Multilanguage website - articles listing issue in joomla - joomla

I have a website build with joomla, I have it in two languages, English and Albanian.
The issue is that in a specified module that should show articles in pagination, in English it shows 5 articles per page, in Albanian 3 articles per page.
Does anyone have an idea how to approach this problem.
Thanks in advance


joomla 3.3, featured articles and tags

I'm using the most current version of joomla 3. I just started using the tags feature and adding a few relevant tags to each article which so far seems to be a nice feature.
The problem I am running into is: the featured articles on the homepage are showing the tags. I want to exclude them from showing on the homepage featured articles but I need them to show in the full text article.
Is there a way to do this?

Joomla Modules Not Showing Up On Menu Assignments

I have a menu, Home * About Us * Services, Home is a Featured Article, About Us and Services are Single Article types. I have a different article assigned to each menu item, with the homepage article being a featured article.
I created a module and assigned that module to all pages (this is default behavior). The module shows up on the home page but does not appear on any of the other two pages.
I've done this a million times... what on earth could I be missing?
Does the module position occur on all pages? Check your template configuration.
I am facing a similar issue . Well, not exactly the same but I upgraded my site recently to Joomla 3.x and I am unable to add any modules to the site on any of the pages. To answer my original question, please click here
There is Itemid Issues.check your other pages Itemid

Joomla 2.5 - sources of homepage content

Total Joomla newbie here. I've been asked to help with a site I didn't create, and I don't know Joomla. The site is using Joomla 2.5.
The homepage contains three featured articles, but some additional content is showing up below the third article, above the footer. The admin tool only shows three featured articles, and when I examine the source of the third article, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it.
Where can this additional content be coming from? Any suggestions on how to track down how it is getting added to the page?
Probably a module - check out the installed modules.
Check the active template, then go to the template folder > your template > index.php. this is the PHP of your site.
Here you can see what modules positions you have, and then check in the admin system > module manager what position is actually in use.

Multiple duplicate title tags showing up in Webmaster Tools on Joomla 2.5 K2 site

I'm having an issue with my Joomla K2 site having a ton of duplicate title tags in Google Webmaster tools. Here are some examples of one K2 article that has been flagged in Webmaster tools and is avaliable through many different links.
I'm not sure how this article is available through all these different pathways, it's only published in a single category. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It's seems you have the same content duplicated in several categories. Or don't you have a SEF generator with old links?
update to 2.6.4 and create for the tags view a default menu point
upgrade to 2.6.6, make a menu link to "K2 categories" and don't select a specific category.
this will make all tags have that menu url as its default.

joomla news site. All news in blog format

I am trying to build a news website in Joomla 1.7.
I want in the main content to display the latest e.g. 10 news and then using the next button to see the rest and so on.
What kind of module do I need? I did a little search and I am guessing a blog module?
I cannot find a free blog module. Any ideas?
If that is not the way to go, can anybody suggest any other way?
Thank you!
2 things - first, you need to upgrade to 2.5, 1.7 dies at the end of the month.
Next, I would use K2 for what you are describing. It's basically a replacement for the standard Joomla category/articles. It has all the features that a blog component should have plus a lot more if you need it.
1) UPGRADE to Joomla 2.5.1!
2) Blog format is a Joomla core feature, so no need to install any other 3rd party component!
Go to your Joomla backend
Manage menu
Create a new link (give a name....)
Type: Articles / Category Blog
In the right panel :
1. Coose your category name
2. In blog layout Options :
Leading Articles 0
Intro Articles 10
Columns 1 (or 2 as you want)
Links 0
Save and enjoy your blog!
