I just specified. One of these commands it attempts to run is failing:
Inserting code...
dotnet msidentity --update-project --tenant-id [OUR TENANT ID] --username [MY USERNAME] --client-id [OUR CLIENT ID] --project-file-path "[OUR PROJECT PATH].csproj" --calls-graph=True --calls-downstream-api=True --code-update=true --json
Unrecognized command or argument '--code-update=true'
I'm not sure what to do about this, as all these commands are being generated and executed internally. I have the latest version of the Azure.Identity (1.5.0) and Microsoft.Identity.Web (1.21.1) NuGet packages installed. All other Nuget packages are up to date as well.
Any pointers on how I can try to debug this?
I was able to find help and get an answer by posting on the Visual Studio support site:
It turns out there are a separate set of packages- besides both NuGet and the standard install of .NET- which I was completely unaware of: "local CLI tools". Specific versions of certain command line tools were created as part of the VS project, and these versions were in fact out of date and so created a conflict with the newer code from NuGet.
Using the .NET CLI, I ran the command dotnet tool uninstall on all local packages for the project, which effectively tells the project to just use the version of the tool present in the current install of the .NET framework, rather than a specific version from a local copy. This fixed the problem.
I am trying to setup android development environment without Android Studio on Windows system. I will be developing an application using nativescript so I followed their tutorial and was able to setup things as mentioned on their page(link). And tns doctor gives "No issues were detected".
Note: I haven't used Chocolatey to manage the installation. I have manually installed the packages that were mentioned on the page.
I created avd using:
avdmanager create avd -n nvDev -k "system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86" -b google_apis/x86
which is also listed by(emulator is under 'tools' folder)
emulator -list-avds
Now when I try to start emulator it is giving me error:
emulator.exe -avd nvDev
[3708]:ERROR:./android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at ..\emulator\lib64\qt\lib
Could not launch '..\emulator/qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe': No such file or directory
As emulator folder was not found I tried to install emulator using the sdkmanager but it gives me a warning:(sdkmanager is under tools/bin)
sdkmanager "emulator"
Warning: File C:\Users\CES_Arion\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded.
Warning: Failed to read or create install properties file.
There was no "done" message. And even the emulator folder was not created alongside tools.
Wow, I feel so foolish now. The problem was I did not run the command prompt as an Admin so the files could not be created.
I want to download ipa file from server and install programmatically. I want to do same kind of thing in android as well and i have found a way.
IOS: ?
Could you please help me.
You can't install IPA's programatically from within iOS (on a non-jailbroken device).
Some other options are:
If you are only testing then : Upload the Application to Apple's TestFlight and invite testers.
If you are only testing then you can use a web adhoc-install. This requires that the device that is going have the application installed is already registered in the provisioning profile. See: and
Open a direct link to the AppStore for the application you want to install from within another app. See: How to link to apps on the app store
You can use ideviceinstaller for that. This github gist has a few examples
# list installed app on the connected device
# it also lists the identifier of the installed packages
ideviceinstaller -l
# install ipa
ideviceinstaller -i <your-package.ipa>
# uninstall app
ideviceinstaller -U <your-app-id>
So my problem is that on pure swift project (almost :-) ) with test written also in Swift I got this every build. Build is started via Fastlane 1.63. :
▸ DTServiceHub: Instruments wants permission to analyze other processes. Please enter an administrator username and password to allow this.
▸ Username (jenkins): Password:
▸ Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007.
Problem occurs when new command-line-tools and Xcode 7.3 was installed on MacPro with OSX Server. Objective-C project works every time. I've done what was suggested in those threads, didn't work:
Remove the authorization prompt from command line instruments (Under mavericks)
Is there a way to remove the authorization prompt from command-line instances of Instruments (XCode)? and in all other places that I could find. I have no idea how to fix it.
I just experienced a similar problem, triggered by Fastlane scan command to execute tests.
Following the discussion on this issue and this Apple Support discussion I managed to solve it by enabling "Developer Mode" on my CI machine.
$ DevToolsSecurity -status
Developer mode is currently disabled.
$ DevToolsSecurity -enable
Developer mode is now enabled.
I've got the same problem with Xcode 7.3. I wasn't admin on my Mac (I work on a company network) so the network manager gave me the admin rights and it works... I don't know why :)
When I check for updates in Android Studio (1.0.1) it says there is an updates available (1.0.2), but shows this error:
Android Studio does not have write access to /Applications/Android Please run it by a privileged user to update.
When I try and open it as root, I get an error saying files are missing and it can't start up.
How am I supposed to update with these errors? Should I have installed it as a non-privileged user to start with?
Open terminal and type: sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/Android\
As a few people have said, it's probably not best practice to give everyone permissions (using 777) to read, write and execute.
However, if you (like me) have multiple accounts on your personal computer it's perfectly okay to give everyone in the same group (using 775) permissions to read, write and execute.
sudo chmod -R 775 /Applications/Android\
The error comes because a different user account installed Android Studio than is currently trying to update it. For example, I have a personal and work account on my BYOD computer, my personal account installed Android Stuido, but my work account wanted to update it. By default only the owner can write to the app folder. I needed both accounts to have write permissions, both accounts were in the admin group, so I gave write permissions to the whole group.
I would not change the permission set, but run the app as a super user and it worked.
sudo /Applications/Android\
I went though this issue after proceeding update on my Mac.
I think giving 777/775 is not the proper way .. security speaking !
Try to check your account by which you have logged in and the account Android Studio installed with.
Check current owner of Android studio
stat /Applications/Android\
And check current user id and group you are using
Get current userID by:
id -u -n
Get current group by:
id -g
That will give you a clear idea where is the issue ... may be userId is different or group or both.
Then you have two options:
switch to other account by which Android Studio installed with ( the
one you see as output from 'stat' command ) by
sudo su [userID]
Next step to run Android Studio from command:
open /Applications/Android\
Reset ownership of Android Studio to current account ( from id -u -n & id -g ) by
sudo chown -R [userID]:[group] /Applications/Android\
Thats it ..
Check if your Android Studio is not running on a virtual drive, look on your desktop if there is a drive with Android studio, if you can see the drive, right click on it and press eject, then go to applications look for Android studio and run it from there and this should allow you to update.
Got the same problem. I wouldn't recommend giving full permissions to everyone on this folder.
In my case the issue was caused because the owner of the folder wasn't the current user.
You can check the user/group owner of the folder this way:
ls -l /Applications/Android\
To change the user of the folder you can use chown.
Nothing worked for me , so just move the app to Application folder
try with sudo /Applications/Android\
The problem happened for me because the android studio not in Applications folder. you need to add android studio to applications folder and it will work.
I followed this solution:
On your mac
go to applications
right click on Android studio
in the permissions section give everyone read-write access
and restart android studio